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The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs-Novel

Chapter 110 - Volume 4 Short Story
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Otomege Volume 4 Short Story

Short Story – Marie Route The Second


Part 1

It was the second term of the academy.

Marie Fou Lafan who should be still a first year was, ──was in a religious establishment that was called temple.

That place had the construction that reminded her of the church in her previous life. Marie was wearing a pure white dress in that place.

When she looked up at the stained glass through her veil, the sunlight that shined in through there was very pretty.

It was the wedding dress that she had never worn till the end in her previous life despite her yearning for it.

In addition, the relatives of her and her partner were in attendance inside the temple.

She was in the middle of a marriage ceremony. It was a dream of hers that didn’t come true in her previous life.

(──Why did it turn out like this)

But, Marie’s feeling was──the worst.

It hadn’t been even one year since she enrolled into the academy.

And yet, she was going to marry like this.

It wasn’t just an engagement, it was a marriage that would make her withdraw from the academy.

When she glanced at her family who was sitting on the bench, they were looking really delighted.

Her family in this life couldn’t be called as good family even as flattery, but there was a reason why they were happy with Marie’s marriage.

Her father in this life said.

「Our useless youngest daughter fetched a really good price.」

Her mother in this life was also looking happy.

「Indeed. With this the debt of our house will be gone.」

──Marie was sold off by her family.

(These guys are absolutely unforgivable!)

Marie gritted her teeth and trembled in fury. Her bridegroom was walking toward her.

Marie cursed in her heart seeing the appearance of that bridegroom.

(──This guy, I got a really bad feeling from him!)

He sighed seeing Marie’s appearance and approached her side with a reluctant air.

The man’s age had passed thirty years old. He looked unhealthy with fat body. The man took off his gaze from Marie.

「Why do I have to marry with this kind of pipsqueak. Even though my preference is a more glamorous woman.」

His attitude was full of discontent and in addition his words were like this.

Marie was seething with anger.

(It’s you house that approached us with this marriageeeeee!)

Setting aside Marie’s mental age, if one looked at only her physical body then she was still 16 years old.

She was recognized as an adult in this world and could also marry.

But, from Marie’s view──right now her enjoyable academy life was taken away from her and she was forcefully married to a man who she didn’t even like.

Besides, her being sold by her family like this wasn’t funny at all.

She couldn’t agree with this marriage at all.

(Don’t screw with me! Why do I have to go through this──this marriage without even any dream or hope in the world of “that otome game”. I want to marry──properly with someone I love──)

Marie had continued living in hardship since she reincarnated into the world of that otome game.

Her only hope was enrolling into the academy one day and for that she polished her healing magic until now.

She trained so much that she sacrificed her body’s growth thanks to that.

She trained her healing magic in secret because if her family learned it then surely they would make use of it as they pleased.

They were a really horrible bunch compared to her family in the previous life.

After all, their debt bloated up too much──that they sold Marie to a rich house in exchange of writing off their debts.

(How much hardship do you think I have gone through until now!? Even though I was finally able to enroll into the academy and have a quite enjoyable life even if it differed from my original plan!)

The priest──the equivalent of it in this world began the marriage ceremony where the two were standing.

「Well then, let’s begin the marriage ceremony.」

The bridegroom looked like he wanted this ceremony to be over quickly.

He wasn’t interested at all about Marie from the start.

What interested him──was only Marie’s lineage.

The groom’s house was so to speak an upstart house.

And then, the way they were climbing up to their current position was also peculiar. Other nobles held antipathy toward them.

Because it was that kind of house, they wanted noble blood no matter what.

It wasn’t like it had to be Marie.

「End it quickly.」

What would happen to her if she married someone like this?

Marie could easily imagine it.

Surely a loveless marriage would be waiting for her.

In the worst case, she would be treated coldly after she gave birth to a child because they had no more need of her.

(I decided I will do my best this time──I want to be happy in my second life, and yet!)

Tears came out.

And then, Marie recalled her big brother in the previous life.

Looking back now, he was a very reliable big brother.

(──Save me, Onii-chan.)

Marie muttered in her heart, and then──she recalled how it became like this.


Part 2

Around the time when there were only several days of summer vacation remaining.

I, Leon Fou Bartfalt was spending my time relaxing in my home.

My partner Luxion is floating around my right shoulder, His single red lenses that served like an eye is watching Collin and──Marie running around the garden.

Marie is angrily chasing Collin around.


Collin is running while laughing.

「No way~」

Marie is chasing my little brother around, but the reason for that lies in Collin.

「They are quarreling again?」

I’m watching in exasperation. Luxion explained the situation to me.

『Yes. It was caused by master’s little brother teasing Marie.』

It seems that Collin is thinking of Marie like a big sister who isn’t that much older than him.

He would make fun of Marie who was acting as someone older and played with her.

It would be better if Marie ignored it, but Marie herself also became worked up so it needlessly amused Collin.

Then father came out from the mansion and dropped his fist on Collin’s head.


「Collin, don’t make fun of Marie-chan!」

Marie who was chasing Collin around is flustered by father’s act.

「E, err, mister, you don’t need to go that──」

Father looked apologetic toward Marie.

「Sorry, Marie-chan. It’s not that Collin dislike you. I hope you won’t hate him.」

「Ah, yes.」

Collin pressed his head with both hands and ran into the mansion. In exchange Nix──the second son came out.

He walked toward me and immediately talked to me.

「Collin was making fun of Marie-chan again?」

「That’s right. The two of them won’t get tired of it. They are like siblings who are close in age.」

I said that while laughing flippantly. Big bro shrugged.

「She is his sister-in-law after all, so it’s not wrong.」


I’m looking shocked hearing that reply. Big bro also looked shocked.


「No, because──eh? Why is Marie a sister-in-law?」

「──Yo, you, are you seriously saying that?」

I’m also troubled seeing big bro is seriously shocked.

「No, because──」

「None of that! You brought her home and live together with her for more than a month! From outside it looks no different than the two of you being married already!」

We aren’t officially married but, from the surrounding’s perspective, for a girl to spend her whole summer vacation in a boy’s home is──certainly it might look like we are engaged.

