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Volume 5, Chapter 4 – Gamers and Abhorrent Strike, Part 2
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Volume 5, Chapter 4 – Gamers and Abhorrent Strike, Part 2

Translator: your_pingas

Karen Tendou

The Viva Spiel Kingdom.

Amidst the most rural of rural areas, a desolate place that can only be arrived with a 30-minute bus ride filled with garden scenery. However, it occupies ample space and counts as a theme park that emphasizes heavily on world settings.

The streets in the park are mainly modeled after medieval Germany, gamers will feel that it’s a town appearing in the middle stage of RPG plots. Although it’s definitely not as complete as Disneyland, nor does it contain as much entertainment as Universal Studios. However, that’s why it gives off a sense of tranquillity. This is a “local amusement park” favored by family visitors during the weekends.

This is the Viva Spiel Kingdom.

So, to put it frankly, the rides are few and old. I guess it’s true that this place wasn’t designed for teenagers at all…


“Yay! The Viva Spiel Kingdom!”

After Amano-kun and I took a step into the park, we raised our hands high with our eyes sparkling pure happiness as we watched the street scenery.

“Ah, it’s great no matter how many times I came here. This plain, middle town feeling!”

“Yeah, it’s really great no matter how many times I came here, this plain, middle town feeling!”

“No, no, no, I don’t understand what are you two exciting over at all.”

Aguri-san slowly walked behind the excited two of us, she dumbfoundedly glanced at us as she mumbled. During this time, Uehara-kun, who’s next to her, helped to persuade her with a bitter smile.

“However, for RPG lovers, it’s hard for them to resist this street scenery of the theme park.”

“…Even so, why are the two always saying plain and middle?”

“Uh, …even if this has RPG elements in it, this doesn’t resemble the metropolis in the late game. Reversely, it doesn’t look like the rural village at the start…How should I put it, this really looks like the cities that will appear in the mid-game.”

To Uehara-kun’s explanation, Amano-kun and I agreed at the same time. “Yes!”

“However, that’s why it really gives off this “half-assed” feeling that’s just right!”

“Exactly! Only a mid-game town or city will resemble this! The park didn’t challenge themselves to build a genuine and majestic castle in the late game, that’s the best part about it!”

“Yeah! Amano-kun surely knows a lot!”

“No, no, no, Tendou-san’s the same! Do you understand this kind of excitement!”


So, we grabbed our hands tightly. Aguri-san looked at us with an even more dumbfounded look as she asked for an explanation from Uehara-kun.

“Uh, …Tasuku, do you understand their baffling emotions as well?”

“It’s okay, even for a guy that plays video games like me, I also feel that this indoor couple is quite disgusting.”

“Really, then I can relax. That couple is quite dumb.”

“Yeah, they’re dumb.”

Although they seem pretty impolite, Amano-kun and I didn’t mind at all. After all, this place is…gamer’s paradise!

Amano-kun mumbled throbbingly.

“Sigh, …it’s because VR’s getting all the spotlight these days. I still wish people would continue to treasure this kind of concrete and cheap feeling, Tendou-san.”

“You’re right, Amano-kun. Come, look over there. That statue is giving off a subtle, unmaintained feeling! It’s really realistic and excellent…”


“Tasuku, I want to split up with that pair immediately!”

“Calm down, Aguri! Even though I understand how you feel! I really do! But if we disbanded right after we entered the park, we would just be a pair of friends that got on the same bus instead of a double date!”

The other couple seems to be arguing over something. Amano-kun and I looked at each other, and then we helplessly paused our enjoyment before turning to them dumbfoundedly.

“You two are already fighting at the start?”

“I wonder who caused it!”

The two stared at us angrily. Wow, I can’t believe they’re getting jealous over a couple with a good relationship, how awful.

After Amano-kun and I responded maturely with a gentle smile, we said, “Let’s go.” Then, we walked towards the rides with Uehara-kun and Aguri-san.

I went over the plaza in front of the entrance and glanced at Uehara-kun, who’s at my back. Then, although Uehara-kun and Aguri-san are chatting over something, he still slightly nodded at me as a response. I also nodded at him.

“Things are going well, for now.”

Even though the date has just started, but there’s a tendency for us to mess everything up, no matter what we do. We should be already celebrating when the double date can start without any delay.

I blocked the sunlight with my hands and stared at the sky. It’s sunny with the autumn winds sending relaxing chills, excellent weather for dating.

I secretly glanced at Amano-kun on my side. Even though he was unwilling to be invited to this double date, he’s now smiling at me nonchalantly. Also, Aguri-san, who kept complaining because she’s not that interested in the park, seems that she’s not really that unhappy. The evidence is that she’s chatting excitedly with Uehara-kun.

Everything’s going smoothly, I can’t help but clenched my fist in excitement.

“I can’t believe it’s going accordingly to Uehara-kun’s and my plan…Aren’t we lucky today?”

Honestly, Uehara-kun and I planned this double date with the premise that it’s not going to go well, so it’s not like we didn’t expect this.

“Raining is just trivial. From the super awkward scene where only Aguri-san and I showed up to Uehara-kun accidentally dying, we should have expected every situation…”

Then, God decided to be kind to us, and the double date is peaceful. Even though the activity has just started, it’s hard for Uehara-kun and me to not feel weirdly satisfied.

However, here comes the main show.

I need to push the operation to the next phase.

“Well, about the rides, it’s actually not a lot. Also, we don’t need to get in line for any of them. I was planning to go in order, what do you guys think?”

I hastily suggested. Although Amano-kun and Aguri-san were shocked for a moment, …they seems to have no reason to reject this. So, they agreed. “I feel that’s okay…”

“Thanks. Then let’s play!”

I smiled. Then, at the next moment, I mustered up my courage and held Amano-kun’s hand.


Amano-kun let out a strange noise and even sweated for a little. However, instead of throwing my hand away, he grabbed mine tightly…He’s still that weirdly manly boy. I can’t take this anymore, I love him so much.

Uehara-kun and Aguri-san at the back started to hold hands as well, just like what we expected. But they weren’t the same as we do, they’re pretty used to it. Although it still looks quite nervous more or less for a half-year couple, it’s not as freaked out as we do.

Just as Amano-kun and Aguri-san are putting their minds onto holding hands, Uehara-kun and I made eye contact.

“It’s going well for now…Uehara-kun, I’ll charge like this…!”

“Hmph, I’ll not lose to you either, Tendou. What follows next is a competition between us in a sense! All of this depends on whether we can unleash our attractiveness as a man and woman…!”

