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Alpha Dimitri By LS Barbosa

Chapter 80
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Chapter 80 Aurora: “Something is bothering you.” Natalia stated, lookingin the eye. | took a deep breath and looked down at the drinks that were supposed to serve to the elders, and the fact that | was going to have to be serving the Lord Alpha too wasn’t. something that sl*pped my mind either.

“I am fine.” | said choosing to keep things to myself for now. The fact that | didn’t even know how | was going to be speaking to my mate about this bothered me. And it didn’t take a genius to know that this was why mom toldabout this right now.

She knew very well what she was doing, and that alone made the whole situation a lot worse for me. To say the least, | would have hoped, just for a minute, that she wouldn't ruin such a night for me, but here | was, wrong again with what | believed.

“You can lie toall you want, but you know for fact that | am not going to fall for it. And if | am letting it slide, it is because we have a lot to deal with right now, and | know that you are already under the pressure of the elders being here. However, | do believe that Dimitri would want an explanation as to why you look like you just saw a ghost.” She said, putting on the best smile that she could muster as she looked at the elders walking inside with Dimitri. His eyes met mine and | could see their questioning in them before he turned to look at the elders. “You need to smile, Aurora. You are going to attract more attention, negative attention, to yourself if you don’t.” The Lord Alpha kept his eyes on me, studying my expression, or at least, trying to read it. But | looked away from him as | turned to Natalia, pretending to be busy with a conversation that | was having with her. Thankfully, she played along the sgas Dimitri approached us.

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Dimitri’s eyes met mine and he shook his head at me, watching as | served the elders their drinks alongside Natalia. One maid approached us, and | smiled, handing her the tray before my mate wrapped his arm around my waist, pullingaway from the crowd as everyone busied themselves.

Natalia walked toward Ivan, and I couldn't help but smile when | saw her pecking his I*ps. At least it was a distraction from everything that | was thinking.

“Aurora, what is going on, malyshka? And don’t tellnothing, | know for fact that something happened between you and your mom. You wouldn't be in this. state if nothing did.” He said, his voice softening as he spoke. | knew that the music masked our voices, but | also didn’t know how | was going to tell him that the bastard ‘Omega’ who was in front of him was an elder’s daughter. At this point, | didn’t even know whether or not the Lord Alpha actually knew who | was, and if he did, would he be accepting me? Would he look atany differently? Or would he killthe second he realizes that | was the mistake that they threw out? And if he knew who | was, why would he throwout the way that he did? The number of questions that played in my head were countless, but | couldn't even voice out one of them. And that fact was all the more painful toas | knew that | could possibly never get an answer to any of them.

He looked at mom for a second, clearly noticing her eyes on us, and | couldn’t help but find myself feeling small because of it. “Did she tell you anything that hurt or broke you, malyshka? Please tellforto be able to help you with it.” “Dimitri...

well hiding it is not going to help “Aurora, whatever it is, just talk toabout it. us with solving it, and you know that very well.” He said, stopping me. My chest. burned, and | didn’t even know how | was going to tell him about it. The idea of everything being as messed up was one that | couldn't handle dealing with, | didn’t even know how he was going to react as my mate. The man barely accepted me, the idea of him rejectingagain, resenting my presence or looking atdifferently wasn’t something that | wanted to deal with.

“What if it is too much to handle? What if knowing or hearing of this is going to change a lot, between us, in our lives, and those that surround us?” | asked, shaking my head. Dimitri studied my expression for a second before he took my hands in his, bringing them to his I*ps as he k*ssed my knuckles. My chest burned, and he kept his eyes on mine for a second before pullingto his chest as he pulledin for a hug.

“Whatever it is, Aurora, you can trust that | am going to be there by your side. We will be solving it together, | just need us to pass the night safely and with no trouble; then the two of us can deal with everything together.

