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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 126
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hapter 126
Two days swiftly passed, and as night fell, Ethan returned home to find Bella eagerly waiting for him. The table was set, and
Bella exuded beauty with a radiant smile.
“Ethan, you didn’t forget tonight was our anniversary, right?” she asked, her smile. unwavering. Ethan, caught off guard, realized
he had indeed forgotten.
“You didn’t forget, did you?” Bella inquired again, a slight frown forming on her face. Ethan silently studied her, his expression
Bella, undeterred, maintained her smile. “I understand; you’ve been busy lately,” she remarked, walking up to him and assisting
him out of his suit. That night held a special significance for her, anticipating that Ethan would indulge her on their anniversary
despite his recent avoidance.
The atmosphere was set for romance, but Ethan’s-watchful eyes bore into Bella with quiet intensity. “Come, sit,” she invited,
pulling out a chair for him. Ethan lowered himself, determined not to partake in whatever had been arranged.
As they were about to start dining, Ethan’s phone disrupted the ambiance. “Don’t pick; we haven’t spent time together recently,”
Bella pleaded. Ethan, however, retrieved his phone, revealing Hazel’s name on the caller ID. Bella’s expression shifted instantly.
Don’t answer, Ethan,” Bella urged, her arm reaching out to shield him from the impending intrusionb.Ethan, unmoved by her
touch, briskly swatted away her hand, clutching the phone tightly.
“Ethan, it’s Daisy.” Hazel’s anguished voice, laced with tears, pierced through the phone, summoning Ethan into immediate
action. He sprung to his feet, leaving Bella behind. She chased after him, her desperate cries echoing in the air.
“On our anniversary? You’re abandoning me?” Bella’s accusatory words reverberated as Ethan slipped into his car, but Ethan
didn’t even spare her a glance. All of his focus was on getting to Hazel.
Bella, bereft and scorned, clutched the fabric of her dress in a tight fist. Tears welled in her eyes as she watched Ethan speed
The night, meticulously prepared for their anniversary, lay in ruins. Today she had dolled up to get his attention but he had
shoved her to the side like she didn’t even matter all because of Hazel. The sadness that enveloped her morphed into an
unbridled rage.
Storming towards the table, she vented her fury, overturning it in a tempest of anger.
“Hazel! I’ll make you’regret this!” she seethed, venom dripping from her words. A sharp
Chapter 126
gasp escaped a nearby se rvant, bearing witness to the destruction.
“Ma’am Bella, you’re injured!” the concerned serv ant exclaimed trying to reach Bella and offer assistance.
“Let me be!” Bella roared, pushing aside a young girl who became an unwitting target of her wrath. A resounding slap left an
imprint on the girl’s face, shock and tears streaming down her reddened check.

Having unleashed her anger, Bella stood in eerie calmness, taking deep breaths. In that moment, the depth of her hatred to
Hazel reached it’s peak. She had never hated Hazel as much as she desperately did at that moment.
Ethan sped madly to the hospital, his phone incessantly buzzing with Axel’s urgent calls. The road blurred as he pushed his car
to its limits.
“What?!” Ethan bellowed, the tension palpable in his voice, as Axel’s excited tone echoed through the phone. “Where are you?
We need to talk.”
“Meet me at Cleveland,” Ethan instructed, abruptly ending the call.
Upon reaching the hospital, Ethan sprinted inside, desperation etched across his face. He found Hazel in tears sitting outside
Daisy’s ward.
“What happened Hazel?” Ethan asked anxiously.
“I don’t know,” Hazel sobbed, her anguish echoing through the hospital corridors.
An apologetic man bowed deeply before Ethan. “The young lady was injected with the wrong dose,” he muttered, fear clouding

his eyes.
Ethan erupted, seizing the man by his collar. “What did you say?!” he thundered, hands tightening around the offender’s shirt.
A distressed young nurse ran in interjected, “I didn’t know! I swear it’s the normal dose I gave her!” Tears streamed down her
face as she trembled with fear.
“How could you be that careless?!” Hazel yelled.
“If anything happens to her, I’ll kill you!” Ethan’s threat resonated with a chilling
Axel arrived, providing a semblance of order. Daisy’s regular drip had been swapped with a different one.
How did that even happen?! In a hospital?!” Ethan yelled turning to the Director. The man had been summoned from home
immediately when he heard the news. He met Ethan pacing wildly around the ward corridor where Daisy was being attended to.
Chapter 126

“We’re flushing it out of her system, sir,” the Director stammered, his anxiety matching the escalating chaos.
“Is it fatal?” Ethan’s voice held a quiver of dread.
“What was injected, is it poisonous?” The urgency in his inquiry pierced the air.
“No, the drug was swapped with Corticosteroids. Although not lethal, it isn’t used for administration in her case. She’ll be fine.”
The Director’s reassurance offered a momentary reprieve.
As Ethan sank down, a weight lifted from his shoulders, though the tension lingered. Hazel, too, collapsed, her breaths labored.
Hazel found herself thrown into confusion when Daisy abruptly went into shock, and the medical team began a chaotic and
frantic response. Filled with panic and uncertainty, she instinctively reached for her phone, urgently dialing Ethan for help.
In a secluded corner, Axel and Ethan engaged in a tense conversation.
“Do you think these are merely coincidences?” he pondered. “I don’t think so; it’s more like purposeful attacks. First Liam, now
Daisy,” Ethan muttered, visibly defeated.
“It’s as if someone is trying to send me a message. What if the next attempt is more dangerous?” Ethan contemplated
thoughtfully. Axel, with a deep sigh, added, “Ethan, there’s more.”
Axel dropped a bombshell, revealing, “The DNA of the kids matches with yours.” Ethan, despite the confirmation he longed for,
sighed and buried his face in his hands. “I knew it! But I can’t even feel excited or happy about this. Someone knows something
and is targeting the kids, Axel.”
“Are you going to confront Hazel?” Axel inquired, recognizing this revelation as the moment Ethan had been waiting for. Despite
the confirmation of paternity, Ethan found himself trapped in an unsettling unease.
“Now’s not the right time. It’s clear me coming into their life would harm them,” Ethan hesitated, his thoughts weighing heavily on
his shoulders.
“Listen Ethan. “Axel attempted to interject, but Ethan cut him off, frustration evident in his voice.
“A lot of things don’t make sense! First Bella, now these attempts on the kids’ lives. The first DNA sample not being a match.
What if I hadn’t insisted on another check? Someone’s purposely trying to keep me in the dark, and the same person is
attempting to harm those kids,” he muttered, the pieces of the puzzle eluding him..