I received Uehara-kun’s message, and then I remembered the combat meeting that I held with him as I nodded with a smile.

“You’re right. After all, our goal is…”

“Yeah, our goal is…”

At this moment, we stared at each of our couples…with sharp glares!

“In today’s date, we need to make them stick as close to us as possible!”


Uehara-kun and I were slowly starting to feel that each of our relationships are in the danger zone.

-He, and she, are they still attracted to us?

Of course, Uehara-kun and I have heard each of our partners said they “loved” us in the past. That’s a memory that’ll be forever treasured by us.

However, words aren’t anything more than words. When we’re facing the unusual distance between Amano-kun and Aguri-san, we’ll feel a sense of emptiness no matter what, and all hope will be lost.

That’s why the one thing that we wanted the most right now is-

An indisputable fact, nothing else. Proof that we’re boyfriend and girlfriend.

Also, we don’t want a normal fact.

We want the fact that each of our partners is “requesting” us on their own.

We can’t prove anything even if we confess our more-than-enough love to them.

However, if they’re the one, …in my situation, if Amano-kun is willing to do something for me-

There’s nothing that will give me more confidence than that.

There’s nothing that will give me more relief than that.

…However, even so, Uehara-kun and I didn’t want to act passively.

Our plan is to show off our attractiveness as much as possible so that our partners will confess to us.

While that’s true, …if we’re just seducing them brainlessly, a regular date would be more efficient.

However, this time, what we want is a definite “action” coming from our partners on their own.

The regretful part I that…our respective boyfriend and girlfriend are the complete “introvert” type.

I don’t think Amano-kun needs an explanation. As for Aguri-san, …while she looks frivolous on the surface, but from the fact that she hasn’t made any progress with her boyfriend for half a year, she’s clearly an innocent girl.

It’s hard for a girl like this to force her to stick close in a single regular date.

But, on the other hand, Amano-kun and Aguri-san are people that will act decisively when the time is right in every way, and that’s a fact too. We can see that clearly when Amano-kun refused to enter the club, and Aguri-san helping him to smooth things over. These two are courageous enough to act on something that they need to do right now without hesitation.

If that’s the case, it’ll be easy for us.

We can rely on a double date, …instead of a regular one, to explicitly manage the time when the guy and the girl will be alone together.

First, we will keep on seducing our partners, …then we immediately cut it out when others are around…After we got them hooked up to us, we’ll give them a definite “yes, right now” chance and give us a short time to be with each other alone.

This way, …Amano-kun and Aguri-san will act naturally on their own.


The two of them should confess to us. It’s more like, that’s what should a couple looks like.

So, Uehara-kun and I will cast our spells on our partners with this Viva Spiel Kingdom as the stage…Honestly, although I’m embarrassed and blushing right now, we still unleashed our relentless “hormone attacks” on them.

When we’re in the park, I’ll pretend to trip over with an “ah” before leaning onto Amano-kun.

When the four of us are eating ice-cream together, Uehara-kun will wipe the ice cream stain on Aguri-san’s lips with his thumb like there’s nothing wrong.

When we’re on the rollercoaster, I even wrapped myself around Amano-kun’s arm when I’m not scared at all.

During the afternoon break, even though Uehara-kun went all out and attempted a “kabedon” on Aguri-san. He missed the timing and only embarrassed himself when others snickered at him.

So, the “first chance” is here, each of the couples is riding on the Ferris wheel separately.

I said, “I-I’m scared of the height” even though it doesn’t fit my style at all, then Amano-kun just answered “r-really” because he doesn’t know how to react. The situation can’t be any more embarrassing.

As for Uehara-kun’s side, it is told that he lost his balance when he intended to sit next to Aguri-san, and accidentally caused the second kabedon. The two of them are also very embarrassed as well.

In the end, both of our operations on the Ferris wheel were a failure…However, Uehara-kun and I are still far from giving up yet.

It’s because, in this Viva Spiel Kingdom, there’s a better “opportunity” than a Ferris wheel, it’s an excellent facility designed for couples.

Its name is-

Chiaki Hoshinomori

“You’re saying…the Kizuna Dungeon?”


Konoha opened the map of the park on the bench as she nodded happily.

As for me, I tried to replenish my sugar level with a can of soda as I stared at the post-afternoon sky dazedly.

“…I’m exhausted…”

We got on all the rides in order since morning to check whether it’s qualified for a date, sometimes even getting on two to three times repeatedly. Also, we ordered a bunch of things during lunch to “taste the difference” between them. It’s far from a rest, so an indoor person like me is already exhausted right now.

I looked at my little sister to the side. She’s wearing something that’s considered to be too revealing by her sis’s standard. It seems like that’s casual clothing designed for a date. However, in contrast to her feminine look, she’s gnawing on a churro in her right hand and said, “This tastes awful.” …Where did she get that energy from?

I can’t take this anymore since my stomach is still filled with the lunch we just had, so I can’t help but plopped my head now discouragedly. Suddenly, I freaked out because I saw my pale legs.

“Ah, right. Konoha shoved her hand-picked clothes to me today, even I wore something a bit too daring…”

I thought whether my skirt can be a bit longer, so I can’t help but started to drag the corner of my dress downwards. So, Konoha immediately stared at me fiercely. All I can do is smile bitterly as I try to think about something else.

“Uh, well, so, …about that, …right! W-What’s actually in the Kizuna Dungeon?”

“Yes, yes, yes, that’s a good question.”

After my little sister shoved the rest of her churro into her mouth, she folded the map and showed the summary of that Kizuna Dungeon to me.

Just as I retrieved the map, Konoha started explaining.

“It’s the same as what the map described, Kizuna Dungeon is an exploration-type facility with two people as a group.”

“Really, so it’s like a haunted house? I’m quite scared of that…”

The reference photos showed a guy and a girl walking in a gloomy room. So, my face went pale because I immediately associated them with the scary rides. Although I’ll make horror games as well, I’m scared of jumpscare tricks like this…

However, Konoha denied my suspicion.

“Hmm, I think it’s not the same. While it’s true that you will be in gloomy rooms, but instead of saying that the goal is to experience horror, it’s more like an act to enhance the couple’s relationship.”

“What does that mean?”

“Look, here’s the photos. This pair of couples are wearing headphones, right?”

“Yeah, they actually do.”

After I heard Konoha, I finally found out the couple in the photos seems to be wearing headphones with a shining “G” letter in the middle.

She continued to explain to me.

“It is told that these headphones are completely soundproof.”

“Eh? After we entered a dark environment with poor visions, we even have to walk with no sounds?”

“That’s the point, sis.”

