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Flash Marriage When We Met

Chapter 28
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Chapter 28 I’m Here to Help You

Monica heard his h o a rse and dull voice. It seemed he was trying hard to suppress something.

“How can a sick person take a cold shower?” She panicked immediately, rushed into the bathroom, and

saw Leo under the shower head.

“Are you stu pid or something? This will make your condition worse!”

She stepped forward and grabbed his arm, wanting to take him out. But he suddenly pushed her hard

against the wall.

Cold water fell, wetted his back, and splashed.

Soon, her clothes became wet too.

She was wearing thin pajamas, which stuck to her body as soon as she got wet, revealing her beautiful


“What…what’s the matter with you?” Only then did Monica notice that he was not sick but looked

dangerous, like a hungry lion.

His eyes were slightly red, and deep and terrifying emotions were in them like huge waves that could

destroy her forever.

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Her heart ski pped a beat, and she subconsciously wanted to run away but was held tightly in his arms.

He seemed to be an iron wall, and she couldn’t escape.

Then he kissed her passionately.

The burning touch on her lips was so crazy.

Her mind went blank, and she didn’t know whether it was because she was shy or

out of breath.

She stared at Leo dumbfounded, struggling even harder.

Even though she had never experienced that kind of thing, she knew the danger at



Chapter 28 I’m Here to Help You

this moment.

“Don’t…Leo, wake up. You promised me you… you wouldn’t touch me…””

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She pushed him with strength but only separated a little space between them.

She shivered, closed her eyes in fear, and fluttered her eyelashes slightly.

She looked like a cute and frightened rabbit.

Leo came to his sense. Seeing her trembling, he gritted his teeth bitterly.

What was he doing?


Cursing, he punched the tile hard.

A blunt sound hit her heart, making her heart tremble.

“Get out! Now!” He shouted.

He let go of Monica. She glanced at him, hesitated, and finally ran out of the


She wanted to turn around to check on his situation, but Leo closed the glass door as soon as she

turned her head.

“Don’t come in…” He sounded h oa rse and embarrassed.

She could vaguely see his silhouette and hear the sound of running water. Her

heart trembled.

He reacted too violently. Could it be…

At this moment, Monica also thought of this.

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It must be that Andrew hoped that she and Leo would sleep with each other soon, so he had come up

with such an idea.

He must be suffering at the moment. Should… Monica go in and help him?

Monica hesitated.

If she went in, could she come out innocently?



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But he was her fiancé, her man for a lifetime!

Why was she hesitating?

She clenched her fists fiercely, took a deep breath, and opened the glass door.

She saw Leo soaking in the cold water in the bathtub.

It would be too much for him even if it were summer now!

“What are you doing here?” Leo’s voice was so deep and h o ar se that she couldn’t help feeling sorry

for him.

She gritted her teeth, clenched her fists, and mustered her courage, “I… I’m here to help you…”