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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 66
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Chapter 66


I could feel Millicent shooting fireballs with her eyes. straight at my face. It took

all my strength to resist this pull to look her way.

I missed her. Without her in my life, I was a man drowning in air, and seeing her

up close last night knocked all the air out of my b*dy.

In the last four weeks, I settled for watching her from afar. Witnessing tears rolli

ng down her cheeks while she stared into the distance unseeing was the hardes

t part of it all. She was hurting because of me, and I

couldn’t do anything to take away her pain. I helplessly watched as her pain

morphed into anger each day. She hated me; I already knew that, but f**k if it

didn’t hurt hearing her slap the truth to my face.

“This plan f**king sucks,” I grumbled under my breath, wincing when Ana

pinched my arm with her stupidly long talons. She could kill me, poke my

eyeballs out with those fake nails. How does she even do her daily activities

with those on?

“You asked for my help, hmm?” She glared at me, her

big doe eyes filled with threat. She meant to intimidate me, but because she wa

s pocket–sized, she looked like a child trying to scare her father

off for not giving her an ice cream. Adorable is what she is.

I suppressed my smile, though, still hating this ‘make Millicent jealous‘ project o

f her. “Like I said, you won’t like it. She will hate you, but I’m one hundred perce

nt sure you will get her back in no time. I bet she’d be all over you before this ni

ght ends.”

“How the f**k will I get Millicent back like this?” I lowered my voice so only she

could hear me. “She clearly assumed that we were together. I can feel her

shooting fire with her eyes. Those three are probably planning my funeral by


Ana was tiny, barely reaching my shoulder, even in her skyscraper shoes. She ha

d strawberry blond hair, but the dark roots of her natural brunette hair were alr

eady showing. ‘Careful what you say about her looks,‘ Gian warned me. ‘She’d thr

ow a tantrum if you told her her blond is

fading.’ And she always wore thick makeup, especially on her eyes. She said it m

akes her eyes look bigger.

Ana was the payment for the favor I asked from Gian.

He said they were related. Up to what degree? I don’t have a f**king clue.

There’s no resemblance in their features, but I had to babysit Ana for Gian.

Yes, I hate Gian’s guts. I would rather

walk through a minefield than ask for his help. But for Millicent, I had to swallow

my pride.

Ana patted my chest, smiling as a waiter approached us and asked where we’d li

ke to sit. I groaned when Ana chose a lounge at the back of the restaurant. I’d lik

e to sit where I can see Millicent. She was having breakfast with Candice and An

drea, simply

breathtakingly beautiful in her denim shorts and fitted white top.

Settling on our seats, Ana started typing on her phone, her eyes laser–

focused on the screen. She’s on her phone twenty–four–

seven, doing only she knows what. I don’t know much about Ana. Gian thrust he

r into my care for a week now, and nothing out of the ordinary has happened, n

ot that I was wishing for it.

Knowing what I know about Gian now, that guy ate trouble for

breakfast and walked hand in hand with the dark monsters of this world all day,

then slept with a blanket of the devil at night. Everything about Gian

screamed danger. Now I wonder what sweet Ana had to do with Gian.

The server delivered our drinks. Ana ordered a latte while I settled for black coff


“Why are you always on your phone?” I asked just out of curiosity.

Ana didn’t lift her eyes from her device. “I’m not on Tinder if that’s what you’re

wondering. I’m working.”

“Working?” She looked like she was barely out of high school. Well, she was poc

ket–sized and all, so I guess I shouldn’t judge her by her size.

“Yep.” She made the ‘p‘ pop. “Look on the side,” she said without lifting her eyes

from her phone.

Millicent was walking through the lawn. The sunlight bounced on her blond hair.

She was stomping like a petulant child, clearly mad about something.

“She’s annoyed,” Ana giggled. “I’d like to see how she’d react when she sees us l

ater at her father’s party.”

I remember when Sonja confronted Millicent at Tomas Lantz’s event. A jealous M

illicent was such a


“Maybe we shouldn-”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Ana glared at me. “Did you already forget our conversation this morning? You as

ked for my help and promised to do what I say.” Brown eyes narrowing to slit, sh

e resembled a child ready to throw a tantrum. “I hate it when Gianni questions

my decision and my analysis. Don’t makehate you, D.”

I raised my hand in surrender. “Alright… alright, small.”

She picked the fry from the tray brought by the server and threw it in my face.

I chuckled while Ana’s cheeks turned beet red.

So… Here I am at Robert’s birthday party with Ana hanging from my arms once a


As expected, the party was intimate and beautiful. Robert was ecstatic to see all

of us waiting for him. Lenny brought him straight from their fishing trip. He k*ss

ed Lenny full on the mouth, adoration oozing from the two of them as they than

ked everyone who


Lenny invited close friends and family and made us

wear Stetson hats, matching the cake presented as we sang Happy Birthday. Whi

te roses arranged in a beautiful bouquet on each table offset the black and gold

theme. Robert’s baby pictures through his teen and adult life played on a wide

screen as the Beatles‘ song crooned from the speakers.

