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A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO

Chapter 17
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Chapter 17 Chapter 17 Adrenaline coursed through Sheldon's veins as he stared after Emmanuel retreating figure.

Removing troublemakers from the project falls under my jurisdiction as a legal specialist in Cloud Construction. How could | simply stand aside when Emmanuel i ready to risk his ie to solve the issue? 16 Emmanuers bravery inspired Sheldon to follow suit.

The latter ran after Emmanuel while vowing through grited test, “D*mn it I'm going to give it my all even if Tose my lifer” When Emmanuel tumed around and noticed the other man's approach, he could not help but sie.

916 Emmanuel had faced lfe-and~death situations with plenty of peers whie serving on the front nes. Since his return to Yeringham, Frederick had been the only person who willingly fought alongside him. He vias pleasantly surprised to find another aly in Sheldon He booked a private room to prevent secur from booting them.

Now that Sheldon had decided to stay, he decided to hire several hostesses for entertainment and asked if Emmanuel wanted to join him Go ahead. I'm heading out for a walk!” Emmanuel rarely showed any interest in women and left the room. He walked along the corridor in search of Elena His efforts paid off. He came across Elena just as she finished touching up her makeup. She appeared to be meeting Samuel 16

‘Sheldon had followed Emmanuel out of their private room. When he noticed that the latter was trailing Elena all the way to Samuels room, he quickly pulled Emmanuel back in panic.

He whispered, “Think carefully! This is your ast chance! Didn't you see the crowd inside?" Emmanuel appeared unfazed Assuming he was clueless about Samuels might, ‘Sheldon added, ‘Mi. Webber is utterly merciless. He has several people's blood on his hands! And he has a bunch of lackeys who are crazy~good fighters! Each one is flercer than the next! He'll defintely kil you if you barge in and demand his retreat from the project grounds” 410 ‘Sheldon thought his advice would intimidate Emmanuel into rethinking his approach To his horror, Emmanuel replied expressionlessly, “The project will surely be delayed if we don't get rid of Mi.

Webber and his men today! No one can stop me from my goal today” What in the world? ‘Sheldon vias completely nonplussed.

‘This man is only a lowly employes. Did he delude himself into thinking he's Terence Group's boss or something? He's more passionate about the fate of this project than the real boss! Just then, the two men suddenly heard a loud crash coming from Samuef’s room.

Huh, what happened? They pressed their ears to the door The private room fel into deathly silence.

“Enough with that innocent act! People may treat you like a goddess, but you're just a toy to Mr. Webber!” “If you won't strip down and entertain Mr. Webber, we'll

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destroy more than just your career” “The threats filed Sheldon with fear, wig Alas, Emmanuel chose that exact moment to kick open the door and barge into the private room His entrance tumed heads. Everyone inside Samuels private room froze, staring at the intruder in shock ‘Sheldon's eyes bugged out. He struggled to stay upright on his shaky legs.

Hey, brat. Who the hll are you?” Overten buff men in the room got to their feet and shot Emmanuel murderous glares.

They looked as though they would attack him at any minute.

These men had served Samuel for many years, and this was the first time they encountered someone bold enough to barge into their private room. Alone.

They wondered if he was sick of ving.

Meanwhile, Emmanuel allowed his gaze to travel across the room. There were over ten hostesses in the room, al scantily clad except Elena They had cowered silently in the comer of the room.

during Elena's conflict with Samuel.

716 Bolstered by her reputation in the club, Elena clearly refused to strip down and was splashed with red wine for her audacity.

“The ruby-red liuid stained her silver-colored miniskirt, dripping down her legs.

Like the others in the room, she immediately tumed to look at Emmanuel upon his unannounced entrance.


