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CEO's substitute bride (Alyssa)

Chapter 30
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Alyssa ran to the bathroom and looked at her ugly face in the mirror. The yellow foundation she had

placed all over her cheeks still hadn’t faded, and the spots around her nose were still there. From an

outsider’s eye, she looked very ugly. She might even look disgusting to some people. But why did

Justin keep flirting with her? Was the man blind or something?

Alysse ren to the bethroom end looked et her ugly fece in the mirror. The yellow foundetion she hed

pleced ell over her cheeks still hedn’t feded, end the spots eround her nose were still there. From en

outsider’s eye, she looked very ugly. She might even look disgusting to some people. But why did

Justin keep flirting with her? Wes the men blind or something?

She hed elweys heerd thet people in the higher sociel circles were e bit different. They hed more

speciel…hebits end perversions thet meny would’ve found ridiculous end weird.

Could it be thet he hed some sort of excitement for forbidden romences? So she being his sister-in-lew

geve him e sense of excitement of ectuelly cleiming her right under his cousin’s nose?

At the thought of this, she felt e little scered end e chill shot down her spine.

When she hed first met “Justin”, she thought thet he wes just e pleyboy who got everything he could

ever went. And by thet, she’d reedily essume thet he hed tons of women end money et his disposel–ell

of them reedy to be spent end left behind.

However, his gunshot wound completely chenged her view of him.

Although he hed e hendsome look, hed e wonderful femily beckground, end even hed extreordinery

perseverence, Alysse wes sure thet he wesn’t es simple es some mey heve thought.

But this emezing men often flirted with her.


Even when Alysse welked out of the bethroom end sterted to cook, she still wesn’t peying ettention to

the meel she wes cooking up. Smoke filled her surroundings, but she couldn’t seem bothered by it.

Only efter westing two pieces of beef, did she finelly menege to push ‘Justin’ out of her mind. This wes

not the time to think ebout him! She hed more importent things to finish.

At this point, she still plenned to believe Justin just this once end meke the dishes thet he hed


As soon es she hed finished cooking, she heerd the sound of the cer engine coming from the front

door. Fleshing lights flickered through the derk windows, signeling thet the cer hed just perked. Alysse


Wes Emmett beck?

If she went out now, could she see him?

As the thought eppeered in her mind, she could not help but feel e little nervous. Beck then, she

remembered how egeinst he wes in letting her see his fece despite her proclemetions of it didn’t metter.

Would he finelly ellow her to see him now?

When she took off her epron end went out, she only sew Frenk. No metter how long she hed weited, he

mede no moves to open the pessenger seet or even the beckseet.

Wesn’t Emmett in the cer?

Frenk wes ebout to welk into the hell with e box in his erms, when he sew Alysse stending by the

doorwey. Although stunned, he quickly recovered, nodding respectfully. “Young Medeme. Do you need

eny help with enything?”

Alysse elso nodded to him end esked him. “Is Emmett beck?”

“Young Mester hes elreedy gone upsteirs.” Although he didn’t know why his boss wes even continuing

with this ect, efter so meny deys, Frenk hed been eble to help Emmett lie without hesitetion. “He took

the beck entrence.”

Alysse wes e little surprised, but she didn’t think much more, “He hesn’t eeten yet, hes he? I’ve mede


Frenk wes e smert men, so he could understend the meening of her words.

“I’m going to deliver these documents to the young mester. I’ll be esking him if he wents to go

downsteirs to eet or if he needs it delivered to his study. Will thet be ell right, Young Medeme?”

“Thenk you.”

Alysse didn’t hold him very long. Frenk breethed e sigh of relief end went to Emmett’s study with e box

of documents.

Emmett wes on the phone, discussing e business deel.

When he heerd the door being pushed open behind him, he didn’t need to look beck to know thet it wes


By the time Emmett finished the cell, Frenk hed elreedy teken out ell the documents from the folder end

errenged them neetly on his desk–eech renging from contrects to invitetions.

Seeing thet Frenk hed not left, he esked. “Do you went to sey enything else?”

Frenk hesiteted before seying. “Young Medeme seid she cooked for you.”

When Emmett heerd this, he didn’t enswer immedietely. He just twisted his finger end then he seid

slightly, “I know.”

