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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Chapter 135
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Beautiful Bond Ch 8. Teasing
He had a point... But regardless of that, I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable.
“Well, it doesn’t matter where she’s from, we all know what we need to know, she’s from my pack.” I say looking down at the
beautiful woman beside me. 1
Alejandro nods
“Fair enough.” He says, but I don’t miss the final calculating look in his eyes.
Leo looks at him. “How’s the council dealing with their current issues?” He questions, drawing Alejandro’s attention away. 2
I frown, seeing the flicker of concern in Alejandro’s eyes. “No progress as of yet.
We’re handling this shit.”
“I miss Rayhan being home.” Delsanra murmurs, looking at Rayhan. 1
I can’t fault her. Every time something occurred, he was the one leading the hunt. He had been out when the Judah issue had
occurred, and now again. 2
“I fucking take the blame for that.”
Alejandro says.
“No, I’m sorry.” She shakes her head as Rayhan wraps his arms around her tightly, kissing her forehead.
“No, you’re not wrong, it’s unfair. I do always rely on him.” Alejandro admits, sighing.
“It is the duty of an Alpha to do what they must. It can be quiet though, especially with Ahren at school, and Sienna will be gone
this new school year.” Maria adds.
Winona looks sympathetic as she listens quietly.
“Let Rayhan take a few weeks off. I’ll cover him.” Liam says seriously, sitting back in his seat. Raven smiles over at

Delsanra, who looks at them gratefully.
“You have your family too, Liam,” Rayhan says, frowning slightly.
“I do, but Raven will have company still, besides I could use the break from her.”
Liam counters teasingly, making Raven frown at him. He cups her face and kisses her forehead.
Raven will have a lot more company than Maria and Delsanra would. The Rossi mansion is vast, but there is a loneliness in
those walls. Even with the laughter of children and the love of those residing there, it isn’t enough.
“Sounds like a good plan.” Elijah agrees. and Alejandro nods, frowning.
Recently there have been some strange occurrences that are growing in number over the months and there’s not much
Alejandro could do but call in those ideal for this job. 1
“The two families have a beautiful bond.’
Winona says through the mind link, watching as Rayhan thanks Liam and both men lean over, and fist bump one another.
‘We actually do, before they were even tied by the union of Kiara and Alejandro,
Rafael and Elijah were good friends, just as their sons are now.’ I reply, as she reaches for the meat on the grill platter that now
sits in front of us and begins to placé some grilled meat on my plate. Her hair keeps falling in front of her and I reach over,
brushing it back. 1
“Thank you.” She says softly, blushing lightly as I slowly let go of her hair. ” Would you like some salad?”
I pick up the bowl and raise an eyebrow as I put some in my own plate. “Would you like some?” I ask instead.
“Sure.” She says. Her heart skips a beat and I know we have a few pairs of eyes on
“You two are so cute.” Skyla says, and I glance up as she smiles deviously, watching us.
“I hope you did well in your exams, to her, and she shrugs.

“I say

“I always do great Uncle, stop changing the topic.”
“Skyla, leave them alone.” Kiara reprimands her lightly.
“Sky’s just jealous.” Azura adds making Skyla stick her tongue out at her.
Kataleya smiles. “I think you both make a lovely pair, and Uncle, it’s lovely to see you smiling like this.”
She’s always been observant. She is quite different from Azura and Skyla, each one special in their own way.
“So, tell me, Winona, what do you like most about Uncle?” Raihana asks, and several of the women turn their attention to her.
“Uh... What do you like about your mate?
I like the same...” She mumbles. 1
Not the right person to say that to
Raihana smirks. “Oh, now I get it. Well, what do you know? I never realised you two were already at that stage.”
Chris smirks, kissing her neck.
“Raihana.” Maria scolds whilst Winona seems to realise what Raihana means, and her eyes fly open.
“No, I mean like personality! He’s sweet, caring... and he – he is handsome.” She blushes and I shake my head.
“Let the men leave, then we can have a proper talk,” Azura whispers to Raihana, although everyone can still hear her.
“And why the fuck are we leaving?” Leo asks.
“Yeah, exactly my fucking question.” Alejandro frowns.
Azura rolls her eyes. “For two people who are meant to be incredibly smart... Let me explain it to you. This is a no-smoking
zone, so I know for a fact after food you two will want a smoke. So, you’ll be going outside.”
“Yes! And no smoking around Phinnie!”
Corrado adds.