Wine and food were served. Gifts and greetings were handed to Millicent’s dad,

but all I could do all night was ogle Millicent. Tonight, she sported a white off- s

houlder dress, ankle boots, and a Stetson hat.

Millicent, ridinglike a rodeo bull machine wearing that hat and dress, has cl

uttered my head since this party started.

God. F**k. She’d scream my nwhile she con top of me. Then I’d wrap

her blond hair on my knuckles while I f**k her from behind.

I chugged down my fifth glass of whiskey, the smooth liquid warminginside.

She wouldn’t even throw a glance at me. Right now, she’s at the bar talking to th

e stable guy, Xander. I asked around about him. He moved to Clarke Bay over a y

ear ago and applied here at Summerfield Acre.

I don’t trust that Xander. He appeared too cozy

“You’d burst a vein if you don’t relax, D,” Ana

murmured, sipping her vodka lemonade. In her pink. cocktail dress, Ana tied her

blond hair with a ribbon of the scolor. She looked like a kid at a grownups‘


I answered with a groan, turning away from Millicent and Xander’s direction.

This was f**king maddening. She’s within my reach, but I can’t touch her? How is

this my life?

“How the f**k is this plan of yours gonna work? That guy is all over Millicent.”

She leaned forward on our table, eyes sweeping left to right before speaking.

“How are you so clueless? You got the beauty but no f**king brains.”

I pinned her with a glare. Ana merely shrugged. “See that chick? Millicent’s redh

ead friend?” She was

pertaining to Andrea sulking at her table with Candice and my brother–in–

law Aaron.

“What about her?”

Ana rolled her eyes. “Look closer. Xander is making

that redhead jealous; that’s why he’s talking to Millicent, and Millicent is making

you jealous by using Xander. I say that’s progress.”

“How is that a progress?!” I hissed.

She leaned back in her seat. “You know what? I’m tired of you doubting my tacti

cs. Go ahead. Why don’t you just tell Millicent why you avoided her in the first pl

ace? I bet she would understand why you had to keep her at arm’s length. She d

oesn’t seem shallow to me, D. She’d forgive you.”

“Did you think I hadn’t thought of that?” Ana raised an eyebrow, questioning my

decision as I did with her.

Yeah. It’s f**king annoying.

“She’d hateand herself. She’s better off not knowing what happened.”

“Suit yourself-” Ana got distracted by something, rather someone behind me.

“What the f**k is he doing here? I told him I didn’t want to see his face!”

Looking over my shoulder, Gian strutted through the function hall’s entryway, s

mirking atas he headed for Millicent.

Emergency calls onlyG

Chapter 66

098% #13.01

Like a lion watching its rival, I watched Gian all night. He was gloating, relishing i

n my misery as I watched him speak with Millicent so casually while I suffered h

ere in the corner.

Ana sl*pped out of the function hall as soon as she saw Gian. That was thirty mi

nutes and a century ago. I’ve chatted with a few people, trying to act as if my he

art isn’t karate chopping my breastbone in anger

and jealousy, but my brain isn’t where it should be.

I gave up trying to converse with anyone else, sulking at the corner of the bar w

here I got eyes on Millicent and Gian. I perched on my seat when Gian whispere

d in Millicent’s ears. Her back was on mine, and Gian’s eyes sparkled with mischi


‘What the f**k is he doing? He knew Millicent hatedfor ghosting her. Is he

making a move on her again?‘

When Millicent nodded. Gian placed a hand on the small of her back and whiske

d her out of the function


Dark thunder clouds loomed over my head. I was not

going to sit here while Gian worked to take Millicent away from me.

Tossing the whiskey down my throat, I slammed the rock glass on the counter; it

nearly broke into a thousand shards. Eyes zoned in on where they disappeared,

I was a bull seeing nothing but red, ready to bulldoze Gian for showing his anno

ying face here.

The air outside was cold, a stark contrast to this burning rage inside me.

They rounded the corner to the front of the villa. I only saw a glimpse of Millicen

t’s white dress. Brisk walking on my unsteady footing, I nearly tripped and fell.

‘How much alcohol did I f**king drink?‘

I reached them in the parking lot, standing on the open passenger side door of

a Trax.

Fueled by jealousy, alcohol, and annoyance, I grabbed Millicent’s hand and spun

her around. Her eyes went round, a squeal tumbling past her l*ps when I bent t

o pick her up like a sack of potatoes, throwing her over my shoulder.

“Hey! Putdown!” She landed a series of punches on my back. Gian’s laughter

as I took Millicent withwas gasoline poured into this outraged wildfire sprea

ding fast through my b*dy. “Damian! You bastard! Putdown!”