「That’s not the case! Marie is, you know──she can’t return home.」

About Marie’s home, it’s a terrible family based from what I heard.

Because of that, Marie said that she doesn’t want to go home during summer holiday, so I brought her to my home.

Naturally I never laid my hands on her.

There is my floating island near this home. It has hot spring and field──rice and some more things are cultivated there.

The most we did was only going into hot spring and eating Japanese food in delight after so long.

Marie is also a reincarnator like me.

We get along well because we have the same sense of values, but that’s all there is to it.

In the first place, Marie love handsome man.

If I’m asked whether I’m handsome, that’s not the case. I’m not that girl’s preference.

And then I myself love big breasts.

Marie is flat like board so she is out of question.

──Both our preferences doesn’t match each other to a lamentable degree.

Big bro is looking at me with a conflicted expression.

「There is no guarantee that you’ll be able to find another good girl like that again. Besides father and mother are thinking that you and Marie-chan will marry.」

──Is that why my parents are strangely kind to Marie?

It feels like it will be a big trouble if this misunderstanding isn’t dispelled.

Big bro sighed.

「You really have it good. You were able to immediately find a partner in the academy after all. Even though I have it hard because I can’t find anyone.」

It looks like big bro is also suffering from the marriage hunting.

Unlike me he is enrolling into normal class, so I thought his marriage hunting would be easier but──it seems that’s not the case.

「I thought that if it’s big bro’s class then you will be able to find a girl right away.」

Big bro scratched his head.

「Even the girls in normal class want to live in the capital. They are looking for someone with connection that can allow them to live in the capital or the main land at least. Someone like me isn’t even their second or third pick.」

Looks like big bro also has it hard.

I want to help him somehow but──right now I have my hands full with my own situation so it’s impossible.

「More importantly, Leon. You two will also return to the academy tomorrow right?」

「That’s the plan.」

My mood got heavy when I thought of the marriage hunting waiting for me in the academy.

It’s the same for big bro.

He sighed and made a very troubled face.

「I still cannot find a girl yet even though I’ll graduate this year. If only I can be skillful like you.」

「──Big bro.」

「Oi, stop it. Don’t look at me with pity. Being pitied by my little brother makes me want to cry.」

Really, I wonder why this world is so harsh toward men?

No, is it more like it’s harsh toward mob?

Unlike us, the main character of that otome game Olivia-san and the boys who are the conquest targets must be enjoying their summer vacation right now without worrying about anything.

──I’m really jealous.


Part 3

Around that time.

In the academy’s female dormitory, Olivia was sitting on her bed inside her ransacked room.

She was hugging her knees and trembling.

The room was dark with the curtain closed completely.

「I’m fine──I’m still fine.」

Olivia muttered to herself. There were dark circles under her eyes.

Her hand was holding a letter that was sent to her from her home town.

It was a letter from her family.

For Olivia this letter was the support of her heart.

Olivia was a scholarship student, but although she wasn’t troubled about her living cost in the academy, it didn’t mean she had any leeway monetarily.

That was why, she couldn’t return home even though it was summer holiday.

She spent her summer holiday in the student dormitory and immersed herself in her study every day so that she could keep up with her surrounding as much as possible──or that should be the case.

But, the reality was merciless.

Her room was knocked. Olivia twitched from that sound and she lifted up her face.


She almost screamed, so she covered her mouth with her hands. Then the voice of an academy staff called out.

『──Olivia-san, his highness is waiting for you in front of the dormitory. Please prepare immediately.』

The staff only said that and left.

Olivia buried her face into her knees.

「──Why won’t he leave me alone」

In the summer holiday, the young noblemen including Julius frequently came to the girl’s dormitory to invite Olivia.

Because the five of them invited her one after another, Olivia was unable to secure any time for studying.

This time when there were few female students in the academy was a precious time for Olivia.

But those five were taking that time away from her.

「Even though I want to study more」

But, with her standing, Olivia was unable to refuse the invitation from Julius.

At first she didn’t know that Julius was the crown prince, but now she knew.

She was unable to refuse him, and if she accepted the invitation from Julius, she also couldn’t refuse the invitation from the other boys──those young noblemen.

And when she got close with those five like that, she got resented by the girls in the academy.

「What should I do? Just what should I do」

It would be nice if she could honestly tell them that they were a bother, but if she said such thing then Olivia would lose her place to belong.

The other party was his highness the crown prince──the next king of this country.

It wouldn’t affect just herself. She didn’t know what kind of harm it would cause to her birth place.

Olivia stood up and prepared herself for going out before heading out to meet Julius.


Part 4

When the second term started, even a mob will get really busy.

Even just speaking about the events of the academy alone, there are the academy festival and field trip in the schedule.

I’m thinking to do something in the academy festival, but there is bigger problem than that──.

「Marie-sama, please introduce girls to us too!」

──It’s these boys from the poor baron group who are bowing toward Marie.

And then Marie is──.

「Oh? You aren’t telling me to do it for free aren’t you?」

──She is sitting on a chair while getting cocky.

She crossed her arms and legs with a composed smile.

I wanted to teach this girl the word humility.

The boy who acted as the leader negotiated with Marie, but behind him the boys were waiting with bloodcurling expression.

From first year to third year──almost everyone is here.

「Of course! We will do anything that we can! That’s why──please introduce girls──wonderful girls to everyone!」

「What to do~」

Before Marie introduced girls who were a bit problematic to us.

If this is the previous world─Japan, they would be girls who are a bit problematic.

A shut-in girl, a lazy girl, a girl who is only interested to her hobby, those kinds of girls.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

But, in this world a problem of that degree is the same like no problem at all.

Rather, they can be called as wonderful girls.

For heirs of poor baron houses like us, the girls who Marie introduced to us are goddesses.

No, is that too exaggerating? Anyway there is no doubt that they are excellent articles.

They are so excellent that they are girls who you will beg to go out with you even if you have to duel the others for it.

For example, it’s fine even if the girl keeps shutting herself in her room and won’t go out to classes or academy events.