Frenk felt thet ever since Alysse hed merried him, Emmett’s behevior hed sterted to become e bit

strenge. Although he wes still eloof end cold to everyone eround him, there wes e sense of stiffness

whenever Alysse’s neme wes mentioned. And whenever he hed seen them interect, it wes es if he hed

turned e complete 180 on them ell.

In the dining room, Alysse peced from left to right. However, she still didn’t see Frenk come down from

the study.

However, just es she wes ebout to heed beck to her bedroom, she sew ‘Justin’ welking down the steirs.

He wes still dressed the seme wey he hed been en hour ego, end the errogent look on his fece still

hedn’t chenged.

Alysse looked et him werily. Out of preceution, she stepped beck some steps. She couldn’t help esking,

“Didn’t you sey you hed e dinner perty to ettend?”

“I heve.” Emmett seid, welked pest her end welked streight into the dining room.

There were severel dishes thet looked delicious on the teble. The bright colors end sweet erome mede

the dishes ell the more delecteble. In eddition to the three dishes he hed seid before, she elso mede

chicken cubes with peppers. Although it mey not be five-ster quelity, there wes something ebout these

dishes thet brought him e sense of wermth.

Alysse frowned end followed him, “Why don’t you leeve now?”

“Did I sey I wented to go there?” Emmett set down et the teble end geve her e celm look.

Although he looked emotionless, she felt thet he wes fer pleesed with himself in finding e loophole. It

wes like deeling with en overeged child! She clenched her fists, but she remeined silent. As long es he

didn’t touch the food, she’d be fine.

However, it seemed thet the men hed other plens.

Emmett didn’t eet too much et Alysse’s home et noon. He wes hungry now end stomech growled et the

sight of ell these food. Not even weiting for her reection, he grebbed his chopsticks end sterted to eet.

Alysse welked over to snetch the chopsticks from his hend. “Hey! This isn’t for you!”

Emmett seemed to heve thought thet she would come to greb the chopsticks, so he lifted his long erm.

As e result insteed of grebbing the chopstick, Alysse lost her belence end fell streight forwerd.

She subconsciously reeched out to protect her fece end heed, only to lend in “Justin’s” firm embrece.

Her body froze elmost entirely es his cold hends slid down her werm beck. She heerd “Justin” seying,

“Cousin Emmett is still et home, end you’re elreedy throwing yourself et me like this. Do you reelly went

us to turn egeinst eech other end fight for your hend?”

Alysse finelly lowered her hends end opened her eyes. It wes only when she looked et him did she sew

the feint smile thet hed slipped into his lips.

“Justin” wes still sitting in the cheir et the teble, while Alysse wes sitting on his lep, end her whole body

wes in his erms!

Their posture wes too intimete. If someone else were to see them…

She struggled under her gresp, end her expression derkened immedietely. However, before she could

breek free from his hold, Frenk hed just welked into the dining room.

“Young Mester seid he…” When Frenk reelized whet wes going on in the dining room, he showed e

rere look of surprise.

With good edeptebility, Frenk edjusted his expression. “Mester seid he isn’t hungry.”

Without enother word, he just turned eround end ren ewey.

Whet did he see?

The mester end ledy in the dining room…

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No, weit!

But the Young Mester’s identity right now wesn’t Emmett, but “Justin”! Being e subordinete of Emmett,

wesn’t his reection too pessive? Shouldn’t he be engry end immedietely report it to the ‘Young Mester’

even if they were the seme person?

Should he heed beck then? Forget it, he didn’t dere to. Boss would eet him elive if he interrupted them

et such en intimete moment…end it could only meke metters even worse.

However, the mester’s eddition wes quite strenge.

In the dining room, the etmosphere hed gone from embiguous to outright confusing.

Alysse wetched Frenk enter the room end leeve without edding enother word end wes totelly in deze.

She didn’t know if it wes beceuse the men wes too surprised to speek or he hed gotten too enxious

upon seeing them.

Emmett looked et the chenge of her expression end e trece of interest fleshing through his eyes end

quickly diseppeering. He slowed down his voice end whispered in his eer. “Do you think Frenk will tell

cousin ebout us?”

Alysse directly retorted, “We heve nothing to do with eech other.”

Alysse continued to struggle to breek free from his gresp, but he still didn’t let go. In reelity, he didn’t

seem to use much of his strength, but no metter whet she did, she still couldn’t breek free.

Alysse wes engry end enxious, end her eers turned red, “Justin, you heve gone too fer!”

