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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2126: Feeding fire spirits
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Mingcheng looked at Du Yu up and down, no matter how he looked at him, he didn't seem like someone willing to become a family slave. But for the sake of his sister's insistence, Mingcheng would not pursue it.

"Oh, big brother, you're back. By the way, the second sister ran to the store again today. I wonder if there are any good things." Qi Guan'er was wearing chicken feathers all over his head. But there were no fights.The source of this ᴄontent ɪs ɴoᴠel ꜰɪre.nᴇt

Ling'er glared angrily at Qi Guan'er and scolded: "The whole family is your favorite to complain. Do you think the eldest brother has the same IQ as you? Do you think that the eldest brother will be as stingy as you, because of the trivial matter of me going to the store. Blame me?"

Du Yu couldn't help laughing when she heard a lot of cannonballs. She said so, so how could Mingcheng blame her again.

"Well, what do I need to do now?" Du Yu took the initiative to ask Ying, he mainly wanted to take advantage of his work to get a good understanding of the environment here. Knowing a little earlier will only be beneficial to yourself and not harmful.

Unexpectedly, Mingcheng smiled and pierced Linger's lie without concealment: "This little brother, my sister likes to joke the most. Judging by your dress, you are not a poor person. The store is the place to buy the egg body of the fire spirit beast, how can it be sold." After speaking, Mingcheng looked at his sister dotingly again.

"Oh, brother, can't you give me some face? I really bought him back." Ling'er pouted in dissatisfaction.

Du Yu shook his head helplessly, he thought that this woman only had an arrogant side, I really didn't expect that it would be his brother who restrained her.

"Just kidding, although I'm not the servant she bought, but it's true that I owe Lingmei more than 12 coins. A manly man is hard to chase after a word, since I promised her to use labor to offset the money , you will surely say and do it.”

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Du Yu maintained a humble appearance. Just now, the two of them were fighting hard, but now they seem to be running to become friends.

"Is it possible, little brother, you were short of money when you bought the egg body, so you extended your hand to my family Ling'er?"

In Mingcheng's words, he directly hit the target.

Du Yu smiled ashamedly. Mingcheng saw his reaction and knew that he had guessed correctly, so he hurriedly asked Du Yu to take out the egg body, so that he could see what the finished goods looked like today.

If it hadn't been for something important to deal with today, he wouldn't have missed today's store.

"Brother, you don't need to look at it. This kid has a sick head. It cost me more than 12 coins to buy a rotten egg that may not hatch. I don't know what his mind is thinking, and he treats it like a treasure. ."

Linger looked at Du Yu with disgust.

Du Yu shook his head embarrassedly, but Mingcheng obviously didn't believe his sister's words, and insisted on seeing what kind of things they won today.

"Actually, I don't feel very good, but after all, it is also life. I don't want to just watch the other party and destroy it like that."

Du Yu said that he took out today's trophy from his pocket.

Before Mingcheng could speak, that Qi Guan'er laughed out loud, and the laughter was full of ridicule.

"Hahaha, more than 12 coins can make such a thing? No wonder my second sister said that you are sick! You said that you don't want to look like a fool, how could you choose such a thing." , Qi Guan'er couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Don't look at Du Yu as a man, he can't stand such ridicule, his cheeks suddenly turned red.

Could it be that this thing is really so worthless?

"Okay, okay. Although this thing is worthless, it's not a dumb egg. I don't think it will take long to hatch. However, it seems to be an ordinary level. If it is slowly catalyzed by spiritual power, it should be can generate some.”

Mingcheng took it and raised it to the top of his head to observe it, and then returned it to Du Yu again.

Du Yu also raised it up, but he couldn't see any doorway in the middle. Looking around, I could only vaguely see a formed object in the egg.

"Okay, don't look at it. With your aptitude, what can you tell? Don't forget the transaction between us. Just relying on this egg, I think you have to sell it to me for the rest of your life." Ling After he finished speaking, he shook his head proudly.

So, she can send herself arbitrarily with only twelve Doko coins? This……

"Are all the women on your side so arrogant? I just owe you more than a dozen coins. If you worry, I will return it to you as soon as possible, but don't worry, if this fire spirit beast is successfully hatched during this period, All the spiritual power I have cultivated with it will be given to you.”

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Du Yu is also generous, but in fact he is selfish. When this egg will hatch is still a question, what's more, he doesn't know how to cultivate the fire spirit beast at all.

"It's not just as simple as twelve now, the beans just now are also valuable." Ling'er said, and glanced at the silver plate on the table, where there was still a hole that Du Yu grabbed.

"You are so rich, you don't care about these two!" Du Yu roared in a low voice, this guy really knows how to plan carefully.

That small handful of beans, I'm afraid she has to calculate a few more.

"Okay, Linger. It's all guests from afar. Besides, don't hurry up and change your clothes, your parents will come back later. Seeing you like this, you won't have good fruit to eat." Mingcheng kindly reminded With Linger.

Ling'er looked down at her men's clothes, and her face immediately showed a look of horror.

She quickly turned around and rushed to the backyard. Parents are the most disgusted of her going to that kind of place. If she is recognized by others, she will not think about anyone marrying her in the future.

Seeing Linger fleeing, Du Yu felt a little like Bai Linger. I don't know what happened to them. It seems that now he can only ask for more happiness.

"Hey, did you see it? If my second sister's mother-in-law bullies you in the future, you will find my elder brother. My second sister still listens to my elder brother's words..."

I don't know when, Qi Guan'er came to Du Yu's side and spoke to Du Yu with the corners of his eyes raised.

Du Yu, on the other hand, stared directly at Qi Guan'er's pair of horns. What kind of fairy family is this? Du Yu doesn't think he is human no matter how he looks at it.

"By the way, what is your firebird or turkey? How could he make me hallucinate? Does it lay eggs..."

Du Yu suddenly thought that it would be a good thing to keep such a small thing by his side.

But when Qi Guan'er heard this, he immediately made a defensive move, for fear that Du Yu would rob him. *