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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Chapter 136
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Beautiful Bond Ch 9. Possessive
“So, how did you find it?” I ask her once we were back on the road.
She nods, her blond locks bouncing a little. “I enjoyed myself. Everyone was really nice.” She blushes and I raise an eyebrow.
“And a bit much at times?”
She shakes her head. “Nope, it was nice.
Your family has always been pleasant to me, even when they visited the pack. They are genuine people.” She replies, playing
with her hair.
“Good, but remember if there is something that bothers you, I’m always here for you.”
She nods, blushing again and I can’t help
but smirk at that.
“So, I see you enjoy talking about fashion and you always have loved picking out dresses. Have you ever considered it as a
business venture?”
She looks at me; her face set in a thoughtful expression. “There’s not much I can do with just having an interest in it. Leo has
said it to me too, but
I don’t think I want to. I’m happy minding the kids.”
“The kids will grow up.” I point out.
“They’ll have more kids.” She states. 2
“Fair enough. I don’t really know much about fashion, but there are several roads one can take from studying design, or simply
having your own shop at the Pack. I’m sure many she-wolves would love to have the option to shop openly on pack grounds,
rather than having to go to town. I don’t think Old Kim’s shop is ideal

She giggles at the mention of Kim’s thrift store that has some of the most horrid clothing I have ever come across, but I think it’s
more of a pass time for Kim than anything else.
“She has some good nick knacks if you look deeper.”
I shake my head, removing the explicit image that had entered my mind and frown at my own thoughts, running a hand down my
face. 1
I can’t really blame myself when she looks so tempting and has been on my mind for the last few months. Dreams are not
enough... I push the thoughts away before I end up with a damn hard-on, and glare out at the road.
“You should still consider something for
yourself. Leo isn’t wrong, and you are still young. Either way, whether you do decide to go for something or not, you’re perfect.” I
say. Reaching over, I give her hand a squeeze, not wanting to cross a boundary she isn’t ready for. I’m about to when her
slender fingers curl let go around mine and she holds on gently.
I look at her, but she’s looking ahead, her cheeks a pretty hue of pink. She’s taking steps, and I’ll take mine. I raise her hand to
my lips, kissing the smooth skin of her knuckles softly.
My wolf is restless, and he wants her as much as I do...
I ponder over what Alejandro said. Usually when people don’t have a wolf, they can’t mind link. It was always assumed she just
can’t shift, rather than not having a wolf... however, her being able to blend in with a room full of powerhouses was indeed
intriguing, it’s not like I have marked her yet. 4
“So, you never thought about your past?
And you don’t want to find out?” I ask.
She shakes her head. “No, the letter left at the orphanage only gave a date of birth and a name, but we assumed it wasn’t my
real name, anyway.” She sighs. “I don’t want to know.”
“That’s fair.” I reply. Our eyes meet and only because I’m driving, I’m forced to look away from that gorgeous face.
The urge to kiss her and more consumes me... and it’s only getting harder to ignore. Those looks she gives me don’t help.

We reach home faster than the way going, since there is less traffic now. I pull through the gates of Leo’s Villa, and get out,
before I open the door for her.
“Thanks.” She says, as she slides out gracefully.
I close the door after her, but I don’t move, “Thanks for accompanying me tonight, it wasn’t the easiest thing to face for a first
time out together... I asked you to be my date for the night and I enjoyed your company.” I say, looking down at her.

“I enjoyed myself, a lot... and thank you for these.” She touches her necklace and my gaze dips to her breasts. I don’t know if
she did that on purpose or not, but it’s fucking messing with me.
“You’re welcome... but if you continue to entice me, it will be incredibly hard to control myself, Bellissima.” I whisper
huskily as I grip her waist, gently tugging her closer. 5
Her heart’s pounding, but she isn’t pulling away, placing her hands on my chest. She’s holding her bag in one, but
I’m still satisfied with the fact she’s touching me instead of running.
“And if you continue to be such a gentleman, I don’t think I can stop you.” She whispers back. Her breasts are heaving, and I
slowly wrap my arms around her, caressing her narrow waist and the curves of her hips.
Her breath hitches and I slowly look up into her eyes, eyes that are glowing that brilliant honey topaz. A unique yet exquisite
shade. They dip to my lips and I can’t hold back any longer. I lean down, and her eyes close. For a second, as our breath
mingles, I admire her beauty, a gentle wind dances through her hair and then I claim her lips in a deep passionate kiss. 3
A thousand sparks dance through me, like a symphony that only we can create.
Her heart thrums to the beat of this melody, that is made for just the two of
She tastes sweet and fresh, reminding me of a slice of spring. She moves her soft lips against my own, a soft sigh escaping her,
and she wraps her arms around my neck, pressing herself fully against me.
I don’t stop, kissing her harder yet keeping it slow, wanting to feel her lips, the way they feel, the way she tastes... Needing
more, wanting to taste her forever – To feel this... The emotions are intense, and I tangle one hand into the back of her hair, the
other holding her waist tightly as I deepen the kiss and trace her lips with my tongue. She reacts perfectly, parting her lips and
she surprises me when her tongue flicks my own, before I capture it in my mouth, making her moan.