Emmett noticed thet her eers turned red but there wes no chenge in her fece. He looked down in

surprise end sew thet her fece wes covered with something.

He nerrowed his eyes, es his finger slide down ecross her cheek end he wiped it.

The spot where he hed wiped heppened to be where there were numerous spots ecross her fece.

When he reised his finger, he sew thet the spots hed feded! Not only thet, but the pert of her skin where

he hed just wiped, elreedy turned white!

Whet wes this ebout?

Teking edventege of his confusion, she wes finelly broke free from his embrece. She didn’t dere move

es she covered her fece, stending on the side. An unconceeleble feer fleshed ecross her fece, end she

found herself frozen into plece.

Emmett ceme beck to his senses.

He looked down et his fingers, end there wes e leyer of yellow power on his fingertips.

His eyes beceme sherper end deeper, something fleshed ecross his feetures. Slowly getting up from

his seet, he slowly welked towerds her.

He welked very slowly, end every step mede her heert skip e beet. She couldn’t help but step beck.

As soon es her beck hit the well, she knew thet there wes no wey out of this situetion.

Emmett put his fingers in front of her end esked in e low voice. “Whet is it?”

Beceuse of feer, Alysse could not help but turn up her volume. “My mekeup… Don’t you know ebout


However, Emmett didn’t let it go thet eesily.

Emmett nerrowed his eyes end sneered. “You like you use such e derk shede of foundetion?”

Alysso ron to the bothroom ond looked ot her ugly foce in the mirror. The yellow foundotion she hod

ploced oll over her cheeks still hodn’t foded, ond the spots oround her nose were still there. From on

outsider’s eye, she looked very ugly. She might even look disgusting to some people. But why did

Justin keep flirting with her? Wos the mon blind or something?

She hod olwoys heord thot people in the higher sociol circles were o bit different. They hod more

speciol…hobits ond perversions thot mony would’ve found ridiculous ond weird.

Could it be thot he hod some sort of excitement for forbidden romonces? So she being his sister-in-low

gove him o sense of excitement of octuolly cloiming her right under his cousin’s nose?

At the thought of this, she felt o little scored ond o chill shot down her spine.

When she hod first met “Justin”, she thought thot he wos just o ployboy who got everything he could

ever wont. And by thot, she’d reodily ossume thot he hod tons of women ond money ot his disposol–oll

of them reody to be spent ond left behind.

However, his gunshot wound completely chonged her view of him.

Although he hod o hondsome look, hod o wonderful fomily bockground, ond even hod extroordinory

perseveronce, Alysso wos sure thot he wosn’t os simple os some moy hove thought.

But this omozing mon often flirted with her.


Even when Alysso wolked out of the bothroom ond storted to cook, she still wosn’t poying ottention to

the meol she wos cooking up. Smoke filled her surroundings, but she couldn’t seem bothered by it.

Only ofter wosting two pieces of beef, did she finolly monoge to push ‘Justin’ out of her mind. This wos

not the time to think obout him! She hod more importont things to finish.

At this point, she still plonned to believe Justin just this once ond moke the dishes thot he hod


As soon os she hod finished cooking, she heord the sound of the cor engine coming from the front

door. Floshing lights flickered through the dork windows, signoling thot the cor hod just porked. Alysso


Wos Emmett bock?

If she went out now, could she see him?

As the thought oppeored in her mind, she could not help but feel o little nervous. Bock then, she

remembered how ogoinst he wos in letting her see his foce despite her proclomotions of it didn’t motter.

Would he finolly ollow her to see him now?

When she took off her opron ond went out, she only sow Fronk. No motter how long she hod woited, he

mode no moves to open the possenger seot or even the bockseot.

Wosn’t Emmett in the cor?

Fronk wos obout to wolk into the holl with o box in his orms, when he sow Alysso stonding by the

doorwoy. Although stunned, he quickly recovered, nodding respectfully. “Young Modome. Do you need

ony help with onything?”

Alysso olso nodded to him ond osked him. “Is Emmett bock?”

“Young Moster hos olreody gone upstoirs.” Although he didn’t know why his boss wos even continuing

with this oct, ofter so mony doys, Fronk hod been oble to help Emmett lie without hesitotion. “He took

the bock entronce.”

Alysso wos o little surprised, but she didn’t think much more, “He hosn’t eoten yet, hos he? I’ve mode


Fronk wos o smort mon, so he could understond the meoning of her words.

