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Love Beyond the Mask by Adelaide Sinclair

Chatper 253
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Chapter 253

“Nothing… Just some work stuff bothering me,” Ludwik said hastily, covering up his


Elaine eyed him with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. However, he had not been able to

perform for three years, so she did not doubt that he hadn’t been fooling around.

There was no way another woman could arouse him!

She flashed a casual smile. “Here, try the steak I grilled and this bottle of Lafite I had

airmailed first thing this morning. Give it a taste, Ludwik.”

She perched seductively on the edge of the dining table, her legs lightly encircling his, her

foot playfully stroking him in a flirtatious gesture.

Ludwik felt uncomfortable, his brow furrowing as he forced down the steak.

Eating felt like chewing wax; he glanced at the red wine, then at Elaine’s purposeful gaze,

and declined. “I have work later. No drink for me.”

Elaine bit her lip in frustration. When she was informed that Ludwik was in perfect health,

she was overjoyed. She had set her sights on winning him over tonight!

Taking a sip of wine, she straightened up, wrapping her arms around Ludwik’s neck with a

sultry whisper, “Then I guess I’ll just have to feed you…”

As her lips approached, Ludwik firmly grasped her chin, his eyes chilling.

“Mmm…” Elaine’s eyes snapped open to his cold stare, shivering before she adopted a

wounded tone. “Ludwik, how can we talk about marriage and kids if you’re like this? All of

Banyan City knows we’re getting married in a month, and my parents are expecting

grandchildren. I want to be a happy bride.”

He didn’t play into her coquettish behavior but instead asked, “Why was my medical

information sent to you in real time?”

Elaine hesitated, having forgotten Ludwik’s disdain for control. She had touched a nerve

but played the aggrieved party. “I was just too concerned about you, Ludwik.”

“It seems to me you’re just too eager to have kids,” Ludwik said coolly.

Her eyes welled up. “Are you blaming me? I just don’t want to end up only getting

pregnant at such an old age. I really want to be intimate with you, to strengthen our love.”

This woman had sacrificed a lot for him, and Ludwik’s gaze softened. Cupping her face, he

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said resignedly, “Why the tears? I’ll get better. Just give me some time. And if you’re in a


He lowered his voice with a frown. “You could buy some… toys.”

Elaine’s face flushed with a mix of guilt and embarrassment. She had already bought

several toys, but they could only quench her thirst temporarily! There was a man right


Chapter 221

She felt near madness but would never let him see her as an indecent woman.

Pretending to be bashful, she snuggled into his embrace. “What are you talking about?

That’s not my point. You know I only love and want you, Ludwik. I’m willing to wait for you

to recover.” “Then let’s leave it for tonight. I’m really not in the mood. Sorry to make you

wait.” Ludwik took the opportunity to sidestep the issue.

His tone was cool and distant.

Elaine felt like she was choking on her frustration. It looked like tonight was another bust.

He seemed to be resisting her more and more. She could not tell if he genuinely lacked

interest in women or if he was actually unwell.

Swallowing her pride, she angled for some consolation, eyes calculating as she held him.

“Then you owe me, Ludwik.”

“What do you want?” To Ludwik, as long as it was not sex, anything else was fine.

Over the past three years, he had been indulgent and generous with Elaine in material


The woman knew this was his way of compensating.

She accepted gleefully, often initiating requests herself, knowing that they served as proof

to the world of Ludwik’s indulgence.

This time. Elaine’s request came with a sly smile. “I heard that Skye Gem Ltd.’s assets are

being auctioned off?”

Ludwik was taken aback but indifferent. “Yeah.”

After that woman had run away three years ago, leaving no trace, they had not finalized

their divorce, so Skye Gem Ltd. was legally his. He had not cared to deal with it and left it

to the


When Bryce was released, he tried to interfere, but Ludwik cut off his capital chain right


The court had frozen Skye Gem Ltd. for three years, and now its assets were up for

auction. If not for Elaine bringing it up, Ludwik would not even remember it.

Elaine’s businesslike proposal was, “I want you to buy it for me. Not for any other reason,

but I’ve got my eye on the Skye Gem brand. You know I’m a talented designer, and I can

run a company. I want to bring in some extra business for you.”

“I don’t need you to bring in extra business. You couldn’t spend all my money in five


Elaine leaped into his arms, saying understandingly. “After all, it’s Danny’s mother’s

company. You may hate Whitney, but I want to do something for Danny.”

“You’re too kind,” Ludwik’s eyes softened, “I’ll make sure Danny gets along with you.”

Out of sight. Elaine’s lips curled into a smirk.

Of course, she was not doing this for that little brat; she wanted all of Banyan City to see

how much Ludwik pampered her. With just a word from her, his ex-wife’s company would

be bought and gifted to her.

What did it matter if Whitney was dead? Running her company was a victory for Elaine!

Plus, she would score points with Ludwik; now, he would make sure Danny respected her.

With feigned sweetness, Elaine suggested, “I want to take Danny to the auction tomorrow

night. He has a connection with Skye Gem. And Ludwik, Danny’s nearly four years old, he

should ses more of the world, or he’ll grow up even more isolated and introverted.”

Ludwik frowned, “Danny has never been in the public eye, and he’s fragile!”

Elaine was persuasive. “We’re about to get married. Danny can’t stay hidden forever. We

can travel discreetly, and I promise to take good care of the little guy. You can’t keep him

in am ivory tower forever.”

Ludwik wondered if protecting Danny too much from a young age had contributed to his


He pondered for a moment, then said, “Your way, then.”

Elaine’s lips curled in triumph. This was all part of her mother’s strategy: bringing Daniel

Lippert to the public eye for the first time, and Ludwik buying Skye Gem Ltd. for her. The

significance was profound, solidifying her position as Mrs. Lippert in the eyes of high

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Everything was in preparation for their smooth marriage.

The following day, in the evening.

The grand auction of Skye Gem’s assets was the talk of Banyan City, set to take place at

the bustling convention center downtown.

Orion, ever the gentleman, had sent over a tuxedo and arranged for a chauffeur.

Whitney smirked at his thoughtful arrangements, applying a touch of makeup to

accentuate her features before descending the staircase to the sleek sedan waiting


Meanwhile, a sneaky little figure with a tiny suitcase emerged outside the entrance of a

posh high-rise.

Sammy, peeking from beneath a pair of kiddie sunglasses, scouted the area and spotted

his mother getting into a luxury car – a shiny Lamborghini, no less!

Where on earth was Mommy headed? After all, it took him ages to track her down to

Harmonia Country using his trusty GPS watch!

Yet, she left before he had even exchanged a word with her!

Sammy dared not call her, fearing a scolding that might send him six feet under. Instead,




Chapter 253

decided to see what she was up to.

Pouting, he stowed his suitcase with the concierge, hailed a cab, and said, “Hey, Mister,

follow that Lamborghini up ahead!”

“Good heavens, kiddo, you’re what, three or four? You know what a Lamborghini is?

Smarty pants like you shouldn’t be out here alone. Doesn’t your mom worry?”

The driver was flabbergasted, torn between calling the cops and minding his own


With a swift glance, Sammy whipped out a wad of cash. “Mister, let’s make a deal, no chit-

chat, and I’ll make it worth your while.”

The driver, taken aback by the child’s angelic grin, muttered to himself and started the

engine. Kids these days, growing up way too fast, with brains to match.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!