Konoha puffed up her chest. She’s so confident that it’s like she was the one that designed this facility.

“This way, the only thing that the two can rely on is touch, …and the warmth of holding hands, right?”

“Ah, I understand. That’s really suitable for a couple.”

I let out an innocent sigh, then Konoha looked at me dumbfoundedly.

“…Sis, are you acting like you’re just hearing someone’s else story?”

“What? But even if you said that I should have nothing to do with facilities designed for normies like that, right…”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Do you want to imagine what it will be like when you entered with Amano-senpai alone?”


Suddenly, my imagination ran wild.

Keita, and I, in the dark, holding our hands and making our way through the maze…

“…Konoha, I think your sister just understood how it's like to be loved.”

“This sister isn’t really covering her love recently, right.”

“Ah, b-but it’s not like I have any feelings for Keita! So I don’t want to go to the Kizuna Dungeon with him at all. But Konoha, if you wanted to mess with your sister in that way, it’s not like I’m not willing to take the free ticket to the park next week from your right now…”

“How did this sister went from a tsundere to a “scared bun” that fast? I don’t want to give you the tickets when you’re this annoying.” [Note: That joke has something to do with Xiangsheng, commonly found in Chinese comedy. I just translated it literally since I have no idea with any of that.]

“…Eh, …well, …ufufu…Sigh…”

“H-Here it is! Sis, here’s the ticket! I’m sorry!”

“Eh, you’re really giving me that, Konoha? …Ho, ho, …I’m absolutely not willing to go on a date with Keita anyways, but if my little sister is asking me to go no matter what-“

“Wow, I feel like my sister’s really adorable when it’s this ridiculous.”

During this time, Konoha suddenly wrapped me in her arms tightly. The people passing the plaza is starting to give us unusual stares.

“K-Konoha! This is embarrassing! D-Don’t do that!”

“Sis, I’m sorry, but I’m a bit horny now.”

“What’s with that confession! Konoha! Eh, if any of our friends saw we like this…!”

“Ahaha, you surely love worrying. Although you guys will often encounter wild things, usually, we’re not going to meet the people we don’t want to in the wrong time and in the wrong place-“

“Chiaki…and Konoha-san?”


Someone suddenly tried to talk to us. We sisters remained in our cuddling position as we turned our faces in that direction.

Then, there’s a boy standing there, who’s seemingly trying to say hi to us with his hand shivering in the middle – Keita Amano.

Also, behind him, Tendou-san, Uehara-kun, Aguri-san…It’s almost the “dream team” that wasn’t supposed to find out what we’re doing now.


The atmosphere froze right away. Just as Konoha and I remained utterly still, …the dream team members looked at each other stiffly, and then everyone smiled as they said the exact same thing.

“P-Please enjoy yourselves…”

“Stand right there!”

The two of us dragged them from leaving with all our strength before explaining angrily about what happened there.

Keita Amano

“Yep, I-I think it’s good that you two sisters have such a lovely relationship, Chiaki.”

“I-I already said that it’s a misunderstanding, Keita! Are you listening to me!”

Then, around 10 minutes later, we switched the location to the resting area with a bunch of vending machines. We chatted happily with the Hoshinomori sisters that we unexpectedly met.

Just as I’m forced to listen to Chiaki’s explanation, Konoha-san greeted Uehara-kun and Aguri-san behind me. This should her first time meeting them, but…

“Uh, …Konoha, right?”


“…Uh, …well, …did I…do something that makes you hate me…?”

“Eh, Trashara-senpai, please don’t get close to me. You’re dirty as hell.”

“Trashara-senpai? Dirty as hell?”

Uehara-kun’s face went pale after this abhorrent strike. In comparison, Konoha-san is staring at Uehara-kun like he killed her parents. Then, there’s the shocked Tendou-san and Aguri-san next to them since they don’t know how to react.

Chiaki and I made eye contact and confirmed with each other quietly.

“Uh, …in Konoha-san’s mind, Uehara-kun is still that player that tries to mess with Tendou-san and her sister even when he already has a girlfriend?”

“Y-Yes. Although I did more or less try to smooth things over, …uh, I can’t give concrete evidence. So, all I can do is give a vague explanation. “I-It seems that Uehara-kun is a kind person.” That plan may have backfired…”

“Ah, …if you said that I feel like this sounds like a normie trying to toy with an innocent sister…”

Although this is somewhat correct, Chiaki loves Uehara-kun so much, after all. I feel like there’s a subtle atmosphere going around recently.

The two of us smiled bitterly. Then, Uehara-kun looked at us, hoping that we’ll come to his rescue…Sigh, I really wanted to help, but I’ll be the same as Chiaki if I tried to smooth things over.

Just as we’re engulfed in an unknown nervousness, Tendou-san coughed to get everyone’s attention.

“B-By the way, why are you two here?”


The Hoshinomori sisters suddenly looked at me for some reason before going speechless. After she saw them like that, Tendou-san and Aguri-san squinted and looked like their brains are operating at max speed. Also, after Konoha-san was treated like that, she switched her face to the smart “hardworking student council president” mode.

“Are there any problems with sisters with a good relationship to come to the amusement park during the holiday? I’m quite curious about this though, why would the four boys and girls from the Game Hobby Club abandon my sister to come to the park? Ay, I’m just kidding.”


Tendou-san and Aguri-san immediately started to shiver…What’s with this dangerous aura radiating off the girls? Me, who’s shocked, and Uehara-kun, who’s depressed, are getting a strong feeling that they’re hiding something from us.

Just as we’re struggling to understand the situation, the girls are still fiercely staring at each other.

So, Tendou-san is seemingly trying to show off to the others as she swung her smooth blonde hair…I’ve only found out about this recently. Still, sometimes Tendou-san has a switch that she can use to turn on her “Karen Tendou” mode…I think the swinging-her-hair part counts.

“Oh, I’m really sorry, Konoha-san. However, we’re absolutely not trying to isolate Hoshinomori-san. Think about it, …how should we put it, the four of us do have boyfriends and girlfriends, after all.”


This time, it’s the Hoshinomori sisters that started mumbling…By the way, why is Chiaki taking damage as well? I feel like this girl doesn’t want a boyfriend at all…

So, it looks like Konoha-san is burning furiously after she saw her sister getting hurt. She glanced at Tendou-san and Aguri-san with a clearly provocative look.

“So, you guys are here for a double date? Oh, double date. We loners are getting jealous, double date.”


This time, it’s not just Tendou-san, and Aguri-san, even Uehara-kun and I were hit as well. What kind of feeling is this? It’s super embarrassing. After she mentioned “double date” few times in a roll, this feels really embarrassing!

