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First Immortal of the Sword

Chapter 1306 - Wine for a Lifetime
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Chapter 1306 - Wine for a Lifetime

Heaven and earth were silent. The atmosphere was so oppressive that it was difficult to breathe.

Daoist Master Red Cloud flashed through the air. She was already not far from Su Yi.

She carried the Ghost Scholar and Buddhist Master Red Lantern, one in each hand. “Here. They can’t struggle anymore. You can end this enmity now.”

“....” The crowd was silent. It seemed utterly absurd, as if the revenants were roosters she was offering up to be bled.

The corners of Su Yi’s lips twitched imperceptibly, and he sighed. “This is ultimately a bit... too dull.”

And here he’d planned to attack personally, using the mysteries of reincarnation to test the Ghost Scholar and Buddhist Master Blood Lantern’s strength.

Who’d have thought Daoist Master Red Cloud would capture them with such ease and deliver them to him for the slaughter?

Meanwhile, the Ghost Scholar and Buddhist Master Blood Lantern were ashamed and indignant. When had they ever suffered such an indignity!?

“It seems... this really is awfully dull,” Daoist Master Red Cloud murmured.

“Fellow Daoist, our cultivations are inferior to yours. You can kill us as you please, but you shouldn’t humiliate us like this!” the Ghost Scholar couldn’t help but hiss, his face ashen.


Daoist Master Red Cloud tightened her grip, destroying the Ghost Scholar’s soul. He’d asked for death. Wasn’t that an easy request to grant?

Buddhist Master Blood Lantern said hurriedly, “I admit defeat! Please show mercy, Daoist Master.”

His voice quavered as he spoke.

“But I killed him,” said Daoist Master Red Cloud. “Wouldn’t it be unfair if I didn’t kill you too?”


Before Buddhist Master Blood Lantern could respond, Daoist Master Red Cloud continued, “Of course it would be unfair.”


Buddhist Master Blood Lantern’s soul promptly dispersed.

Everyone who witnessed this felt their hair stand on end. Chills coursed down their spines.

Both the Ghost Scholar and Buddhist Master Blood Lantern had been among the most terrifying existences around. No one in the Impermeable Demon Ocean dared provoke them, and in life, they’d been top experts of the Path of Transcendence.

Yet now, Daoist Master Red Cloud had crushed them with casual ease, as if they were no more than ants!

“Temple Master!” the Fisherman suddenly said in a hoarse voice, “Hiding behind a woman? You’re not so tough after all. Do you dare fight me yourself?”

“....” The crowd fell silent.

Su Yi couldn’t help but laugh. How could he fail to realize that the Fisherman was scared out of his wits? Seems he’d rather risk it all against me than have her annihilate him.

Su Yi’s gaze fell on Daoist Master Red Cloud’s yellow dog. “Is that dog of yours strong?”

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The dog was instantly displeased. “Watch your mouth, you brat! Or else, see if I don’t slap you to death!”

Su Yi disregarded it and said to Daoist Master Red Cloud, “When you help someone, you have to see it through to the very end. I no longer have any interest in dealing with that old man. Have your dog do it instead.”

The dog’s eyes bulged. That punk... actually dares order me about?

The Fisherman reacted as if he’d been struck by lightning, quivering from head to toe. He’s sending a dog against me? He’s taking this too far!

But a moment later, the Fisherman turned tail and fled.

Daoist Master Red Cloud softly nudged the dog with her foot. “Go.”

The dog shuddered, glaring resentfully at Su Yi before picking up its paws and disappearing into thin air.

A moment later, an unbelievable scene unfolded before the crowd’s eyes.

Beneath the distant dome of heaven, a massive canine paw blotted out the sun. The fleeing Fisherman didn’t even have time to dodge before he was squished into a meaty paste.

“This...” Zhuang Bifan’s eyes widened.

Li Beishan inwardly gasped. Who could have imagined that even Daoist Master Red Cloud’s dog was so domineering?


The dog reappeared as if by teleportation, right in front of Su Yi. It raised and shook its paw, then said coldly, “Did you see that? One slap, and those beneath the Path of Transcendence are as fragile as paper mache. As for you... Hah! Think it over for yourself!”

Su Yi smiled and rubbed the dog’s head. “Impressive!”

“....” The dog bared its pearly canines. It longed for nothing more than to bite this bastard to death.

But it was then that Li Beishan rushed over and said with the utmost respect, “Daoist Master Red Cloud, Buddhist Master Blood Lantern and the Ghost Scholar are already dead. We cannot let their treasures fall into others’ hands. Might I be so bold as to request your permission to proceed to their lairs and attend to this?”

Daoist Master Red Cloud thought it over. “Very well.”

She then looked at Su Yi. “Do you have any other unfinished business?”

Su Yi shook his head slightly.

“Then let’s go,” said Daoist Master Red Cloud.

Su Yi beckoned to his companions, and the group set off.


In front of the stone hut.

The dog sat there, watching over a pot of dumplings in boiling water.

Daoist Master Red Cloud was on one side of her vegetable garden, plucking vibrant, fresh cucumbers, putting them in baskets, and giving them to Su Yi and his companions.

Once she was done, she turned and entered the stone hut. “I’ll go get the wine.”

Su Yi’s companions glanced at each other. This just didn’t quite feel real.

She was such a terrifying existence, yet now, she seemed like a peasant woman living simply amongst the fields. Here, she attended to everything herself.

Had they not witnessed it with their own eyes, none of them would have dared believe it.

“Grand beyond measure, yet so small as to be invisible. This Daoist Master really is an existence like a god or immortal,” sighed Zhuang Bifan.


The Netherworld King took a bite of cucumber. It was crunchy, slightly sweet, and delicious.

