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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 3
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Casper forced a smile onto his face before turning to the bank’s manager and requested, “Please

withdraw one million in cash, then give me an estimate of the content’s total value.”

The bank was quick to give Casper an estimate. Turned out, the content of the safety deposit box was

worth a total of one billion.

According to the rules, Casper would need to turn all that into a business with a net worth of ten billion

within a year!

The tests and rules were obviously designed to push a person to his limit. Casper cussed internally, but

he had no choice. He must accept the challenge with a heavy heart.

“Here is the one million you requested.”

Felix’s entire body trembled when he saw the small mountain of cash in front of him. He grabbed

Casper’s arms tightly as if he was worried about his rich friend ditching him.

“Please help me put that in my backpack,” requested Casper.

It took the duo ten minutes to shove all the cash into the old backpack. They left the bank immediately


Casper was at ease the entire way back, but Felix was on edge as his expression stiffened. He stood

right beside Casper and was acting like a bodyguard the whole time.

“What is up with you, dude?”

“There are a lot of thieves in the area.”

Casper grinned exasperatedly when he saw Felix being that vigilant and serious. The appreciation in

Casper’s heart, however, was making him feel warm and fuzzy.

“Come. Let’s go settle the school fees. After that, we’ll get the others to join us and celebrate!”

Casper reached out to tap on Felix’s shoulder. The former later run his fingers through his hair and

walked towards the school with his head held high.

Casper and Felix saw a guy with a dark skin tone inside their room as soon as they opened the door.

“Felix, Casper, you guys are finally back! The jack*ss just called and demanded that you pay the tuition

fees. He even threatened to kick you out of the school if you don’t,” said the dark guy.

The guy who delivered the message was Remy Harfield. He grew up in a village, so he was physically

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strong and was a decent guy with a strong sense of justice. Whenever the boys in the dorm got into a

fight, he would be the one to step up and prevent anyone from getting hurt.

“That jack*ss is such a money-minded tool. I bet that rich assh*le Charlie is the one who pushed him to

demand payment,” growled Felix angrily as he complained.

The jack*ss that the boys were talking about was actually their teacher, Jack Tripp. He might be a

teacher, but he was notoriously money-minded.

He would go out of his way to butter up students who were from rich families and was the reason why

Charlie ended up being the class prefect.

“I have a thousand in my wallet now, Casper. It’s not much, but you should take it to deal with your

emergency for now. We will help you find some ways to help you settle the rest of your debt,” said


Tears of appreciation swirled around Casper’s eyes after he heard what Remy said.

“Casper is no longer short of cash, Remy. He’s now a rich guy with a net worth of over a billion!”

Felix couldn’t contain his excitement and shared the good news before Casper even got to part his lips.

The former spoke enthusiastically, but his voice had no hint of jealousy. He was genuinely happy for


“Alright now. I have to go talk to jack*ss. Let’s drink and celebrate tonight.”

Casper had repeatedly delayed payment, so Jack had been bullying Casper over the past year.

Casper’s expression turned evil as he recalled everything Jack had done.

Half an hour later, Casper showed up in the teacher’s office with his old and dusty backpack. He stood

right in front of Jack’s desk when he said, “Mr. Tripp, I heard that you are looking for me.”

Jack’s plump figure was sitting on his chair when he tilted his gaze up and tossed a discriminating look

over to Casper.

“Casper, you have delayed payment for quite some time, and don’t you think that it’s time you settle

your school fees? I need to report to the school, so my hands are tied, you know? The school isn’t

exactly a charity organization, either.”

Jack used civil words, but his aggressive tone and threat were undeniable.

Jack wasn’t the only one in the office at that moment, though. Another lecturer was sitting at her desk

as well.

The lecturer looked like she was in her mid-twenties and had a head of curly hair that she let down. Her

beautiful face had stunning skin, and her amazing facial features made it so that she was as attractive

as the celebrities in the country.

Her nerdy glasses were especially cute. They highlighted her nerdy but sweet aura.

Jack’s cruel tone prompted her to tilt her head and look over. Her gaze shone with a hint of pity when

she saw the cheap clothes on Casper.

Jack, on the other hand, paid no attention to any of that. He assumed that Casper’s silence was an

admission of defeat.

Evil flashed past Jack’s eyes. He was about to insult and humiliate Casper when the lecturer spoke up.

“Mr. Tripp, isn’t it a little too much to hurt a student’s pride just because he can’t pay his tuition fees on


Her soft, crisp voice sounded melodious, and Casper found it appealing. He thought that his pals,

whom he shared a room with, were the only ones in the school who would speak up for him. He never

expected someone else to help him.

Casper turned his head to the lecturer. His eyes couldn’t help glowing when he saw who it was.

Of the thousands of lecturers, tutors, and professors in that Business University, Giselle Clauder was

the most famous one.

“Ms. Clauder, this matter involves a student in my class. Please let me handle it my way,” said Jack.

He had to be political when he spoke to Giselle because the latter was too popular in the school.

“Thank you for speaking on my behalf, Ms. Clauder.”

Maybe we really do need to fall and be poor to learn who is truly on our side.

Giselle nodded slightly to Casper before shifting her gaze to Jack, who refused to back down and let

Casper go. She turned her sight back to Casper. The washed-out clothes made Casper seem so poor

that it got Giselle to stand up and walk to his side.

Giselle was pretty tall, so she was only a little shorter than Casper when she stood next to him.

Casper would be lying if he claimed that he had never had any fantasies about that crazy hot lecturer


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He couldn’t help swallowing his own saliva when he smelled the mesmerizing perfume she was


“Mr. Tripp, how much does he owe the school?” asked Giselle calmly.

Her nonchalant tone stunned both Jack and Casper.

Giselle was involving herself in the matter, so Jack’s expression took a sharp turn. He looked infuriated

when he glared evilly at Casper before answering Giselle’s question through gritted teeth.

“Including his accommodation fees? It totals to fifteen thousand!”

“Oh, I have enough in my wallet now.”

Casper stared in astonishment as Giselle fished out a wad of cash from her wallet and placed it on

Jack’s desk.

In one kind gesture, Giselle toppled Jack’s scheme to chase Casper out of the school once and for all.

That got Jack so angry that he was gritting his teeth endlessly. He would’ve lashed out, but he

remembered how popular Giselle was in the school and how many admirers she had. Hence, he

redirected all of his anger and hate to Casper.

“Ms. Clauder…”

“Just study hard. Don’t let your parents down,” advised Giselle before she turned around and left the


Casper’s plan to humiliate Jack with the money was completely disrupted, but the former genuinely

appreciated Giselle’s help.

Casper snapped out of his shock soon after and ran off to chase after Giselle. He was near the stairs

when he suddenly heard Giselle talking in a discreet corner.

Casper instinctively stopped. What he overheard next got him to clench his fists instantly.

“Ms. Clauder, isn’t it time you settle your dad’s debt? We are waiting for you in the office. If we don’t get

our money today… well, let’s just say you shouldn’t blame us for exposing the truth to the school.”

Turmoil donned Giselle’s beautiful face as the harsh reality tortured her.

Casper didn’t move from his hiding spot until Giselle had already left.

He felt troubled when he saw her walking in that specific direction.

She’s heading back to the office! Shoot, those assh*les are waiting for her there. I’ve got to go help her.

Casper realized that Giselle was going to ignore her own safety and face her problem head-on. A bad

feeling crept up on him and got him to run towards her office with his backpack on.