It’s also fine even if they spend their days doing nothing with the reason that it’s troublesome.

A girl who has no interest at all to anything except her hobby and won’t even remember people’s name is also alright.

Just that much can simply be considered as their uniqueness because the normal girls are too horrible compared to them.

Marie who is close to such problematic──no, unique girls is asking for intermediation fee to the boys.

「Then──perhaps I’ll ask for the student cafeteria’s pudding every day. I want to eat pudding at lunch every day.」


It’s just a pudding from student cafeteria but, this academy is a school for nobles.

Naturally, even the pudding that is sold in the cafeteria is really extravagant.

To speak in modern Japan’s term, it’s the cafeteria’s famous sweets that is priced 1000 yen a piece.

By the way, fundamentally student can make use of the student cafeteria for free, but change of menu or ordering additional side menu will be charged with money.

I looked at Marie with exasperation.

「How can you ask for pudding just for introducing someone? What’s more you’re asking it for every day.」

As expected even Marie seemed to think that she was asking too much. She hesitated slightly.

「Be, because, I want to eat it. I, I get it. Then, I’ll be fine with just three pudding per week.」

The male students opened their eyes wide in shock hearing that.

「Thre, three!?」

Marie is also surprised, and then she compromised.

「The, then──once per week」

The boys formed a circle and began discussing.

「Oi, do we really only need to prepare pudding? For some reason, her demand is gradually decreasing though!?」

「Idiot! Surely it’s some kind of code. If not──the compensation is too cheap.」

「Surely it’s a trap isn’t it? Co, could it be, there is no more girl remaining?」

From what I listened at the boys’ talk, it seems that the compensation Marie demanded is too little that they are harboring doubt.

If I have to give an example──even though they thought that they would be asked to buy expensive bag or clothes from famous brand, they were instead asked to hand over pudding from mini market. Is that what they thought?

It seems they are uneasy because the compensation is too cheap.

I understand very well from this just how much a girl will normally demand from them.

──It’s really sad to be a man.

The leader turned toward Marie.

「Marie-sama──forgive my ignorance but, is pudding some kind of secret jargon?」

Marie’s smile is twitching.

「You guys, do you think I’ll make some strange demands? I’m telling all of you to prepare pudding from the school cafeteria for me! What other meaning it can have!?」


The boys are seriously shocked.


Part 5

In the class.

It’s the second term now. My friends Daniel and Raymond who I met after so long laughed.

「They misunderstood pudding as a secret jargon? Those seniors are really stupid.」

Daniel said that, but then Raymond chided him 「Don’t make fun of them」.

「That’s just how desperate they are. More importantly, the freshmen this year are really lucky. We have Marie-san, so even us has the chance to encounter a girl.」

The problem children who rarely came out from the girl dormitory.

Without Marie, we couldn’t possibly meet them.

When thinking that, Marie’s existence is important for us.

I grumbled.

「I also want to be introduced to a girl.」

But, when I said that my surrounding’s reaction became really complicated.

「──Leon, I’ve been thinking this from some time ago but, are you an idiot?」

「It’s better for Leon to reflect on himself for real. If you don’t reflect, then you better be careful when going back at night.」

Everyone will react like this.

「You guys, do you think that I’m going out with Marie?」

Daniel made an exasperated face.

「It’ll be stranger if you aren’t going out with her. You spent time together with Marie-san in your home during the summer vacation right? That’s already like you two are betrothed.」

Raymond is nodding.

「You two haven’t announced it publicly, so perhaps you two are still a step short of engagement? I’m really jealous.」

Daniel glared at Raymond who said such thing.

「Oi, Raymond. I heard that you are going out with a girl that was introduced to us before though? I don’t want to believe it but, you aren’t stealing a march on us aren’t you?」

「Daniel──I’m sorry.」

Raymond apologized happily. Daniel grabbed his collar with his hands and lifted him up.


What a noisy bunch.

Marie came to the classroom while I’m looking at them in exasperation.

Her hand is holding a leaflet.

「Listen, listen! About the academy festival, there will be contests at the third day! I heard that we can get prize money if we get high ranking in it!」

Her eyes shined really brightly. Marie looked very happy.

Her eyes are blinded by prize money.

This girl is really loyal to her own desire.

「You’re going to participate?」

Marie shook her head when I asked her.

「Girl is no good. The athletes will be decided by social standing or influence. In the first place the number of contests that girls can participate in is few.」

The participants in the contest will mainly be boys.

The reason? It’s for the marriage hunting.

The boys have to show their stuffs here no matter what.

The reason is──because this is an appeal time toward girls.

In that otome game, this is an event for the conquest targets to show their stuff.

Did the main character-sama also show her stuff in this event?

「──And so Leon, won’t you try participate in this?」

The leaflet that Marie showed me contained the writing about the air bike race.

「Air bike race? That’s impossible for me.」

「Why!? The prize money for this race is amazing see!」

「The boys will fight each other for the participant seat of a contest that popular. Just like how girls got a lot of baggage like social standing and so on, we also have it hard.」

The school caste in this world is the real deal, not like the made up school caste in the previous world.

In fact, a caste──a social class system is actually existing in this academy.

Social class doesn’t only exist between the nobles and commoners, it also existed between nobles.

The standing of one’s house also influenced how the participating athletes are decided.

It’s useless only relying on one’s skill.

Marie whispered into my ear.

「Look, it’ll be possible for you to participate and even win if you use Luxion right?」

「──You, you don’t get that guy.」

If it’s that guy he will surely say something like 『Money? ──I can prepare something like that no matter how much you want, so?』.

While I’m thinking that, Luxion replied in a volume that can only be heard by the two of us.

『I’ve confirmed the requirements. Participation in the contest and obtaining overall victory, is that correct? Then starting from now I’ll arrange so that the strong contenders will fall sick and the participating athletes in the day of contest will meet unfortunate accident──』

It surpassed my imagination.

Or rather, what do you mean unfortunate accident!/

It seems Marie also thought that it’ll be dangerous to rely on Luxion and she looked at the leaflet in dejection.

