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His Precious Love

Chapter 5
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Chapter 5

Divorce My Son Rayna’s heart continued thumping even after she exited the hotel. It wasn’t until the cold

breeze struck her cheeks that she finally got a grip on herself. I actually slept with Curtis Faymon! I’m not

dreaming. This is real! He’s actually Curtis Faymon! Do I have a death wish? Rayna swatted her own

head, then pulled out a hundred from her pocket and hailed a taxi. Forget it. I’ll head home first and

figure this out later. Right before she entered her house, Rayna made sure that there were no marks on

her that would give her away. The moment she stepped in, she saw Rolanda having breakfast at the

dining table. “Mom,” she greeted in a gentle tone. “The nerve of you to come back here!”

Recalling how Rayna had talked back to her on the phone the day before, Rolanda was furious to see

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her. “Get a divorce! Divorce my son at once!” Faced with Rolanda’s resentment and desire for her to

leave the Faymon family, Rayna gradually clenched her fists, her face dark. She was well aware of her

humble family background and the fact that she had married up. Nonetheless, she had been working

hard in life and was now a senior interpreter in the translation department of Faymon Group. She had a

decent career and was capable of taking care of herself. Yet, Rolanda simply looked down on her.

Ever since Rayna married into the Faymon family, she had been nagging her incessantly. When she saw

that Rayna still wasn’t pregnant after a year, her animosity intensified to the extent that she accused

Rayna of being barren in front of their relatives. She would often introduce her friends’ daughters to

Julian in front of Rayna as well. For the sake of their family and her love for Julian, Rayna had been

enduring it all and did not hold a grudge against Rolanda. In fact, she would give the money she earned

to the family. Unfortunately, Julian had now cheated on her. After reminding herself to bear with it, Rayna

took a deep breath and answered, “Mom, I didn’t miss the doctor’s appointment on purpose. I was just

too caught up with work. As for what I said to you yesterday, it was just my frustration at work talking.”

However, the unconvinced Rolanda insisted on the divorce, saying, “Don’t call me Mom. You’re no

daughter-in-law of mine. If you can’t bear any children, you should just divorce my son!” “Mom, I feel bad

too for not getting pregnant after a year,” Rayna said apologetically, holding Rolanda’s arm. “Don’t worry.

If I still can’t get pregnant this time, I… I’ll divorce Julian and not hold him back.” The scowl on Rolanda’s

face disappeared when she heard that. Then she glanced at Rayna’s stomach. “Rayna, if I don’t see any

progress soon, I will not tolerate your presence any longer. When the time comes, you’ll have to divorce

Julian!” Rayna forced a smile, but deep down, she was crushed.

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Julian did not care about her, while Rolanda simply treated her as a tool to produce grandchildren for her.

Rayna didn’t argue with Rolanda any further. After going upstairs to get changed, she drove straight to

the office. She and Julian worked at Faymon Group, but in different departments. He worked in the

planning department, whereas she worked in the translation department. Faymon Group Tower was

huge, and both of them were separated by thirty floors. When she first arrived at Faymon Group, Julian

had told her that office relationships weren’t allowed and that they were to keep the fact that they were

married a secret. As a result, no one in the office knew that they were husband and wife.

Now that Rayna thought about it, she realized how foolish she was. As one of the top conglomerates in

the country, Faymon Group was packed with talented and pretty ladies. Naturally, Julian was worried that

his marriage would get in the way of him hitting on them. That was the reason why he didn’t wear his

wedding ring at work. After putting her car key into her bag, she picked up a square cufflink from inside.

At the sight of the brand, she instantly recognized it and knew that a single cufflink cost north of two

hundred thousand. She held it up to take a closer look and knew that Julian could never afford a crystal

cufflink like that. It was then a handsome face emerged in her mind, causing her heart to skip a beat.