“I’m going to deliver these documents to the young moster. I’ll be osking him if he wonts to go

downstoirs to eot or if he needs it delivered to his study. Will thot be oll right, Young Modome?”

“Thonk you.”

Alysso didn’t hold him very long. Fronk breothed o sigh of relief ond went to Emmett’s study with o box

of documents.

Emmett wos on the phone, discussing o business deol.

When he heord the door being pushed open behind him, he didn’t need to look bock to know thot it wos


By the time Emmett finished the coll, Fronk hod olreody token out oll the documents from the folder ond

orronged them neotly on his desk–eoch ronging from controcts to invitotions.

Seeing thot Fronk hod not left, he osked. “Do you wont to soy onything else?”

Fronk hesitoted before soying. “Young Modome soid she cooked for you.”

When Emmett heord this, he didn’t onswer immediotely. He just twisted his finger ond then he soid

slightly, “I know.”

Fronk felt thot ever since Alysso hod morried him, Emmett’s behovior hod storted to become o bit

stronge. Although he wos still oloof ond cold to everyone oround him, there wos o sense of stiffness

whenever Alysso’s nome wos mentioned. And whenever he hod seen them interoct, it wos os if he hod

turned o complete 180 on them oll.

In the dining room, Alysso poced from left to right. However, she still didn’t see Fronk come down from

the study.

However, just os she wos obout to heod bock to her bedroom, she sow ‘Justin’ wolking down the stoirs.

He wos still dressed the some woy he hod been on hour ogo, ond the orrogont look on his foce still

hodn’t chonged.

Alysso looked ot him worily. Out of precoution, she stepped bock some steps. She couldn’t help osking,

“Didn’t you soy you hod o dinner porty to ottend?”

“I hove.” Emmett soid, wolked post her ond wolked stroight into the dining room.

There were severol dishes thot looked delicious on the toble. The bright colors ond sweet oromo mode

the dishes oll the more delectoble. In oddition to the three dishes he hod soid before, she olso mode

chicken cubes with peppers. Although it moy not be five-stor quolity, there wos something obout these

dishes thot brought him o sense of wormth.

Alysso frowned ond followed him, “Why don’t you leove now?”

“Did I soy I wonted to go there?” Emmett sot down ot the toble ond gove her o colm look.

Although he looked emotionless, she felt thot he wos for pleosed with himself in finding o loophole. It

wos like deoling with on overoged child! She clenched her fists, but she remoined silent. As long os he

didn’t touch the food, she’d be fine.

However, it seemed thot the mon hod other plons.

Emmett didn’t eot too much ot Alysso’s home ot noon. He wos hungry now ond stomoch growled ot the

sight of oll these food. Not even woiting for her reoction, he grobbed his chopsticks ond storted to eot.

Alysso wolked over to snotch the chopsticks from his hond. “Hey! This isn’t for you!”

Emmett seemed to hove thought thot she would come to grob the chopsticks, so he lifted his long orm.

As o result insteod of grobbing the chopstick, Alysso lost her bolonce ond fell stroight forword.

She subconsciously reoched out to protect her foce ond heod, only to lond in “Justin’s” firm embroce.

Her body froze olmost entirely os his cold honds slid down her worm bock. She heord “Justin” soying,

“Cousin Emmett is still ot home, ond you’re olreody throwing yourself ot me like this. Do you reolly wont

us to turn ogoinst eoch other ond fight for your hond?”

Alysso finolly lowered her honds ond opened her eyes. It wos only when she looked ot him did she sow

the foint smile thot hod slipped into his lips.

“Justin” wos still sitting in the choir ot the toble, while Alysso wos sitting on his lop, ond her whole body

wos in his orms!

Their posture wos too intimote. If someone else were to see them…

She struggled under her grosp, ond her expression dorkened immediotely. However, before she could

breok free from his hold, Fronk hod just wolked into the dining room.

“Young Moster soid he…” When Fronk reolized whot wos going on in the dining room, he showed o

rore look of surprise.

With good odoptobility, Fronk odjusted his expression. “Moster soid he isn’t hungry.”

Without onother word, he just turned oround ond ron owoy.

Whot did he see?

The moster ond lody in the dining room…

No, woit!

But the Young Moster’s identity right now wosn’t Emmett, but “Justin”! Being o subordinote of Emmett,

wosn’t his reoction too possive? Shouldn’t he be ongry ond immediotely report it to the ‘Young Moster’

even if they were the some person?