‘She realized then that he was the man who had claimed to be Samuel's subordinate earlier 1 quess he doesnt work for Mr Webber after al Even as Emmanuel was clearly outnumbered in that private room, he looked at Samuel calmly and Geclared, “Im here to see Mr Webber. My name is Emmanuel Lowe, and I'm Terence Group's representative! I'm here to inform you to pull your men out of the project grounds, which you are unlawfully trespassing! His words struck everyone silent with shock Do workers these days have some sort of death wish? How can he be stupid enough to barge into a nightclub and confront the head of underground circles to finish a job? 5/14 Everyone, including the hostesses, stared at Emmanuel as though he was a fool ‘Sheldon kept his gaze on the ground, fearing the worst Only Elena continued to appraise Emmanuel carefuly, seeing him in a diflerent light A man ike that can‘ be some simple character! He has both wis and courage.

Consider me charmed! ‘Samuel simply ordered, “Get rd of him!” He wanted to return to his salacious entertainment and could hardly be bothered to figure out Emmanuel identity. The sooner his men got rd of his unannounced visitor, the beter.

Two of his subordinates swung empty glass bottles at Emmanuel head while roaring, “Go to hl you fooll” ‘Sheldon covered his eyes, too frightened to vitness Emmanuers doom.


‘The sound of glass breaking echoed through the air.

1016 But when Sheldon peeped through the gap between his fingers, his fav dropped to the floor in shock, as did everyone else in the room.

Emmanuel had reduced the glass boltles into shards with his bare fists and sent his two attackers flying across the room.

Blood trickled down his fists, but his eyes bumed vith fiery determination. There was no hint of fear in him So cooll Elena secretly sighed in admiration.

“The others in the room shared her sentiments.

A second later, a couple of Samuel's men grabbed some broken wine botties and stabbed them in Emmanuels direction “Ani The hostesses in the private room blanched in fear. A chorus of shrieks reverberated through the room.

11/10 Once again, Emmanuel nimbly dodged their attacks.

With 2 furious roar, he grabbed his two attackers and rammed their heads together.

Crack! 12/16 Blood instantly streamed down the dazed men's faces The audience grew increasingly bewildered as they witnessed Emmanuel vicious counterattack.

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‘They had sorely underestimated him. He was no fool; infact, he was probably the most merciless character inthe room.

Atthe same time, Mackenzie finally dialed Emmanuel’ phone from the safety of Yociam Residence.

‘She wanted to know what was happening at The Paradise.

Alas, despite her incessant calls, no one answered the phone.

‘She muttered to herself, “They can't have beaten him to death, right?” Mackenzie set her phone aside, a conflicted expression on her face. It was impossible to decipher her fesiings Once he's dead, | regain my freedom! So why am | feeling 50 uneasy over the prospect of his death? ‘Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Mackenzie jumped, startied by the sudden noise.

‘Something akin to relief fitted across her cool expression. Is he back? ‘She opened the door only to see her grandfather standing outside.

Terence huffed, “Mackenzie! Where's Emmanuel? How could you send him to handle this matter?” 14/16 He had rushed over in a panic, anxious to confirm what he had heard over their phone call earlier As the chairman of Terence Group, he had heard his fair share of horror stories about Samuel Webber. Even the Quillen family dared not confront Samuel direct.

Mackenzie replied, “He went to The Paradise. He said hell ix the issue for me.” “What?” Her explanation infuriated Terence, who demanded, iapter 1 Tuming heads 15/16 ‘Send someone to bring him home! He's your husband, for goodness sake I1l never forgive you if ne ends up.

‘dead! Don't forget ths. The Quillen family is known for its loyalty. Never has a Quillen woman remarried!” Mackenzie scrunched her brows slightly as disbelief gradually colored her features.

Terence had always doted on her and never spoke to

her as harshly as he did that day. Now, he even claimed he would never forgive her if a man he had only met several times died Does he seriously expect me to remain a widow for the.

rest of my Ife if Emmanuel dies? Despite her fury, her grandfather had put down his foot, leaving her no choice. She put on a coat and left frosty expression into something warmer He had better not diel