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The Woman From Hell

Chapter 59
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Chapter 59 | was momentarily stunned. “Parting ways in a civil manner. Getting divorce papers processed immediately.” Impossible.” Theo was quick to reject the idea, his voice cold.

| scorned him. “Then completely break things off with Cindy Reed. Give her enough money to move to another city and have her live there. Swear tothat you won't see her again for the rest of your life.” “Who are you to tellwhat to do with my life, Wanda Lane?!” Cindy barged in unannounced to shriek atmenacingly.

This time, my calmness even surprised myself. | looked at her and responded quietly, “Why can’t 1? Theo refuses to letgo, so he should let you go instead.” You... L... Theowy will never letgo!” Cindy was so agitated she no longer made any sense. 1 | did not want to argue with her, so | turned around and walked back to my seat. | grabbed my bag and said to Xander, “Am | still sending you back? Let's go.” “Right away. Right away!” Xander hastily paid the bill after hearing the edge in my tone | did not say anything during the entire journey. Xander was surprisingly quiet, staring atfrom the passenger seat.

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“Do | have something on my face?” | was slightly uncomfortable with being stared at, so | broke the silence You've changed, Wandy,” Xander commented sentimentally after a long pause Change is inevitable for humans.” There was nothing as constant in this world as change. The things we thought would never change usually end up morphing into something else when given enough timne “Fantastic, then. This is the real you now. That timid little Wanda Lane mask you wore in the past really did not suit you.” Xander leaned back against the car seat, a n inexplicable eagerness etched across his face, 1 did not respond to that, focusing on driving instead There was no mask that | had deliberately put on in the past. There was just a certain lowness in the love | was being given that made it possible forto endure it all silently.

Things were changing now, especially when it cto Theo. The change in his attitude towardshad sent ripples of change into my heart and my mindset. | wanted more, but | could not get past the hurdle in my heart.

After sending Xander home, | went backt o Cecilia's place. To my surprise, she was “I thought you wanted to stay out a little longer?” My body was aching, sol laid on the sofa the moment I got inside.

That was what | wanted to do, but you're more important tothan that, S o | cback to be with you!” She walked over and pulledinto a bear hug.

| hugged her back We never needed words to communicate We could tell how the other was feeling with just a look or a gesture.

After what seemed like forever, | spoke softly. “I didn’t abort the child, Cecilia.” *#¥| knew it. | was waiting for you to tell m e that.” Cecilia's reply caughtoff guard.

| shot up in astonishment. “How did you know? “You're frequently nauseous, you don’t have much appetite, and you've stopped drinking coffee and alcohol.” She rolled her eyes and continued, “Even | could tell, with your constant puking. Did you really think you could hide it from Theo?” Well, you know his heart isn’t with me, s u | doubt that he'd notice. Don’t worry.” | laid back down on the sola once more Despite my words, | was still deeply unsure. Theo's attitude change and his seemingly boundless grace towardsmelled a little fishy to However, if he really had doubts, why did he not callout for it? | had never understood him after all these years, had never known what he was thinking about.

“You still have to go to work. You really shouldnt go around puking like that.” Cecilia laid down beside me, laying my head on her abdomen.

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She was right. | would be having several eating engagements soon, and puking during_meals would be extremely suspicious.

After scontemplation, | picked up my phone and called Mason Lynch.

With my prior experience in hand, | waited for him to speak first before asking, “Doctor Lynch, I've been really nauseous lately. Could you please help You can’t take any more medication right now, it won't be good for the baby... Okay, you know what? I'll ask Cain for smedicinal cuisines that can help with that.” Mason's tone was as aloof as usual.

Nhad nearly forgotten that Cain Hendrick Tad nearly forgotten that Cain Hendrick Was Theo's high school buddy, which meant that he was also schoolmates with Mason “Thank you, Doctor Lynch.” | was very grateful for his kindness.

After | hung up, Cecilia looked atquestioningly. “What's with you and this Doctor Lynch? Why do | feel like he cares more about the baby than the real baby daddy does?”