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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 67.


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I hear the shouting just before I see the Pack house, looking back at Rowan I can tell he’s

heard it too. Together we start running towards the noise, it sounds like a woman is

shouting just outside of the Pack house or somewhere nearby.

“What do you mean I can’t see him? What has that rogue done now!” I round the corner to

see Cas’s mother standing in the driveway, she’s wearing some tiny denim booty shorts

and bikini top, her hair piled. onto her head in a messy bun. She is waving her hands

around while pacing in front of Heath and an older man I’ve not met before.

“What the hell is going on?” Rowan storms past me and up to Cas’s mother without giving

me a second glance. Sadly that causes her to look back and she spots me instantly,

“You, you’ve done something to my boy.” I back away as she starts walking towards me

with her finger outstretched.

“Will someone tell me what’s going on? Who hurt you?” I keep my eyes on Cas’s mother

as Rowan blocks her path so she can’t reach me, I look her up and down but don’t see any


“Alpha got a little pissed when his mother and Vince decided to drop by, he pushed me a

little harder than intended and I fell, it’s nothing.” I look around Rowan and Cas’s mother

to see the older man, who I assume is Vince, standing next to Heath. Heath has a ga sh

down his arm that is steadily dripping blood onto the white porch.


His Rogue Omega: Chapter 67

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“Where is he?” Rowan grab Cas’s mother by the tops of her arms, “as Beta I command

you not to harm your Alpha’s mate. Do you

understand me?” I feel something wrap around me, I’m not sure what it- is but I have the

sudden need to drop to my knees.

‘We don’t bow to Beta’s, get to Cas, Storm is in pain.’ I nod at Ghost ast I shrug off the

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weird presence that has come over me.

“He left, went to the cell block. He told me to stay away,” I don’t wait to see what else

Heath has to say or see what Rowan is doing to Cas’s mother. I just set off around the

house towards the cell block, I can’t imagine he’s off doing Alpha duties after harming his

Head Warrior.

Pushing into the cell block I ignore the warrior who tries to stop me, I have this need to get

to Cas that I think isn’t totally Ghost. I scrunch my nose up against the stale smell of

sweat, blood and urine, I remember the way to Cas’s old cell so I head there. I don’t stop

as I pass the cell holding John, I do notice he looks much better than he did before.

“He’s down there Luna.” I don’t correct him, I’m not the Luna but right now it’s not what

matters. The closer I get to Cas’s childhood cell the slower my steps are, I’m swarmed

with this overwhelming anger, rage and outright sadness. I can feel it pushing on my back

as I try to get closer to Cas, I start gasping for breath as Ghost lets out a deathly

harrowing howl.

“Cas, are you doing this?” My voice comes out really low as I try to get closer to the cell, I

can see him standing behind the closed door but he has his back to me.

“Go away.” His voice is filled with anger and nothing like I’ve ever heard before:

“Let me in Cas, I can help.” I’ve managed to get within arms distance of

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 67

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the cell door but I can’t go any further, dropping to the floor I start to s ob with the pain

that is overwhelming me. This must be what Cas is feeling, all the time and it’s because of

me, because I haven’t mated


“You can’t help, I don’t want you here, I don’t need you here, get out!” His voice roars as

he turns and hits the cell bars, I can see the anger on his face and the yellow tinge to his

eyes. He’s not Cas right now but he’ s not Storm either, he’s somewhere in between, lost

and broken.

“I get it, you think if you stay in there you can stop yourself from hurting people but you

hurting me, right now you are causing me pain.” Cas just sneers as I s ob out in pain, I can

feel everything weighing me down like a hand on my head pushing me to the floor. “I get

it, being close to you is enough for me but it’s not for you. Having me close but not

connected it’s torturing you and Storm, I understand now.” I don’t mention Eric, Ghost is

whispering to me telling me what to say and she’s also telling me that mentioning another

Alpha is a very bad idea. “I need you to hold me up, be my strength when I can’t be strong

enough for myself but you need those things too. Just because. you are an Alpha doesn’t

mean you can do these things alone, please Cas. I can be that for you,” Cas pushes his

face into the bars, trying to get closer to me, the sneer on his face is actually frightening

but I don’t recoil. I stay sitting on my spot just out of arm’s reach as I watch the pain wash

over his face.