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21*Could it be Bella?” Axel speculated, only to dismiss the idea. “Bella wouldn’t know they were your kids and remain this calm.
She would have raised the roof to the high heavens by now, you know,”
“I know, she’s not a nice person. But there’s no way she would hurt kids in this manner,” Ethan sighed in exasperation.
“You have a whole lot of enemies. People who want to hurt you,” Axel pointed out, acknowledging the shadowy threats that
lingered from Ethan’s past.
“Yes”, Ethan knew that very well. And frankly, most weren’t his; some were his father’s. His dad had made so many mistakes in
his lifetime,
“But still, whoever it is, the fact is, this was a message. The person who did that could have swapped that fluid with something
really lethal that would kill Daisy instantly. It’s a warning,” Ethan mumbled, his frown deepening in contemplation.
“I have a whole lot of questions I want to ask Hazel, and the kids. I’m so happy; I want to announce to the world they’re mine.

But, I can’t just make a claim on them, not with the dangers they’re being exposed to,” Ethan explained, torn between his
newfound joy and the lurking threats.
“Would you talk to Hazel?” Axel asked once more.
“I don’t blame Hazel for lying all these while. I’ve been pretty stupi d. I mean, my mate might be a fake; she’s been abusing my
pack members and serv ants for years now. I rejected Hazel without thinking; I’ve been pretty blind,” Ethan confessed, his
frustration turning into self-reflection. His palms contorted into fists.
“Stup idly blind, Axel. I didn’t realize my kids were right in front of me,” Ethan chuckled in disbelief. “Liam’s my son, Daisy’s mine
too.” He looked up, meeting Axel, his eyes shining brightly. His excitement was palpable. Axel chuckled lightly.
“I wonder why the first one was all muddled up, but I guess these things happen,” Axel sighed, acknowledging the complexity of
such situations.
“They’re mine.” He said excitedly.
Hazel’s been lying,” Ethan Muttered his features falling instantly, the weight of the truth settling upon him.
“I understand she doesn’t trust me; she feels threatened by my presence alone. So I won’t step in. I’ll earn her trust, show her
that I can be a good dad to them. Confronting her would send her into panic; she’ll start thinking I want to lay claim on the kids,
take them away from her. That’s most probably why she has been reluctant all these while, why she’s kept the truth hidden and
lied to my face several times our kids,” Ethan expressed thoughtfully.

to protect her kids,
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“Hazel. She’s been through a lot. It’s best she doesn’t know I know yet, Ethan concluded.
“And Bella, make sure this doesn’t come out to her, Ethan said decisively. “I’ll break it to her myself.”
“When would you confront Hazel?” Axel inquired.

“Soon, when Hazel gets to trust me enough to tell me the truth. That’s when I know she trusts me, and I’ll be worthy to be Liam
and Daisy’s dad.”
“What if that time never comes?” Axel probed. “I get you’re being optimistic, but what if she never comes to tell you the truth?
She almost gave Nathan the place of being a
father to your kids, Ethan. What if she never forgives you?”
“She will. Look around, Nathan’s not here. Hazel called me first. She’s beginning to trust me. I know she’ll come to trust me
enough to tell me the truth.”
“In the meantime, I want security guards mounted around them twenty-four seven. They shouldn’t be out of sight, ever. Even for
once. Daisy’s food, drugs, and everything else should be well-checked. Three times if possible,” Ethan instructed.
“It’s a hospital, Ethan; you can’t completely cover all areas. Anything can happen,” Axel expressed worryingly.
“The permanent solution is to find the culprit,” Axel suggested.
“What if there’s no culprit? What if the nurse made a mistake swapping the drugs while being distracted or absent-minded?” Axel
“What did the nurse say?” Ethan inquired with a frown.
“The bag was mislabeled or swapped. That was the same item she injected Daisy with most nights, her usual drugs. So she
didn’t know until a few hours later when Daisy started reacting,” Axel clarified.
The two walked back, determined to unravel more details.
“Sir, I’m so sorry. We had the nurse fired immediately,” the director apologized profusely, approaching Axel and Ethan.
“No,” Ethan responded calmly. “Give her back her job, but she should be nowhere near Daisy,” he muttered.
you. Thank you,
sir. I’m grateful you won’t press charges,” she cried out happily.
“What did you see?” Ethan asked seriously.
“I prepared everything as usual. Then I left it for a minute. That was the mistake I made.
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Chapter 126
I didn’t realize I was going to her ward with the wrong dose, sir.”
“Check the cameras,” Ethan instructed.