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All Too Late

Chapter 496
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Chapter 496 You Messed Up My Hair Samuel’s eyes never left Kathleen. “What’s your next step?”

“Axeworth Corporation is now leaderless. We should strike while the iron is still hot. Raymond will make

a move if I don’t, no matter what,” she replied. “Yeah, you should do it yourself, rather than letting

Raymond take the claim and strengthen Blissful Sect,” he agreed. “You’re right, and it’s not too late yet.”

Kathleen gave him a meaningful look. “So…” “Do you want to go back?” Samuel swallowed. “I don’t trust

anyone else to do this.” She pursed her lips. “I’ll go with you.” He was worried about her as well. “Listen

to me, Samuel.” She wanted to persuade him to stay. “Nothing you say can convince me otherwise.” He

was resolute. She faltered before saying, “All right, we’ll go together.” Samuel squeezed her hand. “I

want to know your past, but I know there are some things even I cannot get involved with.” “I

understand.” Kathleen blinked at him. She wouldn’t stop him if he wanted to go. There were no longer

any dangers lurking there. The worst that could happen was Raymond. News of Adina’s troubles would

soon reach Raymond, and he would be too preoccupied to care about Kathleen and Samuel. Both of

them were immediately on the move. Kathleen took care of Samuel during the journey. His leg was

almost completely recovered, but his right hand was still healing slowly. She would be perturbed every

time she saw his scarred hand. Samuel woke up suddenly, and his breath caught when he noticed the

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sorrow on Kathleen’s face. He pressed his forehead to hers. “Why do you always look at me like that?”

“Should I be at peace instead?” She returned. He didn’t say a word, but his expression said yes.

“Samuel, you still don’t get it. I stayed with you because I’d moved on from the past. Of course I will be

worried and sad when you’re hurt. I didn’t choose to be with you out of guilt and obligation. Don’t worry.”

Kathleen sighed. He muttered self-deprecatingly, “Do you know that I always felt like a bastard for

treating you that way? I understand if you don’t forgive me, but I can’t let you go.” She stared deeply into

his eyes. “It’s water under the bridge, Samuel.” He nodded. “Rest for a while longer. We’re almost there.”

She took his hand in hers. He flashed her a reassured smile. “I’m well rested.” A flight attendant

announced over the PA system that they would be landing soon. They exited the airport half an hour

later, and a car was waiting for them at the curb. They were driven to Charles’ mansion where he greeted

them at the door. “Charles!” Kathleen walked toward him. His lips curved up. “You’re here.” “Yeah.” She

nodded. His gaze shifted to Samuel. “Come on in.” “Okay!” Kathleen hooked both her hands around

Samuel and Charles’ arms and entered the mansion hand in hand. They reached the living room and sat

on the couch. Charles started gravely, “Raymond has made the first move. He has been coveting

Axeworth Corporation’s territory for a long time.” “I assumed he’d be busy helping Adina.” Kathleen

furrowed her brows. “It’d be hard.” Charles eyed Samuel, deducing he was the one pulling the strings

behind the scenes. Kathleen knew the reason. “Did he make a move tonight?” “Yeah, he will act tonight.

Besides, he had invited me for a party tonight,” Charles answered. “It has to be a trap. I’m going with

you, Charles.” Worry creased her brows. “Who will call the shots tonight if I went?” He said in a low

voice. “Raymond will know we’re up to something if you don’t show up,” she argued. “Samuel can take

command if I go with you.” Samuel frowned.

I don’t want to be in charge. I want to stay with Kathleen. “You don’t want to?” She asked. “I’ll do it,”

Samuel replied ruefully. “Attaboy,” she cajoled. His reluctance promptly vanished. He vowed to complete

his task and return to her side as soon as possible. “Let’s prepare.” Kathleen surged to her feet to get

ready for tonight. She could not show up to a dinner party like that. Samuel, on the other hand, required

no preparation and simply waited for her. A while later, she emerged from the cloakroom in a black lace-

trimmed gown. Her long, toned legs peeked through the slit that ran up the dress, and she looked

alluring. Samuel swallowed reflexively at the sight of her, but she wasn’t aware of his heated gaze as she

walked to the vanity and gathered her inky dark hair into a messy chignon with a few loose tendrils

framing her face. After she dabbed a light sheen of red lipstick and turned around, he was already

standing in front of her. “What’s wrong?” She blinked. “Is your lipstick a little too bright?” He asked in a

serious tone. “Is it?” Kathleen turned around again to check her reflection in the mirror. It might be a little

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too much. She pulled a piece of tissue to blot off the excess lipstick when Samuel grabbed her wrist and

drew her closer. “That’s too bothersome.” She bumped into his chest and stiffened, feeling his finger curl

under her chin and lifting her face before he sealed his mouth over hers. Kathleen didn’t utter a sound,

and he released her a few minutes later, his large hand still cradling the back of her head, his breathing

uneven. Tears pooled at the corners of her eyes. She glanced at his lips, which were smudged red with

her lipstick. “Happy now?” She huffed a breath.

Samuel wiped his lips with the back of his hand and answered evenly, “Not really.” “You’re so annoying,

and you messed up my hair.” Kathleen nudged him away. He wouldn’t have stopped at a kiss if it weren’t

for tonight’s plans. She redid her hair and reapplied her lipstick before heading downstairs with Samuel

following her unhurriedly. Charles shot them a look. “That took long. I was about to send someone up to

check on you, but no one dared to try their luck.” Kathleen remained silent. “I’ll leave tonight’s plan in

your hands, Mr. Macari. Yadiel and the others know the ins and outs of the situation. Kate and I will take

our leave now,” Charles said. Samuel eyed him without answering and clasped Kathleen’s arm. “I’ll find

you after everything’s done. Wait for me.” She blew out a breath and lifted her hand. “See this?” On her

finger was the engagement ring Samuel had given her during their proposal. His hand flew to his neck,

where the ring had been dangling from the end of a chain he wore. She had taken it without his

knowledge. “Now will you stop worrying?” She was wearing the ring on her ring finger.