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The Rise of Dragon Temple By Wu Xia

Chapter 7
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Chapter 7

The current Paige was very different from what he remembered. At the time, she was wearing a pair of

old jeans. Even though they were far apart, Joseph noticed the fatigue in her. Of course, ‘Paige’s beauty

remained unchanged. Otherwise, she would not be the cause of this incident. Joseph watched silently

with his heart aching. At the gate of the villa, Bethany took Paige’s arm and almost pleaded, “Paig, wait

for a bit more. Soon, my father will be back!” “Please trust me. I’ve already told him about your situation.

He’ll definitely help you.” “Don’t be impulsive, okay? If you go with that scum, Jaylah, your life will be

ruined! Please wait for a bit longer.” Bethany did not expect her best friend to be so stubborn. Ever since

Paige arrived at Apren City, she would rather work in the restaurant as a waitress than go to Bethany for

help. Why would she choose to suffer like this? If not for the fact that Chloe had been kidnapped, Paige

would not have sought Bethany’s help at all. Paige’s eyes were red and swollen, while tears kept flowing

down her cheeks. She seemed exhausted at the time. “Beth, you saw the video sent by Jaylah as well…

He made Chloe eat pig food. How could he do such a thing? As her mother, I feel sorry for her…” Paige

continued crying. “Please thank your father on my behalf, but I really can’t wait any longer. I can’t watch

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my daughter continue suffering!” “Tonight… Tonight is the deadline he gave me. If I don’t go over, Chloe

may not survive tonight…” “Are you going to submit to your fate?” Bethany said angrily. “Perhaps… This

is my destiny…” “Paig.” Bethany continued with a serious tone, “You still refuse to tell me who Chloe’s

father is. Now that both you and your daughter suffered so much, why hasn’t he show up?” Paige

trembled, with a flash of pain in her eyes, and then smiled: “I don’t know where he is… Perhaps he

doesn’t even know that he has a daughter…” Bethany was in disbelief.

“He doesn’t know anything. In fact, he also doesn’t remember anything… Besides, he has suffered

enough. Why should I trouble him?” Bethany had no words to describe her feelings at the moment. The

only thing she could do was to stop Paige from having silly thoughts. At this moment, three black sedans

stopped in front of them. A group of men dressed in black walked out of the car. Amongst them, the

leader was a young man who dressed fashionably, but his head was wrapped with a bandage at the

time. His arrogant face was full of viciousness and resentment. Indeed, this person was Jaylah Kennedy!

After getting off the car, Jaylah said coldly to Paige, “If you knew this would happen, why did you have to

suffer so much? Even if I did not father that b*stard, I would spoil her for your sake. In fact, she would not

need to worry about food and clothing! Do you have to go this far?” At the sight of Jaylah, Paige’s eyes

were full of hatred and killing intent. She was so angry that her whole body was trembling. “Get your *ss

over here!” Jaylah frowned. Angered by the look in Paige’s eyes, he shouted, “If you don’t listen to me,

I’ll kill your daughter!” No one knew that Jaylah was, in fact, incredibly anxious at this time. An hour ago,

he received news that someone had already rescued Chloe. To avoid getting into trouble, he came here

personally and issued a final ultimatum. Sure enough, Paige chose to yield. Breaking free from

Bethany’s grip, she gritted her teeth and walked toward Jaylah with resentment. Bethany wanted to stop

her, but she did not know how to persuade Paige. “Bethany, you’d better not interfere with my matter. If

you annoy me, I’ll cause you trouble as well,” Jaylah threatened. After all, he was afraid that Bethany

would stop Paige from leaving with him. Under Jaylah’s pressure, Paige eventually got on the car. Thus,

Jaylah left with his men. Looking at her best friend being taken away, Bethany cried regretfully. After all,

she knew that Paige’s life was over! In the car. Glancing at Paige, who held a cold expression, Jaylah

warned, “Don’t forget what you promised me.”

Paige’s eyes were fixed on Jaylah. For a moment, she wanted to murder him. After all, this scum tortured

her daughter! However, she dared not scold him. Feeling desperate, she slowly closed her eyes. Since

she could not resist, she had no choice but to face it silently. “Joseph… Are you still alive?” Paige

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thought with sadness, “Perhaps you don’t even know that you have a daughter. If you are still alive…

Maybe you can still meet Chloe… Joseph, where are you? Chloe and I both need you…” Deep down,

she knew that she was being rather hopeful. After all, Joseph did not know that she had given birth to a

child, so it would be impossible for him to be in Frogua! “F*ck, who the h*ll is this?” Jaylah cursed angrily.

“Crash him to death!” Jaylah ordered furiously. Someone was standing in the middle of the road in the

middle of the night, and it seemed that he was trying to stop the car. How could Jaylah not be angry?

With the accelerator reaching the floor, the car instantly sped forward. Looking up subconsciously, Paige

saw the figure in front of her getting closer and closer. In that instant, the figure in her mind suddenly

overlapped with the person physically in front of her. Before she could react, Jaylah’s car had already

arrived in front of the man. Just when everyone thought that this person would die immediately, the

person standing on the road raised his hand and clapped. Then, the whole car stopped and its rear was

already tilted up. After recognizing the face of the person who stopped the car, Paige was instantly

shocked. He was… Joseph! “How is this possible?” She was thinking about him moments ago. How

could he suddenly appear? Was this an illusion? Paige was staring at the person who stopped the car

with one hand, while Joseph was also glancing at her at the same time. Although they were separated by

a car and a layer of glass, they looked at each other