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Escaping my arranged marriage with Alpha Prescott by J Belladonna

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60 Matilda “Are you okay, Sis?” Avery asked as soon as she sawcoming to her room.

Her room was the best place to have a safe conversation and Mom was staying in her room after her shifting so she broughtthere.

| pursed my lips, remembering how my family wasn’t there when | walked out of the hospital room and it left a bitter taste in my mouth.

“Not that anyone cares but yes, I'm fine,” cmy snarky reply. | sat on the chair and served myself the tea from the pot.

“What are you up to, Matilda?” Mom didn’t hide her discontent. Her eyes held a suspicious emotion that | couldn't fathom.

“It turns out that I'm pregnant and going to divorce my husband soon,” | shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal, and half an hour ago, | didn’t have a breakdown because of it.

“What?” Avery's hands flew to her mouth in shock.

“Why do you want to go to the palace out of the blue?” Mom scrutinized me, gauging my expressions intently.

My divorce or pregnancy wasn’t her concern, she was least worried about her daughter.

| sighed and sipped my lemon tea. “I'm the Alpha Queen now. Shouldn't | be living in my castle?” Now that | thought of it, | wondered why my parents didn’t return to their pack instead of living in Prescott’s pack.

There was something fishy about them and my wolf was already having a bad feeling about it.

“You can take divorce from that monster and | will help you abort your child so Dylan will easily accept you,” she suggested, nodding her head in her deep thinking.

“I'm the mother of this pup and I will not let anyone kill my baby,” | said, putting the cup down a bit harshly.

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My mother took my hands in hers and started skimming her soft fingers over my skin. “Trust me, sweetheart. | want only good for you. This baby will bring nothing but more problems for you. You're my Princess and you deserve the King. Dylan is the perfect. match for you. All you need to do is abort this baby and marry him.” | let out a mirthless chuckle, retracting my hands back from her. “I would rather live alone than marry a witch King, Mom. How could you even think of marryingto Chapter 60 him? It’s against the rules. Witches and werewolves have been sworn enemies for centuries. How can | marry an enemy?” My lips curled upward as | argued with her. “Don’t tellthat you haven't told Dad about your stu pid plan,” | restrained the urge to laugh out loud.

Father would never allow this.

“What I'm going to say might be hurtful for you but | need to teach you a political perspective so you can understand better,” she began. “Darkness can’t kill darkness and just like that, hate can’t be vanished by hate. It has to be love, my dear. It might appear as if I'm being selfish but the truth is that if you marry Dylan, the war will be cancelled and many innocent lives could be saved.” “You know very well that a war costs everyone more than their weapons, and warriors, and the aftereffects of a war are the worst part. You have the power to change our species’ fate. You can marry Dylan and make him fall in love with you. Witches are always lured by beauty and luckily, you happened to be the prettiest she-wolf so make your decision like a Queen and think over it,” she added.

A crippling anxiety coursed throughas her words sank in my mind. Her explanation was vivid. It madereconsider my choices and question my decision.

Innerly, | was fighting with my conscience. A mother or a Queen? Who was going to win. this battle? The way Prescott and Lola had mockedby callinga weak Queen multiple times, | wanted to avenge my humiliation. My wolf was perturbed, she wanted to go back to Prescott and tell him the truth that he was my fated and this pup was ours.

Everyone enviedbecause | had powers and belonged to the royal family. Little did they know about the sacrifices we had to make in order to provide peace and safety amongst our kind.

Sometimes | wished that | would have been born into an ordinary family so | wouldn't have to carry the burden of the responsibilities on behalf of the whole realm.

“Matilda,” Mom snappedout of my deep thoughts and | jerked for a second.

“Why are you stoppingfrom going to the palace?” | counteracted her, changing the subject of our conversation.

Avery's face paled and she lowered her eyes, staring at her lap and fidgeting with her. fingers. She probably knew it but couldn’t speak in front of Mom.

“What is it?’ | asked her through the link.

12:02 Fri, 1 Mar G.

