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King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 42
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42 Rossi & Westwoods ALEJANDRO Enrique had given us seventeen f¥***xg |ocations. As much as | was f*****g shocked that the f****r knew this s**t and we had to wait for him to tell us, | was grateful he told us of his own accord. But | wasn’t happy with his request... Kiara had becsilent, and | understood her concern. His words rang in my mind once again, | paused as | looked at my reflection. The conversation replaying in my mind. (FLASHBACK LAST NIGHT) “Fine, what do you want in return, pup?” | asked.

“I want you to letgo. | don’t want your help, | don’t want to have anything to do with you. I just want to return to my home.” He said emotionlessly. | heard the sharp intake from Kiara. She knew the s**t this kid has gone through, we hadn't hidden anything from her, and | know hearing him wanting to go back there... She would always worry about him. “But... Of course, you can go back there, but will you be ok? | mean, do you have family who can take care of you and protect you from your father?” “Yes.” ‘He’s lying, he doesn’t believe that.” Her fearful voice came. ‘It doesn’t matter, he won't have a f*+*+*g father to fear when I'm done.’ “Deal.” | said out loud. “Then after | give you the location, | want you to letgo.” “Do you want us to take you somewhere?” Kiara asked him softly.

He shook his head.

“No, padre will think you letgo to lure him out. | will stay hidden for a bit and make my own way home.” “You're only a child.” Kiara’s voice was full of sadness fi Chances are his father would have considered that he knew the locations and may not even be there. It was obvious he didn’t care for his son, | hadn't heard one f*****g response from him. “I know how to survive.” He replied emotionlessly.

“Does your father know you're aware of these locations?” “I don’t think so. | used to try to learn as much as | could, so if he ever askedanything, he’d be proud.” ‘He's telling the truth.” ‘Yeah? Well the b*****d had a son who seemed to want to make him proud and he actually went and f***+**g amputated his hand. He's f****+g psychotic.’ ‘I know and it's heart-breaking.’ Our eyes met and | reached over, giving her hand a small squeeze. “Enrique, are you sure you want to go back? We can help-" “No. | want to go far away from all of you. | hate being here. | want to return to where | belong. “He cut Kiara off, the anger and pain in his eyes f***+*g clear. “Fine. I'll make sprovisions and you can go.” Kiara’'s eyes widened as she looked at me, clearly not happy with my agreement. “And you promise not to send guards afterto watch me?” “I promise.” | said and | meant it. This pup had been f***+d around all his life, and if he needed someone to show him that they believed in him, then | would do it. Even if he f*****g thought it's because | didn’t care, it didn’t matter as long as he was happy. He's a survivor and | knew that he’ll make it. “So when | tell you the locations, will you letgo straight away?” He repeated it as if he didn’t believe that | agreed. “No. | need three days.” “Why?” Kiara looked atcuriously too.

“Because I'm not setting you loose in England, you're from Puerto Rico, right? I'm having you flown there.” 1 Both looked atsurprised, before a ghost of a smile crossed the boy’s lips and he nodded.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Deal.” (END OF FLASHBACK) | sleeked my hair back, put the comb down and left the bathroom only to see Kiara in the dressing room slipping ssheer black tights on. Her back was to me, and my eyes fell on her a*s clad in a thong.

Fl%00 She tensed, i knew she could sensewatching her... but f**k did | want to bend her over and f**k her senseless...

“It's rude to stare.” She said softly, not even turning as she picked up a hot pink cami, slipping it on over her bra.

I'm sure she was doing that on f¥****g purpose... and if only she knew how much I loved that a*s of hers...

| walked towards her and just as she reached for her skirt, | gripped her hips, her racing heart only fx****g turningon even more. “Well since | don’t have any f****g manners anyway, can | just say how | want to bend you over and f*****g fill up both your a*s and p***y, then watch my seed dripping out of you as you f*k*xxg lay there unable to move from exhaustion?” | growled huskily, running my hand down her stomach.

She gasped, her heart pounding, but to my satisfaction she leaned into me, a soft moan leaving her lips when she felt my d**k hard against her back.

