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Echoes Of a Forsaken Heart

Chapter 12
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Chapter 12

Hamilton sidled up to Natalia, his large hand casually wrapping around her waist. A smirk. played on

his lips, but his eyes were a chilly expanse of ice. “What’s got you so tickled pink? Mind sharing the


Natalia offered a strained smile. “Mr. Henkel was just saying your old flame’s coming back to town.”

Hamilton chuckled lightly, not bothering to pick up the thread of that conversation. Instead, he prodded,

“And do you find this cause for giggles, Ms. Jenkins?”

Natalia felt a heavy knot in her stomach. What was she supposed to do, not smile? It’s not like she

could grab Hamilton and wail about why he could pine for a past flame but not give her the time of day.

She prided herself on being more self–aware than that.

“I was just happy for Mr. Fowler,” she said.

Hamilton’s expression darkened. “Well, I’m just overwhelmed by your thoughtfulness.”

Victor watched the sparring pair and couldn’t help but laugh. “Hey, Fowler, when your old flame shows

up, give me a heads–up. I’ll take Ms. Jenkins off your hands. That way, it’s not like I’m poaching, right?”

The hint of a cold smile flickered across Hamilton’s brooding face.

“What’s this? You two cooking up a scheme?”

“No!” Natalia blurted out, a bit too quickly.

Victor might not care about Hamilton’s opinion, but Natalia had to.

“I’ve already turned Mr. Henkel down.”

But Victor seemed unbothered. “Don’t be so hasty to refuse, Ms. Jenkins. Sometimes you gotta taste a

few dishes to know which one really satisfies your cravings,” he said, leaving them with that thought.

Natalia’s face soured. She suspected Victor was just trying to get back at her. “Mr. Fowler, I really don’t

have those kinds of feelings for him.”

Hamilton swirled the liquor in his glass, his expression unreadable.

“Isn’t it just about the money for you, Ms. Jenkins? Why isn’t Victor up to snuff?”

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Her smile faded, the corners of her mouth turning white with the effort to keep the bitterness at bay.

“Three years with Mr. Fowler, my standards have naturally risen.”

Hamilton was unimpressed, his gaze heavy on Natalia.

“Ms. Jenkins, once our contract’s up, you can be with whomever you please. But until then, I



Chapter 12

don’t want to catch you making eyes at any other man!”

She nodded stiffly, her spine rigid.

For the rest of the event, Hamilton ignored Natalia, his attention demanded elsewhere. Women, one

after another, sought him out..

Natalia sat in the corner, feeling a weariness that seeped into her bones.

Rumors of Hamilton’s first love did take their toll on her, despite her attempts to rationalize her feelings.

It hurt because, after all these years, he was still the one she loved.

The gala dragged into the night.

When they finally left, the chauffeur was waiting by the car. Hamilton seldom used a driver; he

preferred to be in control, behind the wheel. Men with an overbearing need for control didn’t usually do

well with the unpredictable love.

That’s why Natalia always thought Hamilton couldn’t possibly have a first love. Yet, she was wrong.

Maybe he could handle being out of control, just not with her.

The car pulled up at their building, the driver long gone. Inside, Hamilton, slightly tipsy, leaned back to

rest his eyes.

“You okay?” Natalia asked tentatively.

Without opening his eyes, Hamilton pulled off her shawl and nipped at her shoulder.

“Mmm,” she moaned softly, biting back a sharper pain. “Mr. Fowler, I can make you some coffee to

sober up.”

Instead, Hamilton tightened his grip, pulling her close. “Was chatting with Victor that delightful?”

She tensed. “It wasn’t.”

“And yet you laughed so joyfully with him?”

“It was just basic courtesy,” she replied bitterly.

Hamilton let out a low chuckle. “Such good manners, Ms. Jenkins.”

She fell silent as his kisses trailed from her shoulder to her chest. The designer dress she wore. didn’t

survive the night; it was torn beyond repair.

“Mr. Fowler, can we not tonight?”

He grasped her chin. “Why? Because of Victor? Are you saving yourself for him?”

Natalia realized just how much her few words with Victor had irked Hamilton. It was almost laughable–

he didn’t love her, yet he was possessive to a maddening degree. It seemed to be a common flaw

among men: their toys could be ignored, but heaven forbid anyone else touch them.

“Can you just… be gentle? I’m really tired,” she asked.

Hamilton’s lips quirked. “You could always ask nicely.”

The car shook with their fervor.

Natalia endured Hamilton’s passion, cradling her belly protectively. When it was over, he carried her

inside with a semblance of tenderness.

When they got home, Hamilton carried her straight into the bathroom. He managed to clean them both

up before tucking her into bed.

Natalia felt a dull ache in her stomach, but Hamilton didn’t seem satisfied. He resumed his attentions,

more insistent than before.

She pushed at him weakly. “Mr. Fowler, I’m truly exhausted.”

He just wedged his knee between her legs, leaving her no room to resist.

In the thick of their passion, his phone rang–an interruption he usually despised. Irritably, he checked it,

but to her surprise, he didn’t snap. His mood shifted, and he lost interest.

Wrapping a robe around himself, he stepped out with his phone, leaving Natalia alone with her

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thoughts–empty for a moment, as if she didn’t know what to feel anymore.

Who could be calling Hamilton at this hour? What could be so important?

And her stomach, was their passion too rough? Could it have caused harm?

But soon enough, Hamilton was back. He made a beeline for the walk–in closet and emerged shortly

after, fully dressed.

“I’ve got to step out for a bit.”

“Okay.” Natalia responded without even looking at him. As he was about to leave, she asked, “Will you

be back?”

“Not tonight,” replied Hamilton.

“Mr. Fowler.” Natalia suddenly called out to him, fear edging her voice.

Fear for the baby inside her.

Fear of being alone if something happened.

Hamilton furrowed his brow and asked, “What is it?”

“Can you stay-” She was cut off by the ringing of Hamilton’s phone.

“Whatever it is, it can wait until later.” He glanced at his phone but didn’t answer it. Instead, he just

walked out.

Hamilton gone, Natalia lay down and hugged her belly, trying to avoid her thoughts, not letting herself

worry too much. Just praying that the baby was alright.


Chapter 12

But prayers did nothing to ease the discomfort in her lower abdomen, a persistent, dragging pain.

She grabbed her phone and called her friend Scarlett.

“Get Hamilton to take you to the hospital! I’m on my way there now.”

“He’s not here. I’ll take a cab.”

“What do you mean he’s not there? Didn’t you two just…?”

Natalia fell silent for a moment and then said, “I don’t know… He left after.”

Scarlett cursed loudly. “That son of a gun, I swear, I could just castrate him!”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!