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Echoes Of a Forsaken Heart

Chapter 3
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Chapter 3

Natalia felt as if she was encased in a tomb of ice. She saw the subtext in Hamilton’s words all too well.

A simple nod from her, and he wouldn’t stand in her way. Hamilton didn’t care whether she stayed or

left at all.

She harbored no romantic feelings toward Victor. In the past, she would have rejected him

without hesitation.-

But today, a rebellious streak surged within her. She was tired of Hamilton’s indifference. Her hand

gravitated to her belly unconsciously. She didn’t want to use the baby to force Hamilton into


It was just a game, after all. Talking of responsibility seemed so out of place.

Besides, Hamilton wasn’t the kind of man she could corner. It wasn’t as if she absolutely needed this


But if not this one, what about the next? Hamilton had been meticulous about contraception. He took

great care to avoid pregnancy at all costs, always using protection, except for last month, when things

got rough, and the condom broke.

But he had her take emergency contraception immediately afterward. However, that pill hadn’t stopped

this baby from coming.

She knew, this baby wasn’t going to be kept. But who could guarantee that if she didn’t keep this one,

another wouldn’t come along?

She had already spent her youth on him and didn’t want to sacrifice her health as well.

She had saved some money for her mother’s medical bills so far. And she didn’t want to waste any

more time with him. She had been undecided before. But now that he brought it up, she didn’t want to

back down anymore.

She looked up into Hamilton’s eyes. “So, if I agree, I can leave with Mr. Henkel?”

Hamilton’s eyes narrowed sharply. “Looks like Ms. Jenkins is indeed interested in that proposition?”

With a bitter smile, Natalia uttered words she never thought she’d say. “If Mr. Henkel’s offer is more

attractive, I’ll consider it.”

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“Crash!” The sound of a glass tumbling off the table and smashing onto the floor sliced through the

quiet of the room.

Hamilton’s gaze was frosty, yet his face remained impassive.

Those who knew him understood that he was furious.

“So Ms. Jenkins‘ heart has already shifted allegiance?” After a cold laugh, he continued, “In that case,

Ms. Jenkins, you may as well process your resignation tomorrow.”

Chapter 3

“Sure,” Natalia said with a smile, standing up.

“Enjoy your drink, Mr. Fowler. I’m feeling a bit tired, so I’ll be leaving.”

She didn’t look back at Hamilton. She feared that one glance would make it too hard to leave.

That man she had hidden in her heart for so many years. Just one look from him could make her walk

through fire.

Her boldness tonight could be chalked up to a momentary impulse. But she wouldn’t regret it.

And she wouldn’t allow herself to regret.

She couldn’t keep sinking beside him while he remained a mere spectator, watching her fall deeper,

unable to extricate herself.

After Natalia left, an eerie silence fell over the room.

Hamilton was as cold as ice.

Victor suddenly felt something was amiss.

Alden glanced at his brother nervously, realizing the previous joke had gone too far.

Their friends were silent, not daring to speak as well.

Only the young actress beside Hamilton tried to seize the opportunity to climb the social ladder.

“Mr. Fowler, you’d be better off without such a disobedient woman.”

“Get out.” His voice was calm but chilling.

The actress was taken aback, “Why are you still angry-”

“Get out!” Hamilton, usually composed, now had a hint of red in his eyes.

Terrified, the actress backed away. “I’m sorry, Mr. Fowler. I’ll leave.”

After she left, the other women made their exits, leaving the group of men behind.

Alden regretted the joke he had made earlier.

Hamilton’s face bore a mask of indifference. “I don’t lack for a manager. Mr. Henkel, if you want her,

you can have her.”

Victor chuckled nervously, suddenly not daring to agree.

If he couldn’t see something was up between Hamilton and Natalia by now, he’d be a fool.

“Come on, it was just a joke. Who would dare to take Mr. Fowler’s employee?”

His words didn’t soothe Hamilton, but only darkened his mood further.

Yes, no one dared to take Hamilton’s employees. But it didn’t stop someone from no longer wanting to

be one of them.



Chapter 3

Natalia left the Crest Club and hailed a cab back to her parents‘ house. Ever since her mother got sick

three years ago, she had seldom visited.

Her stepfather, Graham Jenkins, had a temper and was often drunk, lashing out at her and her


Natalia had urged her mother more than once to divorce him. But her mother never had the nerve to do


Until that night three years ago when her mother went to pick up a drunken Graham, and he pushed

her out into the street in a quarrel. Since then, Graham had worsened, often going days. without

returning home. When he did, he was drunk to the point of collapse.

Natalia had hoped Graham wouldn’t be home tonight. But not only was he there, he had brought

another woman home.

Standing at the front door, listening to the sounds of her stepfather and the woman inside, Natalia’s

hand holding the keys went stiff.

Suddenly, nausea surged within her. She fought the urge to vomit, turned, and walked downstairs. Only

on reaching the ground floor did she start to feel a bit better.

She hurried out of the complex and found a nearby hotel to check into. After a shower, she pulled out

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her phone and texted her best friend, Scarlett.

[Tomorrow at work? Can you schedule a check–up for me?]

Scarlett replied quickly.

[Feeling unwell?]

Natalia hesitated for a moment.

[I think I might be pregnant.]

Then Scarlett’s call came in like a clap of thunder.

“Holy smokes! Natalia! What’s going on with you? Got yourself a boyfriend?”

Staring at the ceiling. Natalia paused for a moment before replying. “Nope.”

“What do you mean ‘nope‘? Then how the heck did you end up pregnant? Don’t tell me you had a one–

night stand gone wrong. Oh my God, Natalia, you’ve changed. You’re not my sweet little angel


Natalia couldn’t help but chuckle. “Cut the drama, will ya? Let’s talk turkey. I need you to schedule me a


“But seriously, what’s the deal here?” Scarlett pressed.

Natalia thought for a second. “Just a long–term fling, I guess.”

“Does he know?”



Chapter 3

“I’m not planning to tell him.”

“Natalia, don’t be a fool. Don’t carry the world on your own shoulders. Pregnancy is a big deal, and if

it’s that guy’s doing, he needs to step up and take responsibility!”

There was a two–second silence before Natalia added softly. “I’ve already decided to break it off with


Scarlett felt a mix of anger and disbelief welling up, struggling to breathe out the words, until she finally

burst out. “That bastard! I curse him to be barren for all his days!”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!