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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper

Chapter 24
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Chapter 24 Leave for Anemond


Night came and I couldn’t get any sleep. Too many thoughts plagued my mind, and no matter how

many times I tried to settle in and get some rest, I just couldn’t. I tossed and turned like mad as images

of smoke danced in my mind.

My house was gone and along with it was my mother’s pendant.

After a while, I glanced over at Finnick. I hadn’t told him about the fire. I didn’t want to worry him when

there was already so much to deal with. His face was peaceful as he slept, and it brought a smile to my

face. At the end of the day, we were mostly safe and sound. I was grateful to at least have my boy with


“It’s us against the world, baby,” I whispered, and then I laid back down and closed my eyes.

The next morning came faster than I wanted it to, and I awoke to the sound of a knock at the door. I

pulled myself out of bed and carefully walked over to the door

so I wouldn’t wake Finnick.

I opened the door to find Amalia on the other side. The maid smiled at me and then I noticed that she

was holding a tray full of food.

“The car to Anemond is ready,” she announced. “The Alpha King wishes for your to join him downstairs

within half an hour. Before then, I’ve brought you breakfast.”

“Okay,” I agreed. “Thank you, Amalia.”

The maid nodded, and after I accepted the tray, I closed the door and let out a sigh. Anemond. I

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couldn’t believe all of this was happening to me. Asher Collins had somehow snuck his way back into

my life and was bringing me back to the source of all of my trauma and nightmares.

This half-hour would likely be the last thirty minutes of my life that I would be

able to have calmness. Anemond loomed over me like a monster I just couldn’t escape. I couldn’t even

think of the word without shivering.

And now that my mother’s pendant was gone, I had nothing to pray to, nothing. to watch over me. My

relationship with the Moon Goddess was complicated, and half of the time, I wasn’t sure I believed in

her. I had long lost most of my faith in a being who’d matched me with Asher and then robbed me of


Speaking of the Alpha King, I couldn’t help but hope that the incident last night hadn’t caused too much

suspicion. I should have maintained my composure, but it was all so shocking that I couldn’t keep it all

in. And then the situation with Prince Rayden… everything had become so complicated so quickly.

I had to tread carefully now if I wanted to survive. I had to protect Finnick at all costs, so I needed to be

careful from here on out.

Suddenly, Finnick sat up and let out a yawn. He blinked his gray eyes at me sleepily and then yawned


“Mommy, are we leaving now?” he asked, and then he rubbed his eyes.

“Yes, honey,” I replied. “I’m afraid it’s time. But before we go, let’s try to eat. some food, okay? This

food looks really yummy and you’ll need your strength for today..”

“Okay, Mommy,” he said, and he stretched his little arms above him. I brought the tray over to the table

in the corner and began to set up plates for the two of us. I filled each with eggs, bacon, fruit, and

biscuits, and once it was all assembled, Finnick joined me at the table.

We ate quickly, and once our bellies were full, I helped Finnick get dressed and then dressed myself.

We picked up a few of our things that we wanted directly with us, and when we were finally ready, a

few servants arrived to grab the rest.

“Ready, baby?” I asked Finnick, and after he nodded, I took his hand in mine, and the two of us walked

down the stairs.

A mass of people had gathered in the lobby. Alpha Gareth, Sofia, Dominic, and

a few guards were there, along with Asher and his son. Rayden was nowhere to be found, which was

somewhat of a relief after yesterday, but at the same time, I felt a little sad. I hoped the prince hadn’t

been punished too harshly for what had happened in the garden. I didn’t want to cause too much

trouble to the Alpha family who had always been so kind to me over the years.

“Sorry to keep you waiting,” I apologized to everyone as we joined them.

Luna Sofia’s blue eyes filled with tears that welled up further as she took a step toward me.

“Oh, Ca ssy,” she breathed. “I’m going to miss you so much.”

She embraced me warmly, and then she squatted down to give Finnick a hug.

“We’ll miss you too, sweet boy,” she said, and then she glanced at me. “I hope you have a good and

safe journey to Anemond.”

Alpha Gareth nodded. “Yes, safe travels to you both.”

Beside him, his youngest son was sniffling. Finnick was his best friend in the world, and I knew this was

going to be difficult for both of them. Dominic approached Finnick, and the two hugged each other


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They didn’t say much, but their expressions said it all.

“I’ll come visit you in Anemond, Finnick,” Dominic promised. “When grow up.”


Finnick nodded solemnly and wiped a tear from his cheek.

Asher waited patiently for us to finish, and then cleared his through. “It’s time for us to leave.”

The rest of us nodded, and then gathered our things and walked out onto the lawn. Two cars were

parked outside- one fancy and extravagant, while the other was more ordinary.

When Finnick caught sight of the extravagant car his eyes widened. He ran to

the luxury car and stared at me with huge eyes.

“Wow, Mommy!” he exclaimed with excitement. “This is amazing!”

“Of course it is,” Asher’s son Marco said with a roll of his eyes. “My father is the king, remember?”

Finnick nodded and then turned to me again. “Can I sit in the front seat) Mommy?”

I shook my head. “The front seat isn’t safe, sweetheart. You’re too young.”

Finnick sighed in disappointment. Living in a village as small as this one, he’d had few opportunities to

ride in a car before. The furthest we’d ever gone was with Marley to the neighboring village in her car.

“Sweetheart,” Marco scoffed, and I fought the urge to get annoyed. I’d never expected such meanness

from someone so young, but perhaps he got that from his mother.

“Marco,” Asher chastised him.

“Sorry,” he said, but he continued to glare at Finnick. Luckily, my son didn’t scare easily and kept his

gaze steady.

I looked back at the more ordinary car. I gripped my bag tighter and began to walk toward the direction

of it. Se rvants were filling the trunk with the rest of our belongings, and I wanted to get settled for the

long journey.

However, I was stopped by Asher’s grip on my arm.

“You will take the same car as me,” he said plainly.