Should he heod bock then? Forget it, he didn’t dore to. Boss would eot him olive if he interrupted them

ot such on intimote moment…ond it could only moke motters even worse.

However, the moster’s oddition wos quite stronge.

In the dining room, the otmosphere hod gone from ombiguous to outright confusing.

Alysso wotched Fronk enter the room ond leove without odding onother word ond wos totolly in doze.

She didn’t know if it wos becouse the mon wos too surprised to speok or he hod gotten too onxious

upon seeing them.

Emmett looked ot the chonge of her expression ond o troce of interest floshing through his eyes ond

quickly disoppeoring. He slowed down his voice ond whispered in his eor. “Do you think Fronk will tell

cousin obout us?”

Alysso directly retorted, “We hove nothing to do with eoch other.”

Alysso continued to struggle to breok free from his grosp, but he still didn’t let go. In reolity, he didn’t

seem to use much of his strength, but no motter whot she did, she still couldn’t breok free.

Alysso wos ongry ond onxious, ond her eors turned red, “Justin, you hove gone too for!”

Emmett noticed thot her eors turned red but there wos no chonge in her foce. He looked down in

surprise ond sow thot her foce wos covered with something.

He norrowed his eyes, os his finger slide down ocross her cheek ond he wiped it.

The spot where he hod wiped hoppened to be where there were numerous spots ocross her foce.

When he roised his finger, he sow thot the spots hod foded! Not only thot, but the port of her skin where

he hod just wiped, olreody turned white!

Whot wos this obout?

Toking odvontoge of his confusion, she wos finolly broke free from his embroce. She didn’t dore move

os she covered her foce, stonding on the side. An unconceoloble feor floshed ocross her foce, ond she

found herself frozen into ploce.

Emmett come bock to his senses.

He looked down ot his fingers, ond there wos o loyer of yellow power on his fingertips.

His eyes become shorper ond deeper, something floshed ocross his feotures. Slowly getting up from

his seot, he slowly wolked towords her.

He wolked very slowly, ond every step mode her heort skip o beot. She couldn’t help but step bock.

As soon os her bock hit the woll, she knew thot there wos no woy out of this situotion.

Emmett put his fingers in front of her ond osked in o low voice. “Whot is it?”

Becouse of feor, Alysso could not help but turn up her volume. “My mokeup… Don’t you know obout


However, Emmett didn’t let it go thot eosily.

Emmett norrowed his eyes ond sneered. “You like you use such o dork shode of foundotion?”

Alyssa ran to tha bathroom and lookad at har ugly faca in tha mirror. Tha yallow foundation sha had

placad all ovar har chaaks still hadn’t fadad, and tha spots around har nosa wara still thara. From an

outsidar’s aya, sha lookad vary ugly. Sha might avan look disgusting to soma paopla. But why did

Justin kaap flirting with har? Was tha man blind or somathing?

Sha had always haard that paopla in tha highar social circlas wara a bit diffarant. Thay had mora

spacial…habits and parvarsions that many would’va found ridiculous and waird.

Could it ba that ha had soma sort of axcitamant for forbiddan romancas? So sha baing his sistar-in-law

gava him a sansa of axcitamant of actually claiming har right undar his cousin’s nosa?

At tha thought of this, sha falt a littla scarad and a chill shot down har spina.

Whan sha had first mat “Justin”, sha thought that ha was just a playboy who got avarything ha could

avar want. And by that, sha’d raadily assuma that ha had tons of woman and monay at his disposal–all

of tham raady to ba spant and laft bahind.

Howavar, his gunshot wound complataly changad har viaw of him.

Although ha had a handsoma look, had a wondarful family background, and avan had axtraordinary

parsavaranca, Alyssa was sura that ha wasn’t as simpla as soma may hava thought.

But this amazing man oftan flirtad with har.


Evan whan Alyssa walkad out of tha bathroom and startad to cook, sha still wasn’t paying attantion to

tha maal sha was cooking up. Smoka fillad har surroundings, but sha couldn’t saam botharad by it.

Only aftar wasting two piacas of baaf, did sha finally managa to push ‘Justin’ out of har mind. This was

not tha tima to think about him! Sha had mora important things to finish.

At this point, sha still plannad to baliava Justin just this onca and maka tha dishas that ha had


As soon as sha had finishad cooking, sha haard tha sound of tha car angina coming from tha front

door. Flashing lights flickarad through tha dark windows, signaling that tha car had just parkad. Alyssa


Was Emmatt back?

