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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 48
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48. Gut feeling

Anonymous POV

I pace around my apartment feeling on edge. I’ve tried calling the bastard but he’s not

picking up

He has been quiet since he burned down Ava’s house. That more than anything scares the


out of me because I don’t know what he is planning.

If I don’t know what he’s planning then I can’t come up with a counter attack incase he

messes up

like Black Serpent.

Picking up my phone, I call one of my men.

“Boss?” Blake answers in the first ring.

“Have you been able to locate him?” I ask him.

I’m never one to worry. Never one to be anxious about things, but I was this time. I just

got this bad

fucking feeling that something was going to happen.

I couldn’t shake the feeling of doom that was wrecking havoc inside me.

“No…it’s like he’s fallen completely off radar.” He replies, making me curse. “No one has

been able

to locate him”

When I found out that the Black Serpent had been caught, I knew that I had to get rid of


It wouldn’t have been long before the police caught up to him, so I blew his brains off. I


let him lead them straight to me.

I was right after all. It didn’t take long for the cops to catch up to him. Luckily I had taken

care of

him already.

I know people like him. Mainly because he is made from the same cloth I am. If he had


caught, then he would have given me up to save his sorry ass. (1)

He didn’t have any loyalty towards me, so he would have easily given me up. I couldn’t let


happen. Not when I had worked so fucking hard to get to where I was.

Everything turned out perfectly. He died. The police lost their only advantage and I got a


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“Boss” Blake calls my name, pulling from my thoughts.

“What is it?“My mind was racing.

Like I said, this wasn’t like me, but something just didn’t feel right. I didn’t like the gut

feeling I

was getting.

“I said we’ll keep an eye out and let you know incase something turns up” he mumbles


the phone.

I grunt. “Fine. Just fucking find him. I want to know where he is ASAP” 1

I hang up the phone and continue pacing. Feeling so restless and on edge. This isn’t how


things going. Somewhere in the middle, things got mixed up and now I feel like i’m

running out of

time. Like I have a noose tied around my neck.

“Fuck!” I shout before punching the wall next me.

I just feel it. Just know that things will come undone. That every thing I’ve done. Every

secret I’ve

kept and every lie I’ve told will soon be revealed. 2

I don’t know if I’m fucking ready for that. Don’t know if I’m ready for the backlash I’m sure

to get.

Picking up my phone again, I call the one woman who has the ability to calm me down.

The one

that has always understood and stood by my side.

“Hi, mom” I greet as I sit down, trying to control my restlessness.

“Hey honey” she shouts excitedly. “It’s so good to hear from you. I’ve missed you so


At her voice, I sink into the couch. Tension leaves my body and I melt.

“I’ve missed you too mom, more than you can imagine” I mumble into the phone, feeling

like a

child again.

All my fears and worries fade away.

“Not that I don’t like hearing from you, but why did you call? Shouldn’t you be at work?”

She asks.

I don’t know how to explain that to her. How do I tell her that I called because I needed to

hear her

voice one last time before things fell apart? How do I tell her that I wanted her comfort

one last

time because I doubt I’ll get it when she finds out what I’ve done? (5


“Nothing Just needed to hear your voice” I simply answer, my voice catching at the end.

“Are you alright sweetie?” She asks concerned. It’s in her voice


I smile at the pet name she has had for me since I was kid. “I’m okay, just stressed with


That’s all”

“You work too much. You need to take a vacation or something. It’s not like you can’t

afford it” she


I hear shuffling, then the unmistakable sound of pots and pans. She was either cooking or


I can bet all my damn money that she was baking. She loved baking more than anything.

“I’ll take a vacation when things settle…there’s just so much going on right now” I partly


With the pending doom that was hanging over me, I doubt I will ever get that vacation. I’m

not a

good person. I fucking know that, but it doesn’t stop me from praying that things go my


“Fine.” She gives in. “But at least take a weekend off and just relax. It will be good for you.


clear your mind and give you a chance to look at things from a whole new perspective”



This is one of the reasons why I fucking love my mom. She has the best advices. She’s one

of the

few intelligent women I know and she doesn’t shy away from showing it.

She is right. Since there was nothing I can do right now about the hitman I hired, maybe I


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take a break. One weekend won’t hurt.

“Thanks mom…I really needed to hear that” I tell her gratefully.

I loved the woman more than life. She was just the fucking best and no words can explain


she means to me.

“Anytime sweetie, you know I love” she says after a heart beat.

“I love you too, mom” I whisper, feeling fucking emotional all of a sudden.

I was about to say more, but I’m interrupted by an incoming call.

It was Blake.

“I have to go, mom. Take care and say hi to everyone” I tell her, desperate to hear what

Blake has

to tell me.



“I will sweetie…take care and don’t be stranger” there is a hint of a smile in her voice.

After I agree, we hang up and I immediately call Blake.

“What do you have for me?” I ground. All traces of softness gone from my voice.

I hoped that he had news about Hawk. As the hitman likes to be called. He was at Ava

party and

managed to scare her. Then he burned down her house the very next day.

I asked him why he did it. Unlike what the police suspected, he didn’t do it because he

wanted to

kill her. He knew she wasn’t in the house. He did it to scare her.

He told me that he liked playing with his victims before he finally killed them. Just like a


plays with a mouse. He said he likes instilling fear in his victims before ending them.

Since then, he has been quiet. Planning. He hasn’t revealed his plan and he disappeared a


ago. I’m clueless about what he plans to do and that freaks me out.

“Well!” I snap, when after a minute or so, he still hasn’t said anything.

“We managed to trace him and by what we’re collecting, he has Ava” he says in one


The air gets stuck in my lungs, before I finally release it. I heave a sigh and stand up.

I take my gun. “Send me the location” I tell him before hanging up

It was time to finish this once and for all.

Evelyn M.M


Time for a villain to be revealed…who do you think it is? let me know in the comments.
