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Three Fated Hearts by LNC

Chapter 8
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At first, I thought it was a part of my dream, this annoying knocking. I turned over multiple

times, hoping it would go away. It was the knock on my bedroom wall that got me moving.


“So….sorry.” I swear, sometimes I hate living in an apartment, and I hate living around so

many humans. Don’t get me wrong; I have no issue with humans at all. It’s just we are

different creatures, and some of the things that irritate them are small and petty, in my


I throw the covers back and try to put my feet into my teddy bear slippers. I’m groggy and

still sleepy. There is too much on my mind to be able to sleep soundly. I make my way to

the door, the knocking getting louder with each step. I have no idea who the hell would be

at my door. Maybe it’s my dad, and he will sit here and force me to reject the twins. Maybe

it’s the Alpha and Luna, and they will demand that I reject their sons.

I reach the door and start to undo the locks and chains. “Okay, okay……keep your pants

on. Give me a minute.” The knocking finally stops, and I send up a silent thank you. I open

the door, and my voice gets stuck in my throat. I must be seeing things, or I must be

asleep still. How is it that I open the door, and those two are standing in front of me?

Lincoln and Landon…… mates……at my apartment. I look down at myself and squeak.

I quickly slam the door shut and run back into my room. There is no way I can talk to them

looking like this.


I have no idea how long we have been knocking, but it feels like forever. Landon and I are

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

taking turns, but she hasn’t appeared yet. Her car is parked in the parking lot, so we figure

she is here somewhere. We annoy the neighbors with the noise, but neither of us cares.

Finally we hear the locks and her sweet voice telling us to give her a minute. The door

swings open, and her scent hits me like a freight train; lilacs and sandalwood. I take a

deep breath and take in the sight in front of me. Tia has on the cutest teddy bear slippers.

I’m sure on anyone else they would look childish, but not on my mate. She is wearing a

silk short set, deep blue in color. The shorts are short, and the top looks like one of those

camisoles or something. I have no idea about woman’s fashion; I just know her n*****s are

hard and pushing against the fabric. One of her straps is hanging down her arm, which is

dropping the front of her top. Her braids are up in a messy bun on top of her head. She

has sleep in her eyes, and she is yawning.

Tia looks up at us and seems to freeze. Next thing we know, the door is shut in our faces. I

look at Landon, and he looks as mesmerized as I just was. Landon shakes his head a bit

and looks at me. Neither of us quite knows what to do at this point. Do we force our way

in, or do we wait and hope she comes back to the door? We don’t have to think about it for

long because a minute or two later, the door opens again. This time, Tia has on a pair of

dark blue skinny jeans with a black, long sleeve shirt. She ditched the slippers for a pair of

long black socks. She looks just as good now as she did a minute ago.

“Wh….what are you two doing here?” I lean against the door frame, looking Tia up and

down. I can feel my body responding to the sight, and my mind is going wild with

everything I would love to do to her.

“You left without so much as a goodbye and we wanted to find out what was going on.”

Thank the Goddess for my brother because I’m not sure that I could have formed a

coherent sentence just then. I clear my throat and try to shake the dirty thoughts from my


“Can we, please, come in?” Tia turns her head to me and then back at Landon before

stepping back and opening the door wider. I step in first and take a look at the place. It is

decent, I guess. There isn’t much in terms of decorations. She has her basics, and there

are pictures of her, Lynn, and Mark. I did notice one picture of her and her mom but no

other pictures of the family.

I walk toward the couch and plop down. Landon takes a seat in the armchair off to the

side. Tia stands by the door with her arms crossed, staring at us. I smirk at her. “Uh,

maybe you want to close the door and sit down. You can sit next to Lincoln or my lap is

available.” The shocked look on Tia’s face is priceless.

Good one, L. He chuckles back in the mindlink. Tia closes the door and comes into the

room. She doesn’t sit; instead, she stands in the middle of the room, looking at both of us.


Okay….okay! Just be cool, Tia. No need to do anything crazy and no need to flip out. The

future Alphas of my pack are sitting in my living room. There are also my mates……my

sexy a*s mates…..STOP! Just stop…..just be cool.

“Uh, are you okay over there? Are you sure you don’t want to sit down?” Lincoln is looking

at me with concern. I guess my internal monologue put a look on my face that causes

worry. Landon has leaned forward in the chair, looking at me with concern as well. I

swallow and try to put a neutral look on my face.

“I’m, uh….I’m fine. So wh…..what are you two doing here?” The twins look at each other

and look back at me. “Look just do it and be done already. There is no point in drawing this


“What are you talking about? Draw what out?” Landon settles back in the chair while

Lincoln starts to look a bit panicked.

“It’s simple, Linc. She thinks we are here to reject her.” Lincoln looks at Landon, then

settles back on the couch. I look between the two of them, wondering what their plan is.

“Why don’t you tell us why you left without a word.” I sigh and start to pace back and

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

forth. I guess there is no reason not to tell them what’s going on. Maybe they will hurry up

and do what they came here to do. There is no need to procrastinate. I want to get the

pain over with as soon as possible.

“My……my dad found out we were mates. He ordered me to reject you two.” Two growls,

strong enough to shake the walls, pierce the quiet room. I don’t look at either of them; my

eyes are stuck on my feet instead. “Look, I get it. You two love my sisters and want them

to be Lunas. That’s fine.” I look up and regret that choice instantly. I can feel the tears

gather in my eyes, and looking at them threatens to break the dam and have them fall

down my face. I look up at the ceiling, hoping to hold it all in. “Let’s just get this over with

quickly,” I mumble.

Sparks erupt on my arm driving heat to my core. I look down to see a set of hands rubbing

my arm. The scent of lemon is strong, and Landon kisses me on my temple. My head is

gently pulled away from Landon, and a kiss is placed on my forehead, grapefruit filling my

nose. “We did not come here to reject you.” I look Lincoln in the eyes and see nothing but


“We were worried when we awoke and you weren’t there. We have already told our

parents as well as the twins that we have found our mate. The ceremony has been

postponed until we can get you back home where you belong.” Home? When has that

pack ever been home to me? My father and sisters made it impossible for that pack to feel

like home.

I step away from my mates, Andricia whimpering at my action. “That place is not my

home. It never has been. No one cares that I haven’t been there in years, and no one

would want me as Luna.” I walk away from the twins and head to the kitchen. This is all a

lot to deal with, and I need a drink. Unfortunately, I don’t have any alcohol in my house.

I’ve never been one for drinking, and regular alcohol does nothing to me anyway. I sigh

and grab a soda from the fridge. It isn’t liquor, but it will distract me for a while.

I turn away from the fridge to be met with two pairs of chocolate-brown eyes. “We don’t

care what anyone thinks. You are our mate and we plan to have you by our side. Anyone

who doesn’t agree can leave our pack.”

“You can’t promise that, Lincoln. You can’t make people accept me.”