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I can smell her arousal and I step forward, pinning her against the car. The urge to rip that dress off makes me pull away from
her lips, trying to control myself as I throb against her. I kiss her neck instead, breathing hard as I nibble. and suck on the smooth
skin, making her moan in pleasure.
“Marcel...” She whimpers. I can feel her claws digging into my back. I don’t think she realises that she’s drawn blood and I don’t
really care. It means she’s partially shifting. I run my hand over her ass, and she moans, tilting her head, her lips meet my neck,
and she sucks deeply, sucking hard and I know she’ll leave a good hickey. 1
I bite back a groan of pleasure, my own hand squeezing her ass, the other hand raking up and down her back, wanting to feel
every inch of her.
She continues kissing me hungrily along my neck, her tongue running along it before she bites down on the skin, sucking hard.
“Mine.” She growls in a low whisper, and
my eyes widen when I feel her sharp teeth break the top layer of my skin, but she suddenly jolts back, pushing me away. I almost
stumble, not expecting that much force or the push for that matter.
Her canines are out, and she’s breathing hard. She blinks and her eyes return to normal.
She places her hands over her mouth, looking guilty. “I’m so sorry... I didn’t mean to....” She stares at my neck, horrified.
“It’s fine, there’s no-”
“I’m such a horrible person.” She whispers, and I can see the tears pooling in her eyes. She turns and I’m about to reach for her
when she shakes her head. ”
I’m ok... goodnight... I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I don’t push it, I have no clue what’s going through her mind. She stares at my neck with shame and guilt, before she turns and
runs to the door. Leaving me standing there feeling numb, turned on and fucking confused.
It’s the following day, and I stare down at the tickets I’ve purchased. I haven’t asked her yet, but if she’s up for it I want to take
her, otherwise, I’ll cancel my own too. I know she won’t be home at the moment since she’s taken Corrado to school, and so I.

take the chance to come to see Azura and Leo.
“So she partially shifted?” Azura asks.
Leo was in the shower when I arrived, so it’s just the two of us as I carry our little Princess.
“Yes, she had, and then she apologised and ran.” I sigh.
She frowns. “Did she... I mean... what happened right before she ran?”
I raise an eyebrow, “We were... she was kissing my neck if you must know.” I say with an emotionless face. Azura’s face breaks
into a huge smirk and she snaps her fingers.
“Yes!” She says before her smile faded.” She was kissing your neck and then she just jumped back?”
“Yeah, she said ‘mine’... and then said she was a horrible person....

The mark on my neck. Did it trigger her?
I look up at Azura, and I think she’s thinking the same thought, too.
“Maybe... seeing someone else’s mark triggered her...” She muses, placing a hand on my shoulder.
I can understand that.
“It makes sense... and then she felt guilty for thinking like that...” I sigh.
“Probably. Maybe she needs to mark you.” She suggests softly.
She nods, and we fall silent.
Love is complicated... I glance at her when she hasn’t said anything in a while, and I realise she’s hesitating as she fiddles with
her phone.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, concerned.

“Can I... Can I take a few pictures of your mark?” I raise my eyebrow and frown, realising she’s emotional. “For Leo... I want to
create some kind of wall art with that mark. A memory for him of his mother.” 4
Deep down, I know this is probably not the easiest thing for him, but he is willing to accept us, no matter what that means.
I nod, “Of course.”
I place Phoenix down and open my shirt button, holding the collar down to allow her to take a few pictures, and only when she
moves back satisfied with her images do I pick Phoenix up again. She smiles up at me, her big blue eyes sparkling, and I give
her a kiss.
She really was such a cute little one.
“You’re here early. Winona isn’t here.”
Leo states as coldly as ever as he enters, wearing only a pair of sweatpants, his wet hair falling over his eyes.
“I know I came to talk to the two of you. I wanted to ask her to accompany me on a trip. Would you two be alright with the kids?”
“Obviously,” Leo says. 1
“Yes! You two need to go on a trip! Where are you going?” Azura asks, her eyes wide with excitement.
“I was thinking Dubai.” I say. 1
“Ooo a lot to do there. I think she’ll love it!” Azura says as she stands up and Leo closes the gap between them. Once they’re
done kissing, I turn to Leo.
“And did you do a check again?” I ask him.
“Yeah, there’s literally nothing about where she came from, no Walters that could in any way be linked to her from the information
I had. It’s a fake name and there’s nothing on the night she was left there. I guess I could do some more digging, but she isn’t
interested, so I don’t see the need to.” 3
“Yeah, I asked her last night, too. She doesn’t want to know, so it doesn’t matter. We don’t need to find out.” I agree with him.
He nods, about to light a cigarette before he frowns, slipping the packet back into his pocket.

He’s keeping the promise he made to his son even when he isn’t around. Leo is a good father.
“Oh, Winona is back.” Azura smirks as the front door shuts.
“Then I guess I’ll go ask her about the trip.” I reply. Standing up, I carry
Phoenix out of the room. I close the door after me, making Winona, who is about to go to the kitchen, stop in her tracks and turn
towards me.
She looks gorgeous in white pants and a nude coloured high neck top that leaves her bare arms on display and I’m happy to see
she’s still wearing the bracelet.
“Hi... I’m sorry about last night.” She says quietly, surprising me by speaking first. There’s something different about her aura...
It’s far stronger... 3
“Don’t apologise. You have every right to be yourself.” I say, carrying Phoenix over to her. “I actually wanted to ask you
She nods, caressing Phoenix’s cheek and kissing her softly before she looks up at
Her heart skips a beat and I slowly lean down and peck her lips, moving back before she can respond to it.
She looks away coyly, but there’s a faint smile lingering on her lips.
“What did you want to ask me?” She questions lightly, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.
“How about we go for a walk.” I suggest.
“I will just put her down for a nap and-”
“I got this.” Azura says and I turn, not even realise when the door opened. She comes over, takes Phoenix from me, gives
Winona a big wink, and walks off.
“I guess that’s sorted.” I smirk, spotting Leo wrap his arms around Azura from behind as he whispers something in her ear,
making her blush. “I think they can use some privacy.”
“I think so too... Shall we?” She asks as she blushes, giving me a nod of agreement and I smile faintly at her.

“Perfect then, let’s go.”
I hold the door open for her and let her step out first...