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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70 A Mere Shield


Ivanna urged us to eat when the food arrived, “No matter how big the problem is, you two

must fill your

stomachs before solving it. Chlo, I haven’t seen you in a few days, and you’re already as

thin as a


I realized she was trying to make Matthew feel even more guilty.

He stole a glance at me and served me food while Ivanna spoke, targeting Matthew’s

weak spot,

Matthew, you must find a way to stop things from escalating. This problem will affect Chlo

and the

company’s reputation. 1

“Nonetheless, the business must go on, right? I know how hard you two have worked to

build Tanum Corporation.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“I considered that, but…” Matthew stole a glance at me. “But I’m afraid Chlo won’t be

happy.” 1

“I don’t give a damn! You knew cheating would crush her, but you did it anyway. Why

didn’t you think about her feelings then?” Ivanna continued to criticize him.

Matthew turned flushed as he gritted his teeth.

“I don’t know much about your company, and Chlo hasn’t told me anything. Chlo, you

need to start telling me things. Are we even best friends? The most urgent thing is to stop

this situation from worsening.”

Ivanna looked at Matthew. “Hey, share your thoughts. It’s better to have more minds

turning. We need a quick solution. Although I’m an outsider, I don’t want to see you two

like this.”

“I want Chlo to step forward…” Matthew grabbed my hand and held it tightly. “Chlo, I want

us to make an announcement together to dispel the rumors.”

I cursed him inwardly. He expected me to be his shield even in such a humiliating


You’ve got some nerve! Haven’t you humiliated me enough?!” I pulled my hand away and

questioned, What am I to you?”

“Chlo, don’t be hasty, Let’s discuss this properly and develop a win–win situation.” Ivanna

deliberately restrained me, “In this situation, you must consider the bigger picture”

Matthew nodded repeatedly. ‘Chio, she’s right. ATL Empire has already dropped us from

their project 1 looked into it and realized the other company they dropped has more

experience in projects like these.

our most significant advantage is the thermally broken steel windows patent. We still have


unity for Tanum Corporation, but we won’t get another one if we miss it Honey, you


Matthew’s face turned reddened in embarrassment,

“Matthew, we must devise a plan to discredit the news, right?” Ivanna’s words made us


something, and Matthew’s eyes lit up.

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After a pause, Ivanna said, “Hey, why are you still standing there? Come out of the

kitchen! Matthew, just order some takeout. I’m starving. Given your current moods, I

wouldn’t dare eat the food you cook.

“Let’s enjoy some good food while we discuss things. A good meal can always make us

feel better, after


Matthew quickly complied and ordered several takeout dishes. Then he pulled me over to

sit beside him,

speaking gently to soothe me..

I couldn’t help but admire Ivanna’s quick thinking. Her idea to devise a plan would benefit

me at this

critical moment, and only she could say what I couldn’t. Despite Matthew’s cunning

nature, his defenses

were the weakest now.

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