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Julian's Stand in Wife

Chapter 1539
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Chapter 1539

"We've officially announced that we're together. It's only appropriate for me to meet your friend," Marcus said with

an arched brow.

He gave his assistant some instructions; very soon, a gift hamper was delivered to their doorstep.

"This is for Ms. Winngington. It’s packed full of items suitable for babies and pregnant ladies."

Marcus said, "Don’t worry. Things will be different now that we're officially together. Even if someone takes a photo

of us, you don’t need to be scared of that."

He added seriously, 'TH always be standing right in front of you."

He was an actor, but at that moment, Nina almost forgot he was one. She was completely lost in the tender look in

his eyes.

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Thankfully, she came back to her senses just in time.

She looked away awkwardly, and said, "But the official announcement was only because we had a deal with each

other. When you can shift your persona and the public stops throwing shade at me, we'll break up. You really don't

need to be so concerned about my friends, my godson, and my goddaughter."

"Ms. Ashlee, you’ve been in the workforce for so many years," Marcus said with a charming smile.

The sensation was like a warm spring breeze on one's face. When he drew close to Nina, her mind immediately

went blank. She stood stunned for a moment before avoiding his gaze.

"I’ve been in the workforce for many years. Mr. Jensen. What are you trying to say?"

"What I want to say is that you're no newbie to the workforce, and you probably understand how relationships work.

How can you not know who I'm actually showing concern to?"

He was a handsome man with a magnetic voice. His words made her heart race.

Nina wasn’t a newbie in the workforce and was a good judge of character herself, but she couldn’t see through


From his surprise appearance at the first floor of the wedding boutique, to unwittingly being rumored to be together

with him and getting lambasted online, from signing an agreement with him to be officially announced as a couple,

and finally the video he filmed in all seriousness of his heartfelt confession...

Through all these things, he didn't say much yet managed to hasten the progress of their relationship from

strangers to a couple in name.

"You must have had many ex-girlfriends, Mr. Jensen," Nina said, deliberately drawing the line between them amidst


ambiguous atmosphere.

"You’re wrong about that. You're my only one."

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Nina was perplexed for a moment, before she managed to wrap her mind around what he said. 'You've never been

in a relationship before?"

"That's right." Marcus nodded. "Is that hard to believe?"

He went on with an arched brow, "Seems like my girlfriend doesn’t know enough about me. That's alright. We have

all the time in the world to get to know each other better."

Nina shook her head, and reminded Marcus, "Mr. Jensen, we're dating only by contract. I hope that we can remain

as strangers in our daily lives."


Marcus, his assistant, and Nina walked out as they talked. The three of them got into the car.

Marcus looked straight ahead, and warned with a half-smile, "I hope you won't regret it, Ms. Ashlee."

The smile didn't reach his eyes, and carried careless irony. His eyes were unreadable.

Nina followed his line of sight, and saw a huge black car stopping right in front of them. It was Vans's car.