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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Chapter 134
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Beautiful Bond Ch 7. The Family
I let my hair down and turn, my heart is still a mess and I hold my wrist out not caring if I’m being shameless... If it means I can
have the feel of his touch linger on my skin for a moment longer I don’t need to be asked twice.
He latches the bracelet onto my bare wrist, raises my hand to his lips, and kisses it softly. “Perfect.”
His eyes meet mine and I smile softly, the sexual tension is strong, and I can see his struggle, but somehow it only makes me
happy... He wants me as much as I want him... I just need to be brave enough to show him that.
He steps back, letting go of my hand and allowing me to step outside first. He helps me into his car before strapping me in and
closing the door.
What a gentleman.
It takes us at least forty minutes to get there and we have just entered the town where we will be having dinner at a popular
restaurant. The journey was pleasant, and we even made small talk. A few times, things got a little... intense.
“Have you been here before?” I ask, referring to the restaurant.
“I have. With Alejandro, a couple of times, he’s quite a fan of the food.”
I nod and he smirks as he slows a little, signalling right. As we wait for the oncoming cars to slow down a little, he looks over at
“It’s also one of Leo’s favourite places. I don’t think he realises how similar he is to Alejandro.” 2
I smile. I saw the similarities when they visited, and I also know Leo doesn’t like the comparison even though there are some
similarities there.
“Well, I’m certain it must be a nice place if they both like it. I have heard good things about it. Do they know that you are bringing
someone?” I ask, feeling nervous as he parks up in the huge car park at the restaurant that has two fountains at the entrance.
He unbuckles his belt and cocks a brow.”

Did you want me to?”
“Umm, no I just... maybe I thought it might make the attention less...” I brush my fingers through my curls, twisting a strand
“There’s nothing wrong with a little attention. Alejandro and Maria already know there’s someone I’m interested in, but if you’re
happy with me letting them know, I would love to tell them that you are my fated mate, too.” He says, reaching over as he
removes my hands. from my hair. “And before you worry about this being Corrado’s night, I already have my grandson’s blessing
when it comes to his Nanny. He only said “I’m to treat you well.” 3
My eyes widen in shock.
“Corrado knows?!” I yelp.
He chuckles and nods. “Yes, he does. I told him you were a gift from the Goddess. to me, and he agreed to share his Winnie with

me as long as I agree to move in with you guys.” 1
“He-he’s thinking ahead!” I blush.
“Maybe, but sooner or later I want you with me, permanently.”
That means sharing a bedroom with him ... imagine that... I blush deeply and I know my cheeks are probably bright red now...
and I find myself nodding before I freeze, realising what I was agreeing to.
“No, I didn’t mean that! Oh, my goddess!” I hide my face in my hands, only for him to laugh. My heart skips a beat as I look at
him. There aren’t many times I’ve seen him laugh so heartily.
“Let’s go.” He chuckles. He gets out and before I’ve even unstrapped myself and picked up my purse, he has the door open for
me, giving me a hand.
Well, here goes nothing...
We step inside the restaurant and are led to the private room booked for the Rossi
birthday bash. My stomach is a mess of
nerves and if Marcel’s hand wasn’t on my back, I feel like I would topple over.