I slapped Millicent’s ass. She gasped. It was a sound of pleasure and surprise. Th

e sound I fantasied hearing every tI jacked off in the last four weeks.

F**k. My cock was surging to life.

With every punch she landed on my back, I spanked her ass. I don’t know where

I was going, nor do I f**king care. I kept walking until the music from Robert’s

party was no more, and the dimness of the night swallowed us completely. With

how drunk I was, it was a miracle I didn’t stumble on the ground.

Millicent stopped fighting

ut her down, her palms immediately collided with my cheek.

That slap soberedup from the alcohol

but not from my jealousy. Millicent slappedagain, this ton the other che


“What’s wrong with you?!” she yelled in my face. “You can’t just act like a freakin

g caveman throwingover your shoulder after you parade your new girlfriend

in front of me!” She was so worked up and we both knew what that does to me.

Her jealousy zapped all the nerve endings in my b*dy to life, sending an electric

shock straight to my dick.

Nose fiaring, I grabbed her hand when she turned her back on me, aiming to run

away again. I pulled her against me; she landed with a gasp against my chest.

“So it worked?” I said with a chuckle, securing an arm

around her waist.

The night was cold, but Millicent’s b*dy against mine was enough to keepwa

rm. She lost her Stetson hat somewhere between the Trax and here, her hair dis

heveled from being upside down on my shoulder. The moonlight bounced on he

r soft skin, making it glow.

“What?” she glared atwith furrowed brows.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“You’re jealous,” I stated, as a matter of fact, my jealousy waning.

“I’m not,” she huffed, lifting her hand between us and pushing against me. “Let g

o! Why are you even meddling with my business? Don’t you have your girlfriend

to attend to?”

“Oh, Millicent,” I sighed, pressing my forehead on hers, her breath caressing my l


I missed holding her like this. Her

scent surroundedlike a violet field. Maintaining one arm around her waist, I

cradled the back of her head and forced her to look into my eyes. “Ana… her na

“I don’t care,” she groaned, but the tension in her shoulder eased. She was still

fighting me, but her resistance was dwindling. “I still hate you.”

“Hate is such a strong word, baby.” I buried my nose in the crook of her n*eck, in

haling her intoxicating scent. I’d like to bottle it and spray my pillows at night u

ntil she gives in to me. That will do for now. “You’re mad, I get that, but you don’

t hate me.”

“I do…” she shivered as I pressed my l*ps on her pulse, melting into my arms. “…

hate you… Damian…”

My nwas a plea. I smiled, nibbling her earlobes

and biting down on her collarbone. I did this until she squirmed in my arms, un

knowingly rubbing her b*dy like a feline seeking warmth.

“Go on a date with me,” I said between k*ssing and biting her n*eck. The off–

shoulder of her dress allowed access so I could feast on her skin.

“No.” She buried her fingers in my hair, fisting.

God. I missed making out with her. I groaned at the pain that shot through my sc


“I’ll pick you up at seven tomorrow night.”

“No… oh,” she

moaned when I scraped my teeth on her collarbone. Fisting her hair, I tugged he

r head back and slammed my l*ps against hers.

She foughtat first, stubborn as ever. Then I swiped my tongue over her l*ps.

Moaning against my mouth, she gave in, allowingentry. My cock jerked again

st her hipbone the moment our tongues collided, dueling for


If she wasn’t clawing on my shoulder and back, I’d think this was still a dream, o

ne that had been in my fantasies every night since the hospital.

Pulling away for air, Millicent’s eyes were hooded and glazed over, l*ps swollen a

s she stared at me.

“Seven, hm?” I murmured, cradling her face.

“No…” she whispered, like she was having an inner battle.

“Please?” I pleaded, my eyes begging her to givea chance. She nibbled her l

ower l*p, nodding feebly. “Yeah?” I grinned, planting a k*ss on her mouth. Millice

nt bestowedwith a smile. Her cheeks were crimson, and her eyes refiected

my excitement.

“Thank f**k Ana’s plan worked.” Those words were out of my mouth before I

even realized.

Millicent’s b*dy went taut, her eyes narrowing at me. “What plan?”

“What?” I tried to backpedal on my words, but her anger was making a comebac

k in full force.

She was smart–that’s one thing I liked about her–

and she didn’t needto explain what I meant by what I said. Dark clouds gath

ered above us, and her eyes shot blades at me.

“Ugh! I can’t believe I fell for that!” She stomped on

my feet. I hissed. I think she crushed my toe. My

hold on her loosened. She broke free. Her nose fiared, and she was breathing fir

e. “I hate you!”

She turned her back on me. She was a dragon ready to burn down anyone in her


“I’ll pick you up at seven!” I reminded her, and she answeredwith a d*rty fin

ger, not even looking


I chuckled, still considering this a success.