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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 12
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Chapter 12


If not for Andrea, we would have incurred a tremendous loss on the wedding

proposal we’ve been aiming to seal. It’s for Constance Moreno, a fashion icon

and vlogger, also a good friend of Candice. I messed up the budget allocation by

a couple of hundred dollars. Good thing Andrea read the printed document and

pointed out my mistake.

She was a lifesaver.

This meeting with Damian factored into my anxiety, but a huge part cfrom

the second bouquet I received on Tuesday. I thought it was another surprise

from Damian. But the card said otherwise. It was from Hunter.

“I think you should take a day off,” Andrea suggested when we were locking the

office Tuesday night.

“And do what?” We walked side by side to the elevator. “I’ll just stress myself out

in my apartment,” 1 added as the lift carried us to the ground fioor.

“And you’ll stressout if you cin!” she murmured, her exasperation


I pinned her refiection on the lift door with a narrowed glare.

“Oh, you’re mad? I had to double-ch*ck your work today as if I were a school

teacher checking a paper, M.” Disappointment simmered in her earth colored


As the lift touched down on the ground fioor. Andrea was still pensive. We

stepped out of the building and waited for her ride. She sighed and faced me,

running her fingers through her fiery red waves. “Look, I’m sorry for calling you

brain-dead. I have to work on my patience because I know this isn’t you.”

I lowered my gaze, studying the tips of my stilettos, mulling over my entire day.

She had the right to callbrain-dead. I was out of my head. “Sorry”

Sympathy coasted her face. “What are you gonna do?”

After the delivery guy left- the sone from Monday- I stood frozen, holding

the card with Hunter’s signature. Andrea scanned what was scribbled on it and

cursed under her breath.

“Missing you.”

Two words from Hunter. That’s all it needed to rattle my entire day. I still feel

something for him. His betrayal wouldn’t sting like this if I didn’t. But

reconnecting with him was out of the question. If Natalie wasn’t in the picture, I

might reconsider. Sadly, she was.

I shrugged, gripping the strap of my messenger bag tighter. “Nothing. What’s

there to do?”

“Right,” Andrea grimaced. “I don’t usually give a piece of my mind to you, Millie,

coz you have a good head over your shoulder. But when it comes to love, smarts

don’t count.” She’d known because she went through a similar situation before

she found Nick, her beau who just rolled in in his Honda Rebel 500.

“This thing with Hunter and Andrea is still fresh, and I might not agree with your

actions… She nibbled her bottom l*p. “Maybe it’s true that the best way to get

over someone is to get under someone. And Damian is a light years upgrade

from Hunter.”

“Why are you frowning, Bambina?” Nick asked, nodding at me. I nodded back,

acknowledging him. Intricate tattoos sn*ked out from the sleeves of his fitted

black tee. If he wasn’t with Andrea, I wouldn’t cnear a mile radius of the

guy. He reeked of gangster scent. Long dark hair, thick stubbles, Wolves MC’s

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insignia on his bike, and a sion his pinky. Everything about him screams

danger. He carried a gun with him around New York like he was a cop.

Nick patiently waited for Andrea’s response, his aviator sunglasses concealing


“It’s Millie’s ex.” Andrea swung her legs over Nick’s bike, fastening her helmet.


09:19 Sat, Feb 10

Chapter 12

“Why?” Nick’s cool voice sharpened. “He’s still bothering you?”

I shrugged, not knowing how to answer that question. Hunter could do a lot of

sh it to bother me, but it was my choice to allow his stunts to rattle me. “He’s

harmless. Maybe he just realized what he’s missing” I managed to sound


Nick doesn’t buy it. His face remained stoic, voice tight with danger. “If he does,

tell me. I’ve got a place for people like him.”

Shivers coiled down my spine. I don’t even want to ask what he meant by that.

“Uhm, sure. Drive safely,” I said, bidding goodbye, and started walking to my


Despite the workload waiting forat the office. I took Andrea’s advice and

stayed home. Candice will cin today, so she won’t be planning the wedding

proposal alone. I did all the laundry, cleaned my room, scrubbed the bathroom,

and baked Italian pasta. I kept busy all day and prepared early for my dinner

with Damian.

Damian said he’d pickup at seven. The doorbell buzzed at six thirty, I did a

double take at my refiection in the full-b*dy mirror in my room. My blond hair

was in waves draping past my shoulder, and light makeup tinted my face. I wore

a high- waisted coffee-colored fiare skirt and a white tank..

I was leaning toward casual. I didn’t want to seem eager to be dating Damian.

Taking a deep breath and plastering a smile, I opened the door, my smile

dropping to a grimace. It wasn’t Damian by the door, but Hunter.

“What are you doing here?” My tone was anything but friendly. Seeing him

stirred hostile emotions in me. Anger, annoyance, confusion, and a sparkle of

hope. I hate it, but it’s there. Hope for what? I’m not sure. I wouldn’t want him

back. even if my life depended on it.

You haven’t returned my calls,” he jabbed back, his fingers messing with his

blond curls

1 listened to all his voicemails gushing the sthing. He wanted to talk to me.

I should’ve blocked him, but it gavesatisfaction knowing he’s reached out to

me, and I shut him out. Somehow, I weirdly felt in control.

Cool blue eyes traversing my face down to my bare feet. His brows curled.

“Going somewhere?”

I folded my arms, scowling, “What. Are, You, Doing. Here.”

Seeing his heartbreakingly handsface ripped open the rift in my heart I

tried to piece together since Saturday.

