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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 542
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Chapter 542 The Knife Is Laced Everyone finally heard the dull thud of the helicopter's rotors in the distance, growing louder as it approached. It touched down on the helipad at the bow of the ship, and the others carefully placed Trinity on a stretcher.

Jared arrived at the last moment, and they both boarded the helicopter.

Inside, Atlas arranged for a doctor and explained that there were signs of poisoning. They were already prepared for emergency treatment.

I watched as Trinity's complexion grew worse. "Trinity, wake up, don't sleep.

Stay awake. When you wake up, we'll be friends, the best kind! T was wrong.

My perception of you was truly wrong!

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Wake up!" At that moment, I was petrified. I was afraid something might happen to Trinity.

She sacrificed herself for me, didn't she? Was the blade poisoned? Why were they treating me like this? Why were they so determined to see me dead? Jared's expression wasn't much better.

He held Trinity's hand tightly, offering only a simple, "Hang in there!" The helicopter landed on the helipad of the landing hospital. Medical staff rushed over, taking Trinity and quickly lowering her on a particular ladder, then wheeling her straight into the emergency room.

Watching the doors of the emergency

room close before me, I involuntarily sank to the ground.

My body was still trembling.

Everything had happened so fast! It seemed this person had come after me in just a few minutes. He wanted me dead, leaving no room for escape. If even a second had passed, I would have been wheeled in.

Seeing me on the verge of collapse, Atlas pulled me up, holding me tightly in his arms. "Don't be afraid, I'm here!" I lifted my gaze, looking at him with terror, urgently asking, "She'll be okay, won't she? She did it for me. Was the blade poisoned? Why do they insist on killing me?" I stared at Atlas intently, afraid he

might hide something from me.

"If it weren't for Trinity, I would've been finished today! Can you please tell me the truth? I have the right to know why someone wants me dead. You must know. I know you do. Please don't hide it from me! I can accept any reason!" T'was struggling to control my emotions, shouting at Atlas.

Atlas firmly held my body in his hands, looking at me with determination.

"Don't worry. Once she's out of danger, we'll sit down and talk about this. I'll tell you everything! Be patient, don't be scared. It's over! Trinity will be fine, I promise!" Atlas understood me well. | couldn't bear to see anyone good to me get hurt, let alone trade their life for mine.

"Take a deep breath! Listen to me, be good!" Atlas guided me.

I'took a deep breath and leaned weakly against him, murmuring, "She'll be fine. She'll be fine." The resuscitation continued for over five hours.

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When the emergency room doors finally opened, I was so nervous I could hardly stand. I forgot to breathe, fearing the emerging doctor would shake his head at us.

The doctor looked at Atlas and Jared, relieved to remove his mask, and slightly smiled.

"Don't worry! We've stabilized her, but she's lost a lot of blood. She needs rest and will be observed in the ICU for 2/4 hours before she can be released.

However..." I felt my heart, which had just settled, race again. I stared at the doctor.

"The poison in the victim hasn't been completely neutralized. We can only temporarily control it, but not eradicate it." The doctor's words were strained.

Jared glanced at Atlas, then asked the doctor, "Can you determine what kind of poison it is?" The doctor shook his head gently. "We can't confirm yet, but we've kept a sample of her blood for further testing.

We'll try to analyze it and then find the corresponding antidote.

“If you gentlemen have any connections, you can also take a sample of her blood for testing,

Together, we can find the antidote that would be more secure!" Jared nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, doctor. Thank you very much!" "You're welcome. It's what we should do. The patient will be sent to the ICU shortly, and you can see her there!" With that, the doctor turned and went back inside.

Atlas said to Jared, "Leave this to me! I'll have Dylan send the blood sample to the Jitador immediately. We'l] find the antidote as soon as possible!" "Let's go to the ICU!" | looked at the two of them, urgently urging, Just then, Arthur and Mia, along with the others, arrived. It seemed the ship

l had already docked.