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Back in Time: Unshackling From Love

Chapter 24
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Chapter 24 While Mikayla struggled with her tire, Jerome's voice sounded in her ear.

Raising her head, she realized he had walled over to her car.

Even though she felt embarrassed, she wasn’t childish enough to reject his offer out of spite.

Pursing her lips, she undid her seatbelt and got out of the driver's seat.

Jersat inside her car. He calmly placed his hands on the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator. The car lurched backward, and the right tire got out of the pothole.

Afterward, Jersmoothly exited the driver's seat and said, “You take over.” Mikayla pressed her lips together and got back behind the wheel.

As she put her seat belt on, Jersat himself in the passenger's seat.

“What are you doing?” Mikayla frowned.

He glanced at her. Instead of answering, he asked her, “Why did you do this to your hair?” Mikayla looked at her shoulder-length curls in the rearview mirror. “I can do my hair however | want. What does it have to do with you?” Jerome's face darkened.

“Is there anything else? If there isn’t, then please get off. Can't you see I'm busy?” Mikayla said, asking him to leave.

Jertolerated her snark. He put on his seat belt and said coldly, “I thought you wanted. to practice driving? What are you waiting for?” Mikayla now understood Jerome's intentions. “I don’t need your concern. I'm doing well on my own!” Jerclicked his tongue. “So well to the point you couldn't get out of the pothole?” Mikayla retorted, “The sky is too dark. | just didn’t notice it.” “Are you certain that you'll only drive to well-lit places without any obstacles?” “1 Mikayla wanted to justify herself, but Jercut her off impatiently. “I don’t want to have to clean up after you every time. Start practicing!” Mikayla was speechless. What happened last twas indeed her fault.

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She was too lazy to continue fighting with him, so she set her gaze forward and stepped on the gas.

Although Mikayla didn’t need Jerto teach her, she had to admit that it cto her more naturally with him giving her spointers by her side.

She was now rather well-versed in going forward, making turns, and doing three-point turns.

“I'm tired. Let's continue next time.” Not only was she tired, she couldn't stop thinking about Ansoft Enterprise. She didn’t know whether Taylor had finished reading her early draft of the plan yet.

“You can get down here.” Mikayla stopped her car next to Jerome's.

Jerdidn’t move. He said casually, “Just leave my car here. The driver will get it tomorrow. | want to see how good you are at reversing into the garage.” Mikayla was speechless.

She drove back to the garage at the villa. As Jerexpected, she was stumped by having to reverse into it.

Even though she had a reverse camera, she still couldn't figure it out.

“Pay attention to the yellow lines on both sides of the tires. While you adjust the angle of your car, slowly turn the wheel.” Jerleaned over to press his hand over hers on the steering wheel.

The warmth of his palm seeped into the back of her hand. His chest was pressed against her shoulder.

Furthermore, he was breathing heated air into her ear. Mikayla felt extremely uncomfortable.

She wanted to pull her hand out from his and lean further to the left. However, Jerwas one step ahead. He pressed down on her hand and said sternly, “Stay focused so that you can learn properly.” Mikayla was at a loss for words. “Just treat him like a free instructor. You're just using him to practice driving,” she chanted to herself on the inside.

Then, she followed Jerome's instructions and adjusted the angle of her car.

She took this practice session very seriously. Her gaze was focused, and her brows were lightly furrowed. Even her nose was beading with sweat.

Mikayla’s hands felt very soft, and her hair smelled really nice.

He couldn’t stop his mind from wandering.

Finally, Mikayla straightened the wheel and began to reverse into the lot. Her car backed into the garage smoothly.

“I did it!” She raised her head in joy.

She then noticed that Jerwas staring at her.

His eyes were so dark that she could see her own smile reflected in them.

Right now, they were so close to each other that they could feel each other's breaths.

Mikayla had never been so close to Jerbefore, much less in good spirits.

All of a sudden, her brain stopped working. She stared blankly at Jerome.

Jerlowered his head to hers. As his face got closer, she saw his thick lashes and his lips- “What are you doing?” Right before Jerome's lips touched hers, Mikaya suddenly returned to her senses. She quickly pushed him away.

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Are you crazy?” she said in embarrassment before hopping off the car.

She slapped her own forehead a few times. Inside her head, she scolded herself, “You're hopeless!” All he did was ca little closer to her. How had she let herself be bewitched? They were on the verge of getting divorced! Amy was in the dining room back in the villa, waiting for them to have dinner.

“Madam, the Miller Manor sent over slentil soup. Mrs. Miller Senior specially made. it for you two and asked that you finish it.” From tto time, Wanda would send them food.

In the past, Mikayla loved using this excuse to make Jerchome. But now, she didn’t even want to be in the sroom as him.

At that moment, she heard Jercoming into the house. She quickly dashed upstairs.

“Amy, I'm not hungry. I'll pass this time!” “Aren’t you anemic? Cand eat!” Jercalled after her.

Mikayla ignored him and disappeared upstairs.

Sir, I'll leave sfood for Mrs. Miller. She can have sif she’s hungry later.” Jerwas pissed off by Mikayla’s antics. “If she doesn’t want to eat, then don’t bother leaving her any!” Amy didn’t dare say anything.

Jersat down and drank his lentil soup, fuming. He threw his spoon down and said, Leave this here. I'll have it for supper tonight.

With that, he went to the study.

Amy was puzzled. Jernever ate supper, did he? After Mikayla finished taking a shower, she opened her email.

She saw that Taylor had replied to her email, acknowledging how professional it was. At the stime, he also gave her sreasonable requests.

Although Taylor seemed like a rich prodigal from afar, he was unexpectedly very efficient when it cto work.

In order to draft a detailed investment plan, there were still many things to look into comprehensively. Mikayla rubbed her palms, ready to get to work.

Suddenly, a thud sounded outside her door.