It’s a luxury restaurant, decorated in golds, browns and creams and I can tell it’s very top tier.
The member of staff standing outside the door opens it for us and I look in at the vast number of people there.
Oh, dear goddess...
There are the Westwoods, Azura’s parents and her brother’s full family.
Then there is Luna Maria and both her children with their full families and lastly is the Lycan King and his family, apart from his
eldest son. 1
“Marcel.” The King says as he smirks, looking rather dangerous. “And who do we have here?” 2
I feel like a deer waiting for the lion or someone to eat me under his powerful gaze. 3
“That’s Winnie! She’s my Nanny and she is also Grandad’s girlfriend!” Corrado says happily. 2
I blush at that, and a few people chuckle.
“She’s too pretty! Uncle no fair!” Skyla exclaims, making me blush further, and Kiara shakes her head. 2
“I got here first.” Marcel says to her with a smile.
“Ah...” King Alejandro says, and I feel overwhelmed by the immense power that comes from this family. I bet the waiter outside
must think it’s some sort of Mafia family meeting or something. 4
“Winona, it’s a lovely surprise to see you.” Scarlett smiles faintly, but I have a feeling she already knows. 1
“Everyone, as Corrado has said already, I want you to meet Winona. She is my second chance.” Marcel says clearly, making all
eyes turn on me.
“Oh damn Uncle, you got lucky.” Raihana says.
“I’m with you on that one.” Skyla agrees, reaching over and high-fiving her cousin. 1
“Come over here, take a seat.” Azura says, and I’m relieved that I’m seated right beside her. The only two empty seats left.
Corrado sits between her and Leo and, although it may be something small, I truly appreciate this gesture of hers. She picks up

her bag from the seat, motioning me to sit down. At least she’ll be right there if I need her support, although something tells me
no one will mess with Marcel either.
We both take our seats and Leo speaks. Since we’re all here, let’s have the first course now.”
The doors open and food starts being brought in. I can feel several pairs of eyes on me, and I try to relax.
“Welcome to the family, Winona.” Luna
Maria says, leaning over from across the table and offering me her hand. The mate of Marcel’s twin... Her story is heartbreaking,
but what truly touches me is the love that she has for him can not be replaced. 3
“Thank you.” I say, shaking her hand as Kataleya smiles at me.
“You look beautiful.” She says softly from across the table. (2
Everyone greets me and I realise it isn’t so bad. No one has put me on the spot or even looked at me critically at all!
They are welcoming me and making me feel like part of the family...
I look up at Marcel to find him watching
‘See, I told you, you’ll fit right in.’ He says through the link.
‘I was nervous.’ I reply softly. His hand touches my back, and he gives me a faint smirk.
‘I know, but you handled it really well. You really do look beautiful tonight, but then, you always do.’
I smile – blushing, when someone places their hand on my shoulder and I look up to see it’s Kiara. She gives me a one- armed
hug. “Welcome to the family. I’m so delighted for you both.” She says, giving me a warm smile and a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you.” I smile back.
“Karma really did bite you in the ass. Next time, think before fucking speaking.” King Alejandro smirks and I wonder what he
means as Marcel frowns at him, but I can’t ponder on it for long as Corrado gives me a thumbs up and a cheeky grin. “So, why
don’t you introduce yourself, since Marcel kept you pretty much a secret?” He adds, now turning his powerful gaze on me. 2
I turn my attention to him. His aura is intense and after a moment, I look down and nod.

“My name is Winona Walters. I’m an orphan that Leo helped with funding and he helped me too by bringing me to the Sangue
pack and giving me a place to stay and I don’t have a wolf...”
“A rogue?” Alejandro asks keenly.
“No, she was there at an orphanage, but she was part of a pack.” Marcel says and I remember that conversation from long ago.
He had told Leo when he had initiated me into the pack that I do belong somewhere. But Leo had been adamant that I needed
no other pack and since I didn’t remember my family or pack, I was better off here, and I was. 2
“Hmm.. you do seem familiar.... somewhat. I don’t fucking know how though, maybe it’s your aura.” Alejandro says, observing
me keenly. 2
“I’m just an omega, your majesty.” I say politely.
“First of all, it’s fucking Alejandro to you, secondly I don’t like people going by that rank, and third, you’re definitely not an
omega.” He replies sounding scary, but I know it’s just the way he talks. He’s definitely like Leo. 3
I almost smile at that and nod, although I don’t see myself calling him by his name so soon.
“Yes...” I reply, but he’s piqued my curiosity. “Why would you say I’m not an omega?”
“Because no omega can cope with being in the presence of so many Alphas and not to mention, look me in the eye for that
fucking long.” 7
A silence falls over the table and I suddenly feel extremely self-conscious as all eyes turn on me... 14.