A moment later, her beautiful eyes widened, and she exclaimed, “This cucumber... it’s as delicious as some spirit fruits, and it's full of pure spiritual energy.”

The others were stunned, but as they sampled their cucumbers, they discovered that indeed, they were like each like a first-rate medicinal elixir. The feeling was too wondrous for words.

They could clearly sense their cultivation bases being nourished and tempered. Throughout their bodies, their pores relaxed, and they felt light and airy.

“Hicks.” The yellow dog sneered. “Starting from the moment she first planted their seeds, my mistress watered these cucumbers with water from a Pristine Spring. Once every seven days, they absorbed the chaotic qi of Five-Colored Earth. Once they bloomed, she watered them every morning with three catties of Transcendent Spirit Water. It was only after forty-nine days of this that they finally matured.

“The Impermeable Demon Ocean’s power of the Grand Dao has dried up, and it’s full of a cursed aura. Were that not the case, my mistress could grow true immortal-grade cucumbers.

“Despite the poor conditions, the cucumbers you’re holding are comparable to first-rate medicines of the Path of Transcendence. You ought to restrain yourselves a little. Don’t eat too much, or you won’t be able to withstand all that good fortune. You might even explode.”

With that, the dog rolled its eyes and paid Su Yi and his companions no further heed.

“...” The group fell silent. A dog is looking at us with deep contempt?

“A dog, that’s all. Don’t sink to its level,” said Su Yi. He sprawled out comfortably in his wicker chair, gnawing on a cucumber. His thoughts were elsewhere.

“???” The dog lowered its head, its gaze unfriendly. It wanted nothing more than to bite the brat who’d just insulted it.

But in the end, it held back.

No matter what, these were the first guests its mistress had ever invited her. No matter how fearless it might be, it wouldn’t dare cause trouble now.

Su Yi took in the vegetable garden.

It was extraordinary. It looked like it was only about ninety square feet, but it was brimming with indescribable vitality.

The cucumbers, lettuce, chives, radishes, and other plants growing there were all common sights in the mundane world. However, upon closer inspection, they could clearly sense wisps of immortal aura hovering around them.

Even the soil was full of an inscrutable, chaotic aura!

This was unquestionably far too shocking.

After eating his cucumber, Su Yi was shocked to discover that his cultivation base had noticeably improved!

When he glanced at his companions, he saw that they too were bathed in Dao Light. Their qi rumbled and boomed, and all of them swayed as if intoxicated.

Especially the Netherworld King. Shockingly, she showed signs of an imminent breakthrough!

Her cultivation base was the weakest; she was still at the peak of the Imperial Apex Realm. If she broke through now, she’d welcome her Tribulation of Heavenly Longevity. Success would bring her onto the Path of Heaven’s Ascension!

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“It’s still too early for you to break through,” said a clear, calm voice.

They then watched Daoist Master Red Cloud emerge from her stone hut and snap her fingers, instantly sealing the Netherworld King’s cultivation base. Her surging qi instantly returned to stillness.

“You can break through once you’ve fully refined the power I’ve left in your body. If you force a breakthrough prematurely, you’ll have no hope of ever stepping onto the Path of Transcendence.”

The Netherworld King rose and bowed in gratitude. “Thank you for your guidance, Senior!”

Daoist Master Red Cloud took out a jug of wine and passed it to Su Yi from afar. “This is wine I’ve kept since the End of the Dharma. I call it ‘the Years to Come.’ Please, have a sip.”

With that, she walked up to the fireplace, took out a spoon, and scooped steaming hot dumplings into a bowl, which she placed on the stone table in front of Su Yi.

Only then did she take a seat. “Let’s chat once you’ve eaten.”

Su Yi nodded. “Okay.”

The dog took all of this in, its heart full of astonishment and confusion.

This was its first time seeing its mistress treat a young stranger so well.

It was one thing to help Su Yi kill his enemies, and another to make dumplings for him personally. She’d even taken out a jug of the wine she’d kept in storage all this time!

Once, a long time ago, the dog worked up the courage to cautiously ask to sample this wine’s flavor. The result?

His mistress sent him flying with a kick.

The dog hadn’t dared covet this wine since.

It would never have guessed that its mistress would offer a jug to this Su Yi kid on their first meeting!

Don’t tell me you’re the descendant of some clan of immortals, kid? Or perhaps the legacy disciple of an immortal expert? Otherwise, why would the mistress think so highly of you?

The dog was bewildered. The way it saw things, as wondrous and taboo as the power of reincarnation was, it shouldn’t have been enough to make its mistress welcome her guests so warmly.

There had to be another reason behind all this!

Meanwhile, Su Yi opened a jug of wine, sipping it between bites of dumplings. He seemed perfectly relaxed and natural, not the least bit reserved.

The piping-hot dumplings were fragrant and amply stuffed, with thin skins. They were delicious!

One bite, and Su Yi knew that both the skins and the “chive and egg filling” were made with carefully chosen ingredients. They were obviously rare spiritual materials; they were more than just delicious. They were full of unimaginable spiritual energy, too!

But by comparison, it was the wine that was truly wondrous.

The jug was only three inches tall and carved entirely out of black jade. Su Yi estimated that it contained three cups of wine at most.

And indeed, that proved to be the case.

However, after drinking his third cup, Su Yi realized on a visceral level just how wondrous this wine was!

When the first cup of wine entered his stomach, his qi heated up, and his Grand Dao Furnace rumbled and boomed.

After the second cup, his cultivation base, soul, and physical body underwent an unprecedented cleansing and sublimation, leading to a startling transformation.

And after he finished his third cup, Su Yi felt his entire body shake, as if he’d broken an invisible barrier. His entire cultivation base soared through this opening, and he broke smoothly into the mid-stage Oneness Realm!