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Luna on The Run I Stole the Alphas Son

Chapter 23
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Read Luna on The Run – I Stole The Alpha’s Son Chapter 23 – *****Trigger warning next 13 chapters

are brutal. For DV, SA, READ AT OWN RISK,& I promise it will get easier to read after these initial

********* For a week, I have been chained to this bed, enduring Jake’s torments and his degrading acts

as I sought to build his trust, but I am glad to say that it seems to be working because last night, he took

off the chains and used his glamor instead to make me submit and not escape.

However, Lexa was losing hope with each passing day, and so was I. It was imperative we got out of

here as soon as possible, we had less than three months until our babies were due, and I couldn’t

imagine having them here because I knew they would not survive, and neither would I if something

happened to them.

At the small dining table where I am seated, I am trying to cut my food with a fork while wondering if

Alisha has eaten anything yet.

The man had refused to let me speak with her or to see her.

I wasn’t even sure she was alive anymore; I worried because last night he came back, reeking of her


I remained chained to the bed as he went to work, only for him to return; when he did return, my

nightmares came true.

“Maybe I could help in the cafe?” I offer, looking down at my plate.

“You know why you can’t, Pet,” he tells me, sipping his coffee.

I despised the nickname he gave me.

It made me feel like a dog, made me feel small.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Even Lexa had left me most days unable to handle watching my torment.

Receding into the back of my mind, she blamed herself for not picking up what he was, but how could we

know when we had never meta vampire before? Not only that, he smelled like her every day he fed on

Alisha, and I was beginning to realize why he always reeked of the rogue women at the settlement.

He was feeding on them.

I had asked why he smelled of Alisha, and he told me because he fed on her, that vampires smelled like

their victims, which explains whyhe smelled like a human; Mary was human.

“You’ll be with me; I just want to help.

You work so hard,” I tell him, reaching for his hand.

I cringe at the words leaving my lips, yet I had come to realize over the past week he thrives on me

submitting to him, begging him, and playing this sadistic game of housewife he has me playing “I’ll think

about it,” he says, taking my plate from me and cutting the bacon I was trying to cut with the fork.

He holds a piece out, pinched between two fingers.

“Open,” he says, and robotically I do as I am told.

He spends the rest of breakfast feeding me like that, and I try not to cringe whenever I accept a piece

from him.

When he is finished, he gets dressed, and I follow him around like an obedient pet when he starts setting

out some of my clothes, something he never lets me wear.

I had been naked for an entire week now, and I almost cried at the thought of being able to wear

something other than my birthday suit.

“Cafe only, and you don’t leave it,” he says, turning to face me.

I nod my head, already plotting ways I could try to escape, when he grabs my face.

“I mean it.” he whispers, and my head becomes foggy suddenly when I feel this strange shudder run up

my spine, his words floating in my head “You will not speak of what I am or anything about Alisha in the


You will not speak of anything that goes on up here or in this building, and you will not leave this building,

”he tells me.

I repeated everything, yet my voice was robotic, commanding and not my own.

“Good girl,” he says, kissing me and forcing his tongue into my mouth.

“Now get dressed,” he says, smacking my ass.

I scramble to put clothes on.

“What’s going on?” Lexa asks, rushing forward.

“We are leaving the apartment,” I tell her.


“We’ll see.

Now we work on a plan to get help,” I tell her.


The whole day, while I was working in the kitchen, Jake was watching my every move.

Even when I served customers he was directly behind me and I was beginning to lose hope.

I knew if I tried to slip them anything I was caught, he would not only punish me but probably kill the

person I tried to inform.

So instead I worked on building trust and worked on a plan to get down to see Alisha.

I was just cleaning the benches when I heard the doorbell signaling someone had entered.

I waited for Jake to greet them, but when I heard a feminine voice sing out, I knew he must have

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

wandered off somewhere.

Sticking my head out of the kitchen door, I saw it was an old couple.

They were regulars here and loved Jake’s works burgers.

They also owned the bakery down the end of the street where Jake bought most of his cakes and bread


“Hey, Sondra, Lloyd,” I greet them, seeing Lloyd stagger toward one of the round steel tables.

I rush out and grab his arm, helping him into his seat.

“Elena, dear.

I haven’t seen you in a while.

I thought you left.

Where is the other girl? Is she still here, the one with the purple hair?” Sondra asks before I could


I feel a hand slide across my shoulders.

“She quit, went to college to become a pathologist,” Jake answers.

“Shame, I liked her too, just the usual Jake, please, and can I get Lloyd some water?” Sondra asks him.

“Of course, El, grab him a bottle from the fridge,” Jake tells me, and I wander off to retrieve it.

Grabbing an ice cold bottle, I unscrew the cap for her when I return to the table before handing it to her.

Sondra helps her husband drink from it.

His gray hair was sparse on top of his head, his skin gray and lips blue.

He looked sickly but I could tell he adored Sondra and their daily outing here.

“Oh, I’ll have to bring you some lemon meringue pies tomorrow, whipping up a new batch,” Sondra sings

out as she helps her husband drink from the bottle.

I pass her some napkins when he dribbles some out and she thanks me before taking her seat.

“El, come help,” Jake calls to me, and I press my lips in a line.

Preferring to be in their company than his.