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The Woman From Hell

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62 When Mason sawwalk in, he put down his phone. He looked atand asked, “How was the site recce?” “Not too bad. Do you need anything from me?” His schedule was not free enough for him to call this way just to play with his phone "I told you this morning that I'd send you ssoup.” He passeda container. Drink this while it’s still hot. It’s good for suppressing nausea.” Thank you.” | was grateful. He had been very attentive toand my troubles recently, and | felt bad he had had to call this way. “I'll buy you a meal Someday to make up for this.” il That'll have to wait till after you're done with this whole spokesperson thing. | heard you're organizing a huge talent show for this?” Mason sounded like he had just learned about it.

Yeah, so it can be fair and no one leels insulted,” | joked.

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Helifted his head to look at me. “Do you ever wonder if the reason Theo passed this job to you was that he didn’t wanna work with Newlight any longer? What are you gonna do if Sandy wins?” Honestly speaking, even though | had the entire thing under control, there was still a possibility that the unexpected could happen.

| frowned and asked, “What's the real reason Theo wanted to switch Sandy “You've gotta go ask him.” He did not say anything else.

1 did not ask any more questions either, choosing to focus on my soup.

Abruptly, my phone rang. It was Cecilia.

Her anxious voice boomed in my ear the moment | picked up the phone. “Wanda, something's happened. I'm in the police station now, you've gotta chere.” That gavethe shock of my life. What had happened to her? Why was she in the police station? There was no tforto ask for details. | hung up and rushed outside, but Mason stoppedhalfway. “What happened?” he asked.

“Something’s happened to Cecilia, she’s i in the police station now,” | answered as | hurried out the door. My body was swaying violently out of balance from the panic | felt He steadiedand said firmly, “I'll go with you.” I nodded. | was not familiar with the police station, so it would be better if Mason went with me.

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We reached the police station that Cecilia had said she was at after a short while. She was locked up in the interrogation room. | could not meet her face to face right now, so | went to talk to the police.” I'm Cecilia Shane's family. What happened to her?” Ms. Shane has been arrested on suspicion of drunk driving and a hit-and run. The injured party is still being treated at the hospital.” | stumbled, nearly losing my footing. It was already a crto drink and drive, not to mention the hit-and-run. If she was guilty of these charges, she would have to go to jail.

If that becreality, it was all over. | did not want to continue with that train o f thought.

| grasped the policeman tightly and pleaded, “Could you allowto see Cecilia Shane, please? | beg of you, letsee her, please.” It was not allowed, but after Mason made a phone call, the policeman brought met O Cecilia's interrogation room and gave m e five minutes with her.

What in the world happened, Cecilia?! Why were you drinking in the middle of the day?” As soon as | entered, | began to hastily question her.

“Wanda, I'm being framed. | didn’t drink at all, but the tests showed that the alcohol content in my bloodstream was really high. Also, the victim, he was the one that crashed into my car...” hand comfortingly and gestured for her t o speak slowly.

She paused before continuing “At that time, | had offered to send him to the hospital, but he wavedoff, said he was okay, and askedto leave. However, as soon as | got back, spolicemen cand showededited surveillance footage. It only included the part where | knocked him and left, while the part in the middle where | got down from the car and talked to him was gone.” Cecilia started to look visibly disturbed as she was tellingabout that part. She held her head in her hands, fearful, I pulled her into my arms gently and asked, “Are you completely sure you didn’t drink?” | was worried she was tellingabout her drunken hallucinations.

“I swear to God, | really didn’t. Wanda, you've gotta believe me, everything | told you is true.” Cecilia grabbed my hand in exasperation Of course | believed her. | tried to calm myself down and asked, “Could you think self down and asked, “Could you think again, carefully, whom you met before you started driving? Do you have any enemies or people that don't like you?” “Oh yes! Cindy Reed! It must be her! She cinto my shop with a man this afternoon and boughta cup of tea. Not long_after they left, | drove out to get more supplies, and that’s when this happened.” Cindy Reed?