「Even though I thought I’ll be able to earn money here.」

「Why do you think that you will also get a share when it’s me who’ll participate? Are you stupid?」

「I’ll at least give you some support if you participate! Forget that, please I beg you. I’m in a pinch this month! Cooperate with me」

「Ha? I gave you some allowance already though.」

She was too pitiful, so I gave her some spending money when the summer vacation was over.

Furthermore the amount was considerable. I can’t imagine her running out of money immediately.

Marie wiped her tears.

「──It was gone because of my family’s debt. The debt collectors marched to my place when they thought I have even a little bit of money. Even though it’s not my debt, aren’t they horrible!?」


Luxion analyzed the situation.

『They must be thinking that Marie who enrolled into the academy would earn some money as adventurer, so they came to collect the debt even if only slightly. Other than that, perhaps Marie’s family also mentioned her name to the people who came to collect the debts?』

It’s too horrible I can’t find any word to say.

Marie started crying, so Daniel and Raymond who were watching glared at me.

They must be thinking that I’m making her cry.

「Anyway stop crying. That’s right! There will be betting in the contests too, I’ll earn a lot of money there.」

My words will sound stupid for those who listened from outside, but I have Luxion so I’ll be able to win the bets easily.

But, Marie refused that with a strong will.

「That’s no good.」


「I hate gambling! You too, if there is no need to gamble then absolutely don’t do it.」

「Ri, right.」

──I think life is the same with gambling but, there won’t be any meaning even if I said that so I stayed quiet.

Marie pressed her hands on her face and groaned.

「Now that it became like this I’ll earn money through the academy festival in a honest way! I have to think something that can sell.」

This girl is actually really tough.


Part 6

The day of the school festival.

「Welcomeee!! It’s cheap, please take a look!」

Marie is working as a salesperson of a stand. She raised her voice to attract customer.

We are doing a food stand for the academy festival.

It’s selling donuts that are brightly colored with colorful toppings.

「I don’t think I’ll want to eat something like this.」

I’m frying donuts. Beside me Daniel and Raymond are working hard.

「Leon, work properly.」

「That’s right. This will be for Marie-san’s important living cost.」

The two of them are pitying Marie and helped out.

And then I’m continuing to make donuts.

Marie attracted customers and sold donuts one after another.

「──That girl, she is plainly amazing.」

Sometimes she will be forceful, sometimes with smooth talking, and then sometimes with sob story──she used every kind of method to sell a lot of donuts.

Luxion who is in hiding responded to my mutter.

『Shouldn’t master learn from her too?』

「I’m rich so I don’t want to work.」

『The worst.』

「I don’t hate myself even though I’m the worst like this though.」

『Rather than that please take out the donuts from the oil.』

「Yes, yes.」

I took out the donuts like Luxion instructed. Certainly it seems that the donuts are cooked already.

『──Master, the second donut from the right doesn’t fulfill our product standard. Please obey the recipe properly.』

「You are too nitpicky. I’ll eat it at my break time so there won’t be any problem right?」

Marie’s voice is reverberating to the surrounding while I’m talking with Luxion.



Part 7

Break time.

I left the stand and sat down on a bench with the failed donuts in hand.

It’s a place where there isn’t any academy festival activity, so there is few people here and I can calm down.

I came here alone in order to finish the failed donuts and also took lunch.

Marie? The donuts are popular and she can’t stop laughing. She is continuing the sales even now.

I’m impressed by that girl’s urge for manual labor.

「Donuts for lunch huh. I’ve made too many I don’t want to eat them.」

『This is to dispose the failed products. They came from master’s blunder so this is only natural.』

「You, you’re hating me aren’t you?」

『I don’t like master but, I also don’t hate master.』

「What’s with that answer?」

I ate the donuts slowly.

The donuts were made based on the recipe that Luxion prepared. The quality was great for something made by students.

「Ah, it’s really delicious.」

『That’s good.』

I immediately finished eating the first donut and when I bit at the second──a girl passed in front of me.

That girl is walking with her gaze casted down. It looked like she is deep in her thought.

That girl suddenly pressed her hands on her stomach.

Perhaps because she smelled the donut’s sweet fragrance while passing in front of me, her stomach cried 「Kuu~」 cutely.

That girl blushed red and looked at my face.

「Di, did you hear?」

Normally a gentleman like me will say 「What?」 and pretended that I didn’t hear, but perhaps I got flustered seeing that girl and I nodded.

「Ah, yes──n, no, I didn’t hear anything!」

Even though I corrected myself in panic it was too late. That girl, Angelica Rafa Redgrave went red and started making excuse.

「I, I was really busy that I didn’t have the time to eat lunch. Be, besides──today the people who are usually with me aren’t here, so──」

I don’t understand what she wanted to say.

But, Angelica-san’s gaze caught my donut and won’t let go.

「Want some?」

When I offered her the remaining donuts, Angelica-san accepted even while looking embarrassed.

「I, is it fine?」

「Well, yes.」

「Sorry. I will pay you later with money.」

「Ah, those are failed products so there is no need.」

When I said that, Angelica-san is surprised after she took a bite with her small mouth.

「I, it’s tasty. What do you mean by failure?」

「Like how the size is too big, or perhaps too small, that kind of failure.」

「I, is that so? It’s delicious enough.」

Angelica-san sat beside me and ate the donuts with a delighted look.

「The people who accompany me won’t let me eat something like this. It feels fresh.」

Angelica──the noble lady with villainess role in that otome game.

But, this girl doesn’t look like a bad person.

Marie said it.

The main character who stole the fiancée of other person is far more of a bad person.

──But, that girl also tried to do the same thing wasn’t she? Though she failed completely in the end.

When I looked at Angelica-san, she looked somewhat sad.

「What’s the matter?」

「──No, it’s nothing. The donuts are delicious. I’ll take my leave Bartfalt-dono.」

Angelica-san stood up with a smile and left. She knew my name.

「I’m a famous person huh.」

Luxion responded to my mutter.

『──Master wasn’t aware of that?』


Part 8

The second day of the festival ended.

Marie counted her earning from the stand.