“So now you are ready to spread those legs and let me in? What if I don’t want you now?

Ever thought of that, maybe I’ve had enough of waiting and this is who I am.” I shake my

head at him as I force myself off the floor, “you come any closer and I might hurt you.” I

ignore hist warning and slowly make my way towards the cell doors.

“You wont hurt me,” even though he’s not himself right now I know he won’t physically

hurt me. His words have cut me deep but I know it’s. not him talking, it’s his wolf taking

over and changing. “You wont hurt

His Roque Omega: Chapter 67

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me.” I say again when I get closer enough to reach a hand through the cell bars, I place it

palm down over his heart, it’s beating wildly but it’s still the heart I’ve come to know

brings me comfort and safety. “I’m sorry Cas, I wasn’t ready but I am now. I need you and

you need me but to claim me you need to come out.” I plead with him as he tries to turn

away from me, I grab his shirt in my hand to hold him in place.

“Leave.” I shake my head as he grabs my wrist, his voice is pleading but I refuse to listen,

“I can’t not like this. You don’t want it, you just want to stop my pain.”

“Da mn right I want to stop your pain, I want to stop mine too. I’m ready. for a home,

somewhere to call my own, someone to call my own, I might not know what the hell I’m

doing or why I’m doing it but I crave you with everything I have.” I look him dead in the

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eye as tears start to roll down my face, I don’t think I’ve ever been this honest with myself

let alone anyone else. “You will protect me forever and I’ll protect your too. We will be a

team, me and you.”

“I need to calm down before I can,” he leaves his sentence unfinished as he pulls my hand

off his t-shirt and walks over to his small bed, “I’ll hurt you like this.” I just nod my head in

understanding, I don’t think Cas will ever be able to hurt me but he clearly thinks he can.

“That’s alright, we can just stay like this.” I slide to the floor and put my back against the

cell door. I can understand needing time but that doesn’t mean he has to do it alone.

“Eva, wake up, Eva.” I blink my eyes open, I groan as I lift my head to whoever just woke

me up, my neck has this awful pain in it. Selena ist standing next to me holding a blanket

and a little picnic basket. “Rowan sent me in with these, he said for now it’s best if the

males stay away.” I nod my head as I stand from the floor, I don’t know how on earth I fell

asleep in this place and with a rabid Alpha next to me.


His Rogue Omega: Chapter 67

“Take these and I’ll grab one of the beds from another cell.”

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“You don’t have to do that.” I tell her as I take the blanket and basket from her, she

doesn’t listen, she just walks off towards the other cells.

“I told her to, if you insist on being in here you’re not sleeping on the da mn floor.” I turn

around to see Cas laid on the floor of his cell, he looks calmer but I can still feel the anger

floating in the air, his muscles are still tense as well.

“You could just come out then we can go into that big bed.” My attempt at enticement

falls flat as he just rolls onto his side to face the wall, sighing, I turn away from him in time

to see Selena dragging a bed along the floor. It’s making a horrible screeching noise but

it’s soon over when she stops just in front of the cell.

“It’s not much but at least it’s not the floor, you sure you want to stay in here?” I nod my

head at her as I drop the blanket and basket onto the small bed.

“I can help him, I just need time.” Selena looks past me and into the cell, she has a

worried look on her face, “Rowan and Heath can look after stuff while he’s in here right?”

“Yeah of course, you just focus on Cas.” Selena grips my shoulder. before turning and

leaving the cell, she seems to almost run and I wonder if it’s because she too can sense

the Alpha’s emotions in the air.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!