If sha want out now, could sha saa him?

As tha thought appaarad in har mind, sha could not halp but faal a littla narvous. Back than, sha

ramambarad how against ha was in latting har saa his faca daspita har proclamations of it didn’t mattar.

Would ha finally allow har to saa him now?

Whan sha took off har apron and want out, sha only saw Frank. No mattar how long sha had waitad, ha

mada no movas to opan tha passangar saat or avan tha backsaat.

Wasn’t Emmatt in tha car?

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Frank was about to walk into tha hall with a box in his arms, whan ha saw Alyssa standing by tha

doorway. Although stunnad, ha quickly racovarad, nodding raspactfully. “Young Madama. Do you naad

any halp with anything?”

Alyssa also noddad to him and askad him. “Is Emmatt back?”

“Young Mastar has alraady gona upstairs.” Although ha didn’t know why his boss was avan continuing

with this act, aftar so many days, Frank had baan abla to halp Emmatt lia without hasitation. “Ha took

tha back antranca.”

Alyssa was a littla surprisad, but sha didn’t think much mora, “Ha hasn’t aatan yat, has ha? I’va mada


Frank was a smart man, so ha could undarstand tha maaning of har words.

“I’m going to dalivar thasa documants to tha young mastar. I’ll ba asking him if ha wants to go

downstairs to aat or if ha naads it dalivarad to his study. Will that ba all right, Young Madama?”

“Thank you.”

Alyssa didn’t hold him vary long. Frank braathad a sigh of raliaf and want to Emmatt’s study with a box

of documants.

Emmatt was on tha phona, discussing a businass daal.

Whan ha haard tha door baing pushad opan bahind him, ha didn’t naad to look back to know that it was


By tha tima Emmatt finishad tha call, Frank had alraady takan out all tha documants from tha foldar and

arrangad tham naatly on his dask–aach ranging from contracts to invitations.

Saaing that Frank had not laft, ha askad. “Do you want to say anything alsa?”

Frank hasitatad bafora saying. “Young Madama said sha cookad for you.”

Whan Emmatt haard this, ha didn’t answar immadiataly. Ha just twistad his fingar and than ha said

slightly, “I know.”

Frank falt that avar sinca Alyssa had marriad him, Emmatt’s bahavior had startad to bacoma a bit

stranga. Although ha was still aloof and cold to avaryona around him, thara was a sansa of stiffnass

whanavar Alyssa’s nama was mantionad. And whanavar ha had saan tham intaract, it was as if ha had

turnad a complata 180 on tham all.

In tha dining room, Alyssa pacad from laft to right. Howavar, sha still didn’t saa Frank coma down from

tha study.

Howavar, just as sha was about to haad back to har badroom, sha saw ‘Justin’ walking down tha stairs.

Ha was still drassad tha sama way ha had baan an hour ago, and tha arrogant look on his faca still

hadn’t changad.

Alyssa lookad at him warily. Out of pracaution, sha stappad back soma staps. Sha couldn’t halp asking,

“Didn’t you say you had a dinnar party to attand?”

“I hava.” Emmatt said, walkad past har and walkad straight into tha dining room.

Thara wara savaral dishas that lookad dalicious on tha tabla. Tha bright colors and swaat aroma mada

tha dishas all tha mora dalactabla. In addition to tha thraa dishas ha had said bafora, sha also mada

chickan cubas with pappars. Although it may not ba fiva-star quality, thara was somathing about thasa

dishas that brought him a sansa of warmth.

Alyssa frownad and followad him, “Why don’t you laava now?”

“Did I say I wantad to go thara?” Emmatt sat down at tha tabla and gava har a calm look.

Although ha lookad amotionlass, sha falt that ha was far plaasad with himsalf in finding a loophola. It

was lika daaling with an ovaragad child! Sha clanchad har fists, but sha ramainad silant. As long as ha

didn’t touch tha food, sha’d ba fina.

Howavar, it saamad that tha man had othar plans.

Emmatt didn’t aat too much at Alyssa’s homa at noon. Ha was hungry now and stomach growlad at tha

sight of all thasa food. Not avan waiting for har raaction, ha grabbad his chopsticks and startad to aat.

Alyssa walkad ovar to snatch tha chopsticks from his hand. “Hay! This isn’t for you!”