「As expected from the academy where the rich people enrolled. The donuts are flying off the shelves even when we set the price of each one ridiculously high.」

If it was counted in Japanese yen, one donut was sold around 300 until 500 yen.

Even so the donuts were sold in great number and she was able to profit a lot.

Marie was in a good mood.

「If I have this money, I won’t be worried for my living expenses tomorrow. Oops, the debt collectors will take this money away if I don’t hide it.」

Marie stored the cash in her pocket so that they wouldn’t be taken away this time.

There a female student came with her hangers-on in tow.

The girl braided her hair and to form rings at both sides. She brought a lot of demi-human slaves that were called exclusive servants with her.

Her cosmetic was thick and the smell of her perfumed stung the nose──that female student gave off a bad vibe.

「You are Marie of Lafan House aren’t you?」

Marie was confused because someone who she usually didn’t associate with was talking to her.

「Who, who are you?」

「Your attitude toward your superior is unacceptable. Do you intend to say that you don’t know about the Count House of Offley?」

Marie recalled her game knowledge when she heard that name.

Yes──this girl’s name came out in that otome game.

(No way!? Why is she picking on me!?)

Offley House, a house that took over a noble house and rose up from formerly being a merchant.

It was a house of evil noble that was connected with air pirate in that otome game.

That air pirate would be involved with an important event at the middle stage of the game. This girl was a character who would get involved with the main character whether she wanted it or not but──she was talking to Marie for some reason.

「Do, do you have some business with me?」

Marie talked modestly. The daughter of Offley House answered her.

「Haven’t you heard anything? Your house and my house will be tied with marriage. My big brother and you are going to marry.」


Marie was astonished hearing that.

「I’m troubled even if you tell me so suddenly. I’ve never heard of any talk about that.」

But the girl showed an indifferent attitude.

「Your opinion doesn’t matter. Your house said that they will make you marry. Also, it seems you are associating with the destitute nobles but, stop that from now. I don’t want my reputation to also fall because of you.」

「──What do you mean by that huh.」

「It means exactly as it is. It looks like you are joining the group of destitute nobles and also close with that upstart Bartfalt aren’t you? I‘m telling you that’s bothersome so stop it.」

What is this girl misunderstanding about?

Marie thought that, but the girl paid her no mind and continued talking.

「You’re going to marry my big brother. ──Too bad that you won’t be able to marry Bartfalt.」

The young lady of Offley House sent her a ridiculing smile. Marie predicted what she was thinking.

(This girl, she is happy seeing other people’s misfortune.)

From her attitude and the conversation, Marie judged that the girl was a type who liked to pointlessly put other down.

「I, I and that guy──Leon aren’t like that.」

Marie said that and turned her face away. The young lady of count house scoffed.

「Good then. What I want to say is that other people will also look down on me if you’re getting along with the countryside destitute nobles. Think about that properly if you’re going to marry into our house. ──I’ve warned you.」

Marie watched the girl left and thought.

(My second life──is over.)


Part 9

The third day of the academy festival.

I listened to Marie about her family situation around the time the contests are heating up.

「Marriage with Offley House? ──You?」

I thought I’ve heard that name from somewhere and I recalled that it’s a family name that appeared in that otome game.

──It should be a house that is connected with sky pirate.

Marie smiled powerlessly.

The passionate cheering that came from the venue of the contests──even I was a little interested to it until yesterday, but right now isn’t the time for that.

「What a joke. Haha~, as expected I am really a sinful woman. Men are coming to me even without me doing anything.」

「──You can’t refuse it?」

「You also understand right? Even like this I’m still a noble.」

No matter how poor her livelihood is, a noble is a noble.

I too once almost got married off for the house’s sake.

「This Offley House, there wasn’t any decent end for them in that otome game.」

However, in that otome game this name only appeared in the text. They had been dealt with in the background without appearing directly.

It’s a house that one shouldn’t get involved with.

If you considered the scenario of that otome game, one must not get involved with that house.

「Even I will run away if I can. But, it’s not like I can live by myself.」

If she refused, it would become a problem between houses.

Lafan and Offley will search for Marie together.

Marie too would have to withdraw from the academy and live alone.

「Even though my family is in ruin but it’s still a noble house after a fashion. It’ll also affect the honor of the other house, so I will absolutely get discovered.」

Somewhere inside her, Marie has given up.

「Aa~a, I wanted to at least go to the field trip.」

「──You won’t be able to join the field trip?」

She will be unable to participate in an event of the second term. Does that mean she will withdraw from the academy right away?

Is there any need to hurry that much?

「The other house want the marriage to happen as quickly as possible. And then my family think that doing it right no won’t be a problem seeing that I’ll withdraw from the academy anyway. ──The notice came just now.」

While we’re talking, a loud cheers that split the eardrum rose up from the contest venue.

Surely someone has just put on a show, but I’ve no time to think about it.


「Oops, don’t think up anything strange okay?」

Marie stopped him when he is thinking to help her using Luxion.

「Even I was thinking of asking for help. I thought of it but──I want to avoid a clash with Offley House no matter what. After all this house will be overlooked even when they do something bad, besides──they will be involved with the event.」

Offley House is a house that will be involved with an important event at the mid stage of the game.

If we get involved with this house here, we’ll become unable to predict the development of the future events.

Even considering the matter in real life perspective, this house is troublesome with how many bad rumors it has.

Even with all the bad deeds they are doing, the matters are covered up. That means the kingdom is overlooking them.

There should be someone with influence backing them up.

It will become troublesome if I carelessly get involved with them.

If I want to save Marie even then──I will need a considerable resolve.

Marie said.

「──I had fun.」


「I’m saying, that I had more fun than expected. The prince and other boys wouldn’t even look at me and I was unable to obtain a comfortable life with reverse harem but──I had fun living the academy life together with you.」

Marie looked down for a bit, and then when she lifted up her face──she had a smile on.

「Bye bye. Well, I can use healing magic, so I’ll tenaciously survive when the event is over. Lend me some help at that time.」

She is already thinking about the future.

She looked like she has given up a lot of things.