“Con, amore.” I loved it when he calledAmore. I bet I wasn’t the only

Amore in his life. It’s probably a code nso he wouldn’t mistakenly call

another woman’s name. “You can’t still be mad at me, are you?” he lifted a hand

to my face. 1 recoiled, slapping it away.

Mad doesn’t even cover what I felt. Looking back at our relationship these last

three months, I realized he’d been traveling more, going on out-of-town trips

when I couldn’t see him on weekends. At the stime, Natalie had

volunteered to take over vlogs outside Roslin City, too.

They’ve made a fool out ofthat long

Then, two weeks ago, I received a picture of him dining with a woman in their

restaurant in Roslin City. The photo was taken from the other side of the street,

blurry and impossible to make out the face of the woman he’s with Lasked him

about it. He said he was investigating a case. My intuition toldotherwise, so

I asked who the woman was. That’s when things started to heat up

“If you can’t trust me, then there’s no future for us, he said back then

I was too mad and too tired to even argue with him, so I just kept my mouth

shut and gave him a cold shoulder.

“I’m not mad. I’m livid. Hunter,” I stated firmaly, willing my heart to slow down.

Deep down. I’m delighted to see the longing and hesitation in his eyes. Not

because I wanted him back, but because he knew he can’t just waltz back into

my life after what he did. “Say what you cfor, or I’ll call security”

09:19 Sat, Feb 10

Chapter 12

“That’s right.” A deep voice filled the hallway. Damian stepped out of the

elevator. Like a lion, he was slick and agile as he walked to my


A lot of emotion traversed Hunter’s face. Confusion, then recognition, his face

crumpling to a scowl.

Damian tossed an arm over my shoulder, his fresh waterfall scent calming my

nerves. After k*ssing my forehead, he tipped his chin towards Hunter, matching

my ex’s death glare. Damian’s smirk was taunting, challenging Hunter to speak


“Is this why you haven’t answered any of my calls?” Hunter asked. His icy blue

eyes, which used to look atadoringly. were now judging as they bounced to

Damian and me.

“That’s on me.” Daman answered before I could. “Got a problem with that?”

Hunter’s eyes sla nted, meeting Damian’s gaze in a standoff. “You know she’s my

girl, right?”

Damian smirked. “From what I heard, she wants you out of her face, Detective


Hunter’s nose fiared, his eyes shooting daggers. “You’re just a f ucking rebound,”

his eyes slide to meet mine. His weighted. stare made my ch*st tight. I’d never

seen him this agitated. It’s like he could swallowwhole if I’d let him.

“Good night, amore,” he turned towards the elevator.

Damian stirredinside the apartment, closing the door behind us. His

expression quickly shifted to worry. He gripped my shoulder and leveled his

face with mine. “You good?”

I nodded. “Yeah,” and I wasn’t even lying. I didn’t need rescuing, but Damian’s

presence put the tension out of my b*dy.

“You sure?” Damian wanted to know.

I heaved a breath and squared my shoulder. “Yep. I’ll need shoes and my purse,

and I’m good to go.”

This will be a good distraction, and G od knows I need one right now.

Damian looked unconvinced, but straightened and offeredabouquet of

roses. I didn’t even notice he was holding one. I thanked him, put them in the

water, and grabbed my purse, shoes, and jacket.

Once in the lobby, I was startled when Damian tossed his corded arms over my

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shoulder, tuckingto his side. I glanced up at him, brows furrowed.

He leaned his mouth on the side of my head. “Your ex is lurking across the

street,” his breath teasing my skin. “F ucking creep. He murmured that last

statement to himself.

Through the glass door, I caught sight of Hunter inside the coffee shop across

the street. He occupied a booth, a single cup of coffee on his table. “I don’t

know what’s going on with him.”

“He can’t accept that you already replaced him.” We stepped out onto the street.

I curled an arm around Damian’s waist, going with the fiow. Damian gripped me


“He cheated on me. Technically, he replacedfirst.”

“I should k*ss you,” he chuckled, guidingtowards the Jeep clustered along

the lines of cars on the street side. “That’ll ward him off.”

Men and their possessive stance. I snorted. “What a bright idea. Damian.”

Sarcasm dripped like honey from my l*ps, but Damian didn’t seem to take the

hint or just ignored it. He pushedagainst the door of his Jeep when we

reached it, his eyes dark and brooding.

“I wasn’t kidding.” He bracketed my jaw, green eyes sliding from my eyes to my

l*ps, thumb sailing on them. My heart gained speed from zero to a hundred

miles per hour, my pulse galloping. His other hand slid under my jacket,

gripping the bare skin between my skirt and top. Heat Hared where he was

touching me. “I hate it.”

“What?” I wet my parched l*ps with my tongue, my brain working overtto

keep up with this conversation. Damian’s

09:19 Sat, Feb 10 M.

Chapter 12

heated gaze dropped to my mouth, a deep rumble rolling from his chest.

“Have you decided yet?”



“Yes to your deal.

Hunter showing up in my apartment was the last nail to the coffin. I don’t want

him lurking in my life, and the way he reacted to Damian earlier gavethe

final push I needed.

“Good, Damian murmured, leaning his face closer to mine. My breath hitched.

What the hell is this man doing to me? “We need to talk terms.”

“O… okay” Held captive by his intense gaze, I shifted from one high heel to

another, cheeks heating up from his proximity. and the attention we were

gaining from pedestrians on the street

“But first. Damian’s face was so close his b*dy heat was a stark contrast to the

cool surface of his car. “I need to mark my


“You do?

He smirked and removed the distance between our l*ps.