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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chatper 137
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hapter 137


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Axel descended the stairs and was greeted by a familiar silhouette waiting for him. He halted, his eyes widening

in disbelief, blinking repeatedly. The dark, wavy hair, the slender frame-it couldn't be. With hesitant steps, his

heart raced, and he approached cautiously.

“Jasmine,” Axel whispered, his voice tinged with shock as he confronted the unexpected sight.

She turned to meet his gaze, and his lips parted, unable to comprehend the reality before him.

“Jasmine?” He repeated, his voice h oa rse, dropping the items in his hands in astonishment.

A smile graced her lips, tears welling in her eyes as she rushed towards him.

“It was Bella. It's all Bella. She was there that night, she killed those men and tried to take Nathan's wife as well.

Nathan's wife died because of me,” she cried out, her anguish pouring forth trying to warn him.

Axel enveloped her in his embrace, still grappling with the surreal notion of her being alive.

“I thought | lost you forever. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry | left that night, Jasmine. I'm sorry for what you had to

endure,” he whispered, holding her close, his heart heavy with


“How?” he murmured, pulling away slightly to study her features. His eyes roaming all over her.

“I received your note. It was your handwriting and everything. | didn’t want to believe it. Then that man claimed

he had disposed of you. | truly thought you were gone,” he admitted softly, brushing her hair from her face.

“But it's really you,” he whispered, disbelief etched across his features.

“Axel, wait. Just wait,” she implored, squeezing his hands and cupping his face.

“You asked if | recognized that woman the other time. And | did. She was there that night, she rammed into our

car, driving it off a cliff. She killed people. You have to get her right now. That's why she tried to kill me...” she

said anxiously.

“It's okay, it’s fine now. | got rid of them,” he told her gently and firmly.

“Wait, you did?” she questioned.

07:50 Tue, 30 Jan Kis

Chapter 137

“We already caught her. She was working with someone who was trying to hurt Ethan's kids.”

“Derrick,” Axel spat.

“Axel, wait. He saved me,” she explained to him.

“You don’t understand, Jasmine,” he told her, brushing it off. It was personal; the man was practically behind all

of the misfortunes that had befallen them recently.

“But he found and saved me. The last thing | remembered was drowning. | couldn’t breathe, | lost consciousness.

When | woke up, that man was there, covered in scars, and he brought a child. That was Liam,” she explained.

“We need to find them,” Axel sighed, cupping her face gently. The feeling of relief and happiness was

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overwhelming. Jasmine wasn’t gone; she really was here, in front of him.

“Wait,” she told him, her face becoming grim.

“I think you should find Ethan. | don’t know what Derrick is up to, but he said something about this being the

end, Axel,” she told him anxiously.

“The end?” he repeated.

“He’s dying, and he'll probably take Ethan with him,” she warned.

“I can’t reach Ethan,” Hazel’s voice broke through the phone her voice trembling lightly.

“Daisy had another seizure and she needs to be wheeled in for surgery right now. | don’t know where Liam is or

Ethan.” She took I'm a deep shaky breathe. Ethan promised to bring back her son; that it was his

fault, but she hadn’t seen him since he left.

Daisy's condition is critical. She wants to see her brother; she’ll be wheeled in an hour's time,” Hazel said,

passing the message across.

“Please tell Ethan,” she whispered, her voice cracking. Her two kids, Daisy and Liam, she felt like she was about

to lose them.



“Why Derrick? How was | supposed to know?” Ethan struggled to stand upright, his eyes beginning to sting.

“Darlene was mine?” he questioned, his voice trembling as he tried to process the revelation.


Chapter 137


“How are you sure? How did she know and | didn’t?” he asked, his chest heaving heavily.

“You're lying,” Ethan muttered, his mind reeling from the bombshell. “It had to be a lie. You're looking for

justifiable excuses to haveruined.”

Darlene was always around as kids growing up, but she never liked hanging out with her twin brothers’ friends,

Ethan could recall trying to make sense of it all.

“It couldnt be!” he exclaimed. “How was she so sure? How did she find out, and I didn't?”

“Sway | knew Hazel was mine. She felt the first stage of recognition. She said she felt an electrification

when she brushed against you and that she could scent you. She was going to tell you that day. That was why

she began trying to spend taround you, but

you were so oblivious,” Derrick explained calmly.

Werewolves could feel a connection with their mates from adolescence. When they were eighteen, the two could

then be officially mated.

“That was your reason for ruining people’s lives? You realize you ruined not just mine but Hazel’s as well, right?”

Ethan yelled, his voice cracking with emotion.

“I know,” Derrick replied calmly, almost soberly, acknowledging the gravity of his actions.

“I really didn’t know. She didn

Ethan cried out, grappling with the unfairness of it all. Hazel had ended up being punished for something she

knew nothing about.


“You really had no right, Derrick! No reason!” Ethan shouted, his eyes turning a bright color as his anger flared.

“And now, you took my kid! Where is Liam?” Ethan demanded, his grip tightening on Derrick’s collar.

“How cyou aren't affected yet?” Derrick asked, stunned by Ethan's resilience. Ethan should have been

incapacitated by now, writhing in pain on the floor.