“Alejandro... we...” | know. She was not fxg ready... but f**k did | need her. | kissed her neck, right on top of her mate mark, my hand cupping her perfect p***y, massaging it for a few seconds and making her moan softly. The smell of her arousal filled the air, and feeling f***+*qg satisfied at her reaction, | pulled away. “See you downstairs.” | remarked huskily with an arrogant smirk, tapping her a*s before | turned and left the dressing room, leaving her struggling with her emotions. I'm sure sooner or later, memory or not, she’ll want me. Just like | crave for her, | was her frexkxg drug too...

My smirk faded away, remembering that our enemy was powerful and there was always a price ... | pushed the thought away. 1 It was a while later and Liam had just arrived as we had simportant things to deal with. Plus, he had wanted to see Kiara. Currently watching Kiara meet him was interesting, to say the least.

“You look so... different.” “Do I?” He grinned, raising an eyebrow. “You have a scar... You look so big and older.” She looked him up and down.

“Care to share what age you think | am?” “I don’t really know, just younger.” She smiled sheepishly before hugging him tightly. He hugged her back, kissing the top of her head. “So, tell me, what brings you here?” She asked. “Well, | wanted to see my sister, but it’s regarding work as well.” He kissed her forehead and she nodded, resting her head against his chest. | won't deny | felt a tad f*****g jealous that she remembered him... F¥****g Westwoods... 2 “Well, if you two are done with the f*****g reunion and s**t, shall we get to my office? Then you can spend the entire f*****g afternoon together after.” Kiara smiled amused, cocking a brow at me. “Are you jealous?” “No.” | growled.

She giggled.

IELLE ‘You are.

| turned, walking down the hallway and to my f*#

“That's not nice to say.” She stated.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I told you I'm not nice.” | shrugged, looking at Liam. He was probably the biggest Alpha in size and aura | knew after me, the closest thing to the original Deimos. A little like howbeing a Lycan was f***+*g rare, he and Kiara were powerful too. “We Westwoods are powerful too.” Kiara replied, as Maria smiled at her. “Too bad you're a Rossi now.” “Oh...” She paused, realising what | had said, and | saw her glance at her ring.

“Well Rossi or Westwood, we kinda just blend into one. Both are pretty capable and | won't deny | feel a whole lot more relaxed knowing Mom will have Liam with her.” Rayhan added, running his fingers through his hair.

“Not only Liam.” | said with a smirk. Maria was my brother's queen, and there was no f*****g way | was about to risk her life... | heard the footsteps in the hallway and smirked, taking a cigarette and lighter.

Right on f*****g time. ‘Cin.’l said, through the link. “Then who else?” Rayhan asked, frowning slightly, just as the door opened and everyone turned to look at the two men standing there. “As | said, the Westwoods are the next best thing after the Rossi's so who else but a Rossi to go too? Marcel, welcome.” | smirked. 2 “Alejandro.” Marcel said giving everyone a small nod.

Sitting back, | lit my cigarette as everyone in the room looked at each other surprised, but my attention was on both my nephews. Leo and Rayhan looked at each other, the hatred in Leo’s eyes was unmasked, and the hostility between them was f***+*g obvious... 1 “Leo.” Rayhan said, his eyes sharp, his voice level.

| know it’s been ages since these two saw each other, and although Rayhan tried to get through to the younger boy, Leo had refused to allow him in, and with tRayhan had backed off.

“B¥++kd.” CLeo's cold, arrogant reply. | frowned, taking a long drag on my cigarette.

42 Eng & Wartwoods | may be one to revel in other's problems, but yeah, | didn’t like this s**t one bit. Not when it involves my own frexkxg nephews...

“Cut it out.” | growled.

Leo raised an eyebrow, crossing his muscular arms over his chest. Dressed all in black, it only made his light blue eyes look even icier. He now scanned the room, taking a drag on the cigarette in his hand, before turning his gaze on me. When he spoke, his voice dripped with sarcasm and pure, unfiltered hatred. 1 “Well, it sure is a f*****g honour to be in a room full of the so-called elite. To what do | owe the f*****g pleasure?” 13 Trending