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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 63.

✰ Cas

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“We need to talk about Lisa Murray, she ran off about a week or so ago, took the two

youngest with her and hasn’t been seen since.” I just stare daggers at Rowan as he flips

through his notepad, “got Sophie coming here for breakfast and set her up with the

Nickels for fresh fruit. and vegetables.” Rowan looks up at me as if it’s only just clicked

that I’ m not listening to a word he’s saying, sighing as he slaps the notepad on my desk

and stands. “Let’s do this on the field, I’ll let you get two good punches in before I start to

fight back.” I shake my head as he makes a sweeping motion with his hand towards the


“Sit down.” I growl with my jaw clenched, I’m still so mad at him, I understand why he did

what he did but I can’t contain the rage I feel at him.

“No mate mark, can I assume things didn’t go to plan?” I just glare at him as he drops

himself back in his chair across from me.

“What was the plan? I’d show up at the club and what exactly?” I need to understand his

reasoning as to why he sent my mate off to a club with an unmated warrior.

“So the sixteen year old left on her own, that doesn’t bother you?” I can see the

annoyance all over his face as he narrows his eyes at me.

“No it doesn’t!” I slam my hand on my desk causing the lamp to rattle, Rowan doesn’t

even flinch as he continues to stare at me. “S hit of course I care but you send my mate

off with an unmated male, what the hell were you thinking?” I’m practically shouting, I’d

be surprised if the




His Rogue Omega: Chapter 63.

288 Vouchers

females upstairs don’t hear me.

“I was thinking you’re off your game and all you seem to be doing is worrying about Eva. I

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get it she’s your mate, of course you worry but as soon as that mark is in place and link

established you can stop worrying all the time.” I know what he’s saying is logical and

probably even right but right now I’m not exactly feeling logical.

“You’re my Beta, I have to be able to trust you.” I drop my head into my hands as I scrub

against my eyes, with how late we got back last night and now this, I’m exhausted. “How

can I trust you now?” I speak into my palms but he must understand my muf fled voice.

“You trust me to do right by the Pack and getting you and Eva mated is what’s right by

this Pack. Did it do nothing? Did I make it worse?” I shake my head as he starts to waver, I

can hear the worry bleeding into his voice. Just as I’m about to answer him a knock comes

to the office door.

“Come in.” I shout out as I just look at Rowan, his face has become a mask of worry as his

green eyes stay on me. The soft lavender scent mixed with warm chocolate br ownies has

me glancing at the door as it opens, I can’t stop the smile that breaks out on my face.

“I have coffee and waffles,” Eva walks past Rowan and pops the tray on my desk.

“You made these?” I ask Eva as I lean forward to see the waffles covered in blueberries

and a dusting of powdered sugar, they smell amazing.

“Sally showed me how, these were the third batch. One and two didn’t go so well,” she

starts fiddling with her pale blue apron nervously as Rowan leans forward and grabs the

coffee cup closest to him.




His Rogue Omega: Chapter 63.

1288 Vouchers

“Smells amazing Eva, thank you.” Rowan’s voice has turned sickly sweet as he praises

her, I suddenly feel the need to stake my claim on the female in front of us.

“Angel, come sit and eat with me.” I don’t take my eyes off Rowan ast he raises an

eyebrow at me.

“There’s nowhere to sit and I still have to make breakfast for the Pack.” A growl leaves my

throat as she goes to walk from the office, I manage to cover it with a small cough as I

look down at my desk. “That girl you sent over is in the kitchen, once she’s eaten I was

thinking she could shower? I also want to offer to do her laundry?” She sounds so

uncertain that I shoot my eyes back up to her and see she’s turned red in the cheeks, “if

that’s alright?” I nod my head at her as Rowan starts to beam at me.

“You’ll come back when you’re done?” It’s a question but I’m not really giving her a

choice, I meant what I said last night, I want her in my bed. with me.

“If you insist.” I shoot and look at her as she closes the door, just before she disappears

from view she blows a kiss at me. It’s the most childish yet sweetest thing I’ve seen her do

and I can’t help but let it melt my heart a little.

“So Eva cares about Sophie.” I grunt at Rowan as he sips his coffee.

“Shut up and eat your waffles.” I ignore his laughter as I dig into the sweet treat, it’s not

the best I’ve ever tasted but I can tell she’s really tried. With time she will be cooking up a

storm, if that’s what she wants of course. We eat in silence, I keep shooting looks of

disgust at Rowan as he moans around his food, it’s actually pissing me off that he’s

enjoying my mates food. Maybe I’ll tell her to only bring mine. next time, so he can get his

own meals and coffee.




His Rogue Omega: Chapter 63

1288 Vouchers

“Sophie.” I say as I drain the last of my coffee and burp, I cover my mouth and wipe away

the powdered sugar I can feel lingering at the


“Sophie, we need to keep an eye on her. I heard a rumour that Lisa has gone to Chicago,

I’m looking into how accurate that is.” Rowan has picked up his notepad and started

flicking through it again. “I haven’t felt the bond snap yet but if she gets brought into

another Pack we will know it.”

“And she just left her pup here?” Rowan nods his head at me but he doesn’t look


“Sophie is heir to her true mate, he died about ten years ago. He challenged your father

and never walked away.” I sigh as Rowan explains more of my father’s mistakes, even

dead that bas t ard is causing me problems. “My guess is she left Sophie here because the

pain of losing her mate was too much, she went downhill after he got killed. Started

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drinking and sleeping around, two more pups appeared before anyone realised how bad it

had become.” It’s a story as old as time, a mate dies and the other part of the mating

crumbles. For an Alpha, our wolves go insane and most of the time we have to be put

down, it’s different for females, they are left with an unfillable void.

“Keep an ear out for LIsa, I don’t like that she’s abandoned her pup. And John?” I tap on

my laptop to wake it up and see an email from Darryl, ignoring it for now I look over at

Rowan to see him flicking through his notepad.

“Clean and sober, I suggest another week and then let him out so he can look after his

family.” I nod my head in agreement, as I scan the email from Darryl, “anything

interesting?” I shake my head as I scan the outline of requirements for the upcoming Moon

Ceremony, Darryl has laid it all out in black and white which I appreciate. I’ve never been

to a Moon Ceremony so I’m clueless on what’s expected.



· Rogue Omega Chapter 63.

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“Just Moon Ceremony stuff. I’ll forward it to you so you can set some of it up.” Closing the

email I look back at Rowan to see him scribbling into his notepad. “fine, you’re forgiven.

Pull anything like that again though and I’ll beat you into the floor.” Rowan laughs as he

looks back up at me and closes his notepad.

“It will work out, just give it time. At least she brought you breakfast.” Rowan’s still

chuckling as he stands from his chair and leaves the office.

‘So now we beat the warrior to death?’ Storm is out for blood after last night but after

more thinking it’s not Francis’s fault the situation he was put into.

I’m not killing Francis.’ I tell him as I lean back in my chair and stretch my arms, he just

did what he was told and it all worked out in the end.’

‘So we don’t get to kill the Beta or the warrior, who can we kill?’ I have a few suggestions

but I keep them to myself, no point in angering my already pis sed off wolf. Standing from

my desk I decide it’s time to meet this pup I’m suddenly hearing a lot about, however, I

won’t disturb Eva’s plans. She will be Luna soon and stuff like this will fall under her

duties, I kind of like that she’s already doing it without even being asked.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!