「Are you fine with that huh? Because──you said that you want to redo your student life.」

「This is better than reaching game over. Because, we will really be in trouble if the main character doesn’t play her role.」

「Bu, but still」

Marie turned her back toward me without pause and started walking.

「Thank you for everything. You too──do your best.」

Her back is really small and unreliable.

That retreating figure overlapped with the figure of my little sister from the previous life.


My hand reached out, but I immediately lowered it.


Part 10


I’m lying down on my bed while still wearing uniform inside my room.

Luxion is hovering nearby, but his red lens is shining red because the room is dark.

『──Is this alright?』

「What is?」

『Master should already understand what I’m referring to. Is it alright to let Marie go like this?』

「I told you already before. There are a lot of reasons, like the game’s event for example.」

『Master is really a good for nothing.』

「──Shut it.」

Then Luxion made a suggestion.

『If master give me the order, I will be able to erase Offley House right away. And that’s including everyone lurking behind them.』

This AI is really dangerous.

──It’s pathetic that I unconsciously considered agreeing with that suggestion.

「That will be pointless if it resulted in this otome game world perishing. The last boss is troublesome, so we’re going to need the main character playing her role no matter what.」

『An enemy that even I cannot defeat is it? ──Won’t it be fine if we sink even this land too?』

「──Rejected. Or rather, you’re always so extreme every time.」

『Then, is it alright even if Marie is marrying into that house like this?』

「Be quiet for a bit.」

Luxion doesn’t say anything more to me.

But, his red lens keeps looking at me.

His gaze feels like it’s condemning me.

While he’s doing that, it’s bothering me how my little sister’s figure overlapped with Marie’s back.

──It have been on my mind since some time ago.

But, there is no decisive proof.

Both me and Marie cannot remember our name in the previous life.

Even though we have memory of that otome game and also memory of our previous world──our name is the only thing that we can’t remember.

It feels like there is something intentional about it.

But──the more I think about it, the more Marie feels similar with my little sister from the previous life.

Sometimes, I’m feeling annoyance, nostalgia──and comfort that I directed toward my little sister from her.

──Is that what Marie is to me?

Then, I──.

I lifted up my upper body and asked Luxion.

「──Luxion, can you carry out what I’m going to tell you? The conditions will be really harsh you know?」

Luxion showed confidence.

『Let’s hear it.』


Part 11

──And then time returned to the wedding hall.

Marie recalled her big brother from the previous life.

(──Save me, Onii-chan!)

There was nothing in her big brother from the previous life that could be given perfect score even as flattery. Even so he was an existence that would save Marie when she was in a pinch.

He also had a side that would slightly go too far in his doing but, if he was alive then she felt like that he would save her even from her situation right now.

Yes, if he was alive.

(Even at my second life I kept relying on big bro.)

Behind her veil Marie was shedding tears while smiling.

Then, the large door of the hall was thrown open violently.

「Stop this marriage!」

There was a young man asking to stop the marriage like in a drama scene.

The gazes of everyone inside the hall gathered on the young man.

Marie also looked toward that figure from behind her veil but──the young man’s appearance looked like her big brother from the previous life.


No one around Marie reacted to her small voice.

She hurriedly removed her veil and checked once again with her eyes. There she saw the one who interrupted the marriage was Leon.

「Yo, you, what did you come for!?」

Leon’s appearance looked like her big brother from the previous life with the veil in the way.

Marie was shaken, even so when she saw Leon’s appearance she pointed with her finger and yelled angrily.

Just now it felt like a scene from drama but, looking carefully Leon’s appearance was boorish.

He was carrying a rifle and leading armed soldiers of Bartfalt House.

It seemed it wasn’t his intention to rush in gallantly and took Marie’s hand to escape from here.

Leon smiled thinly.

「I told you. Stop this marriage. No──cancel it.」

The one who protested those words of Leon were the people of Offley House and Rafan House whose event was interrupted like this.

「Who are you!?」

「What is the guards doing?」

「Throw out that man!」

The guests started making an uproar to throw out Leon right away.

But, Leon didn’t move.

He showed several documents to them.

「Uh oh, don’t move you all. I have the permission from the palace with me here. Justice is on my side no matter how much you guys are kicking up a fuss! That’s how it is.」

It seemed Leon barged into the hall using the documents from the palace as his shield.

The people from both families are also surprised.

The man who would become Marie’s husband──the bridegroom frowned.

「The palace you say? That’s a downright lie.」

Leon gave a rebuttal with composure.

「It’s not a lie. You can check it yourself.」

The people from both families were bewildered──even Marie was surprised.

「Palace? Eh, what have you done!?」

Leon started talking smoothly.

「Actually when I took a bit of time to exterminate a sky pirate, those guys mentioned the name of noble they have connection with. When I investigated, the name of Offley House actually came out. I informed the palace thinking that this cannot go on.」

The people of Offley House reacted when the word air pirate came out.

「──The palace wouldn’t move just with that」

Leon narrowed his eyes.

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「There were those who tried to crush this information when I notified the palace. It became a bit of dispute but, the talk was settled without any problem. ──I never thought that your backer would actually be Marquis Frampton though.」

The people of Offley House were clearly flustered hearing that.

Because not only there was the matter of air pirate, even the name of Marquis Frampton who was their backer also came out here.

The face of Count Offley paled.

Leon raised his rifle and his expression turned serious. His air changed from just now.

The atmosphere wasn’t one where joke could be made.

「Count Offley, I ask you to come with us. I ask for Viscount Lafan to come along too.」

Viscount Lafan──Marie’s father was surprised.

「Me, me too!?」

Leon showed a proof.

「You have a secret agreement with Count Offley aren’t you? There is the writing that you will cooperate with the matter of air pirate in exchange of having your debts taken care of. It seems you were planning to make a killing by working together with air pirate here.」

Marie looked at her father.

Then, her father fell down on his seat powerlessly. It seemed that the secret agreement was a fact.

The family members other than Marie were flustered. Perhaps they knew about it.

「──No way. To think all of you are this rotten」

Marie’s father lifted up his face hearing those words.

