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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53

Especially when Vicky was the ex–fiancee of Tyler’s most hated person…

The enemy of your enemy was your friend. Therefore, the friend of your enemy was definitely your



All these years, Tyler was not shy of showing Vicky how much he dislikes her because of Sheila and also

because of this issue too.

Yet, no one anticipated that Tyler would actually be on Vicky’s side. Even Vicky was surprised. The same

went for Maria. Her pretty face was slightly twisted.

“Tyler, I’m not lying. She’s the one who took it!” Her voice was so high that it could pierce people’s ears.

“If you don’t believe it, search through her purse! My bracelet is in her purse!”

Since Tyler was there, no one dared to move forward. Even the two girls who tried to snatch Vicky’s bag

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looked pale and were shivering after seeing Tyler appear.

Tyler used his deep blue eyes to look at Maria. His voice was cold. “You said she took away your

bracelet because she likes it?”

Maria did not know why Tyler asked that question. She was intimidated because of the strong vibes Tyler

was emitting.

“Yes… That’s right,” Maria answered.

Tyler continued, “Vicky was in the car crash before and lost her memory. She has forgotten everything.

How could she remember your bracelet?”

Maria was stunned. Her pale turned pale. So were all the other guests at the dinner party.

“What?” Vicky lost her memory? Is it real?”

“Tyler said it himself. How could it be fake?”

“But I also heard Vicky pretended to lose her memory in the past too… Who knows if it is real or fake this


After hearing the discussion from the others, Maria reacted quickly by saying, “Tyler, she’s lying to you.

She tried to pretend she had lost her memory before, didn’t she? Who knows maybe she’s pretending

again this time…”

Before Maria could finish her sentence, Tyler interrupted her coldly. “So are you saying I’m lying?”

Maria panicked. “No. I don’t mean that…”

Tyler looked at her. “Then what do you mean?”

“I…I just…” Maria panicked anxiously.

In the past, Tyler would always be angry and throw a tantrum at Vicky without any reason every time she

mentioned her brother to him. Albeit, it did not work this time. Furthermore, he was actually taking Vicky’s

side now.

Vicky stood beside Tyler and had mixed feelings in her heart.

Maria knew the reason was no longer valid. Without any choice, she uttered, “That bracelet is worth a

couple hundred thousand dollars. Maybe…she’s looking to sell it?”

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Vicky wore an expensive dress today, but the purse she carried was too cheap.

Just as soon as Maria finished talking, Tyler said coldly, “Do you think my woman is in need of that

couple hundred thousand dollars?”

He picked up the purse. “Since you’re so certain the bracelet is in here. daily new chapters upload only

on alaniniz(dot)com Let me take a look to see if it is really like what you said.

Everyone could see the items that dropped out from the purse and onto the floor. There was no bracelet.

After hearing that, Maria was delighted. Vicky clenched her hands tightly for no reason. Tyler used his

finger to explore the rest of the items in Vicky’s purse and checked all of the inner pockets.

The atmosphere of the dinner party became so quiet that people could only hear each other’s breathing

and heartbeat. They paid all of their attention to Tyler and stared at every move he made.

After checking the inner pockets, he did not find anything. Later, he discovered there was a back pocket.

He extended his finger into it.

Maria held her breath and looked nervous while Vicky’s heart got hung upon a thread.

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