To Konoha-san’s indiscriminate attacks, even Aguri-san, who just met her for the first time, spoke up like she can’t stand that her boyfriend was looked down on.

“Yes, you’re right. I’m having a “double date” with Tasuku. A double date. This means two pairs of “COUPLES” “DATING” each other…Uh, by the way, are the Hoshinomori sisters joining us as well?”


The Hoshinomori sisters seem to be in critical condition…What kind of round-based deathmatch is this? Are the normie tribes always in a state of civil war with each other…Although I respected them a little, from the looks of Uehara-kun, this doesn’t look normal at all.

I can’t help it. I should have taken relatively light damage. Even though I knew that doing this doesn’t fit my style at all, I need to calm everyone down right now.

“Uh, it’s not easy for everyone to be in the same park. Even if we’re trying to talk to each other, it should be faster to play as we talk, right…”

“I can’t believe a loner is giving us suggestions!”


Everyone shouted that at the same time, including Tendou-san. This is the most damage that I’ve ever taken in a single blow. So that’s the case, …even my girlfriend saw me as a loner as well….I don’t even know anymore. In this world, some people are still loners after they got a girlfriend…Phew.

After I turned clearly depressed, everyone sensed “crap” from the atmosphere. So, the gang switched attitudes and started to care for me.

“A-Amano-kun’s right! Yeah, it’s not efficient to stay in the rest area and chat, yes!”

“Y-Yeah, Tendou-san. Moreover, my sister and I wanted to go on some other rides as well.”

“Oh, w-where do the Hoshinomori sisters wanted to go?”

“Well, there’s a “Kizuna Dungeon” place…”

“Uwah, w-what a coincidence. We’re just talking about going there as well!”

…I’m not sure what’s going on, but everyone is staring at me as they talked to each other warmly. I think things went well again, even though I’m not sure why.

I took a deep breath to switch up my mood, and then I smiled at the sisters.

“Well, let’s forget other things for now. Anyway, you two should follow us to the Kizuna Dungeon!”

“Yep!” “You’re right!” “I agree.”


For some reason, Tendou-san and Uehara-kun’s faces turned stiff. Is there a problem? I tilted my head to express my confusion, the two of them immediately tried to cover it up quickly.

“Y-Yeah, it should be nice, Amano-kun! I agree.”

“O-Okay! There wouldn’t be any problems as long as our destination is the same, alright!”

“R-Really? That’s good…”

Although I was a bit suspicious, I still answered, “Then let’s go” before urging Konoha-san to leave the resting area and head towards the Kizuna Dungeon.

Tendou-san and Uehara-kun followed us slowly. Also, the two of them seem to be secretly exchanging something.

“6 people…This could be…quite troublesome…”

“Yeah, …but this is still within our expectation…”


I can’t hear what they’re saying clearly even though I have sharp ears.

“What’s wrong with going to the dungeon with 6 people?”

I’m not familiar with the Kizuna Dungeon, so I can’t say anything.

Just as I’m getting slightly uncomfortable as I’m walking, suddenly, Tendou-san caught up with me.

“Amano-kun, Amano-kun, about the Kizuna Dungeon we’re going to…Although the plan changed for a bit, I’m sure that there wouldn’t be any problems.”

“What problems?”

“Eh? Ah, no, how should I say this...Uh, Kizuna Dungeon is challenged by two people in a group at a time. However, if we’re going with a gang, we’ll be grouped randomly.”

“Eh? This means that we can’t pick our own groupmates?”

“Yes, you’re right.”

“…Ho, ho, I can’t believe “please form your own groups” is not suitable here. It’s sending chills down my spine when I’m thinking it…This is a dream arrangement for loners like me! Great!”

“Yep, Amano-kun, I’m sorry to interrupt when you’re this apathetic. However, that would only be bad in this situation where we’re dating.”

I immediately snapped out of it after my girlfriend responded to me coldly.

“Y-You’re right. However, I’m sure the staff will accommodate if we’re nice…”

I gave a reasonable answer, but Tendou-san put her hand on her cheeks as she sighed.

“That’s not guaranteed. Kizuna Dungeon was designed to be used to encourage friendships. If more than 4 people are present, the park ordered that they must be randomly arranged.

“Oh, …really. So, that’s a facility designed for normies to complain like “I hate you…” “I can’t believe this…” Words like that. Yep, this whole thing should be struck to shreds by a meteor.”

“We’re the boys and girls that are preparing to go there right now, what are you talking about? Anyway, because of this, once we’re going there with 6 people…”

“Ah, so there’ll be less chance for couples to be in the same group. If that’s the case, we can hide that we’re a group and just enter with two people each time…”

“…How are we going to explain this to the Hoshinomori sisters?”


Well, let’s go in separately as couples. Ah, so you two sisters are going in together. Ho, ho, ahaha, I’m looking forward to this, darling…

“This is bullying, right?”

“See? Amano-kun, can you even suggest that to them?”

“I know what it’s like to form groups by yourselves. I can never pull off something that lunatic!”

Being treated as the extra person in a group, nothing is scarier than that! I clenched my fists tightly as Tendou-san continued.

“However, if we just go in without doing anything and put all our bets on luck…Let say if Uehara-kun is in the same group as you, what will you do?”

“Eh? Although this is a bit embarrassing, I would still be happy.”

I was embarrassed. Tendou-san’s look turned dark.

“I freaked out at the unexpected answer. “I wanted to be in the same group as Tendou-san” is what I wanted to hear.”

“I-I wanted to be in the same group as Tendou-san!”

I immediately said that. Then, Tendou-san smiled and answered, “Right.” …She’s scary.

“This time, you can rely on Uehara-kun and me.”

“Uehara-kun, and you?”

“Yeah. We’re almost there, so I don’t have time to explain…However, Uehara-kun and I knew the rules of this random arrangement.”

“Eh, why?”

“Of course, that’s because we already-“

Tendou-san coughed as she said that.

“S-She's already…?”

D-Don’t tell me, Tendou-san and Uehara-kun have come to the Kizuna Dungeon before?”

I’m shivering at the ever-increasing sense of defeat. Then, Tendou-san continued.

“A-Anyway, Uehara-kun and I will manage to get into a group with Aguri-san and you. So, you two don’t need to freak out, just be the normal you. That’s all I wanted to say.”


After she said that, I found out that Uehara-kun is seemingly explaining the same thing to Aguri-san.

During this time, Konoha-san, who’s at the front, glanced back at us. It would be unfortunate if we spoiled our plan here. Tendou-san and Uehara-kun immediately left us and ran towards the Hoshinomori sisters to chat with them.