「I see. You went this far to take back this girl──the, then, I’ll allow you to marry this girl. That’s why, overlook us in this matter」

It seemed he thought that Leon barged into this place was in order to take back Marie.

That meant, he knew about Marie and Leon’s relationship but decided to separate them even then.

Marie felt irritated inside even while thinking that there was also misunderstanding there.

(What’s with this guy? He is planning to get away from this by himself using me even after ruining my happiness?)

Seeing her pathetic father, Marie took a step forward to punch him. But then the bridegroom put his arm around Marie’s neck.

「Do, don’t move! If you move I won’t guarantee what’s going to happen to this woman! Take even a step and I’ll break her neck!」

「What the hell are you doing you bastard!」

Even though Marie struggled, he was a man with bigger physique than her.

She couldn’t get away even with her struggle.

The soldiers of Bartfalt House raised their rifles, but the bridegroom used Marie as shield and started negotiating with Leon.

「You’ve worked hard just to take back this woman. It’s not like I’m interested with her. I’ll give her if you want her. But──that’s only if you let me go.」

It seemed the bridegroom though that there was no way to escape and so he treated Marie like a negotiation material.

Leon looked at that bridegroom──and the captured Marie. He looked slightly irritated.

「My bad but, I’m ordered to capture everyone. Also, what are you doing is unforgivable, threatening a girl like that. I wonder what the boys in the academy will say if they learn this?」

He was replying indifferently but, he looked angry.

Marie recalled her brother from the previous life seeing Leon being quietly angry like that.

Leon and her brother from the previous life looked like the same person.

(No way!? Don’t tell me Leon is really──)

The moment she thought that.

A thin light pierced the bridegroom’s shoulder from the ceiling.


The bridegroom’s arm let go of Marie. He pressed his hand on his shoulder with a pained look.

「I, it hurts. So, someone help!」

Marie got away from the bridegroom who crouched and cried in pain. She ran toward Leon.


Leon lowered his rifle’s muzzle.

And then Marie was making an expression of exasperation that was also mixed with joy somewhere in it.

「You look happy that your marriage is wrecked like this. As expected, you couldn’t accept it huh.」

「So, sorry.」

Luxion descended from the ceiling.

『Master, I moved the operation to the next stage.』

Leon put the rifle on his shoulder.

「Yosh, then we’ll move quickly. We got to take over the territory of Offley House within today after all.」

Marie didn’t understand what Leon was saying.

「Wait a second? Why is Offley House’s territory is mentioned here?」

Leon showed a smile.

「No, from my negotiation with the palace, it’s decided that Offley House and Lafan House will be crushed. Your house is in the main land so that will be the palace’s share. But, the count’s territory is on a floating island so the palace said that they don’t need it.」

Just what is this guy talking about?

Marie tilted her head in confusion. Luxion then explained to her.

『The talk was settled by offering to take away the fortune that Offley House has amassed to be presented to the kingdom in exchange of receiving their territory. Currently master’s father and big brother are attacking Offley House’s territory.』

Leon explained further to her.

「By the way, the members of the poor nobles also lend a hand after I contacted them. They said it’s because they are indebted to you. Aren’t you glad?」

「U, uh huh. Huh?」

She was happy that they were helping but, Marie didn’t understand what they were helping with and she could only tilt her head.

Luxion explained in detail.

『The boys in the group that master belonged to requested for help from their house. There are also other nobles who give their help too after we provided them with information. Well, around 200 airships are gathered as the result.』

A fleet that big attacked the territory of Offley House and Lafan House.

Count Offley and Viscount Lafan fainted while foaming in their mouth hearing that.


Part 12

The next day.

I talked with father, big bro──and the sleepy looking Collin in the office.

The talk is about the war yesterday.

Or rather than war, it was just sending airships toward Offley House and Lafan House.

There was skirmish but, things were taken care safely somehow.

After all, we had overwhelming number in our side.

As the result, the territory of Lafan House was erased from the map of Hohlfahrt Kingdom.

It became a territory under the direct control of the palace, while the floating island that was the possession of Offley House became owned by Bartfalt House.

I was hesitating whether to let Offley House remaining or not in consideration of the future but──I got the feeling they’ll only become trouble later, so I had them exit the stage here.

It was the result of deciding that getting involved only halfway would be the most dangerous thing to do.

But──my house that obtained the territory of the count house became slightly troubled.

「Why do I have to get independent and become an count! This is strange!」

It’s not me who is making a ruckus.

It’s the second son Nix.

Father is persuading him desperately.

「Stop protesting and accept it. This isn’t the scale of having a branch house anymore but, dad too will be happy if you can go independent.」

The talk of the second son Nix inheriting the territory of former Offley House and becoming an count is progressing.

Shouldn’t it be father who became the count?

I had such question and asked the reason. Father then answered「It’s impossible for me to manage the territory of a count house. Also, I want to hand it over to Nix and make him independent before Zola and Ludward arrive」.

As a father, he must wish to make his dear second son to become independent splendidly.

If he is the one who become the count, he won’t be able to let big bro become the one to inherit the title later.

If father is the one who become the count, Zola will see it as a good chance and tell father to give the title to Ludward──the first son.

When I asked about letting big bro to be the one who inherit this baron house, father replied 「──In that case Zola and Ludward will become the main house of Bartfalt House. They’re going to make all of you work like their slave」.

It will be a bother if the troublesome Zola and her children inherit the count status after we had gone through all the troubles to destroy the troublesome Offley House.

That’s why, I too accepted big bro being the one to become the count.

It’s not like I’m the one who become the count, which means there will be fewer trouble for me. I agree wholeheartedly.

However big bro won’t agree.

「This is strange! Besides, is the position of count is something that you can receive just like that? Is it alright for me to be the one inheriting it!? Of course it’s not alright!!」

Father made a smiling face saying that there’s no problem.

「If it’s about that, actually there is someone who is interested with you.」


「A letter from Count Roseblade came──it said, I’m pleased with your guts to knock down Offley House that I don’t like, so I’ll give you my daughter.」

──It was me who settled the talk behind the scene though.

