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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2124: where did you get it
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Du Yu was dragged and dragged back to his home by Linger.

When he arrived at Linger's residence, Du Yu couldn't help but open his mouth. Looking at her outfit, she should be a child of a wealthy family, but what is the dilapidated thatched cottage in front of her...

"I'm going, don't tell me, this is your home... If that's the case, then the twelve Dookos..." Du Yu didn't know how to describe the feeling in his heart at this time.

Originally, I thought that when I first came to this world, I hugged a thigh, but this leg is so barren.

Linger sneered, and looked at Du Yu from the soles of his feet to the top of his head with disdain.

"When you bought that egg, I didn't see you caring so much about money. Why, I was disappointed when I saw my family like this?" Heavy.

If it weren't for Du Yu's thousands of years of cultivation, she really wanted to knock out the one in her family right now.

"No, I'm just thinking, no wonder you want my cultivation. It's just that I don't know how to use the eggs of the fire spirit beast to improve my cultivation. Also, how can I give it to you?" Du Yu asked a series of questions. Lots of problems.

Ling'er felt annoyed when she heard it. She pulled the rope vigorously, then turned her head and said as she walked: "You have a lot of problems. I tell you, all you men have to say is to count. Although you are not from us, you must dare to If you break your promise, I will throw you into the wild lake over Dongjin, even if you have a thousand years of cultivation, you will definitely be torn to shreds by the spirit beasts there."

"What? Is there anything more precious than this fire spirit beast?"

As soon as he heard the baby, Du Yu's eyes glowed green. This fire spirit beast is already rare enough in their time and space. Is it possible that there are other ancient divine beasts that have disappeared over the years?

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Linger stopped and glared angrily at Du Yu, his eyes seemed to warn Du Yu that if he dared to say one more word, she would really throw her there, so that he would never be born again.

Du Yu immediately closed his mouth and followed with his head down.

This woman, no matter which time and space she is in, is a fickle and difficult creature.

The two entered the door of the thatched cottage one after the other.

When Du Yu was completely in the thatched cottage, he was once again stunned by the sight in front of him.

"I'm going! What's going on here? It's shabby outside, but it's a strange place here!"

The splendid scene in front of him and the thatched ruffian outside are completely a sky and an underground.

Moreover, the exterior is a small rough house, but the inside is the entire courtyard.

There is a small cluster of colorful feathers on the head that looks like a chicken, but it looks much more noble than a chicken.

Thinking about it, Du Yu raised his hand tentatively to model it.

But before his fingers touched each other, the little thing jumped up and sucked the back of Du Yu's hand.

burning pain...

"Are you crazy? You can touch the firebird too! Hurry up with me..." Ling'er's face immediately became worried, and she immediately pulled Du Yu to the courtroom.

At this moment, Du Yu's eyes began to appear in front of a lot of cute little flowers. They were smiling at him with their round little faces.

"Qi Guan'er, come out for me! How many times have I told you to bring something to your beak, but you didn't listen, and now you're in trouble again."

As soon as she arrived in the hall, Linger screamed at the top of her voice.

At this time, those voices reached Du Yu's ears, as if they were floating from a distant mountain.

After a while, a unkempt child ran in from the back door of the hall, with bits of fluff still on his body, as if he had just fought with something.

"Who, who? Who did he bite again? Let's see if my little baby is good at recent skills." Qi Guan'er excitedly ran to Ling'er's side, and grabbed Du Yu regardless hand, and looked at it carefully.

But soon, the word disappointment appeared on his face.

"What, I've been eating it for more than a month now, how come it still hasn't grown at all? Are all he sees only those ugly little yellow flowers?" Qi Guan'er frowned. questioned Linger.

Ling'er clenched her fist fiercely and smashed it down, but was dodged by Qi Guan'er, who was quick-witted and quick-witted. It seems that such interactions occur frequently between the two of them.

"Hurry up, give me your antidote. Let me tell you, this guy has a thousand years of cultivation. If he dies, I will take you all over!" Ling'er said through gritted teeth.ᴛʜɪs ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪs ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ ʙʏ . Firᴇ(.)nᴇt

Qi Guan'er curled his lips in disbelief: "Thousands? Sister, have you been deceived by that market dealer again? This thousand-year-old man can make my Firebird get better?"

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As he spoke, he pinched Du Yu's fingers with **** in disgust, but Du Yu didn't even react at all.

"If you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I'll make your bird stew tonight!" At this time, Ling'er's eyes were flushed with anger.

Qi Guan'er didn't dare to provoke her hot-tempered older sister, and hurriedly ran back to her room to get the antidote for Du Yu.

Ling'er forcibly stuffed the pill into Du Yu, and after a while, Du Yu's consciousness gradually returned.

"Wake up and wake up, don't tell me, his speed of dissolving the antidote is indeed much faster than the average person. If it were you, I'm afraid I would have fallen asleep for a long time." Qi Guan'er folded his arms and hummed.

Ling'er just rolled her eyes and didn't take his words to heart at all.

"Hey, that's right. You're dressed like this again, so you won't go to that inn again. If you let Dad know, I'll be punished. Also, where did you get this thing from? Yeah, why does this dress look so weird."

Qi Guan'er asked a series of questions, but Ling'er didn't listen at all.

What she was thinking about now was Du Yu's life and death. If he was completely wiped out by Qi Guan'er's bird poison, she would really be left with nothing.

"What's going on? I knew it was an illusion just now, but I couldn't break through it. Who set it up, it's so powerful!" Du Yu squeezed his temples and sat up with his hands on the floor.

The illusion just now was obviously several times more powerful than the one experienced on Fire Beast Island.

"No one can withstand the poison of my firebird. You don't even know who raised it."

Du Yu followed the arrogant voice and looked over, his eyes widened, and he took a step back.

The little boy in front of him is only a teenager, and his appearance is no different from ordinary people, but why are there horns on his head? *