Aguri-san and I, who was left here by them, met up off the distance as we exchanged our thoughts rapidly.

“…Amanocchi, what do you think?”

“…If I’m brutal, objectively, I think it’s 50%.”

“You’re right. Objectively, the two can do this to lower our guard, …when in actuality, they’re trying to pair themselves up.”


We exchanged our pessimistic thoughts. However, …we don’t feel hopeless at all.

That’s because…

“Then, Amanocchi, you were saying that objectively. However, subjectively, …what do you think?”

“Ho…Aguri-san, you’re asking this? You shouldn’t even need to ask this. Our opinions should be the same.”

“Ho, …you’re right. I asked a dumb question. Subjectively, Tasuku today seems…”

“Yeah, Tendou-san today seems…”

We stopped walking and distanced ourselves from the others…before shouting!


The two of us are seemingly trying to vent out our long-accumulated frustration. However, we shouted it to the ground because we’re trying our best to suppress our voice.

Aguri-san and I were so excited that our cheeks are as red as tomatoes as we showed off our love to each other.

“I can’t believe how cute Tendou-san is today! She’s definitely trying to seduce me!”

“It’s the same for me! I can’t believe how handsome Tasuku is! When he tried a kabedon, I thought I’ll die from his handsomeness!”

“No, no, no, no, no, like when Tendou-san leaned on to me, my exploding heart is about to bomb the entire park into dust! I managed to hold it because I don’t want to be too embarrassed!”

“Me too! Although I tried to play it cool when I got a kabedon for the second time, I’ll be too excited and launched into the atmosphere if I don’t do that! Wow, my boyfriend is absolutely trying to seduce me! It couldn’t be wrong! Subjectively!”

“It’s the same for me! Tendou-san is basically at a “come on” state! Subjectively!”

“Yes, subjectively!”

“Yes, subjectively!”



Then, ..the two of us were so depressed that people will question what we were getting so excited about…We even dropped our shoulders and yelled.

“Although from a subjective perspective, they’re just hiding that they’re cheating behind us!”

We mumbled with grinding teeth. This is agonizing. Where? This “rollercoaster of love” with crazy up and downs are so god damn agonizing.

Aguri-san mumbled depressingly.

“So, what should we do, Amanocchi? That suggestion…Should we go with it or avoid it?”

“Honestly, …we can only go with it. We aren’t familiar with the random arrangement…”


We let out a loud sigh…I can’t believe it’ll be this painful when we’re on a date while being unable to guess what’s on our partner's mind.

I looked at the depressed Aguri-san at the side…To cheer her up and to boost my courage, I told her my relatively positive thought that had been on my mind.

“However, in another way, perhaps this is our biggest chance.”

“What do you mean?”

“To put it simply…”

I raised a thumb, as I explained.

“It’s because Tendou-san and Uehara-kun knew all rules of the arrangement. If this really turned into what they said, which is Tendou-san pairing up with me and Uehara-kun pairing up with you…”

During this time, Aguri-san seems to have understood everything.

“Right, this proves that they still love us!”

“Exactly! If they really loved each other, it’s impossible for them to not use a chance like this to cover up for their relationship.”

“In other words, once they actually picked us as their partners…”

“I think we can sincerely agree that represented their love for us. Logically, it wouldn’t be just us overthinking everything.”

“Then, …when the dust has finally settled..”

“Yes, you’re right. Then, to prove that we’re not wimps, we can finally go accordingly to our plan…”

“Then, we looked at each other’s eyes directly.

The two of us spoke up at the same time with a determined look.

“Act decisively and create an indisputable fact!”

Tasuku Uehara

“Your group has 6 people, right?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“I understand. Well, we’ll arrange for everyone. Please give us a moment.”

I looked at the female staff member disappearing in the Kizuna Dungeon as I secretly observed what’s happening between the five of my groupmates. Although everyone is chitchatting with each other, there’s an undeniable sense of nervousness radiating between us. During this time, I made eye-contact with Konoha, who has a subtle distance with me. She still fiercely…and suspiciously glared at me. Therefore, I immediately looked away and looked at the door to the dungeon half-heartedly.

“We’re entering the main hall from there, then the visitors will choose the headphones, right…”

My friend Masaya, his uncle, is also working here. With this moment, I started memorizing the intelligence I gathered from him.

“Everyone will get a soundproof headphone, but there are 6 colors on the “G” letter. The arrangement will be based on the colors.”

The information ends here. It was mentioned on the tour guide and the official website. It even got a slogan saying, “It’s decided by the God of Fate for who gets to pair up with who!”

However, in reality, …it’s far from a random arrangement, it is static.

“If I remember correctly, blue should go with red, yellow should go with green, white should go with orange…It should be grouped like this.”

I reaffirmed the grouping method I heard from Masaya.

In other words, I need to take the red one if Aguri grabbed the blue headphone. I need to rob the green one if she got yellow. This way, we can be arranged like we’ve wished. Of course, I’ve told Tendou about this as well. Also, the reason we didn’t inform Amano and Aguri is that we’re afraid that they’ll act on their own and mess everything up.

“I should’ve put Amano and Hoshinomori in the same group if I knew she’ll be here…”

However, I can’t help it. After all, we didn’t count in the Hoshinomori sisters at all. In our plan, only the four of us would show up. Also, we need to make our partner feel, “Wow, perhaps it’s a fate that we’re grouped like this!” Sigh, this facility only allows 6 people at a time. Tendou and I had already memorized all the color codes, perhaps this is the silver lining.

“However, no matters how many times we thought of it, this rule is way too broken…”

In reality, Masaya seems to have abused this mechanic in the past silently. He successfully got put into the same group…with his current girlfriend, Mika. What a despicable ride, only the well-connected ones could benefit from it.

“Even so, it’s better than arranging us randomly and making everyone unhappy…”

Let’s use our situation as an example. Including the Hoshinomori sisters, if we’re arranged entirely randomly, it could be that I’ll pair up with Amano, Aguri with Konoha. The pairs that nobody asked for.

If that’s the case, it should be allowed to cast some tricks and group the couples together.

Just as I’m thinking about this, the staff girl opened the door and returned. She seems to be wearing a headset for announcements on her right ear.

“Well, sorry to make everyone wait. Then, the 6 visitors, please go in!”

“Thank you.”

After I answered, I followed the girl at the front.

We saw a circular hall after we went through the door. There are 6 doors on the walls. At the center of the room, there are headphones with 6 colors on the table.

The door closed after we all entered the room. The lights went out. Under the darkness with an eerie glow, the staff girl started explaining.