Chapter 60 “The palace holds so many secrets that it might be risky for you to go there,” she explained.

76% Mom swallowed an invisible lump in her throat and opened her mouth, “It’s scary to go. alone there honey. | wish | could accompany you but | need to deal with the things | had set up in the human town.” | didn’t buy her excuse. There was indeed something that she was trying to hide fromand | could guarantee that it was pretty f ucked up.

“I will not abort the child. I'm a mother first,” my voice quivered as | put my hand on the belly protectively.

“But Dylan-" “I want to meet him first before marrying him,” I told her with a grim expression.

If my marriage to Dylan could save thousands of innocent wolves, | was ready to sacrifice my freedom again.

Maybe | was born to have contract marriages only.

“You sign the papers first and we will leave for the town in the evening,” Mom suggested happily, beaming with excitement. “See you in the evening,” with that, she left.

“Matty, do you really want to marry a witch?” Avery asked in a low voice.

She was the one who cared about my heart.

“I don’t have a choice,” | suppressed my lips and feigned a grin.

“If you had said no to the marriage, she was going to forceto marry Dylan,” my little sister broke into a so b.

“What the f uck?” | exclaimed, stroking her back to calm her down. “You haven't even cof the age and he is too strong to get a hold of. | will never let that happen.” Her painful cries only intensified as she explained how Mom was training her to be the Queen in secret. | didn’t expect my mother to be so cu nning.

“Are you really going to divorce Prescott?” She asked with puppy eyes and | scowled.

| nodded my head slightly and she pulled herself back, boring her eyes into mine.

“I have seen the way he looks at you as if you're the most precious and gorgeous person he has ever seen,” my little sister said slyly, trying to save my marriage but she didn’t know that there was nothing that could save my marriage.

Mustering the courage, 1 shuffled back to the room and got those papers out of the drawer.

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12:02 Fri, 1 Mar ti G Chapter 60 “Conditions or divorce” | read the document and couldn't help but be shocked. The first clause was that | had to stay in his pack until the baby was born.

5. You have to attend Lola and my wedding without causing any trouble.

8. You will not harm Lola at any cost.

12. Matilda won't leave her room without Alpha’s permission.

13. If Matilda breaks any of the above rules, the divorce will be nullified and she will have to becthe Alpha’s concubine.

76% %% All of those conditions made my blood boil. He wasn’t settingfree, he was trying to turninto his sla ve.

What irritatedthe most was that he had already signed them.

“Haven't you signed the papers yet?” Prescott entered the room with a crooked smile on his face, looking devilishly handsas always. His ash brown hair fell over his forehead and his earthy oak scent stirred my heart.

| hated the way he could still affect me. | hated his handsface, stu pid dimple, and those mesmerizing misty gray eyes.... | hated everything about him.

“You're delusional if you think that I will sign these papers,” | bellowed, tearing the papers into pieces and throwing them on his face.

“You don’t have a choice, Matilda,” he growled menacingly.

“If I can make you the Alpha King, | can sn tch your position, too,” | tsked, “You're trapped in your own game, Prescott.” “As long as Lola is by my side, | don’t care about the position and power,” he mentioned. his ex's nso softly that my heart burned with jealousy.

He never showed that love and concern for me. | hated the way he loved Lola and turned a blind eye to me. | will make sure that he would see her true colors and then, | will leave him when he would be beggingfor forgiveness.

“I, Matilda Spencer White, Alpha Queen, hereby reject you as my King. | sn atch the royal title from you, and give up on the title of your Luna, Alpha Prescott,” | used my royal command and the rejection took place as we both clutched our chests with our hands.

“1, Alpha Prescott White, gladly accept your rejection,” he muttered through gritted teeth after the pain subsided.

“Why don’t you reject him as your second chance mate, too?’ Lola's mocking voice rang in my mind.

Fri, 1 Mar tr Chapter 60 76% | just rejected being the Luna of his pack, then, how on earth was she capable of mind- linking to me? 5/5 0 SEND GIFT 0 COMMENT