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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70
Hazel took great care in arranging Daisy’s lunch, carefully packing a bag filled with
nutritious snacks. A kind nurse from the VIP floor had volunteered to keep an eye on her to ensure she ate well.
As Hazel prepared to leave for work, she shared her instructions with Daisy. “You can visit Loulou if you get bored, and make
sure to come back here if
Du feel sleepy,” she said. Daisy nodded with determination, ready to embark on another day in the hospital Ethan’s eyes
widened in shock and bewilderment as Axel walked in that morning. Concern etched on his face, he couldn’t help but ask, “What
happened to you?”
Axel, sporting a bandaid on his face and another wrapped around his hand, appeared a few minutes late. It had been years
since Axel started working for Ethan but he had never been late. Then he turned up that morning late, disoriented and sporting
The aftermath of the unexpected and unwanted visit had led to a scries of mishaps, had required extra time for cleanup and a
quick detour to the store for band–aids.
Axel’s sigh echoed the weariness he felt from the morning’s ordeal. He gingerly lowered himself into his chair, the discomfort
from his injuries evident in his every movement. He had bumped his head on the counter wall as well leaving a throbbing
headache. He massaged his temples, attempting to alleviate the lingering headache.
“I’d rather not talk about it,” Axel declared, his voice carrying a trace of fatigue. The events of the morning had left him physically
and emotionally drained. The dog, once a source of irritation, now seemed like a minor inconvenience compared to the
unpredictable neighbor, sharing the same proximity.
Ethan leaned in, intrigued and concerned, his curiosity piqued.
This has something to do with your neighbor? Ethan probed, observing Axel’s demeanor for clues. Axel’s silence spoke volumes,
confirming Ethan’s suspicions.
“Wow,” Ethan mused, processing the information. “Seems she’s out to get you. What happened this time? She attacked you in
the parking lot this time?” he questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“My house,” Axel stated bluntly, prompting a surprised reaction from Ethan.
“What?” Ethan exclaimed incredulously. “She attacked you in your own house? She must really have a few screws loose,” he
remarked, his tone shifting to a more serious note Axel, feeling the need to clarify, asserted, “It’s not that!” defensively. He then

proceeded to provide a hushed summary of the morning’s accidental chaos, shedding light on the unexpected visit and its
disastrous aftermath.
“You’re defending her?” Ethan quizzed, narrowing his eyes in skepticism.
Axel, maintaining a sense of empathy despite the inconvenience, replied, “She’s clumsy and with a whole lot of bad luck. She’s
not actually a bad person–just someone I would rather avoid completely,” he admitted with a sigh.
Ethan absorbed the information, recognizing the complexity of Axel’s predicament with his eccentric neighbor. The notion of
defending someone who had unintentionally caused so much trouble seemed puzzling to him.
Right Axel continued, steering the conversation in a different direction. “Hazel came in to work this morning. I saw her on my way
The mention of Hazel immediately triggered Axel’s realization that Daisy was likely alone at the hospital, waiting for him to come
keep her company.
“You’re heading to the hospital today, right?” Axel inquired, addressing the shift in his priorities and the responsibility awaiting him
beyond the intricacies of his neighborly troubles.
Ethan observed Daisy from the doorway, noting the weariness in her eyes. As the nurse concluded her checkup and left. Daisy
sighed, her small frame seeming even more delicate against the sterile hospital surroundings..

Wanting to lift her spirits, Ethan decided to introduce a touch of playfulness. He reached into the bag he was carrying, revealing a
stuffed pigeon. With a mischievous grin, he stretched it through the door, making it “speak.
“Hello. Bunny,” he said in an animated voice, making the pigeon move as if engaged in conversation. “How do you do?”
Daisy’s tired expression transformed into pure delight, and she burst into laughter. The sound echoed through the hospital room,
momentarily chasing away the heaviness that clung to her.
“Mr. Princess, you’re funny!” she exclaimed between giggles.
Ethan continued the puppetry with the stuffed toy, mimicking a deep, exaggerated voice, “You’re a strong girl, taking all your
medications. So, I’ll give you a big hugggg!” Daisy erupted into even louder laughter, her contagious joy filling the room.
As Ethan walked in, still hiding behind the plush toy, he asked with playful concern, “Are you tired?” Her response was a joyful
giggle, and between fits of laughter, she affectionately
called him
“Oh Mr. Princess, with a wide smile.
In response, she stood on her bed, her small figure reaching out for him, and Ethan, still playing the part, leaned in for a hug.
Daisy’s small arms wrapped around Ethan’s neck, her embrace sincere and filled with innocence. He sighed, returning the hug
with a tenderness that revealed the depth of his care for her. As he held her, he couldn’t help but feel the weight of the situation–

this fragile, small b*dy having to endure the burden of pain and illness.
Gently, Ethan planted a soft k*ss on the top of Daisy’s head,Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Ethan remained by Daisy’s side.
The initial plans to visit Loulou were set aside as Daisy, exhausted from the trials of illness, found solace in Ethan’s company.
Together, they created a comforting
atmosphere–reading stories, engaging in playful activities, and providing a distraction from the harsh reality of the hospital.
As Daisy succumbed to the embrace of a much–needed nap, Ethan took the opportunity to ensure her comfort. Tucking her in
gently, he observed the change in her once vibrant cheeks, now pale and fatigued. Worry etched across his face, he couldn’t
help but express
concern to the nurse.
la che okay? Ethan inquired, his voice laced with both care and anxiety.
The mare, administering Daisy’s medication, offered reassurance. “She’ll be fine. We
und a new medication, It’s a bit strong. Her b*dy’s adapting to it
absorbing the explanation, and horded in understanding Seated bear
Daisy, he held her hand while she peacefully slept.
Hours passed, and as the sunlight cast a warm glow in the room, Ethan reluctantly stood to leave. With a final glance filled with
affection, he left the room.
Ethan sank into the backseat of the car, his expression marked by a distant and contemplative demeanor. The weight of concem
and sadness hung on his face, visible even in the reflection in the rearview mirror. Axel couldn’t ignore, prompting him to inquire.
“Daisy’s case severe?” Axel questioned, recognizing the telltale signs of distress in Ethan’s countenance. He was in a chripy
mood when he went to visit but now he came back disturbed and distress.
“The little girl is in pain, and I couldn’t even do anything for her,” Ethan admitted, his voice tinged with frustration and sorrow.
Ethan’s voice carried a heavy burden of emotion as he muttered, “All the money in the world, and I can’t take all her pain away.”
There was an inexplicable love he felt for the child, a sense of helplessness despite his vast resources. He grappled with the
desire to do everything within his power for her.

“Pretty sure your visit cheered her up and made her happy. Axel encouraged. He also felt sad, he had met Daisy and adorable
little girl.
Leaning back into his seat, he closed his eyes. Hazel had only spent a brief time at the office, and once he was informed she
had left, he knew her destination would be back to the hospital so he had to leave.
The rhythmic hum of Ethan’s phone vibrating disrupted the stillness. With Axel managing most aspects of his phone calls, it was
unusual for Ethan’s phone to ring directly. Assuming it might be Bella, he initially dismissed the call, but its persistence ringing
urged him to check the caller ID. The casualness in his posture dissipated as he sat up abruptly.
With a sense of urgency, he answered the call, words exchanged in terse and rapid succession. “Axel, drive back to the hospital
now.” Ethan ordered, his tone carrying a weight that demanded immediate attention.