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Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue

Chapter 1973
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Landon lowered his head with a bashful look. He confessed, "I'm the one who's worried that you might not want to attend." Choking on emotions, Cyrus went up and offered him a hearty hug.

When Landon entered the car, he saw Lauren leaning her head against the car window and wrapped in the blanket while getting sshut-eye. In her feeble condition, she had pushed her limits by embarking on this outing even with the help of a wheelchair.

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"The window is chilly. Crest your head here." He opened his arms and pulled her into an embrace. Then, he rubbed his chin on top of her head.

The car cruised toward the hospital.

Leaning against Landon's chest, Lauren suddenly cast a puzzled look at him upon feeling something solid in his suit.

"Does it bother you?" After shesitation, he retrieved Angelina's diary from within his jacket.

Lauren's eyes, red from crying, widened in surprise. She recognized the notebook as Angelina's diary. One night, she couldn't fall asleep as Landon was on a business trip, and she wandered to Angelina's room, only to accidentally run into Angelina writing in the pink notebook. Upon seeing Lauren, Angelina hurriedly put the notebook away with a blush.

"Lauren, this is Angelina's diary." He held his breath and handed her the notebook solemnly. "I do not want to hide her feelings forfrom you." Lauren lowered her gaze but did not accept the notebook. After swiggling underneath her blanket, she reached for her phone and typed in the notes app. "I know. Angie has always loved you." His pupils wavered in shock. Feeling his throat clamming up, he demanded. "Lauren, how did you know? Did she tell you?" Shaking her head softly, she typed, "I had the chance to know her better after spending twith her every day. She took care of me. Landon, you were with her every day. Couldn't you tell? You can't conceal feelings of love. I knew about her feelings long ago." Gaping speechlessly, Landon agreed that feelings of love were hard to be concealed. He wondered if he had ever been attentive to Angelina because he had failed to pick up her feelings. Lauren quickly wiped away a teardrop that fell on her phone screen. "Angie had been confessing her love to you all the years simply through staying by your side." A silent companionship spoke volumes.

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Amber had been silently waiting at the cemetery since early morning. She watched the funeral and participated in the entire procession from afar.

Finally, she laid a bouquet of white daisies by the tree. When she rose, her cheeks were stained with tears.

Amber shared Angelina's fate, but Angelina was luckier, having served a man worthy of sacrifice.

Meanwhile, Amber realized she had been resigned to a tragic fate the moment she decided to follow Jameson. She had no way of getting away from him.

Just as she was about to leave, she sensed her cold hand engulfed in varmth. The next moment, Smeone pulled hard, causing her to tumble backward. Her back collided with a solid chest. Content elongs to englishPanicking, she struggled in vain to break free, like a captive butterfly fluttering its wings.

"Trying to get away?" Axel whispered hoarsely into her reddened ears.

"Of course..." Their bodies pressed together, and she felt his warmth against her waist. "I wasn't supposed to be here in the first place." Her words amused him. He callously arched a brow, as if toying with his captive butterfly "tooka while to catch you. I won't let you go until we've had sfun."