“Alright, these 6 people are the final survivors of humanity!”


We can’t follow up with the sudden and mysterious world setting, so we can’t respond…Ah, no, it looks like only Hoshinomori is listening with sparkling eyes. Yep, you do like ridiculous developments like this.

The staff girl seems to pretend that she didn’t see our confusion and promptly continued.

“Oh, no! Humanity will be extinct if this continues! Please, everyone, find a partner, and give birth to a child!”


We went speechless but for a different reason this time. Although we can’t see clearly due to the darkness, I’m afraid that everyone’s slightly blushing now. Embarrassment. What a direct and embarrassing setting. What should you do about family visitors? There would be a different world setting, right. I hope so.

“This time, it’s time for us to reveal our “Emergency Love App” developed by our research facility!”

“E-Emergency Love App…!”

Everyone’s words overlapped each other unexpectedly. How should I put it? It’s because this term is so embarrassing, we just spewed that out loud. Emergency Love App.

However, the staff girl is still a professional, she continued with a high tone like there’s nothing wrong.

“First of all, we need all of you to pick this differently-colored and headphone-shaped device called “Gorgeous Love” and go out with it.”

“G-Gorgeous Love!”

The voices of the six of us overlapped again. This time is because of the ridiculous name, it’s making all of us pumped up for some reason! That “G” letter actually means Gorgeous! Eh, I feel like that’s an incredible name!

“Just choose the colors based on your instincts. After everyone wore their Gorgeous Love, please act accordingly to the guided instructions from the headphones.”


“Also, this facility would make everyone hold their hands in groups of two and walk for a few minutes in a completely dark environment. Please don’t run or mess with each other, and also remove the Gorgeous Love used for guiding.”


“Well, sorry to make everyone wait. Then, please everyone, embark on this Gorgeous Love Journey, abbreviated as GLJ! Be safe!”

“Gorgeous Love Journey!”

All of us turned stiff as we yelled at the same time and saluted at the staff girl! Perhaps it’s because we’re getting nervous over our relationships, and we were suddenly brought to a gloomy room like this and hear this unique world setting. Everyone’s spacing out at this point.

It’s hard for the staff girl to not freak out with us, so she let out a cough. At the same time, we snapped out like we were hypnotized a moment ago. We stopped saluting, then-

“Ah, then should we pick our headphones now?”

-After we heard Amano’s suggestion…

To quickly act decisively in this critical situation, Tendou and I were secretly prepared for this.

Konoha Hoshinomori

“I-I feel like something’s not right!”

Once we’re picking the headphones, something is sending chills down my spine.

I hastily looked around. In this dark room, Amano-senpai and that Aguri gal are picking up the headphone first. Then, behind them, …Trashara and Tendou-san are staring at them sharply.

“Although I’m not sure what’s going on, …my hentai game instinct is warning me of this situation! This is the part where you have to pick the route of the plot!”

Amano-senpai seems to be grabbing a headphone at any time. There’s no time to ask for suggestions from my sister, who’s freaking out behind me. Anyway, I’ll need to act fast as well!

Amano-senpai reached for the blue headphone.

“Uh, then I’m choosing this one…”

Amano-senpai said this…as he glanced at Tendou-san for some reason. So, Tendou-san seems to have nodded before quickly reaching for the red headphone-



-Although I’m not sure of the situation, anyway, I realized now’s the time to act. So, I yelled loudly before stepping forward and robbed the red headphone when Tendou-san’s freaking out. To a shocked Amano-senpai and Tendou-san, I ran out of breath as I tried to smile at them warmly.

“R-Red’s my lucky color today.”


After Amano-senpai answered, he looked at Tendou-san confusingly like he’s asking her for advice. As for Tendou-san, …she still has a smile plastered on her face, but she leaned towards Amano-senpai with a bit of anxiety.

“Uh, A-Amano-kun, I feel like…green suits you more than blue.”

“Eh? R-Really, Tendou-san, then I’m picking…”

This is a suspicious interaction. Amano-senpai was alerted as he put down the blue one. However, at that moment…

“Then, I’ll pick yellow.”

I don’t know if that gal understands the situation or not. She grabbed the yellow headphone innocently.

Trashara and Tendou-san let out a shocked response right away. From their response, I finally have all the clues…I realized what’s going on.

“Of course, these two knew how the color arrangement works! Amano-senpai and the gal are probably waiting for their order!”

It’s going to be a big problem if you underestimated my wit. Even though I’ll have to back down to Karen Tendou when it comes to beauty, but it’s going to be another 100 years before you can win me at these little tricks. Don’t underestimate a low-profile hentai game fan!

“From the responses of Tendou-san and Trashara before, the color code must be blue to red, green to yellow, and orange to white! This means that…”

Currently, I got the red one, so I need Amano-senpai to keep the blue one!

“Although I’m sorry for sis, who’s still doesn’t understand the situation, …we’re seriously competing with each other after all!”

I went up close to the shocked Amano-senpai and pulled his elbows. Then, I tossed him away from the table with other headphones.

“Well, Amano-senpai will pick blue, I’ll choose red, and Aguri-san will pick yellow. It’s decided!”


Just like what I’ve expected, Trashara and Tendou-san are showing a shocked face. Alright, …I’m moving onto the next level!

I left Amano-senpai and headed back to the table. After that, I grabbed the green headphone- and kept the person that’ll go with the gal.

“Ah, sis, I grabbed for you as well! Green fits you, after all!”

At least I need to prevent sis from getting into the same group with Trashara.


So, Trashara and Tendou-san’s face are turning even paler…Ho, ho, that’s what you get for trying all these little tricks. I can’t believe you two treated my sister and me as extras, I’m not going to forgive all of you…Uh, even though we’re really extra to this double date. H-However, when they dared to exclude our adorable sister, they at least deserve some kind of punishment!

During this time, the gal seems to have finally realized that something’s wrong. So, she freaked out and looked at her boyfriend.

“Uh, Tasuku? Then, what should I pick…”

“Aguri…H-How about you put back the yellow one first…Hey, A-Amano! Green suits you better, after all, yes! Just exchange it with Hoshinomori-“

They’re up to their tricks again! I immediately robbed Amano-senpai’s headphones and put it onto his ears.

“Uehara-kun, what did you say?”

“Amano, I’m telling you that you should exchange with Hoshinomori-“

Trashara swore in the middle of his sentence and gave up.

“Shit! This is soundproof! Eh, Amano-“

Trashara wanted to take off Amano-senpai’s headphones directly, so he walked towards us. I hastily grabbed Amano-senpai’s hand, without caring that he’s still confused and opened the door next to me that’s controlled by the button…Then, I shoved him into the narrow, elevator-like room.