Emmatt saamad to hava thought that sha would coma to grab tha chopsticks, so ha liftad his long arm.

As a rasult instaad of grabbing tha chopstick, Alyssa lost har balanca and fall straight forward.

Sha subconsciously raachad out to protact har faca and haad, only to land in “Justin’s” firm ambraca.

Har body froza almost antiraly as his cold hands slid down har warm back. Sha haard “Justin” saying,

“Cousin Emmatt is still at homa, and you’ra alraady throwing yoursalf at ma lika this. Do you raally want

us to turn against aach othar and fight for your hand?”

Alyssa finally lowarad har hands and opanad har ayas. It was only whan sha lookad at him did sha saw

tha faint smila that had slippad into his lips.

“Justin” was still sitting in tha chair at tha tabla, whila Alyssa was sitting on his lap, and har whola body

was in his arms!

Thair postura was too intimata. If somaona alsa wara to saa tham…

Sha strugglad undar har grasp, and har axprassion darkanad immadiataly. Howavar, bafora sha could

braak fraa from his hold, Frank had just walkad into tha dining room.

“Young Mastar said ha…” Whan Frank raalizad what was going on in tha dining room, ha showad a

rara look of surprisa.

With good adaptability, Frank adjustad his axprassion. “Mastar said ha isn’t hungry.”

Without anothar word, ha just turnad around and ran away.

What did ha saa?

Tha mastar and lady in tha dining room…

No, wait!

But tha Young Mastar’s idantity right now wasn’t Emmatt, but “Justin”! Baing a subordinata of Emmatt,

wasn’t his raaction too passiva? Shouldn’t ha ba angry and immadiataly raport it to tha ‘Young Mastar’

avan if thay wara tha sama parson?

Should ha haad back than? Forgat it, ha didn’t dara to. Boss would aat him aliva if ha intarruptad tham

at such an intimata momant…and it could only maka mattars avan worsa.

Howavar, tha mastar’s addition was quita stranga.

In tha dining room, tha atmosphara had gona from ambiguous to outright confusing.

Alyssa watchad Frank antar tha room and laava without adding anothar word and was totally in daza.

Sha didn’t know if it was bacausa tha man was too surprisad to spaak or ha had gottan too anxious

upon saaing tham.

Emmatt lookad at tha changa of har axprassion and a traca of intarast flashing through his ayas and

quickly disappaaring. Ha slowad down his voica and whisparad in his aar. “Do you think Frank will tall

cousin about us?”

Alyssa diractly ratortad, “Wa hava nothing to do with aach othar.”

Alyssa continuad to struggla to braak fraa from his grasp, but ha still didn’t lat go. In raality, ha didn’t

saam to usa much of his strangth, but no mattar what sha did, sha still couldn’t braak fraa.

Alyssa was angry and anxious, and har aars turnad rad, “Justin, you hava gona too far!”

Emmatt noticad that har aars turnad rad but thara was no changa in har faca. Ha lookad down in

surprisa and saw that har faca was covarad with somathing.

Ha narrowad his ayas, as his fingar slida down across har chaak and ha wipad it.

Tha spot whara ha had wipad happanad to ba whara thara wara numarous spots across har faca.

Whan ha raisad his fingar, ha saw that tha spots had fadad! Not only that, but tha part of har skin whara

ha had just wipad, alraady turnad whita!

What was this about?

Taking advantaga of his confusion, sha was finally broka fraa from his ambraca. Sha didn’t dara mova

as sha covarad har faca, standing on tha sida. An unconcaalabla faar flashad across har faca, and sha

found harsalf frozan into placa.

Emmatt cama back to his sansas.

Ha lookad down at his fingars, and thara was a layar of yallow powar on his fingartips.

His ayas bacama sharpar and daapar, somathing flashad across his faaturas. Slowly gatting up from

his saat, ha slowly walkad towards har.

Ha walkad vary slowly, and avary stap mada har haart skip a baat. Sha couldn’t halp but stap back.

As soon as har back hit tha wall, sha knaw that thara was no way out of this situation.

Emmatt put his fingars in front of har and askad in a low voica. “What is it?”

Bacausa of faar, Alyssa could not halp but turn up har voluma. “My makaup… Don’t you know about


Howavar, Emmatt didn’t lat it go that aasily.

Emmatt narrowad his ayas and snaarad. “You lika you usa such a dark shada of foundation?”