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“The kid has a point.” Alejandro says, pulling Kiara close and giving her a peck.
“He is my son, after all.” Leo says arrogantly before giving Corrado a smirk.
I chuckle. That is a rule he had put in place, although Leo explained to him that it can’t affect her, as a werewolf’s body heals.
Corrado’s reply had seemed to really hit home with Leo, and I still remember my grandson’s words.
‘But Daddy, I don’t want Phinnie’s body to work hard to heal. Why can’t you just smoke away from her?’ 2
Leo’s reply had been equally moving. ‘I will, and from you too, you’re both equal to me, Kiddo. I never saw it like that. I’ll
remember that from now on.’
I smile slightly, turning and observing the woman beside me. She’s smiling as she listens to the ongoing conversation.
The women involve her in their conversations, but I can see they’re trying not to put her on the spot.
By the time we are almost finished eating, Kataleya, Kiara, Raihana and
Winona are talking avidly about clothes and fashion. I know it’s something that Winona has always loved and taken an interest
in. I remember the way she had gotten all excited when I told her to get everyone’s clothing for the party in Azura and Leo’s
honour. And now, seeing her talk about a certain necklace that
Kataleya is wearing, I think I have just discovered my mate’s true passion... 1
“I’m going to step out with the men.” I say quietly to her, placing a hand on her lower back. Her heart skips a beat, and she nods.
For a second, my gaze dips to her lips before I look away smoothly.
“I’ll sit with Winnie.” Corrado says, getting out of his own seat as the men make their way to the door. The younger boys are
sitting down at the other end of the table talking and chatting, whilst the girls are also laughing over something.
Well, all of them save Alessandra. That girl keeps to herself.
“Thank you.” Winnie says, hugging Corrado tightly.
“You do look very beautiful, Winnie.” He says to her in a loud whisper.

I watch them as I walk to the door.

“Alright lover boy, move faster.”
Alejandro mocks, slinging his arm around my shoulder, making Liam and Rayhan chuckle.
I frown at him as the door swings shut, but not before I hear a few of the women laugh and Maria asking Winona how long we
have been together. However, I’m not able to hear her reply in time.
“Maybe I should skip this and head back.” I declare as the others smirk at me.
How old are they?
“Why? Can’t stay away from her for long?” Alejandro mocks. He really isn’t going to drop this.
Leo smirks as we step out into the gardens of the restaurant, and he is the first to light a cigarette.
“I think that’s pretty obvious.” Chris adds, clearly amused.
“Alright, who the fuck wants to hear a story?” Alejandro says.
“Are you telling it? Because I’m not sure I want to hear it.” Elijah remarks and it’s my turn to smirk.
“Well, it involves your daughter.”
Alejandro shoots back. “Back in the caverns...”
I raise an eyebrow, knowing exactly where this is going. “So, are we really doing that again?” 2
He smirks coldly and I frown, annoying little brother.
“You mocked me for being thirty-four with an eighteen-year-old mate, damn... and your mate is my entire fucking thirty- four
years or some shit younger. I just wanted to remind you that Karma is fucking real.” He mocks. 1
“I hope you remember that too Alejandro
... However, for the sake of my granddaughters, I do hope that Karma doesn’t come to bite you in that tattooed ass.” Elijah drops
with a snide smirk and I’m not the only one who roars with laughter. 2
“Never knew you were checking out my tattooed behind. Sorry, but I don’t roll that way.” Alejandro counters cockily. 1

Yeah, nothing really does shake him.
“No thanks, not sure what my daughter sees in you.” Elijah shoots back with a glare.
“How old are you two?” Leo asks, cocking a brow.
“Way younger than us, it appears.” Liam replies with a shrug as Chris smirks.
“Especially with their young mates.” He drops snidely, earning a frown from me. ” Only messing.” He adds.
“As for my girls... I know I’m going to fucking hate it when they find their mates.” Alejandro’s eyes flash red. 1
“I think we all feel that way about our daughters.” Rayhan sighs. “Sienna... I worry for her.” 6
“I’m relieved that Katara is still young.
But anyway, congratulations Marcel, it was good news to learn you are blessed with a second chance mate.” Liam says to I nod,
turning serious. “Thank you. Initially, I did feel she’s rather young and the age gap is big, but then she turned out to be my mate-”
“Wait, so you liked her before you found out you’re mates, huh?” Chris grins.
“Well, she’s a shy one, but women may talk fucking bullshit about wanting a gentleman, but we all know even the good boys
have that dominant side. Women prefer bad boys, yet they like to pretend they don’t, most of the fucking time.” Alejandro says,
taking a long drag on his cigarette as he glances at Liam and Rayhan before looking at me.
“Your point?” I ask.
“So just stop acting like a pup in love for the first fucking time and show her what
makes a Rossi, a Rossi.” 7
“Thanks for that.” I reply sarcastically.
“You’re welcome.” He grins. 1
“Now let’s get the fuck inside, I need my woman.” Leo replies and I swear, for a second, I had thought it was Alejandro who had
said that. I smile inwardly. He may be my son, but he isn’t much like me.
“Amen to that.” Alejandro says as Leo tosses his cigarette in the trash, leading the way back inside.

An hour later, we all bid one another farewell and Maria asks us to come down to their pack for one of the upcoming festivals,
and I promise her that we will.
I then turn to Winona. “Let’s go.” I say, noticing how she’s reapplied her lipstick to those kissable lips at some point and
something tells me that the journey back is going to be a lot harder than the one here. 2.