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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38

Nola was fuming, her voice dripping with venom as she lashed out, “That bitch! She should've stayed hidden,

but she dares to strut around? Does she not fear | might have someone take her out?”

Gage chimed in, “Nola, I've heard Tarquin is also in the hospital. You think she cfor him?”

At the mention of Tarquin, Nola’s eyes bulged with rage, “That shameless bitch, thinking she can seduce Tarquin?

He made it clear he’s not into her, yet she sticks to him like glue. Shameless!

Uncle, take her away and give her a lesson she won't forget! Start by ruining that pretty face of hers, then let the

boys have their way with her, and once they're done, sell her off to sbackwater town. | never want to lay

eyes on her again!”

Gage's eyes sparkled with opportunity. This was the moment he had been waiting for. If Tarquin ever cafter

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him for bullying Elysia, Nola would be the perfect shield. After all, as Elijah’s lifesaver, Tarquin wouldn't dare

blher for anything.

“Rest easy, Nola. Leave her to me,” Gage reassured her before hanging up. He turned on his heel and strode to

his car.

As he pulled the car door open, Elysia, struggling, poked her head out and cried for help, “Somebody, please...

help me...”

The hospital entrance was crowded, and heads turned at her pleas.

Gage, caught off guard, improvised, “Look, we're husband and wife. She's pregnant with my child but wants to

abort. | just have to take her hand talk ssense into her.”

Whispers spread among the onlookers, “Poor man, bad luck in love. The scoundrel gets a beauty, and what a

beauty to end up with him!”

“Yeah, must be the allure of his wallet.”

Gage snorted and climbed into the car, slamming the door shut behind him, silencing Elysia’s cries for help.

Gage eyed Elysia with a predatory grin. Ruining her face was out of the question - such beauty was too valuable

to waste. He'd keep her captive, his own little plaything until he was bored, and then he'd sell her off.

“Even angry, you're irresistible. Trust me, darling, I'll take good care of you,” he cooed.

Without a word, Elysia slapped him hard across the face.

Taken aback, Gage retaliated with a slap of his own. “Bitch, you dare strike me? I'll teach you a lesson right now.”


As he spoke, he began unbuckling his belt, clearly intending to force himself on her.

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Elysia was livid, disgusted by his repulsive behavior. She clenched her teeth, staring him down, “I cback to

avoid trouble, but if you pushfurther, | won't hold back!”

Hidden in her sleeve was a silver needle, ready to turn him into a eunuch if necessary. She might lack money,

power, and status, but she could defend herself. Those years in the countryside hadn't been wasted.

Gage ignored her warning, continuing to undress, but before he could act, the driver slammed on the brakes.

Gage flew forward.

With a thud, Gage hit the windshield hard.

“Crap! Can't you drive? Don’t you know I'm busy?” Gage raged, trying to get up, only to hit

his head again on the steering wheel and pass out cold.

The driver called out in panic, “Gage, wake up, look in front...”

Ahead, a sleek black car blocked their way, trapping them completely.