Rather than becoming weaker Ethan had stag gered to his feet and now Ethan was standing to his full height his

hand was shaking gripping Derrick’s collar. His chest heaving heavily fumes exiting from his nostrils. Rick was on

Edge raging madly, Ethan’s eyes turned a light shade of yellow. He was furious. Everything was and had been a

lie, his real mate was never Bella. His mate had died and it was partially his fault. He’d pushed Hazel away and

had been manipulated by this man.

“Where is Liam?” He bellowed again.

His senses becopen like a gush of fresh wind. Just then he caught a familiar scent. in the air


Chapter 137


He could smell Liam. His son’s scent and he was close by.


| wouldn't leave if i were you.” derrick muttered puzzled as to why ethan wasn’t reacting the way he had

imagined. he should have been scrimimg in pain on the floor.

For years ethan had been without a real connection without rick, after that day darlene died, rick has become

almost quiet, he felt an ache in his chest that day, everything had becconfusing. then bella cin and

even her wasn't his mate, she was a fake. now hearing the truth had infruirated his wolf. he was completely out

for blood

He had an overwhelming urge to grab derrick and squeeze the life out of him.

But liam’s scent was near, he was going to find him. he would take care of derrick much later. shoving the pain

and inconvenience aside, he turned to move outside.

“You Don’t actually know what danger the child is in and you leaving might just endanger him.” Derrick drawled

his calm voice reaching Ethan and making him stop right in his tracks.

From his tone and stance it was clear that he wasn’t joking.

Ethan forced his wolf back down, his chest heaving heavily as he approached Derrick. “It’s tto put an end to

this madness now, Derrick!” he declared, his voice steady despite the storm raging within him.

“I never knew about Darlene, about Hazel. But for what it’s worth, I'm not sorry | married Hazel. | made

mistakes, didn’t know she was yours either, but | don’t regret it. The few months together were the best years of

my life with her, and | never even realized it,” Ethan confessed, his voice tinged with regret. “And I'm sorry my

father took your life, but this isn’t the way to go about it!”

“You don’t get to leave, Ethan. None of us do this time,” Derrick muttered, his resolve unwavering.

“Haven't you done enough? You ruinedtoo. | never got to watch my kids grow up or hold them as babies. |

never even got to hear them calldad. And now, it appears | would die without any of that,” Ethan mumbled

sadly, his heart heavy with the weight of his own losses.

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“That's revenge enough, isn’t it? But not Liam or Daisy. They have nothing to do with this. It’syou want, it's

mistakes etched in his eyes. “My father, he did all of that,” he added, his voice heavy with sorrow.

“But if endingwould solve it, so be it. | got to live, and you didn’t, and you thought |





Chapter 137

betrayed you. Just don’t harm any other person, not Liam or Daisy or Hazel. Please, they're innocent. This is

between us and only us. Let Liam go,” Ethan demanded, his voice a little shaky, but resolute.

dying would be enough for you, right? It should be,” Ethan muttered, his tone tinged with resignation.

Derrick remained silent, his gaze fixed on Ethan.


“Hazel’s worried. Have Liam sent back,” Ethan pleaded, recognizing Derrick’s leverage. Liam should go back,

and whatever Derrick wanted to do with him didn’t matter. Ethan wasn’t about to risk Liam's safety.

“Let's end this, then their life goes on, okay?” he pleaded, his voice earnest.

“My kids did nothing wrong, Derrick,” Ethan reminded him, his voice firm with paternal concern.

“You're my Daddy?” A small voice interrupted the tense exchange. Both men turned immediately, their attention

drawn to Liam, who stood there with a questioning look on his small face.

“Liam,” Ethan whispered in relief, his eyes running over Liam’s small body. “You're okay,” he breathed out,

relieved to see his son unharmed.

“You're not supposed to be here,” Derrick seethed, alarm flashing in his eyes. Liam's presence had disrupted

Derrick’s plans. He had left Liam asleep in the van just a short distance away. Somehow, Liam had found his way

to them, his innocent curiosity now in the center of their confrontation.

“Are you my uncle?” Liam asked, his round, curious eyes searching Derrick’s for answers. Derrick took a step

backwards, his expression softening as he looked between Ethan and Liam. He took a deep breath, then made a

decisive choice.

“Ethan, take him and get out. Right now,” Derrick ordered, urgency evident in his voice. “You and | are not done

yet, Derrick,” Ethan muttered, his gaze unwavering.

“Leave, Ethan, right now!” Derrick yelled, his tone urgent and commanding. “He shouldn't be here. Take him out,

Ethan! Leave right now!” Derrick implored, looking at Ethan with a mixture of desperation and resolve.

Without another word, Ethan grabbed Liam’s small body and headed out the door. “Goodbye, Ethan,” Derrick

mumbled, his voice tinged with finality.

As Ethan stepped outside, there was a sudden, deafening explosion, sending shockwaves through the air. Ethan

instinctively shielded Liam, his heart pounding with fear and adrenaline. Turning back to look at the crumbling

and now burning building, Ethan's eyes widened in shock. He had narrowly escaped being engulfed by the


07.50 Tue, 30 Jan

Chapter 137

Derrick was still inside. Dropping Liam gently to safety, Ethan turned back, determined to help his friend escape

the inferno. He wouldn't leave Derrick behind for the second