And whatever it is that your mom told you, and | know that she is the one who did, we will know how to handle it together. | just need you to trust me, okay?” He asked, lookingin the eye. My eyes caught sight of the elders as they approached us, and Dimitri cupped my cheeks, makinghold eye contact before he k*ssed my forehead. “And if you are afraid that | am going to be leaving you, then trust me, with my life, | swear to you that I won't. And it is has nothing to do with the mating or promise, but | cto learn that finding a pure hearted person in my life was something that | never had.” “And that is not something that | want to lose.” He whispered, and I blushed before k*ssing his cheek. | rarely ever had the courage to lean in and k*ss him, and him freezing toldthat he was surprised that | did it. Even | was, but | knew that it happened spontaneously “How was | this blessed to find a man like you in my life?” | asked, and he smiled. My heart skipped a beat when he ran his finger over my hand, and | couldn't help the blush that formed on my cheeks as he did. But | had to admit, after everything that we've been through, the last thing that | would have ever expected was forto find peace in the arms of the one man that | thought would never accept me.

“Believe it or not, malyshka, it iswho was blessed with an angel like you.” He said, and | smiled, biting my bottom I*p as | tried to stop my smile from growing more than it already was. The man didn’t know what effect he was having onright now, but | doubt that he would care anyway. | believed that he enjoyed it. “I know for fact that | don’t deserve it, nor do | deserve the kindness that you've shown me. But | know for fact that | am going to be making up for everything that you've lived through with me.” | stayed quiet, studying the man’s expression as | tried understanding whether or not he was being serious right now. And though I shouldn't have been as paranoid, | should have accepted things and how we have become; | knew that | couldn't easily just do that with the way that the two of us started. | mean, the man wouldn't even look ata month ago and now he was callingan angel, and | couldn't help but find myself wondering whether or not he was being honest or if he was just getting a moment’s excitement until he was bored.

“Now, how about we go and tend to our guests? | am sure that most of them would be wondering where my beautiful Luna was, and judging by the elders who were looking our way, | know that even they are curious. Plus, we still have to bring in our little angel,” he said, and | smiled and nodded. The man had his way with words, and | knew that he was doing it to ensure that he boostedup. when he sawweakening a bit. And | was more than thankful for it. At least, the man madefeel like | wasn’t alone. He madefeel like he was by my side.

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through it all.

“How is it possible that you managed to swoonover with words?” | asked, and he chuckled before wrapping his arm around my waist. The two of us turned around to face our guests, and he k*ssed my temple, making my cheeks redden. “Baby girl, | am yet to even show you off to those who will dare to look.” He said, and | laughed as he guidedtoward his allies. The two of us walked around for a bit, mingling with some, talking to others, and it wasn’t until Natalia looked at me, lettingknow that it was time, that | nodded. It was tfor us to bring in Angelina, based on what we decided. The elders looked at us, and | knew that it was getting late anyway, most of the guests would be heading off after dinner, which would be a few minutes after the celebration of my daughter.

| looked at Dimitri, who nodded, allowingto go and bring her. Her baswas already set and prepared, but | didn’t want her to be frightened when she entered a place where she didn’t recognize most of those who were around her. Being a baby, she barely recognized us by our scents and sight, those that she didn’t know made her cry if we were not by her side, and that is something that | didn’t want. It would cause more of a fuss, and that wasn’t something that we needed right now. We wanted the night to keep going as smooth as it was, and though my mother looked at me, clearly surprised that things were not backfiring, | was sure to put on a smile on my face, not wanting her to see my anger. It pained to admit, but | knew that this was a final strand for me.

Whatever was going to happen from here, | wasn’t going to be surprised.

| laid my little angel in the basinet, and everyone looked at her, muttering and murmuring amongst themselves.

The Lord Alpha kept his eyes on her, inhaling her scent as if memorizing it, and | couldn't help but find myself growing curious. about what was on his mind right now as he saw her.

But | knew better not to ask right now. Whatever it was, | knew that it was going to show eventually. However, | also knew that if he chose to hide things, then a reason must have been there, whatever it was, | knew that it was going to rot out soon.

“What did you nher?” The Lord Alpha asked, speaking for the first tsince. we brought her over. His voice seemed to be caught up in his throat, and | looked at my mate, nodding at him to answer. It was is place to do so anyway, and | knew that regardless of everything, that | was to respect his position as my Alpha.

“Her nis Angelina. My heir and beautiful daughter, Angelina.”