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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 56
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Chapter 56 What Did You Do To Me?

Our eyes locked. His arm tightened around me so much that I couldn’t breathe. My hand

grew weak as i

pushed him, eventually resting gently on his waist. I felt him tense for a moment.

He tilted his head and locked his lips with mine. He kissed me passionately.

I felt as though I’d been electrified, too weak to resist. He held my head, deepening the


I could hardly breathe as strange images of Matthew and Melanie’s intimate moments

played in my mind.

It fueled my desire for this thrill.

Alcohol, rage, and revenge probably drove my response. I pressed up against him, kissing


passionately in return. Gradually, those images faded, and I only wanted to prolong my

desire for him. My

mind went blank.


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Finally, Atlas released me. I took a deep breath, not daring to look at him. I picked up the

wine, intending

to take another sip, but he swiftly took it away.

“You can’t drink anymore!” His voice turned stem.

I squinted my eyes. “Why do you care? I bought it with my money. Do you think I’m rich?”

I was drunk, so my tongue was stiff. I used to drink a lot, but now it makes me sad, bitter,

and numb.

“I want to toast to the past! I want a fresh start!” After shouting these words at the

rushing river, I giggled and collapsed into his arms.

“Stay conscious!” He insisted, lifting me into his arms. “I’ll help you.”

His words confused me. My brain had grown sluggish. I floated as though in a dream as

Atlas carried me.

My subconscious reminded me to avoid this man.

I woke up the next day.

My head pounded, and I rolled over, exhausted. I didn’t want to open my eyes, but I was

unbearably thirsty.

“Are you awake?” I heard a gentle voice say. Startled, I opened my eyes and anxiously

looked toward the


When I saw the chiseled face, I shrieked. I scrambled backward but was swiftly pulled

back. “You’re going to fall!”

I closed my eyes, my mind racing to figure out what had happened. How could it be him?

W–What had


The sheets were comfortable, and I cautiously felt myself and groaned. When have I ever

slept naked?

“Are you scared now?” Atlas‘ voice contained a hint of playfulness and warmth.

“Atlas, y–you, we…” My words came out incoherent.

“Do you regret it?” His eyes were electric and fixed on me. They were even softer now.

He wore a loose bathrobe that hinted at his solid chest. I averted my eyes as I tried to

recall what happened last night. It frustrated me, as I didn’t want this. I didn’t want to be

like Matthew. My dignity was

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more important.

Atlas watched my expression and did not release his hold on me.

Feeling his intense gaze on me made me shiver. I then grew angry. “What did you do to



“What do you wish I’d done? A smirk curled on his lips. He was entirely different from the

Atlas I knew,

but I didn’t really know him.

As I swallowed dryly, I inwardly cursed. This Atlas was genuinely unpredictable. How did

he find me? How

did he know my whereabouts?

He let go of my arm and asked in a warm voice, “Do you want some water? You must be


His smile seemed almost devilish.

What did he have to say it like that? It was natural for me to be thirsty.

We did nothing? Come on, who was he kidding? If he was telling the truth, why would I be

naked? I was

highly frustrated. I didn’t want this. There went my dignity!

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. I quickly hid under the covers.