“Eh, wait-“

The confused Amano-senpai wanted to protest to me, but it was too late. The door automatically closed and locked. Then, …a blue light appeared above the door.

“Ah, after you wore the Gorgeous Love, please select a door to go in. There’s a “Moving Room” behind the door that acts as an elevator. When everyone’s in there, it’ll move based on the colors and send each of you to the dark start…About these content, the Gorgeous Love would play audio that’ll explain this to everyone.”

The staff girl is giving off a sense that said, “Just choose and wear it quickly, you normies!” …Who cares about you, we’re risking our life to win here.

Trashara mumbled angrily.

“In other words, it’s certain that Amano is blue…”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“This means that…”

Tendou-san looked at the red headphones in my hands.

…There’s a stingy atmosphere around. I’m not sure whether this will result in a severe melee fight.

I held the red and green headphones as I distanced from them along the wall. Being able to grope on Amano-senpai in the dark, who’ll give up a rare opportunity like this…I thought.


Just as I’m feeling my hand is touching on something, the wall that I leaned on quickly disappeared, and I lost my balance.

“Crap, that’s the door to the Moving Room!”

I seem to have leaned on that door without me realizing it, and even accidentally pressed on the “Open” button.

Just as I’m falling with my back facing the room, one of the headphones left my hands. I thought: “Ah.” At the next moment, the door closed mercilessly in front of me. Also…

“…W-Why did this happen…”

The headphones in my hand…is radiating an empty green glow.


“That’s perhaps the first time that I actually saw such an obvious “you get what you deserve” scene…”

The little sister who’s up to something seems to be grabbing the headphones she didn’t want as she fell into that narrow moving room. Then, the door closed.

When I’m witnessing all that, honestly- I’m delighted.

“I feel like that girl…won’t get along with me.”

In reality, I saw her personality from all that, that Konoha girl seems to be quite good at being pretentious…

“Perhaps it’s because I only became more social in high school, so I have a particularly strong feeling about this.”

Ay, although I said we won’t get along well, I don’t feel like she’s a mischievous girl. From what I just saw, it looks like she’s just messing with us.

Anyway, a lousy person like this just disappeared.

I grabbed the yellow headphone as I walked toward Tasuku, who’s still shocked at this point.

“Uh, so, Tasuku, do I just keep the yellow one?”

“Eh? Ah, no, well…”

Tasuku scratched his head, seemingly trying to make up his mind. During this time, Tendou-san grabbed the red headphone left by Konoha before smiling devilishly…That looks scary.

“Well, Uehara-kun, I’ll go first.”

Tendou-san turned back with a smile as she greeted us after wearing the red headphone. She’s in a good mood. Then, we just watched her walking into the Moving Room quickly. This way, in all of the 6 doors, the blue, red, and green ones were already selected.

Only Tasuku, Chiaki Hoshinomori, and I remained.

Tasuku grabbed the white and orange headphones before giving me the orange one.

“Well, Aguri, you’re wearing the orange one, and I’ll wear the white one. Alright?”

…I don’t really understand what’s going on. But it seems that we would be in a pair if we do this. After I took the orange one, I looked at Hoshinomori-san to hand her the extra yellow one.

-During this time, she’s still lingering around the entrance for some reason. Don’t tell me she didn’t think of anything when her sister is throwing such a big tantrum? Just as I’m confused, she noticed our glances and freaked out before plopping her head down to apologize to us. Then, she walked to us.

“S-Sorry, another staff member dashed from the counter to tell me something. Uh, so…s-strange? Where is everyone else?”

It looks like she didn’t know what did her little sister brought to us…Sigh, I guess that’s not a bad thing.

After I tell her to come to me, I handed the yellow headphones to her before smiling.

“Wear this and enter the Moving Room without the light, then the thing will start. That’s what the staff girl said.”

“The Moving Room?”

“Yep, it seems that it was designed like an elevator. It’ll move according to the colors and send people to a gloomy start with their partners waiting.”

“Oh, that sounds incredible. I got it, thanks!”

“Ah, i-it’s fine…”

After I saw her carefree smile, I felt there’s a tinge of pain in my heart…This girl is really like Amanocchi, especially the innocent part…That’s why I wanted to, unbelievably, cheer them up. They really look alike in this part.


I almost wanted to suggest that we exchange our headphones so that she could be in the same group with Tasuku. However, Tasuku smiled and said, “Let’s go, Aguri.” So, I decided to give up.

“…Right. Trying to act sympathetically is the worst thing I can do right now…Yes!”

I made up my mind again and took the headphones before walking to the remaining door.

So, just as I’m walking into the Moving Room and turned back, I saw Tasuku and Hoshinomori-san entered the room as well.

“Also, …just because I’m wearing this doesn’t mean I get to be in the same group as Tasuku.”

From that procedure, I’m 90% confident in Tasuku…However, I still can’t say for sure that he doesn’t want to pair up with Tendou-san at all.

The door closed automatically. Once I looked at it, there’s a little screen on the top of the room.

“Eh, that’s the hall we’ve just been?”

Why does this screen appear? Just as I’m thinking, the screen turned off. I can’t help but tilt my head, then I immediately figured it out.

“Ah, that’s the screen for the people that entered the Moving Room to see first, right?”

From the monitor, it seems that we can confirm what colors did everyone pick. Then, when everyone’s in the Moving Room, there isn’t any reason to show what’s happening in the hall anymore. I guess.

Just as I’m thinking, the floor below started shaking. It looks like the room is moving towards the start. At the same time, the already dim lighting is getting darker. At last, the only thing that’s glowing is that little light from the headphone I wore initially.

“But, it’s because it’s on my ears, I can’t even see it…”

However, this was meant for you to rely on your only partner in the dark and try to act sweet, I guess it’s useless if it wasn’t this dark.

“…Crap, what’s going on? Staying alone in a narrow and gloomy place like this, …it’s super helpless.”

Due to the soundproof headphones, I can’t hear the noise either. I can only feel the light G force coming from my moving body in a coffin-like room.


I was too helpless, so I clenched my fist on my chest like I’m praying and started thinking about my boyfriend in my heart.

“God…Please, I hope that I’ll be paired up with Tasuku!”

I tried my best to pray. From what I remembered, …Tasuku is wearing the white one, right.

Just as I’m thinking about all this, the room stopped moving. It looks like I arrived at the start.

In the darkness, I can sense that the door in front of me moved. Behind the door, …it’s still nothing more than pitch black.

