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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 236
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Chapter 236

Elysia tried to push Tarquin away, but couldn’t. She wanted to struggle, but knowing Evan was just outside, she

dared not make a sound.

Outside the closet, her three little munchkins were wondering where their mommy had vanished to, while inside,

Elysia was wrapped tightly in Tarquin’s arms, his lips demanding the sweet taste of hers.

“Huh? Where did everyone go? Elliot, Evan, Emmett, csee what | brought you!”

Blossom had just returned from picking up a delivery.

At her words, the kids scampered off.

Elysia snapped back to reality, managing to push Tarquin away with a stumble that nearly brought her to

her knees.

Tarquin pulled her back into his embrace to prevent her from falling.

Elysia raised her hand to slap him, but Tarquin caught her wrist, his brows furrowed, looking down at her


Her face was flushed red, lips bitten, holding his gaze defiantly. She wanted to yell at him, but the fear of

alarming Blossom and the kids kept her silent.

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Tseemed to stand still as they stared at each other, one with a complex expression, the other angry and

embarrassed with tears rimming her eyes.

Until the kids’ voices echoed again outside, “Mommy's jacket and shoes are here, but she’s nowhere to be seen.

Where could she be?”

Elysia quickly glanced outside, forcefully shrugged off Tarquin, and rushed to the door, slamming it shut and

locking it from the inside.

The noise caught the kids‘ attention, who ran to the door,

“Mommy, you're in there! Where were you hiding just now?”

Elysia, panting, replied, “I... | was changing my clothes. You kids go play; I'll join you in a bit.”


The kids ran off, and Elysia leaned against the door, catching her breath.

Tarquin emerged from the closet, his forehead sweaty, his suit wrinkled. He looked at Elysia, leaning against the

door, with a complex expression.

Her cheeks had a hint of crimson, like a budding red rose, tempting and alluring..

Now, she seemed less innocent, and more seductive, as if she had transformed from a girl to a woman... all

because of his kiss.

“Don’t talk!”

He barely started, and Elysia cut him off.

She bit her lip, walked over to the bed, and texted Blossom.



Chapter 236

Soon, Blossom’s voice was heard outside, shepherding the kids back to their rooms along with the sound of

doors closing.

Elysia peeked outside first to ensure the kids had returned to their room, then she glared at Tarquin, teeth


“Get out!”

Tarquin didn’t move, so she took action. She dragged him out the door and into the elevator, her face flushed as

she coldly warned, “Don’t you dare cto my place again! If you have something to say, call!” Tarquin was left


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Downstairs, Lowell, having just ended a call, saw Tarquin descending and greeted him.

Tarquin, with a dark expression, ignored him.

Noticing his mood, Lowell paused and asked, “What happened? Something wrong?”

“Back to the office!” Tarquin spat out cold

got in the car, and started smoking.

He didn’t utter another word the whole ride, just smoked.

Lowell, concerned, ventured, “You didn’t have another fight with Ms. Thorne, did you?”

Tarquin’s face was stormy as he said, “From now on, you handle communications with her. Unless

absolutely necessary, | don’t want to see her!”

With that, he locked himself in his office.

Lowell was left dumbfounded, then received a text from Elysia.

[Lowell, please tell Elijah I'm available to meet anytime. Just set up a tand letknow. Also, from now on,

please direct all matters concerning Elijah todirectly, and keep his father out of sight. | don’t want to see him

ever again!]

Lowell was more confused than ever as he thought, “What did | miss? What in the world had happened?”