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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2106: Rejuvenation
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Hu Xiaoxian'er surrounded Bailinger, while Du Yu and the others were kept out of the circle.

I saw strands of white threads emanating from each little fox fairy, and then gathered in the sky above Bailinger, the strands grew bigger and bigger, and the sky suddenly became foggy.

"They are... are they healing seniors?" Du Yu looked at Bei Liang in confusion. It was the first time he had seen such a grand event.

Bei Liang frowned slightly, his eyes staring straight at the sky where the spiritual energy gathered.

"Pfft—" Bei Liang suddenly clutched her chest, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth.

"Beiliang!" Du Yu shouted, stepping forward and dragging Bei Liang's fallen body.

Du Yu never thought that Bei Liang would be hurt so badly. He immediately activated the infuriating energy in him and wanted to heal Bei Liang's wounds, but found that all the power seemed to be imprisoned in his body, completely like a crippled person.

He forced himself to run the infuriating energy in his body again, but there was no response at all. Even the poor little spiritual energy in the body can't be sensed.

"What's going on?" Du Yu opened his palms and asked to himself.

And Bei Liang also fainted because of the serious injury.

"Here with us, you can't get lucky on your own, and because the Tao is different, the spiritual power in your body will naturally be temporarily sealed. This is the protection that our ancestors set for us." Head, a childish look.

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If you only look at the appearance, you can't guess that the girl in front of you is over a hundred years old.

Du Yu nodded in understanding, but when he looked at Bailinger again, the spiritual power originally gathered in the air had slowly formed a thread from a corner and was transported to Bailinger's body. A small wisp of waterfall.

"The ancestor's injury is too serious, and we can't do anything about it. It seems that only the blood of the spirit beasts of the Fire Beast Island can save the ancestor's life." Xiaohuxian, who was holding Bailinger's hand, sighed, said softly.

"But, Fire Beast Island, we've only heard of that place..."

"Besides, even if you find Fire Beast Island, I heard that the spirit beast is not easy to deal with. Many old people who have been practicing for ten thousand years have never returned."

"How can this be done."

There was a sudden burst of discussion among the fox immortals.

"Unexpectedly, they only know about Fire Beast Island. We must find the Demon Race's lair as soon as possible, and then steal the map of Fire Beast Island."

Du Yu said in a low voice, he thought that he would temporarily obtain the map through treasure trading after he found the Demon Race, but now it seems that they can't give it to him at all.

That Jun Yibai was the one who wanted Bailing'er's life the most.

"However, we don't know the location of the demons at all. Besides, Jun Baiyi is too powerful, and there are so many protectors around him, you can't get close at all, let alone a map." Du Qing Worryingly said, there was an indescribable worry in his eyes.

"Eh? Where did the ancestor's thousands of miles of tracking go?" Suddenly, a little fairy in the fox fairy group lifted Bai Linger's wrist, looking for something.

Du Yu listened and squeezed in, and then followed Bai Linger's body.Follow current s on . Firᴇ(.)nᴇt

"What did you say?" Du Yu didn't understand what the other party meant.

And that little fox fairy didn't pay any attention to Du Yu at all. He anxiously attracted three or four little fox fairies, and they formed a small circle by themselves, as if they were going to perform some kind of formation.

Du Yu looked at their worried appearance, knowing that what they were looking for must be very important.

Soon, there will be results.

It turned out that Bai Linger once threw a crystal bead the size of a bean onto Jun Baiyi's body when she was introduced to the time and space gate.

The thousand-mile tracking is something that every little fox fairy has, just to make it easier to know the location of the little guys in time and rescue them in time.

"That's great, so I can follow the location that I tracked for thousands of miles to find the Demon Sect's lair. It's not too late, I'll go now." Du Yu suddenly became energetic, and the whole person became very aggressive and excited.

However, Du Qing poured him a basin of cold water.

"Brother Du Yu, you are not the opponent of Jun Yibai at all. What's the difference between you and your death?"

Du Yu stopped, what Du Qing said was not without reason. Even with the uninjured Bei Liang, they couldn't enter the Demon Race, let alone themselves? He also wants to steal the treasure of the demon clan, which is simply a fantasy.

"It's not impossible. What our fox clan is best at is the face-lifting technique, but our practice is short, and the spiritual power required for the face-lifting technique is also very strong. We can only maintain you for two or three hours at most."

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The little fox fairies hurriedly gave Du Yu an idea.

"No. You also said that it's only two or three hours. You don't know the exact time. Once it's exposed in advance, wouldn't it send brother Du Yu to death?" Du Qing jumped up excitedly.

"I'll go. You gave me my life. It's the best thing to do. If I fail, I'll be the smallest loss."

Du Huan, who had been silent for a long time, stepped forward. Although her voice was small, her tone and eyes were extremely firm. It was clearly prepared to die.

As a result, Du Yu showed a firm opposition.

"No, I have to do it. I know Jun Baiyi best, even if his every move in front of us is disguised, it must be somewhat similar to his usual style. I go, the success rate is the highest. Options." Du Yu took Du Huan's arm and dragged her to Du Qing.

"Now every minute is delayed, Bailinger and Bei Liang are in more danger. I can't watch them die. Hurry, there's no time."

After Du Yu finished speaking, he turned to look at Xiaohuxian. They were looking at him one after another, and those eyes also put all their hopes on him.

Soon, the little fox fairies moved from Bailinger's body to Du Yu's side.

Soon Du Yu's appearance slowly changed into Jun Baiyi with the spiritual energy they injected into him. At the same time, Du Yu also felt a strong warm current pouring into his head, flowing along the blood vessels to all parts of his body.

"We can only help you get here, because you have the spiritual power of our fox clan in your body, so you can perceive the location of the chase after thousands of miles. You must remember that when your face feels like a trace of coldness When the wind blows, that's a warning that the magic of illusion will disappear."

"Okay, don't worry, I will come back with a map. They, please help take care of them."

Du Yu looked at Bai Linger and Bei Liang who were lying on the ground with some anxiety. *