However, at the next moment, …a faint glow from the headphones appeared there.


Then, the color of that glow is…


The one that I prayed to the Gods for – white.

Keita Amano

“It’s red…Red. This means that…!”

I gulped after I saw the color of the headphones in front of my eyes.

Then, as I’m trying to confirm, I slowly remembered the screen displayed on the monitor.

“…Yes. I remembered. The red headphones were dropped by Konoha-san…Then, Tendou-san picked it up. I think.”

No matter how many times I reaffirmed, she is really Tendou-san, it’s got to be right.

In my heart, …there’s an unspeakable sense of throbbing in my heart, knowing that I was chosen by her.

Just as tears are beginning to form in my eyes, the “red light” slowly approached me from the dark. I quickly touched the walls with my hands as I walked forward tremblingly.

“…I can’t sense our distance at all.”

A dark environment, way too dark. Although it was explained before, I didn’t think that you can only see the faint glow from the headphones of your partner. Aside from that, I can’t even sense the light coming from mine.

“This is fine, right? Can we really reach the end like this?”

I continued to walk despite the torment of my anxiety. Suddenly, my hand touched something. Although I freaked out for a moment, …that seems to be the hands of the person in front of me without me knowing it.

Both of us reached each other’s hands slowly, …then we grabbed our hands tightly.

Right away, I let out an “ah” dazedly. Although I regretted it and felt embarrassed immediately, I pressed my chest in relief because I remembered the person couldn’t hear anything from the soundproof headphones.

“…I didn’t know that it’ll be this nervous when I felt the warmth of holding hands in the dark…”

I’ve held Tendou-san’s hands a couple of times, while I do feel nervous- but holding hands like this is another experience.

Security, anxiety, the responsibility of wanting to protect the girl, the real feeling of being protected…All kinds of emotions are flooding me in the dark at once.

“While I’m unwilling to agree with this facility designed for normies, …but, ..this feels good.”

Anyway, it has the same outstanding effect on couples and people with unrequited love.

“…Sigh, this can’t go on forever.”

It’s useless to keep standing like this. Moreover, in times like this, …it should be the guy that leads the way. Aguri-san would’ve definitely said that.

“Let’s go, Tendou-san.”

I knew that she can’t hear my voice, but I still spoke to her as I nodded. So, the movement of my headphones seems to have passed what I meant over. She nodded as well.

After I saw Tendou-san like that…I finally made up my mind.

“She chose me. If I’m still using “I’m not confident in myself” as an excuse to flee, …that’s totally wrong!”

My heart is pounding, and I have trouble breathing. Even so, …I opened my eyes in the dark to make myself more determined.

“Now’s the time! I…I’m going to confess my feelings to Tendou-san right now when we’re alone in the darkness! I’m going to use the most sincere way possible!”

The two of us held our sweaty hands tightly.

Then, we slowly stepped to the dark maze.

Karen Tendou

“A-Amano-kun is getting nervous…”

When we started to explore the maze, around 3 minutes later. Our progress can’t be any slower. After all, …to be honest, Amano-kun is really slow.

“Even though he’s an apprehensive person, …and it’s quite stiff this time…”

The slim hand that feels like that of a girl is already full of sweat. The only thing I can see in the darkness is the blue light growing from his headphones, that light is leaving afterimages when he’s looking around.

Also, when I saw he’s freaked out like this, …even I’m starting to get nervous as well.

In the end, we can’t progress in the dark.

“This maze is basically a straight road to the end with no sidewalks. While it’s quite dark, it shouldn’t take this long to go through…”

Once I thought about this, I mumbled nervously before coming to the realization.

“N-No! Karen Tendou, that’s your bad habit! Why are you acting like this is a timed competition! T-This isn’t what a date looks like!”

I immediately persuaded the gamer side of me, who’ll appear once I relaxed.

I reflected on myself before grabbing Amano-kun’s hand again. Although his body turned stiffy for a moment, after a while, he generously held mine back.


“…My boyfriend is way too adorable!”

Honestly, with this darkness, I wanted to suddenly hug him.

However, I remembered the meeting I had with Uehara-kun, so I suppressed myself.

“This is wrong, Karen Tendou! Today’s goal is still…to make our partner create an indisputable fact on their own! You’re doing all these extremely embarrassing seductions because you wanted to do that, right!”s

If I hugged Amano-kun right now, I’d be a sore loser in a sense. It’s like being baited by my opponent’s provocative actions in an online game and attacking brainlessly. Karen Tendou, you have to be able to withstand this kind of tease in love as well!

I tried my best to suppress my excitement. In comparison, to arouse Amano-kun’s emotion, I estimated the position from the headphones and gently poked his cheeks.


The blue headphones are shaking out of his nervousness…Very good.

“Alright, I’ll keep on the attacks like this!”

I made up my mind and stepped into the darkness once again.

Chiaki Hoshinomori

“M-My cheeks are getting poked!”

I freaked out at what my partner just did, so I can’t help but stop walking.

“W-W-W-W-What does this mean…! W-W-What does he mean by that?”

I stared at the partner in front of me, …the person with the blue headphones and froze for a moment.

“Eh? I-If I remembered correctly, Keita’s wearing the blue one, right?”

Although I’m 90% certain, my heart is still a bit unsure. The reason for this is because when we’re picking the headphones, another staff member showed up behind and talked to me. So, I didn’t really understand what’s going on on both sides…

“B-B-But, …Konoha chose green…and Uehara-kun picked white. I remembered these details.”

So, at least I know that the person is definitely not these two. Also…

“I feel like Tendou-san and Aguri-san wouldn’t do that to me either…”

Although I can’t confirm the color of my headphones, the person should be able to figure out that I’m Chiaki Hoshinomori with that. The only person that’ll do this after he found out who I am is…

“K-Keita is…doing this to me…”

Perhaps it’s the usual half-hearted prank. No, that’s got to be the case.

Even so, I-I’m still…!

“Y-You’re the one at fault, Keita. If you dared to do that, …then I guess it’s okay for me to be a bit more aggressive…”

My heart is pounding so fast.

I took a few deep breaths and made up my mind.


I didn’t care that the person is still a bit confused, so I grabbed the sweaty hands that I haven’t been able to feel on tightly as I stepped towards the darkness.


“…This way, when the staff members rushed here and asked me, “Do you guys want to try the newly added shuffle function?” I don’t know what the meaning of that is.”

Eiichi Mizumi


I leaned on the walls as I sighed alone. The afternoon of the holiday, everyone’s touring around the amusement park is different than me…Eiichi Mizumi. They look pretty happy.

“I mean, i