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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana)

Chapter 44
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Chapter 44 Failed To Get Him Out

Romona knew the Chomskys were wicked but turned a blind eye to their actions since there was no evidence

against them.

In contrast, she chose to question Finnegan’s disappearance in the last five years.

Finnegan shook his head and smirked before closing his eyes. That’s hideous and pathetic.

Romona continued raising her voice. “Finnegan, you’d better behave if you want to get out of this place.”

Yet, Finnegan gave her no response as if he was focused on his meditation.

Romona’s expression darkened as she strode past the table and seized Finnegan by the collar. “Finnegan, I know

you’re frustrated, but it’s useless. You have no evidence against the Chomskys, but there’s footage from the

surveillance camera of you assaulting people at General Hospital. You’d better come clean!”

Finnegan opened his eyes and said, “Captain Quickwood, I have the right to remain silent, don’t I?”

“You b*stard!” When Romona was about to beat him up, two of her colleagues held her back. “Captain Quickwood,

you can’t resort to violence anymore since you’ve been warned. And Finnegan isn’t one of the heinous criminals.

You won’t be able to justify the reason for hitting


Finnegan sneered, “Go on and hit me! Show the world how you’ll kill me on behalf of the Chomskys!”

Romona wished she could punch Finnegan in the face upon noticing his sarcastic expression.

After suppressing her urge, Romona shoved her colleagues aside and returned to her seat. “Finnegan, do you think

you can get away by not saying anything? Just the footage alone is enough to hold you responsible for the crime.

And you still need to explain where you went in the last five years.”

Once again, Finnegan shut his eyes, refusing to cooperate with her.

Fury surged inside Romona as she did not think Finnegan would be a tough nut to crack. How can I torture him

without bringing trouble to myself?

At that moment, the door to the interrogation room swung open. A middle-aged man in uniform with the rank of

deputy commissioner walked in. He heaved a sigh of relief at the sight of Finnegan sitting unharmed in his chair.


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He looked at Romona and said, “Captain Quickwood, please release this man.”

Romona, who was trying to figure out a way to teach Finnegan a lesson, was taken aback when the deputy

commissioner instructed her to release him. What?

“But there’s evidence that proves that he beat someone up, Sir. He might not be the cause. but we have the right

to detain him, right?”

She did not want to release him because she had a hunch that he was keeping an important


Zander Rockern knew Romona could be stubborn and sometimes would not even show him respect. “Come with


“No. You can say what you want to tell me here. Romona refused to budge.

Zander sighed. “Mr. Miles, Old Mr. Haimowitz, and Mr. Zimmerman from Firebird Group have all stepped forward to

bail Finnegan out. They want us to release him. Besides that, Mr. Langdon from Nuthana and Old Mr. Wahlstrom

from Bellridge, too, are willing to bail him out. We should just let him go!”

Zander was also surprised that so many influential figures were willing to vouch for an ordinary individual like


Nevertheless, he knew they could not keep on detaining Finnegan, especially when so many big shots were backing

him. up.

“I was right. There’s something fishy about Finnegan. Why are so many people willing to bail him out? I suspect he’s

a hidden threat. There’s no way I’ll release him.” Her determination to keep him detained grew even stronger.

Zander felt helpless. “Did you not understand a word I just said?”

Romona refused to give in. “Mr. Rockern, the fact that Theoden was willing to bail Finnegan out shows there’s more

to it than meets the eye. I believe he’s involved in something bigger. so I’ll not release him. Tell them to come and

look for me if they insist. You should go now.”

Finnegan initially thought they would eventually release him. He had not anticipated Romona would disregard her

superior’s order and insist on keeping him detained. Mmm… I can’t tell if she’s brave or just a brainless bimbo.

Zander, too, was infuriated. “Romona, you-”

“I need you to leave now, Mr. Rockern. Please do not disturb my interrogation!” Romona cut


The color drained out of Zander’s face, but he dared not confront her directly. After



responding with a snort, he said, “Go ahead and do what you want!”

He then turned around and left the room since there was nothing else he could do.

Ramona turned around and said, “Finnegan, my intuition was correct since so many influential people are willing to

bail you out. It would be best for you to come clean now, or I’ll find more evidence to convict you. If you wait until

then, you’ll face harsher punishment.”

Her response rendered Finnegan speechless, and he could only glance at her in silence. Is she really a champion of

justice or just someone who likes to wield her authority?

He closed his eyes once more, unwilling to deal with Romona’s tunnel vision.

Upon noticing his nonchalant reaction, Romona decided to play along patiently. “Well then, if that’s the case, let’s

see how long you can hold out.”

She turned to her colleagues and said, “The rest of you come with me. Let’s investigate his whereabouts in the last

five years.”

Soon, the Zimmermans and the Miles family received an update from the helpless Zander. They learned that

Romona refused to release Finnegan as she was suspicious of him.

Bernice started panicking. “I’ll get Grandpa’s help since he’s quite influential in Jadeborough’s business world. I’ll

ask him to speak to Mr. Hawthorne. I’m sure Mr. Hawthorne will show him some respect.”

“Bernie, go and look for your-” Before Patrick could finish his sentence, Bernice had dashed out of the house.

Jennifer asked, “Darling, is there something we’re not aware of?”

Upon noticing how his daughter was becoming more impulsive because of Finnegan, Patrick bobbed his head in

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response. He explained, “When Mr. Rockern called earlier, he didn’t. mention it clearly, but I could infer from what

he said.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

Patrick hummed in acknowledgment. “That officer named Romona seems to be a one-of-a- kind person, so Bernie

might not be able to get Finnegan out even if she tries to get Dad’s help. Mr. Rockern also seemed to imply that

Finnegan was not an ordinary person either, but he didn’t explain further.”

Jennifer knitted her brows. “Finnegan is not an ordinary person?”

“Mr. Rockern didn’t explicitly say it, but he implied that. There were a few other men who tried to bail Finnegan out,

and they were influential figures who outranked me,” he replied.


An intelligent woman like Jennifer instantly understood what her husband was talking about. “So you’re saying…”

A line formed between Patrick’s brows. “Perhaps we should investigate Finnegan’s whereabouts in the last five

years. I want Bernie to live a happy life, not be dragged into a never-ending vortex of troubles.”

Meanwhile, as Zander failed to secure Finnegan’s release, the Miles, Haimowitz, and Langdon families had to call in

favors from even more influential figures in the administration.

Howard even gave one of Nuthana’s deputy governors a call.

He gave a brief overview of the conflict between Finnegan and the Chomsky family, emphasizing that the current

situation was the result of the Chomskys’ vengeful intentions. He also expressed his hope that the deputy governor

could intervene and secure Finnegan’s release.

After learning the situation, the deputy governor assured them he would assist in the bailing. process. He also

reiterated that the criminal investigation bureau would not become an accomplice to the likes of Tristan and would

put a stop to their evil deeds.

However, in less than ten minutes, the deputy governor called Howard back and conceded. his inability to resolve

the situation, as Romona was resolute in detaining Finnegan for further investigation.

That outcome caught Howard completely off guard.

He could not help but turn to his eldest son, Abraham, who looked just as stunned. “Who on earth is this Romona

Quickwood? How dare she defy the deputy governor?”