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When There Is Nothing Left But Love (Ashton And Scarlett)

Chapter 6
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“Ms. Larson, I’m surprised at how fast you’ve switched personalities.” Casting her a cursory glance, I

picked up my bag and prepared to make my journey to the Fullers’ home. Since Ashton was unwilling

to go, it was my job to go in his stead. As soon as I reached the door, Rebecca stepped forward to

block my way. Seeing that Ashton was absent, she could finally take a breather from pretending to be a

harmless little bunny. She questioned me sharply, “When are you going to sign the divorce papers?” I

was stunned for a second. Nevertheless, I released a chuckle as I looked at her. “Are you playing the

homewrecker by forcing me to divorce him?” “You’re the homewrecker!” Calling her that seemed to

have hit a nerve because her face darkened as she snarled, “If it weren’t for you, the lady of this house

would have been me by now. Since George has died, there is no one to protect you, no one who will

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ensure that you can continue living here. If I were you, I’d sign the divorce papers, take the money that

Ashton has offered, and get as far away from here as possible.” “Well, it’s a pity that you’re not me, Ms.

Larson!” I retorted coldly as I ignored her jabs and skirted around her to go downstairs. Other than

Ashton, no one in the world could say anything to hurt me. Being a person who had always basked in

the limelight, Rebecca felt dissatisfied that I was ignoring her. She suddenly gave a hard grip on my

arm. “How shameless can you get, Scarlett? Ash doesn’t even like you, so what’s the use of clinging

onto him?” Glancing back at her, I had the urge to laugh but my next words were uttered calmly. “Since

you’re aware of his stance toward me, what’s there to be nervous about?” “You…” She flushed a bright

red, unable to respond. I leaned closer to her with a faint sneer on my lips and lowered my voice into a

whisper. “As for why I’m clinging onto him…” I paused as I evened out my tone. “He’s got some mad

skills. So you tell me, what’s the use of it?” “You’re so shameless!” Rebecca’s eyes reddened with

anger. Without thinking, she raised her hands and intended to push me. The stairs were behind me, so

out of instinct, I twisted sideways to avoid getting pushed by her. Nonetheless, I never expected her to

lose her own footing. She fell right down the stairs. “Ahhhh!” Her ear-splitting scream resounded

throughout the living room, and I stood rooted to the ground for a while, unable to react. To my

misfortune, I was shoved aside just as I sensed a frosty front darting my way. Then, Ashton’s figure

shot down the stairs as he went to check on Rebecca, who was already lying at the bottom of the

stairs. Rebecca was curled into a ball on the floor, holding her abdomen with an agonized look on her

ashen face. She spoke in a feeble voice, “My child. My child.” There was blood pooling beneath her

body, staining a large area of the carpet red. Every fiber in my body froze. She’s… pregnant? With Ashton’s child? “Ash, the child. The child…” Rebecca tugged at Ashton’s sleeve as she repeated the

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words like a broken record. Beads of sweat covered Ashton’s forehead, his icy expression sank with

dread. “Don’t be afraid. The child will be fine.” He comforted Rebecca and scooped her into his arms

before he strode toward the door. After taking a few steps forward, Ashton stopped abruptly. His

glowering eyes were as dark as an abyss, and the anger in his voice was palpable. “I bet that you’re

happy, Scarlett.” His simple words were full of hatred and fury. I was bereft of speech; I did not know

how to react. “Aren’t you going after them to explain?” A deep voice came from behind, jolting me into

action. I turned and was stunned to see Jared there all of a sudden. Suppressing the panic that was

rising in my heart, I calmly asked, “Explain what?” He raised his brows. “Aren’t you afraid that he would

think that you pushed Rebecca?” My eyes dipped down as a hint of bitterness shone through them. “It’s

doesn’t matter whether I pushed her. The truth is that Rebecca is hurt and someone has to take the

blame for it.” “It’s good that you know!” Jared descended the stairs as he left the villa with his medical

kit in hand. He was probably heading off to the hospital to see Rebecca.