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A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO

Chapter 9
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“Absolutely, I'd love to!" Qin Feng exclaimed with delight.

It was unusual for Hsu Yunxiao to accompany him on outings, and this was the first time she had asked him to join her.

What he didn't realize was that Hsu Yunxiao needed to borrow money and would likely be drinking, which meant she couldn't drive. Besides, the hotel was so close that she'd arrive by bike before a taxi could even show up.

“Babe, how do we get to Wanfu Restaurant?" Qin Feng inquired, riding the electric bike with curiosity.

Unbeknownst to him, Hsu Yunxiao hadn't even opened those two boxes. She was planning to dine with her classmate Xiao Mann, to whom she intended to ask for a loan. Xiao Mann was her arch- nemesis, adamant about choosing Wanfu Restaurant.

“I told you, we're going out to treat someone," Hsu Yunxiao snapped, irritated at the thought of him.

“If it weren't for you, | wouldn't even need to do this!" “Because of me?" Qin Feng was perplexed.

“Tell me, did you hit Yang Junchao?" Hsu Yunxiao demanded.

“I did," Qin Feng admitted with a nod.

“Why would you do that? He was supposed to help us. You've done more harm than good!" Hsu Yunxiao fumed.

"Everyone knows his ulterior motives. My wife's issues don't need his meddling," Qin Feng retorted.


Hsu Yunxiao was about to scold him further.

Yet, she couldn't help but feel he wasn't wrong from his perspective. Who would want their wife to be the object of someone else's attention? "Let's just get going. Being late would look bad." Hsu Yunxiao sighed from the back seat.

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She sighed inwardly; he was fond of her, but alas, he lacked ambition.

“Alright!” Qin Feng suddenly accelerated.

She wasn't seated securely and ended up pressing her upper body against Qin Feng's back.

Qin Feng tensed up, feeling as if he had entered paradise.

This was their first close encounter in three years, an incredibly delightful experience that made him wish it could last forever.

Sadly, the trip was too brief.

Soon, they reached the entrance of the Wanfu Restaurant Hotel.

“That's it, you can head back now," Hsu Yunxiao said as she dismounted the bike.

Just then, a BMW pulled up. Xiao Mann, a glamorous woman with bold makeup and large earrings, stepped out and called out, "Hey! Yunxiao, you're pretty early... Is this your legendary doorstep husband?" Hsu Yunxiao detected the sarcasm in her voice and felt embarrassed, yet she managed a forced smile and replied, "Yes, that's him." “Perfect, let's all go in together!" Xiao Mann suggested as her boyfriend, a dashing man in a white suit, emerged from the car, clearly a successful individual.

Seeing this, Hsu Yunxiao hastily interjected, "No, he's got other things to handle." She felt inadequate comparing her husband to Xiao Mann's boyfriend.

“But we must insist. Come on, join us!" Xiao Mann said with a sly grin.

Hsu Yunxiao gave Qin Feng an urgent look, signaling for him to make an excuse and leave quickly.

Qin Feng, not keen on attending such an event, said, "I really do have other matters to attend to, so I'll pass.”

“Going back to do laundry for Yunxiao?" Xiao Mann sneered. "Yunxiao, you're so lucky to have such a thoughtful husband. | wish | were that fortunate.” Hsu Yunxiao's face turned even more uncomfortable, her resentment towards Qin Feng growing.

“By the way, Yunxiao, a few of my friends are coming too. Hope that's not a problem?" Xiao Mann added.

“No, not at all," Hsu Yunxiao replied, though her anxiety spiked.

She had planned for a four-person meal with Lee Jie, Xiao Mann, and Xiao Mann's boyfriend, with thirty thousand yuan just covering the cost. One more guest would stretch her budget thin.

“It's just a small group, seven or eight," Xiao Mann said with a chuckle.

"What?!" Hsu Yunxiao gasped.

Seven or eight additional guests meant a total of twelve people. Anywhere else would be manageable, but at Wanfu Restaurant, they'd struggle to pay the bill without shelling out a small fortune.

“Is there a problem?" Xiao Mann asked coolly.

“No, no problem at all," Hsu Yunxiao hastily assured her.

She was in a bind, needing a favor, and had to figure out another solution.

Lee Jie arrived, and after some insincere small talk, they prepared to enter.

Xiao Mann turned to Qin Feng again, "Are you sure you won't join us? Inside, a meal costs an ordinary person's annual salary. | heard you're from the countryside and have never had such an experience." “Really...” Qin Feng, who had been about to leave, paused, then set down his bike and decided, “Well then, | might as well join you!" Xiao Mann couldn't contain her laughter at his response, "Hahaha, Yunxiao, your husband is just too

funny!" Even Sun Xudong, her boyfriend, couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Hsu Yunxiao's face flushed with embarrassment. She was so mortified she wished she could slap Qin Feng! Lee Jie didn't hold back either. "Qin Feng, have you no shame? Haven't you eaten? You're making a spectacle of yourself!” Qin Feng, red-faced, started, "l was actually...

But before he could finish explaining, Hsu Yunxiao had already dismissed him and strode into the hotel.

Qin Feng could only offer a wry smile.

He had stayed behind, sensing that Xiao Mann was overwhelmed after bringing extra guests, and his wife was clearly struggling.

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His presence meant they could dine on the house.

At that moment, Qin Feng and the others walked into the lobby and saw all the guests crowded around a wall.

It was a projection wall, displaying a promotional video titled "Seven Dusk Love." The video showcased the Wanfu Restaurant's newly constructed rooftop outdoor dining area, with its opulent crystal chandeliers and exquisite decorations creating a luxurious, romantic, and regal ambiance.

Many guests were captivated, lost in the video's allure.

In such a lavish, enchanting setting, spending the evening with a loved one under the moonlight seemed like a dream come true! Moreover, the video announced that Wanfu Restaurant would have top celebrities serenading couples! “This is amazing!" Lee Jie clasped her hands to her chest, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Did you see? Even the diamonds in the decor are real! If someone takes me there for a meal on the Seven Dusk Festival, I'd marry him in a heartbeat. The experience would be incredible!”

She wasn't alone in her excitement.

The other women were filled with longing.

"Darling..." Xiao Mann gazed at Sun Xudong with puppy-dog eyes. "Can we go to Wanfu Restaurant on the Seventh Festival night? Please?" "Sure." Sun Xudong was visibly hesitant but nodded anyway.

He understood that Wanfu Restaurant's promotion was just a marketing stunt, and only one couple in all of Lake City would actually dine there, making it an exclusive hotspot. Only the children of Lake City's wealthiest families had a shot at such a privilege.

Though wealthy, he wasn't about to vie with the elite for a reservation.

But for now, he'd appease her.

He'd find an excuse later, claiming they missed the booking window.

Xiao Mann, thrilled by his agreement, snuggled into his embrace.

Everyone around them Looked on with envy, Hsu Yunxiao included.

Her eyes shimmered with an intense mix of envy and yearning.

Qin Feng, watching her stunning face, thought she was breathtakingly beautiful. He whispered, “Would you like to go there on the Seventh Festival night?" “I would." Hsu Yunxiao's response was immediate.

Her eyes, fixed on the screen, shone like dazzling stars.

“Then that's where we'll go," Qin Feng declared.