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Echoes of Unrequited Love

Chapter 72
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Chapter 72

Cecilia was over the moon after hearing my explanation and immediately rang up Hogan. Through the glass

door, the cheerful ups and downs of the girl's sweet and glutinous voice spilled out non-stop.

It was a stark contrast to her earlier stance, where she was givingthe stink eye from outside the pantry.

For sreason, | felt like I'd dodged a bullet.

Thank goodness it didn’t turn into a complete circus.

That would've just slowed down my money-making.

Speaking of which, after | sent the lovey-dovey pic to Hogan, he promptly wiredanother 2 grand.

Listening to the howling north wind outside the window, | called up my uncle.

“I got paid today, uncle. Swing by my place tomorrow, | wanna pick up a couple of new outfits for auntie.”

He was a real softie when it cto my aunt Grace, and he was always gfor spoiling her with new clothes.

We agreed to meet up at the mall.

But wouldn't you know it, Hilary called shortly after.

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“Xaviera, we're out of skincare products at home, are you free tomorrow? Joinfor a shopping trip?”

| told her straight up, “Sorry, Mrs. Hilary, I've already got plans.”

Hilary let out a disappointed sigh, “Ah well, sother tthen,” and hung up pretty decisively.

She probably thought | was blowing her off on purpose and got miffed.

Back in the day, | might've sweet-talked her a bit, but now, it just doesn’t fit.

Bright and early the next day, | showed up at the mall as planned and browsed through the men’s and kids’


Ended up getting a thick brown men’s down jacket and paid for it.

As | turned around, there were Sibyl and Cecilia right behind me.

Sibyl has a good memory, greetedwith a smile, and Cecilia cover all nosy, “Xaviera, picking out a coat

for Professor Yearwood?”

| just smiled and didn’t answer, ready to bounce, but then Sibyl went, “Ms. March, do you



Chapter 72

kids at home?”

| was taken aback, and as | looked at Sibyl, her eyes were shining bright on the kids’ clothes in my shopping bag.

“It’s for a relative’s kiddo.”

Sibyl doled out a compliment. “Ms. March, you're not just a looker but have a heart of gold too.”

| didn’t make much of it, remembering the tI'd set with my uncle, exchanged a few pleasantries, and split.

In the background, | caught a bit of Sibyl and Cecilia’s convo.

“Cecilia, you are fair and lovely, and Hogan's such a catch. The baby you two would have is going to be a


Cecilia playfully retorted. “Mom, don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“It’s only a matter of time, and not to nag, but you gotta put in seffort to speed things up. After all, which

guy doesn’t indulge a little.”

Sibyl spilled such private beans in public, but her point was crude yet true. Even a straight-laced guy like Hogan

has his needs.

Was he holding back with her and looking toto fill that void?

The thought tookback to the blackout last night, and | smirked at myself.

Half an hour later, | was anxiously calling my uncle from the mall entrance.

He couldn't find his way in.

“Don’t worry, just stay put, I'm coming to find you.”

The mall was bustling with sevent, and it was easy for my uncle, unfamiliar with the place, to get lost.

The more | thought about it, the more | regretted suggesting we meet there.

As | passed the elevator, lost in thought, | missed a step and twisted my ankle.

A sharp pain shot up from my foot, and | scrunched my eyebrows, fighting through the pain as | stepped off the