I heard that Roseblade House, a noted count house hated Offley House.

There were various reasons for that, like their differing faction.

Collin who is listening to our talk looked at big bro with an idolizing gaze.

「So Nix-niichan is going to become a count. Amazing!」

Big bro put both his hands on Collin’s shoulders and shook him.

「I’m troubled if I’m suddenly told to become a count! Tha, that’s right! Leon. You can just make Leon to be the count instead! Leon was the one who arranged everything this time!」

Even though this is his chance to achieve success in life, he wanted to concede it to his little brother instead. What a model big brother.

I wish that a great big brother like Nix can become happy.

That’s why I told him with a smile.

「No way~. I think it’ll be better if big bro is the one to receive the title along with all the troubles that come with it. Also, I’ve predicted big bro will complain so I brought the girl in question here. You two, I’ll leave him to you!」

I called two women to come into the room. Even Deirdre-senpai also came. It seems she came as an escort for her big sister.

Deirdre-senpai is a third year student in the academy.

「Oh, the one who defeated that villain Offley is a timid gentleman it seems.」

Big bro was in a different class from Deirdre-senpai, but they were in the same grade.

It seems they knew each other’s face.

「Deirdre-san? Could it be, the other party is Roseblade!」

That Deirdre-senpai is a young lady with blonde hair that is styled in ringlet curls.

Her big sister Dorothea-san──has a straight and long blonde hair. She is wearing a dress that showed her glamorous body style clearly.

She has a really beautiful form that contained coldness inside.

She has a queenly personality that surpassed even Deirdre-senpai!

Her age is twenty years old.

A beauty who’ll look really fitting with a whip in hand.

I’m jealous with big bro.

「She is Dorothea-san. Big bro’s marriage partner candidate.」

Big bro pointed at my face when I introduced her.

「Why are you laughing!」

I also felt envious when learning that this woman with big breasts will become big bro’s wife, but I became able to sympathize when I learned about her personality.

Well, she is someone harsh just like her appearance suggested.

「You looks like you’re having a lot of fun there while ignoring your wife.」

When Dorothea-san said that, big bro screamed「Hii」 and backed away.

She already called herself his wife?

Well, the introduction today is actually a formal marriage interview though. The marriage is already 80% decided.

I have arranged it until that far.

Their father Count Roseblade was also eager.

「What’s with that behavior even though you’re going to become the husband of this me? Even though I’ve been looking forward to this after I heard that you defeated that villain Offley──this is a disappointment.」

Deirdre-senpai is also looking disappointed.

「Indeed. Father too, I can’t understand why he is looking forward to this marriage.」

──I asked Luxion to investigate. It seems that two’s father, Count Roseblade is worried whether Dorothea-san will be able to marry properly.

It seems he want to marry her off if there is a proper candidate.

Dorothea-san is looking down at big bro.

「Even though your little brother Leon raised an achievement as adventurer──it doesn’t look like that you, his big brother has done anything. Are you two really sharing the same blood?」

She is speaking as she pleases.

Collin is hiding behind father.

Father too is muttering something horrible like 「Leon is the mutation in our family while Nix is the normal one」.

Then──the trembling big bro lifted his face.

「Yeah, that’s right! I’m an elder brother who is inferior to my little brother. So what!」

It seems he has something in mind and acted belligerently toward Dorothea-san.

Is this guy sane?

After thinking that, I realized big bro’s plan.

「Big bro, don’t tell me!」

「Shut up!」

It seems big bro is picking a fight with Dorothea-san in order to cancel this talk of marriage.

Apparently he is harboring a shallow thought that things will work out somehow if he can make Dorothea-san leave in anger.

「Big bro, you really don’t know when to give up! Also calm down. You must not anger the other party!」

「Leon, I don’t want to hear that from you! Now listen well, you selfish woman over there!」

Big bro pointed at Dorothea-san.

Dorothea-san said 「Sel, selfish woman you said!」 in indignation with a surprised face.

「Don’t misunderstand. You aren’t the one doing me a favor to marry me, I’m the one doing you a favor to marry you! If you don’t like it then tough, go back home immediately!」

The two were both red faced in indignation.

Father said 「Nix, stop! You will cause war with Roseblade House next!」 with a face that looked like he wanted to cry.


The escort Deirdre-senpai is smiling.

「Onee-sama, I’m glad.」


Dorothea-san whose face is flushed red smiled and licked her lips bewitchingly.

Rather than saying that she is enraged, it looks like she excited.

「Good. You’re the best. All of the men before this, every single one of them will become servile just from hearing the name Roseblade. I──have been waiting for a man like you who’ll be worth it for me to discipline.」

Big bro is shocked.

「──Eh? Wh, why?」

Dorothea-san folded her arms and her eyes sparkled.

「No, rather both of us disciplining each other──a gentleman who will clash with me fiercely is what I prefer instead. I hate docile man. I finally──find my ideal man!」

Big bro broke into cold sweat.

Dorothea-san hugged big bro’s arm into her breasts──and dragged her out from the room.

「You’re the best.」

Big bro is dragged out. His hand reached out toward me when he is passing the door.

「He, help──」

I waved my hand with a smile.

「I’m happy for you, big bro!」

Both father and Collin are also waving their hand at big bro who is dragged away.

「I, it’s fine like this isn’t it?」

「Nix-niichan is dragged away.」

I managed to safely push the troublesome position of count to big bro.

I even found a marriage partner for big bro while I was at it. Is there a little brother as capable as me in this world?

When the door closed, we heard big bro’s voice.

『Leon, I won’t forget this you bastard!』

It seems he is crying in happiness.

Deirdre-senpai shrugged.

「I’m jealous with Onee-sama. I also wish to find a man with backbone.」

──I hope you can find a man like that. That’s why please don’t stare at me appraisingly like that.

Now then, let’s take care of the remaining matters.


Part 13

Marie is crying when I returned to the academy.

「My house is gone, I’m not a noble anymore now!」

The reason she is crying is because her house is crushed and her status as noble is stripped away from her.

Now Marie lost her qualification to attend the academy.

「Would i