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The Woman From Hell

Chapter 49
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Chapter 49 | walloed over to him. “I thought you Yeni Can't | cagain?” He smile and naked..

| was speechless. It was true what do you want to cat? My stomach is growling ” He started the car and drove It turned out that he was waiting for the I. Oral with him. | Setetly rubbed Try stomach that had just been filled and said, “I'm hungry too. Let's go for Japanese food! After entering the restaurant, | immediately regretted it. The ordered a lot of dishes and kept putting food in my bowl. My stomach was hurling due to When we got home, | touched my bloated stomach and dragked him outside for a few rounds before stopping Burkiside, he’s still in hud mny Tout like he did last night. “why don’t you go back to your room? Lasked hina sidried my hair.

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This is also my 10001” Then, he stoodu pand took the hairdryer to dry my hair. !! You can’t just dry your hair with a towel You have to dry it with a dryer before you can sleep. Otherwise, you'll have a headache.” His voice was soft and gentle. For a moment, | thought he was talking to Cindy Thinking about his current attitude, | hesitated. Was leaving like this the best arrangement for the child? TID, | Yes What is it?!! Nothing. Thank you for blowing my hair.” | wanted to ask him why he wantedto be in charge of the acquisition case Did he want to keepin the Grant Corporation or take the opportunity to kickout? “EnOCED.” He put the hiyo and reach out to put into his 110.100SC alim held like this to EYE, ETH stessly.

“If you love again, chut blthe THE JOINT E what I'm abo ti to do to you.” His Eyes tanto she looked atalnmTinml Feeling invisible and dangerous aura, | fanctfully stopped struggling and obediently at him bug mer The next momim. | was carried dorinnstairs by Thea for breakfast. | slept late last night and had difficulty opening “If you don’t eat, | will leave.” Theo placed the milk in front of I'll be right there. Wait for me.” Lily then did | wake up. | finished the milk in une gulp and went upstairs to put my bag | left my car at the office last night and didn’t drive it back. If he left and | couldn't get a cab here, how was going o get to work? Tust as | reached the office, Heidi entered as | reached the office, Heidi entered and said, “Wanda, Newlipht Media’s President called just now. He said he wants to meet you.” Newlight Media? Wasn't that Sandy’s company? They were most likely looking forfor the endorsement.

| had originally planned to ask Thea about the endorsement deal last night. Ini the end, when | was with him, | was forced to do other things by him and had forgotten about my main purpose.

Looking at Heidi, | said, “Helpreject i | and also helpcontact Xander. Ask him to return to seewhen he’s free.” After Heidi left, | picked up the phone and La || THI.

What is it?” His voice was authoritative when he worked, but not cold.

| heard a lot of people want this endorsement deal. Why didn’t you tellabout this?” | sounded aggrieved.

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“Are you trying to use other people’s ideas to choose an ambassador?” he asked instead of answering O course not. | already have the right person. I'm just worried they'll do something behind my back.” | stated my concerns.

“It’s not up to anyone else to decide on the Giant Corporation I've already said that you can decide on this matter. You can decide for yourself. With that, he Thung up the phone | stared at the phone and couldn't help but smile helplessly. My face changed so quickly.

He was very gentle last night, but in the blink of an eye, he had regained his cold attitude. It was unbearable.

Since Theo had said so, | did not have any more considerations. According to our investigation results yesterday.

| asked Heidi to prepare the contract. Once Xander returned, | would sign the contract and settle the issue as soon as possible.

| was busy for the whole day. When | got off work, Theo senta messige saying that he had dinner to attend to and askedto go hfirst Since | had nothing better to do at home, | decided to spend smore tin my office reading through the files until late into the night. Then | headed to the basement to get ready to drive home.

Just as | stepped out of the elevator, Cecilia senta Whatmessage