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Her Seven Little Bodyguards

Chapter 4
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Chapter 4 Helping Mommy Take Revenge

“What did you say?” Vania asked, not catching his words.

Jack hurriedly waved his hands. “Nope, Mommy. I didn’t say anything. I think that you’re right.”

Vania patted her son on the shoulder. “I’ll help you solve it this time, but I don’t want to see you doing it

again. Besides, no one bullied me. Don’t hack into their firewalls anymore, okay?”

“Okay,” the three children answered untruthfully.

Seeing that her children had fallen silent, she thought they had already reflected and smiled, embracing

them in her arms. “Good boys. I’ve learned a few new dishes, so I’ll make dinner for you today.”

Recently, she had been preoccupied with the company’s affairs, so she hadn’t personally made dinner

for her children in quite a while.

“Wow…” The children instantly looked at Vania with gleaming eyes.

At their expectant gazes, Vania became even more motivated. “James, take your younger brothers to

play while I go and prepare dinner.”

James nodded. “Don’t worry, Mommy, I’ll take good care of them.”

In the arcade room, as soon as Vania left, James gathered the other two and said in a low voice, “That

Devil must’ve bothered Mommy. We must fight back!”

“James is right. If anyone dares to bully Mommy, we’ll return the favor in twofold.” The other two agreed


Then, the three children instantly huddled in front of the computer.

Just then, Vania entered with three glasses of juice in her hands. When she saw her three children sitting

mysteriously in front of the computer, she suddenly had a bad feeling. “What are you doing?”

Sure enough, they jolted. Jacob turned around the fastest and pouted. “Mommy, please don’t be angry. I

just wanted to watch cartoons.”

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His brothers stood up along with him and replied seriously, “Mommy, Jacob wanted to watch Tom and


When Vania looked over and saw a cartoon playing on the screen, she breathed a sigh of relief. As long

as they weren’t hacking someone’s network, anything was fine.

She smiled and said, “Why would I be angry if you’re watching cartoons? I made juice for you, so you

can drink while watching.”

“Thank you, Mommy.”

Seeing the three children watching the cartoon excitedly, Vania was able to relax and continue preparing


Soon, dinner was ready, and the three children immediately abandoned the computer and flew toward

the dining table, where they sat in a row and devoured their mother’s home-cooked food.

“Eat slowly, don’t rush.” At the sight of her children gobbling the food happily, Vania slowly teared up.

These three had been found by her only a few months after they were born and grew up under her care,

so she had done her best to give them the best life that she could.

However, she still had two missing children, and she had no idea what kind of lives they were living.

Were they being loved and living a good life, or were they sold off to bad people and bullied by others?

Thinking that, Vania felt her heart aching so painfully that she found it difficult to breathe. My

sweethearts, don’t worry. Mommy will definitely find you as soon as I can!

When Vania left the house at dawn the next morning, the three boys immediately sat in front of the

computer with serious expressions as their hands typed furiously at the keyboard. Not even half an hour

later, a pleased smile bloomed on all of their faces.

Meanwhile, at Luke Corporation, the Finance Department and IT Department were in complete chaos.

Larry hastily burst into the President’s office. “P-President Luke, something bad happened. The Finance

Department’s firewalls have been hacked again, but this time, they didn’t take any money. They’re asking

for you by name.” As he spoke, his voice gradually became softer and softer. In the end, he couldn’t

even meet Hanson’s eyes out of fear.

The Finance Department was the most important department as it controlled the entire company’s

financial situation. However, how could they be hacked for two days in a row while the numerous talents

in the company watched helplessly?

Hanson’s expression turned icy, sending a chill down everyone’s spine as he strode toward the Finance

Department with Larry in tow. At that moment, everyone from the IT Department trembled as they stood

in a line. Upon seeing their president walking over, all of them bowed their heads, not daring to make a

single sound.

Hanson made a beeline for the computer, and there was a line of words written on the screen: ‘100

million or ask Hanson Luke to come over. Pick one of the two.’

As he looked at the words on the computer screen, his face darkened even further. He quickly typed on

the keyboard, his brows tightly furrowed. He also happened to be extremely skilled at computing, and he

had never met someone who could be his opponent. However, this was the first time he had

encountered such a tricky situation.

On the other end, the three boys sat with their arms crossed as they glared disdainfully at the computer


Jack commented spitefully, “How dare he try to hack us back with his level? Let’s put him in his place.”

However, James spoke up calmly. “There’s no rush. If we wait until he almost succeeds before defeating

him, wouldn’t that feel even better?”

Meanwhile, Hanson was just about to succeed when the computer screen turned black in an instant. It

felt as if he had undergone a long battle with someone just to be defeated with a single punch.

However, though he was furious, he was more surprised. He thought that all of the top computing talents

were under Luke Corporation’s employment already, but he didn’t expect someone like this to exist out

there. Surprisingly, he wanted to see who exactly this person was.

Meanwhile, the three children were laughing devilishly at the computer.

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The computer screen on Hanson’s end lit up again with three large smiling emojis that were clearly filled

with mockery. Following that was another line of words: ‘Devil, this is a warning. Don’t bully our women,

or things won’t end well for you.’

Woman? When did I bully women? These days, I’ve only interacted with Vania…

As if thinking of something, Hanson curled his lips and typed a sentence: ‘I can agree to your request,

but you gotta at least tell me who you are, right?’

James rejected curtly, ‘No way.’

Hanson asked again, ‘Then, can you tell me why you took my money last time?’

After inwardly calling him a b*stard, Jack sent a reply. ‘You deserved it.’

I deserved it? Those three words completely baffled Hanson. However, he didn’t dwell on it, and

continued, ‘If that’s the case, this time is just a warning?’

Jacob pouted. ‘You talk too much.’ After that, he sent an emoji of a bomb. He didn’t want to delay his

dessert time with the snacks his mother had made.

The emoji was followed with a loud bang, causing everyone in the office to jump in shock. It was the first

time any of them had seen their president having such a difficult time.

Then, another message showed up on the screen. ‘Remember what we told you. Do not bully our


Without waiting for Hanson’s reply, the computer went back to normal as if nothing had happened. Even

as he tried to track them again, he couldn’t retrieve any information at all.

“How is it going over there?” During their previous conversation, Hanson had dragged the time out on

purpose in order to give the IT Department time to track their information.

The head of the IT Department replied nervously, “I’m sorry, President Luke. We were unable to find any

information about them. However, we are clear about one thing, and that is their IP address is the same

as last time. It leads to Galaxy Corporation’s President Greyson’s house.”

Hanson narrowed his eyes, his fingers drumming rhythmically on the table. After a moment, he stood up

and declared, “We’re going to Haling Villa.”